Girls V guys online


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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This did get put down in another thread but it was going off topic so I will put it here.

About a week or so back I did an experiment where I invented 2 profiles on the same dating site, 1 male and 1 female, for the female profile I uploaded a picture of a girl I have on facebook (lol) as the profile picture.

This is her photo:

After 1 week the inbox for my female profile had 600+ messages

After 1 week my male profile had zero messages.

As the girl I had a lot of power over these guys, I could have said I live as far away from them in the country as I liked and they WOULD have gone there.

A coupe of days ago I deleted the female profile and made a new one with only two things

1) a name: sophie
2) age: 21

There is no profile photo, no location, no info in the profile - nothing.

After 3 days I had about 25 messages from guys wanting me.

Then I loaded it up with photos of another girl I have on facebook :)D ), this time a few photos.

IN ONLY ONE DAY I have 378 messages from guys wanting to get it on with me.

The male profile still has no messages.

As a girl I can use the site properly for free.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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i knew it was bad , but i didn't know it was like that , out of curiosity was the girls profiles attached to a high pop city ?

i live in a small town , but im thinking of doing this just to see what happens


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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For the first female profile I had an unspecified location, no one knew where "I" was.

Initially it was the same with the second one, untill I added photo's and then in the profile said I go to Bristol Uni.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
This is ridiculous. You should set up dates with these donks and leave them hangin. Teach em a lesson.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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Just logged back in, sophie is upto 400 messages.

The website asks you to type your postcode in and there is a search option that allows you to search within x number of miles of where you live.

I haven't done that so people can't use that option, all I have done is write it in the profile.

But you know what its amazing how all of a sudden these people either go to Bristol Uni or live in Bristol. There is one guy who apparently lives 1 mile away from the Uni.

I tried replying to a couple of messages yesterday, nothing sexual just returning a few welcomes and then going no contact. And these guys then have since replied with about 6 messages each (in under a day) and by the end they are like "please come back and talk to me Xxx"


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
This is scary stuff. Sadly though, not surprising.

My concern is this is part of a much larger problem that maybe requires it's own tread for discussion, but--what is the tipping point? WILL there be a tipping point?

Chicks (even average/below average ones) keep getting more and more attention, their standards continue to increase, more men continue to pu$$y beg

surely this wasn't the case 10-15 years ago?

will there be a tipping point where men regain some footing in the dating world or is this it? surely a fundemental change is needed.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This does sound pretty grim. Maybe you should chalk this up to men being the natural pursuers. It's that way all across nature, males compete for the female's attention, and the female chooses. Despite all the "I am the prize" talk, those are the natural roles.

By the way, I've never used online dating, and I'm glad I haven't. It sounds like half the girls on there are guys from SoSuave posing as women.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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To continue on a little bit with my point--something has to be done.

When a girl gets messages without even having pictures up and a guy with a legit profile gets no messages, that is absolute dominance.

My problem is not just that they have all the power, but because of that fact, they're getting lazy. They don't invest their time like a lot of men on here developing their personalities, being their best self, etc. They know there will always be some afc loser that will accept her no matter how low quality she is.

I wish men could somehow band together and refuse to accept this. The only way I think is if the material taught here goes more mainstream. I know most men here are out for #1 and want to keep a lot of what they've learned to themselves so they have an upper hand against other men that they're competing with. But if this stuff was more mainstream, men as a whole could gain some footing in the dating world. Less afcs means more power for men, simply put.

I understand the man has to chase, and that's biology and will never change, but the girl got messages from dudes without having pictures up. That's pathetic. There has to be some sort of medium here.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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MisterD said:
I wish men could somehow band together and refuse to accept this. The only way I think is if the material taught here goes more mainstream..
That would only make it worse. Then nearly every guy out there would be a wannabe PUA, and the girls would be getting even more attention.

I think you're just banging your head up against a brick wall. Things are the way they are, there's nothing you can do on a small scale to change them. Women are the selectors, that's their function in nature. We as males are trying to improve ourselves to better our odds. Again, that's our function in nature.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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zekko said:
That would only make it worse. Then nearly every guy out there would be a wannabe PUA, and the girls would be getting even more attention.

I think you're just banging your head up against a brick wall. Things are the way they are, there's nothing you can do on a small scale to change them. Women are the selectors, that's their function in nature. We as males are trying to improve ourselves to better our odds. Again, that's our function in nature.
You can argue that but I think if more men knew not to feed a girl's ego, refuse to play her games, reject her if she didn't meet his standards. women as a whole would have to take a long look at themselves and make some adjustments

i think women, more than ever now, in part because of technology, and some men on here, are chasing an unrealistic goal. they're expecting the perfect man and some men here are trying to become that man.

they think if they read enough material, gain enough experience, improve their personality, they'll get any and every high quality woman they want. but that won't happen. there will always be someone taller, better looking, with a better job, or more interesting, or funnier, etc.

we need to turn the tables and say fine, we're doing the most we can to become high value, what are you girls bringing to the table?

i have no problem with high value girls having high standards, but low quality girls are now developing those same standards because technology is such that they can just go online and search to a T the guy they're looking for, and everyone else gets blown out.

some people underestimate how serious a role technology is playing right now. before all this a decent man was able to meet a decent woman. that's changed. it's very hard for a man to get a woman of equal value. more often than not he has to settle. i'm talking about men as a whole, not the men on here. most men on here know better and expect more, but not men as a whole, and i wish they did.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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I'ts certainly a controversial topic. Personally I agree with MisterD, If all guys everywhere dropped off dating sites altogether we would stop pushing up the value of lower girls and get out there get proper experience trying to game girls and the value of guys would go up a bit IMO.

To be even more controversial I reckon they should legalize and even tax prostitution, but no seriously. afcs pay loads of money to be on dating sites boosting girls egos and getting nothing in return and buying girls expensive gifts and such for no return. Their money is going to waste and would be better directed getting garunteed sex every time.

It would also take the lower intelligence girls out of jobs they have only got by virtue of being female and they would still be employed and so then would the guys.
They would also have to make it law that they use top quality protection, that would go without saying.

There would be a hell of a lot less virgin afcs around, there would be less rape and sex crime which basically occurs cos the guys are frustrated about not getting any

A bit controversial but what do you think?


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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There is a guy on the site about 40 who looks fairly alpha - I wouldn't peg him as desperate.

he was messaging me that "my" looks were 100 out of 10, I decided to message back and say he was acting a little AFCish, he sent me about 5 messages back asking what an AFC was. I sent another one telling him to google it which he did.

Once he knew what I called him did he give in? no

He asked where I live, I told him I had over 400 messages in 1 day and he might be better of not being on a dating site and meeting people in real life, he messages back asking to meet me in real life

I want to cry

Your right MisterD we should be able to make this sort of stuff mainstream.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
MisterD said:
some people underestimate how serious a role technology is playing right now. before all this a decent man was able to meet a decent woman. that's changed. it's very hard for a man to get a woman of equal value. more often than not he has to settle. i'm talking about men as a whole, not the men on here. most men on here know better and expect more, but not men as a whole, and i wish they did.
This is life in America. You get freedom, technological advances and modernization. Whether it comes at a cost or not, no one cares to consider the question because the US constitution is all about human rights and freedom. Feelings, morality, the culture being corrupt doesn't come into play in the Western world, its all about freedom and money. Men love their freedom in America, but then complain women have too many choices, just want the cream of the crop, etc, etc.

If people want a decent women or perhaps one with higher value, they have to go to Muslim countries in the Middle East. You have no freedom of expression, no technological advances, no modernization, and women have very few rights, get married young, and have children early. Is it a good trade off? Some would say yes, some would say no.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Trump said:
Men love their freedom in America, but then complain women have too many choices, just want the cream of the crop, etc, etc.
If you want a top girl, you have to be better than/beat out the other forty guys she has lined up to date her. Guys here think they deserve the 9s and 10s. It's no different than the guys here complaining that girls only want to date the top 10% of guys.

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Like the military says.. Adapt and overcome.

I've talked to girls who have used sites like POF and OKC, most of them find most guys on there to be boring/losers anyways. Do you really think a chick is gonna go on a date with some random internet pvssy begger? Personally, if a girl sent me some paragraph long bullsh1t about how attractive I am, I'd instantly think "There's something wrong with this girl, she doesn't even know me and she's saying this crap".

With that being said, keep doing the online dating if you want.. Personally, it's not really for me. I like to meet girls in real life. I don't think there's anything wrong with online dating, just seems unnatural to me.

Don't let the online dating sh1t bother you guys. Just go out, have fun, and meet women!


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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zekko said:
If you want a top girl, you have to be better than/beat out the other forty guys she has lined up to date her. Guys here think they deserve the 9s and 10s. It's no different than the guys here complaining that girls only want to date the top 10% of guys.
But this is a dark way of thinking dude. You're never gonna be that guy. Someone out there will always be better than you in some way. And especially when it comes to pretty women, it's even more competitive, you're competing with every single (hell, even taken) guy she meets.

Both sexes are screwed up. Women for turning down good men because they feel they need the *best* man, and men for thinking such a man exists and spends all their time trying to game a girl who, when you start breaking down her personality, isnt worth most of the effort you're putting in.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Trump said:
If people want a decent women or perhaps one with higher value, they have to go to Muslim countries in the Middle East. You have no freedom of expression, no technological advances, no modernization, and women have very few rights, get married young, and have children early. Is it a good trade off? Some would say yes, some would say no.
I suppose that would be the cure if the man is ugly, lacks ambition, lacks balls, or lacks charisma.

We all know damn well that we've seen a fair share of short, chubby or balding guys with girls who are "of a higher value." What do these guys have? Charm or money or balls.

It's not like all hope is lost. It's just that if you want a woman of value, then you gotta become a man of value. You certainly don't have to move to a country where women are slaves. And besides, that would get boring to a guy like me. Some dull, yet hot, wife sitting around baking me cookies all day. I'd be cheating on her after the first month.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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I am probably one of the biggest ANTI-online dating one this forum, for all the reasons you mentioned and more. I have used online dating seriously AND I have done the same experiment you did. My results were similar.

A handsome man with a good income stands NO CHANCE depending on geographic area. I made up a nice profile with a good looking guy on it and got ONE message over the course of a few days. I made a boring/basic female profile with an average looking girl and got hundreds of messages in the same period of time.

Look guys, the numbers are against you. WAY against you as I and others can now see from these experiments. I have said it time and time again, online dating DEVALUES you as a man for that basic reason. Supply and demand people. Basic economics. Too many men and too much male attention = HUGE supply to the females. Consequently, the value of a man NOSEDIVES because he is "diluted" among the masses of men.

There are a lot of losers online too. By association, a lot of females will lump you into the loser category because they get too many damn messages to really tell men apart. To her it is just: "oh another perv messaged me". Think about the reputation of products from China. If there happens to be a solid brand from China, it will have a hard time gaining acceptance from consumers because of all the other junk coming from there.

As someone asked: "it couldn't have been like this for 10-12 years". Smart question! The answer is "NO, IT WASN'T!". I addressed this topic in another thread. Online dating was a great tool before it got too mainstream. If you want the particulars, follow that thread.

Someone here wondered why these losers are messaging EMPTY female profiles with no picture. Here is the logic. Too many men messaging girls and even the clueless online know this fact. So they "get smart". "Ah HA! I will message girls with no profile pictures! I bet they don't get a lot of message and I stand a chance! I'm a genius!". Guess what? Little does he know about 300,000 other men have the exact same idea. That's where the phenomenon comes from to answer that issue.

The quality of girls online deserves a whole thread on its own. Economics again people. What do you think happens to the quality of a product or service when the seller KNOWS that the "customers" have NO choice and NEED the product/service? Yup. Quality declines. History has taught us that. Time and time again.

The best example is the automotive crisis in America. They were arrogant and it finally caught up to them. Then they went to the government on their private planes begging for money like paupers with their tin cups! The only reason the automotive market here didn't crash much sooner was due to the restrictions on foreign imports. If it was a free market in the automotive industry, the crash would have happened over 10 years ago. But I digress....

How does this situation relate to girls online? Now you have girls who are 5's & 6's on the looks scale with:

1) NO real jobs
2) NO real income potential
3) NO real aspirations other than "traveling" (I see this interest SO much online in female profiles)

and want a man who makes good money and is a 7+ look-wise at least.

No thanks ladies. I'll sarge offline thank you.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Wow. Is there anything that can be said after the bomb that TilTheEnd just dropped?

He put exactly what I was trying to say into one coherent, perfect post.

No one here is arguing you need to be high value to get high value. That's understood

The problem is that LOW value girls, because of online dating/facebook/etc are getting ego boosted like never before, and have raised their standards to match those of the higher quality women.

This now cripples the regular, average dudes who before, could at least score average girls. It's getting harder for them. I'm sure the bulk of us here are not low quality, hideous freaks. Most of us were average guys, frustrated at our lack of success with women. The average guy is getting killed out here.

I can understand an average joe getting turned down by 9s and 10s, but when girls that are 6's are turning down men who are 7's and 8's, there is a problem.

Read the first post dudes:

Decent guy with decent profile: 0 messages
Female profile with NO PICTURE, NO LOCATION, NO INFO: 25 messages


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
MisterD said:
But this is a dark way of thinking dude. You're never gonna be that guy. Someone out there will always be better than you in some way. And especially when it comes to pretty women, it's even more competitive, you're competing with every single (hell, even taken) guy she meets.
You may never be the top guy, but you can get to be a top guy. Maybe not a top 10 percent guy, but maybe you can get into the top 20 percent. I agree the online thing isn't helping, but I don't feel like I've been cheated out of anything.

It's hard at your age, because it really seems like the girls have all the advantages. But as is often said around here, it gets better as you get older. Your value will increase, as long as you keep working on it. Getting with girls will become easier and more second nature. There will always be disappointments, but it does get better, believe me.

At my age, I've probably reached a plateau where my value is starting to slide. Even so, if I lost my girlfriend today, I have no doubt I would still be able to get women, and women a lot younger than me.

No one said life is fair. It doesn't do any good to cry about how lousy things are. You're better off taking a positive attitude, improving yourself, and doing what you have to do. If you take positive action, it will be rewarded eventually. You have to keep the faith.

MisterD said:
Both sexes are screwed up. Women for turning down good men because they feel they need the *best* man, and men for thinking such a man exists and spends all their time trying to game a girl who, when you start breaking down her personality, isnt worth most of the effort you're putting in.

MisterD said:
Wow. Is there anything that can be said after the bomb that TilTheEnd just dropped?
He already said it. Sarge offline.