Girlfriend is pregnant... It's turning me AFC...


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
frivolousz21 said:
I hope you realize how delicate a childs life is.

I have a 13 month old son..who sits by the bathroom door when his mom is in there and cries.

when I go outside to work or get something from my car..he goes to the door and waits for me...sometimes up to a half an hour.

you need to really know if you and this woman will work out..and if both need to be adults and work together to give the child the best possible environment you can.

if you get every other weekend when he is just a baby and a will be hard for him to even trust you or know you.

remember that
awww separation anxiety? its a natural stage.
what a caring dad!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
you can tell some guys have 0% real life experience

when a woman is carying a living baby inside her, regardless of what the circumstances, you don't DEMAND she get an abortion.

it's funny because i've been in that situtation twice.... it's the hardest thing you ahve to ever have to do.. becuase you have to act happy like you want the baby, but at the same time, not want it....


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Demon Wolf said:
Get a lawyer dude. Protect yourself and your cash. :trouble:

I think you can get out of paying child support somehow. You just have to sign something saying you will not attempt to contact the child. You have to forfeit your parental rigths.

Try to convince the ***** to get an abortion. Abortions save lives (yours) and more importantly...they save you money.
im all for telling someone to protect themselves, but you can not easily get out of support.
most states don't let you just sign your rights over anymore, because someone has to be responsible, and they leave the responsibility up to the parents.
if she isn't marrying some other guy, who is willing to adopt the child, and pay for the adoption, chances are now a days, no judge would allow you to give up your rights and your rights to paying support.
Mar 12, 2007
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backbreaker said:
you can tell some guys have 0% real life experience

when a woman is carying a living baby inside her, regardless of what the circumstances, you don't DEMAND she get an abortion.

it's funny because i've been in that situtation twice.... it's the hardest thing you ahve to ever have to do.. becuase you have to act happy like you want the baby, but at the same time, not want it....
I told my girl to get an abortion and she did. How's that for experience?


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2007
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My Name is Nobody said:
I told my girl to get an abortion and she did. How's that for experience?
Congratulations, you're an experienced tool. We're ever so proud.

Scorched - frankly, the fact you're about to become a dad terrifies me. Snap out of it. I don't think you need to worry about becoming an Average Frustrated Chump right now so much as an immature, selfish douchebag. Bringing a child into a 'relationship' that's clearly screwed up and unhealthy is never a good idea. Boo hoo, you can't bully and control your girlfriend anymore because there's an innocent new life involved. My heart bleeds for you, it really does.

Get a DNA test if you want. To be honest, I don't think she's a 'hor' or any of the other stupid things people here have been suggesting - frankly, I think you're a paranoid schmuck with an inferority complex who's just freaking out because you've realised the BABY (not the mother) is about to usurp you and become the person in the relationship with all the power. That said, I do rather hope - for the kid's sake - that you aren't the dad.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Scorched said:
Girlfriend is pregnant... It's turning me AFC...

I previously had this girl on lock down... I didn't care about her that much... I could simply next her and be done with it. Now that she is 3 months pregnant with my child... I found my self being too nice to her... I guess she knows that I won't drop her because it is simply cheaper to keep her... You know what I mean? She knows I don't want to pay child support and I want to be a big part of my child's life. I guess she has me on lock now...? She doesn't text me at 8 A.M. anymore... in fact she'll goes two and sometimes 3 days in a row with out texting me...

I was being ****y and told her "what’s wrong? you look sad, am I not the father? haha! sweet, I can drop your ass now!" She told me, "no, if you weren’t I'd let you know..."

They say relationships are power struggles...
At this point I am feeling powerless...

Has anyone else gone through a phase like this?
How did you resolve it?
I am really searching for answers...
Wait so your 22 and you got a kid... are you really sure you can provide you, her and the kid? Most people are in college when their 22...

So I guess you really want the kid? Since you haven't mentioned abortion or sending the kid up for adoption...
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Vixen said:
Congratulations, you're a tool. We're ever so proud.

Scorched - frankly, the fact you're about to become a dad terrifies me. Snap out of it. I don't think you need to worry about becoming an Average Frustrated Chump right now so much as an immature, selfish douchebag. Bringing a child into a 'relationship' that's clearly screwed up and unhealthy is never a good idea. Boo hoo, you can't bully and control your girlfriend anymore because there's an innocent new life involved. My heart bleeds for you, it really does.

Get a DNA test if you want. To be honest, I don't think she's a 'hor' or any of the other stupid things people here have been suggesting - frankly, I think you're a paranoid schmuck with an inferority complex who's just freaking out because you've realised the BABY (not the mother) is about to usurp you and become the person in the relationship with all the power. That said, I do rather hope - for the kid's sake - that you aren't the dad.
What's wrong with abortion? If both sides agree then it's perfectly FINE for the girl to get an abortion... it's THEIR baby...

Yes the father does sound... immature and not ready. Should have used a condom, spermacide and birth control. That said you can still get an abortion if you don't want the baby... better to get it then bring a kid into a world where even the parents hate them.


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
PeterNorthisawesome said:
What's wrong with abortion? If both sides agree then it's perfectly FINE for the girl to get an abortion... it's THEIR baby...

Yes the father does sound... immature and not ready. Should have used a condom, spermacide and birth control. That said you can still get an abortion if you don't want the baby... better to get it then bring a kid into a world where even the parents hate them.
There's nothing wrong with abortion if, as you said, both sides agree and are totally comfortable with the decision. But telling "his" girl to get an abortion? WTF, her uterus is under his command now, like it or not?
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Vixen said:
There's nothing wrong with abortion if, as you said, both sides agree and are totally comfortable with the decision. But telling "his" girl to get an abortion? WTF, her uterus is under his command now, like it or not?
I think he merely expressed his opinion when he told her. Sometimes you gotta explain forcefully to cluless girls. Some girls have no clue on taking care of babies, expenses of all the baby stuff and all that crap. If I made a girl pregnant, I would explain to her everything and try to convince her... if I didn't want the baby. But, if a guy did MAKE her then it's wrong... unless she'll make a bad mother...ex. heavy smoker or drug user or is too dumb to make a wise decision on her own.


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
PeterNorthisawesome said:
I think he merely expressed his opinion when he told her. Sometimes you gotta explain forcefully to cluless girls. Some girls have no clue on taking care of babies, expenses of all the baby stuff and all that crap. If I made a girl pregnant, I would explain to her everything and try to convince her... if I didn't want the baby. But, if a guy did MAKE her then it's wrong... unless she'll make a bad mother...ex. heavy smoker or drug user or is too dumb to make a wise decision on her own.
Eeep. Dude, if she's that feral, then he should've been smart enough not to put his unprotected d*ck inside her in the first place.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Slip something in her drink. Never fails.


actually, I think I've found a market niche here: "It looks and tastes like coke, but mannn will it abort a baby!!"