Go find someone else...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
I never thought I see the day when a simple request...a simple favor.,..would turn into sh*t like this. God help us all with people with this type of attitude. Abe0


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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speed dawg said:
Warrior74 nailed it. Really nothing else needs to be said. Treat all their little selfie behaviors like this.
You guys are getting way to jaded here.

It's a freaking picture guys. Takes 5 seconds.

Who gives a fawk. I cannot even imagine thinking about this for more than half a second. It is so unimportant. Like off the radar, below sea level, less important than if I take 2 dumps today or 3 unimportant. I would take more time thinking about whether I should go to sleep at 11:00 PM or 11:01 PM. In other words, I would NEVER think about it.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
It seems we have some cynical, jaded SOB's on this thread. It's a simple request for a simple act that gives you a perfect opportunity to chat up some ladies. I say it really has no downside. Now if you want to give them crap for asking sure, that's what I do but be playful.

My response:

Sure I can help you out but I have to warn you, I'm a world renowed photographer and my talents don't come cheap. I'll require one drink for my time.

This type of remark usually gets them going especially your C&F game is tight.


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
You guys are getting way to jaded here.

It's a freaking picture guys. Takes 5 seconds.

Who gives a fawk. I cannot even imagine thinking about this for more than half a second. It is so unimportant. Like off the radar, below sea level, less important than if I take 2 dumps today or 3 unimportant. I would take more time thinking about whether I should go to sleep at 11:00 PM or 11:01 PM. In other words, I would NEVER think about it.
In pre-iPhone, instacunt, facebook days I might have agreed - but no way I am contributing to attn hoars social media status by obliging to take pics of her and her aw buddies. I'll help an old lady on to a bus though.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
Zunder said:
In pre-iPhone, instacunt, facebook days I might have agreed - but no way I am contributing to attn hoars social media status by obliging to take pics of her and her aw buddies. I'll help an old lady on to a bus though.
While I loathe the attention ***** selfies more than anyone (I mean I HATE them), it really isn't for me to judge who wants a pic taken because they are with friends or family they haven't seen in a while or if they are doing it to post yet another pic on facebook or instagram. I just do it because it is the friendly and nice thing to do for someone. And a few posters have it right. If I was single, I would use it to as in to start a convo and go from there. I just don't see the purpose in trying to be a hard azz over taking a picture. Your not helping anyone, including yourself.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
cordoncordon said:
You guys are getting way to jaded here.

It's a freaking picture guys. Takes 5 seconds.

Who gives a fawk. I cannot even imagine thinking about this for more than half a second. It is so unimportant. Like off the radar, below sea level, less important than if I take 2 dumps today or 3 unimportant. I would take more time thinking about whether I should go to sleep at 11:00 PM or 11:01 PM. In other words, I would NEVER think about it.
Cop out.

We're talking about the dynamic, not the simple act of taking a picture. The OP seems to me to be addressing the fact that the girl treated him like a useless nobody to get what she wanted. We are discussing ways to deal with this as to teach the girl a lesson AND possibly run a little game on her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
It's certinaly an interesting conundrum. For me it's similar to the whole giving change conundrum. Should we get change from a business absent purchasing something, or should we have to buy something to earn the right to get change. One can see both sides of the argument.

I look at it as an opportunity to open, but ther have certainly been times where I said I can't be bothered.

The problem is that is you get too red pill you become disconnected from people and it becomes a quesiton of where does it end.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
cordoncordon said:
You guys are getting way to jaded here.

It's a freaking picture guys. Takes 5 seconds.
I can certainly see your point. And isn't this a pickup routine some gurus teach? Have a girl take a picture for you? This is just that in reverse.

I think it's kind of funny how PUAs never want you to cooperate with a girl, ever. Like if she asks you to do something, and you do it, you have "failed her sh!t test". And how you should never give a straight answer to a question.

The whole business about taking her phone and taking pictures of something else with it, or taking pictures of her boobs or feet, that's another PUA routine. Maybe I've just read too much seduction material.

But I can't help but think of back in the days when I was growing up, and there was actually FILM in the cameras! Back then, if you wasted her pictures like that, you'd actually be costing her money, because you'd be using up her film. And it also cost money to get it developed. But that's just the old guy in me talking. :)


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
Use the phone like it's a Chinese throwing star at the dart board. That will get them talking/clucking/yelling, then you can use all your game to bed the whole lot of 'em.