Go find someone else...

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Here's a scenario that pops up from time to time:

I'm at the club, there's a group of girls standing behind me. Suddenly, one of them comes up to me with her phone in her hand and asks me if I can take a picture of her and her girlfriends with it.

I've done it a few times in the past, saw no harm in it. But nowadays, I take it as a sign of direspect and just straight out tell them to find someone else to do it.
Look, there's an off chance that the girl who comes up to me, or one of her girlfriends, is trying to make contact because she finds me attractive. But nine out of ten times when this situation happened to me, that wasn't the case. You take the pic, she says thanks and she totally ignores you from there on.
So basically, they're just using you as an assistant for their stupid 'selfies' (God, I hate that word). It's almost like they're asking you to put their empty glasses on a table or the bar for them, like you are their servant...

Only, the latter situation is obvious disrespect whereas this situation seems harmless on the surface. If she takes the picture herself then she can't be IN the picture, so she politely asks a person outside the group to do it. Nothing wrong with that on the surface, is there? Same thing as asking someone directions on the street or whatever... If you refuse, you are being rude to her/them.
But I feel the underlying dynamic of the situation is not so harmless and innocent as it appears on the surface... It's not just a 'person' asking another 'person' some general question! It's a WOMAN, actually a GROUP OF WOMEN, asking a MAN to assist them with their act of self-aggrandizement. These attention wh0res want to put pictures of their girls' night out on Facebook, Twitter etc. to show their 100000 followers how awesome they are. And they're using me as a mere tool to assist them in this act of self aggrandizement.


So nowadays, I just smile to them and tell them: "I'm sure you can find someone else to do that", then just turn my face away from her and continue enjoying myself. Some don't take offense and just ask the next person, but others have responded like they felt I offended them.
One time, I noticed the girl explaining to the rest of the group that I refused her request and they all looked at me with a look of condemnation, like I was a giant azzhole...

The reason I'm writing this post is coz the situation happened again recently and my buddy who was standing next to me couldn't believe what I did. "Did you actually refuse her?!" he asked... His opinion was obvious, the group of girls was fairly attractive and he felt like I had blown our chances with them by being "rude" to them. Basically, he tried to tell me: Being rude to girls doesn't get you laid, man... But I choose respect over pvssy in this case...
We know each other long enough not to get into a debate over it at that moment coz that would ruin our evening, so we just left it at that and sarged on.

Anyway, what's your opinion on this, guys?


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Well, you gotta admit, it's a great "in" with that particular group of girls. I've gotten into a few girl groups at bars via the picture route. Yeah I didn't have 4somes that night, but, still, you gotta try and I ended up talking to some Euro chicks for like 3 hours, and it wasn't a half bad time. I think you're just over thinking it, man. If they're cünts, just ignore them back.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I get your point, Vlad. That's exactly why I went ahead with it in the past, it offers an opening to establish contact with the girls and work from there. Why pass up the opportunity, right?

But like I said, nine out of ten times when I took the pic, the girls turned out to have no interest in me. They'd make conversation just to be polite in return for me helping them out. But beyond that, they'd not be interested in me and I felt like a fool afterwards, for acting like their chump assistant.

So fvck them. If they asked me to go on the picture WITH them, it would be totally different. That would be an IOI, it would mean they think of you as a hot guy... But this is the opposite, they just see you as a chump who they want to use as a tool for their self-aggrandizement, that's my experience. And if you jump on the opportunity like some AFC who feels he is lucky to get an invitation to interact with a group of girls, you are only CONFIRMING to them that you are a chump.

That was me two years ago, not now anymore, though. If they are interested, they'll send me IOI's and I will approach THEM. But THEM approaching ME with this photo request is not an IOI, it's actually the opposite, an indicator of LOW interest. They deem you enough of a chump to feel like they can safely ask you to be their assistent. If they thought of you as a hot guy, they'd probably be too nervous to approach you and they would be sending you IOI's from a distance...

Sure, every rule has its exception. But my personal experience is that the above holds true in nine out of ten cases...


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Sounds angry.

Take their phone and start taking selfies of yourself and your boys. Then pick the hot girls to take selfies with. pretend to hand the phone back when they yell at you and go SIKE! and take another selfie. If you're gonna not comply, seriously not comply while having fun and amusing yourself. Who hands a $400 phone to a stranger? A moron that's who. They will learn their lesson and you get to have a ball.

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Warrior74 again."


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Whenever this happens, I dont have a problem doing it. IMO sometimes its their way of trying to "Open" you up, Sometimes they just want a picture. It depends on your surroundings and where your at. Lets say your in a bar full of people... Think about it for a second... She could of asked plenty of other guys or girls to take the picture but she chose you. Is it for a reason to open a conversation?... Maybe but I would have fun with it and see where it goes with a girl you think is cute in the group. I like when its an obvious come on for me to take a pic of them and then i immediately walk away after because i want to get back to my friends or grab a drink... and they all kind of.. stand there wondering why im not continuing a conversation lol Women can be so indirect sometimes but expect you to be mind reader.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
I feel ya OP. It could be on the same lines as buying them a drink so they'll talk to you.

If they ask, it could be an opening, but a $hit test of sorts. If you make it fun, and tease them somehow or whatever, like was mentioned, sure. Or you could just turn em down (neg?). However, if you just do what they say and hand the phone back like a polite little boy who was happy enough just to do them a service (nice guy)...then I feel you could have just put yourself in the friend zone.

Next task: driving them to the airport so they can go get railed by some other dude for the weekend.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
But like I said, nine out of ten times when I took the pic, the girls turned out to have no interest in me. They'd make conversation just to be polite...
Those sound like regular approach odds, anyway. You might as well try to leverage her approach. At the very least, be playful in your denial..."I'm Cherokee, we don't believe in taking photos."


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Diehard,
Come on!......What's the big deal?...I never refuse anyone anything if it doesn't cause me bother,from dogs that want a pat,to Pan Handlers that want a few Shekels...As it says in the good Book,Ones deeds come back to one,as rice upon the water...It's the basis of most Religions!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
But like I said, nine out of ten times when I took the pic, the girls turned out to have no interest in me.
Well, you can certainly do what you want. I kind of agree with Vlad that you're overthinking it, though.

But look at it this way: If nine out of ten times they had no interest in you, that means that 10% of the time they did. And 10% is supposed to be the success rate of a very successful pickup artist. So 10% is pretty good.

But I can't blame you for not wanting to validate them or help validate themselves. I get sick of that sh!t myself.


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
"What, do I have a sign on my forehead that reads OFFICIAL SELFIE TAKER FOR ATTENTION WHOARS AT YOUR SERVICE"

or a simple

"Fuk off"


"Only if you suck on my big paluka afterwards"

or, what you said " Go find someone else".

Why do people think they can go up to strangers and ask them to do shyt for them. Stupid bytches. I hate the whole "selfie" terminology too.

What about the latest: Bruce Willis daughter protesting that she can't post nudies on that Instragram shyte. **** me will it even end?


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
Whenever this happens, I dont have a problem doing it. IMO sometimes its their way of trying to "Open" you up,
"Open you up"? Sorry, that is bullshyte. You're just some dumbass standing in a bar that is convenient for her to cajole into taking pics of her and her iphone bytch friends to later post on facebook and instacunt or whatever other social media shyt site that is out there.

I am right behind diehard on this one.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I'm with Warrior on this one.
In my sarging days, whenever me or my best mate got asked to take a photo, we'd immediately turn it around and take a photo of ourselves.
Sometimes I'd intentionally aim the camera straight at one of the girl's tyts.
We had great success with this as an icebreaker and got laid a few times.

What pysses me off more is fvcking hen's parties where bishes try to get you to do some random bullsht as part of their list of achievements to cross off.
I gave no time for that crap and tell them so.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
I think I was with DieHard on this about 3 or 4 years ago.

On a general level, I can agree with all of this. On another level, I just don't know that I "care" enough. What I mean by that is that I take any opportunity for social interaction no matter how ridiculous it can seem.

Just two weekends ago I went through this exact scenario. I told the person that I charged a drink per picture taken. The girl giggled and agreed, but said I needed to take 5 pictures. So I turned the camera and took 4 pictures of myself and people right next to me, turned the camera around and took one of them.

I got the drink and to hang out with them for a while. No harm, no foul. I know it's not guaranteed to go like this every single time, but taking a quick picture sometimes saves more energy than it does getting upset about being asked to take a picture and then a possible confrontation or being labeled the "douche" at the bar.

I totally get it though, I just am at a point where it doesn't bother me. I just take it as another opportunity to interact with people, no matter how ridiculous they can be. It's when they start making duck-faces that I immediately want to just smash their phone...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
Here's a scenario that pops up from time to time:

I'm at the club, there's a group of girls standing behind me. Suddenly, one of them comes up to me with her phone in her hand and asks me if I can take a picture of her and her girlfriends with it.

I've done it a few times in the past, saw no harm in it. But nowadays, I take it as a sign of direspect and just straight out tell them to find someone else to do it.
Look, there's an off chance that the girl who comes up to me, or one of her girlfriends, is trying to make contact because she finds me attractive. But nine out of ten times when this situation happened to me, that wasn't the case. You take the pic, she says thanks and she totally ignores you from there on.
So basically, they're just using you as an assistant for their stupid 'selfies' (God, I hate that word). It's almost like they're asking you to put their empty glasses on a table or the bar for them, like you are their servant...

Only, the latter situation is obvious disrespect whereas this situation seems harmless on the surface. If she takes the picture herself then she can't be IN the picture, so she politely asks a person outside the group to do it. Nothing wrong with that on the surface, is there? Same thing as asking someone directions on the street or whatever... If you refuse, you are being rude to her/them.
But I feel the underlying dynamic of the situation is not so harmless and innocent as it appears on the surface... It's not just a 'person' asking another 'person' some general question! It's a WOMAN, actually a GROUP OF WOMEN, asking a MAN to assist them with their act of self-aggrandizement. These attention wh0res want to put pictures of their girls' night out on Facebook, Twitter etc. to show their 100000 followers how awesome they are. And they're using me as a mere tool to assist them in this act of self aggrandizement.


So nowadays, I just smile to them and tell them: "I'm sure you can find someone else to do that", then just turn my face away from her and continue enjoying myself. Some don't take offense and just ask the next person, but others have responded like they felt I offended them.
One time, I noticed the girl explaining to the rest of the group that I refused her request and they all looked at me with a look of condemnation, like I was a giant azzhole...

The reason I'm writing this post is coz the situation happened again recently and my buddy who was standing next to me couldn't believe what I did. "Did you actually refuse her?!" he asked... His opinion was obvious, the group of girls was fairly attractive and he felt like I had blown our chances with them by being "rude" to them. Basically, he tried to tell me: Being rude to girls doesn't get you laid, man... But I choose respect over pvssy in this case...
We know each other long enough not to get into a debate over it at that moment coz that would ruin our evening, so we just left it at that and sarged on.

Anyway, what's your opinion on this, guys?
I would happily take the camera and take bad picture after bad picture....


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
I think you are way over analyzing this. Don't think of every interaction you have with a woman or group of women as either you having an opp to get with them or them wanting to "use" you in some way. If anything I would take it as a compliment that they thought you looked good enough, and sane enough to take a picture of them using their phone or camera. My wife and I get asked to do this a lot when we are out, and I always let her do it as she loves doing that type of thing. When asked she smiles, says "sure!" and people love her for it.

I would look at is just a chance to do a nice thing for someone with nothing expected in return. The world could use more of that. I can promise you that if you go around in life with that kind of attitude you will be surprised how your kindness is returned 10 fold.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
In fact, this is a great opportunity to demonstrate some game. As the man with the camera, you are in charge.

DieHard: Okay ladies, I need you to move in nice and close. Closer. But not so close your boobs are touching. Brunette - what's your name? Sadie? Tilt your head in a bit. Redhead - Julie? Julie, put your arm around the blonde's shoulder. Now I need big smiles.

[take pic, examine, frown] Let's do this again. Sadie, turn your shoulder out slightly. That's it...


Women love taking direction, especially with a camera involved. You don't need to overdo it, but it's a chance to be "in charge." Kino can come into play here too. If they give you crap you just say you want to take a great picture they can post, what's wrong with that? And that you want photo credit of course.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
I'm with the guys who say turn it into a potential opener: have some fun with it. I've done this before, say sure, smile, take the camera/phone, have em line up, then just snap a picture of their boobs or feet, hand it back with a big grin and walk away - usually one of em will holler at you with a big smile of delight


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Zunder said:
"Open you up"? Sorry, that is bullshyte. You're just some dumbass standing in a bar that is convenient for her to cajole into taking pics of her and her iphone bytch friends to later post on facebook and instacunt or whatever other social media shyt site that is out there.

I am right behind diehard on this one.
Come on Zunder, I didnt say its a definite. I said sometimes. Anyway, I said that because i have turned the "take a picture of us" into conversation that had led much further. Many times, Yeah they just want some "dumbass" to take a picture for a Facebook/Instagram etc..Validation post but Me personally, I have fun with it if i think one of the girls is cute.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Warrior74 nailed it. Really nothing else needs to be said. Treat all their little selfie behaviors like this.