Girl says she used to be addicted to heroine


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
You must be absolutely fvcking desperate dude.

SHE COULD HAVE HEP C. You are not able to detect this for like up to 6 months after the date of infection.

Then you are fvcked for life and you are catering to a girl who can next you at any time. Think about that... you are stuck with an STD (infectious no less) and your pool of chix suddenly shrinks to less than 1%

Now you have to beg her to get pvssy, a former drug user.

It is so not worth the risk, I can't believe you even asked this question.

If you are so desperate to nail a woman get a REAL DOLL...

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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Waive off. I see storms ahead with this one.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks guys. I've never talked to anyone who was a user so I just wanted some input. Not going to start/continue anything with this chick just more so a future reference.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Being a former cocaine addict and a weed addict since 15, my questions would be:

- how long was she using? if she was on for 5 years that relapse is likely. If she was on 6 months and been clean 6 months then she is 99% going to be free of it forever.

I wouldn't stereotype anyone for this, and there are LOTS of women who use smack and DONT go on the game, lots. It depends on the level of addiction, and whether she is working. Lots of heroin addicts have jobs. I know in the states you have a retarded system where employers can drug test you (WTF, seriously, WTF, how is it your employers business? I was earning £80K a year and working 50 hours weeks fine when I was on the chop) but in the UK there are lots of smackheads with reasonably low level addictions who carry on just fine for years.

The bad bit is she injected it, which shows a line even a lot of heroin addicts don't cross - all the ones I knew smoked it.

Man it must be different in the States with all these pious attitudes, literally in the UK at least 30% of people under 30 do E's, speed and coke or weed. I would see a girl who did a bit of that casually as a bonus, but being a heroin addict is indeed a totally different world.

If you like her, ask her to get tested before you have sex, she will understand that you respect yourself and just say someone gave you a STI before so you have to be super careful. If I was an ex-intravenious drug used I would understand it totally.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
Fruitbat said:
Being a former cocaine addict and a weed addict since 15, my questions would be:

- how long was she using? if she was on for 5 years that relapse is likely. If she was on 6 months and been clean 6 months then she is 99% going to be free of it forever.

I wouldn't stereotype anyone for this, and there are LOTS of women who use smack and DONT go on the game, lots. It depends on the level of addiction, and whether she is working. Lots of heroin addicts have jobs. I know in the states you have a retarded system where employers can drug test you (WTF, seriously, WTF, how is it your employers business? I was earning £80K a year and working 50 hours weeks fine when I was on the chop) but in the UK there are lots of smackheads with reasonably low level addictions who carry on just fine for years.

The bad bit is she injected it, which shows a line even a lot of heroin addicts don't cross - all the ones I knew smoked it.

Man it must be different in the States with all these pious attitudes, literally in the UK at least 30% of people under 30 do E's, speed and coke or weed. I would see a girl who did a bit of that casually as a bonus, but being a heroin addict is indeed a totally different world.

If you like her, ask her to get tested before you have sex, she will understand that you respect yourself and just say someone gave you a STI before so you have to be super careful. If I was an ex-intravenious drug used I would understand it totally.

very thought provoking point of view but i would differ.

from my experience a person with 6 months using, isn't done yet. most of the time. 6 months isn't long enough to really hit a bottom.

the second you get some weight back, get a decent job, your family starts to trust you again , start to get your health back, you start to think you can handle the drug. You dont' have that emotional low to call on that the person who has been run down through there has.

As a rule of thumb, I won't sponor anyone under the age of 25 or who has been using for less than 2 years. I just don't have the time to deal with people going in and out. The people who I know, and i know a hell of a lot, who have seriously turned their life around and gottne and stayed clean and become productive members of society have been run down through there and have seriously had enough. they have had enough so that when 1-2 years from now and they are clean they can STILL remember how bad it was. 6 month girl doen't have that.

the first time a boyfriend cheats on 6 month girl or she loses a job or ****, someone just comes to her with free smack it's off to the races more times than not.

the only notable exception i would make to the above are women dealing with DHS. DHS women who are trying to get their kids back generally stay clean and are your best bets.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Fruitbat said:
Man it must be different in the States with all these pious attitudes, literally in the UK at least 30% of people under 30 do E's, speed and coke or weed.
Now I know why so many Brits can't even speak the language they invented properly.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
Run away as fast as you can! Seriously.

Two Narcotics anonymous sayings:

How can you tell if an addict is lying? Their lips are moving...

I may not be much, but I'm all I think about...



Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
This is the problem! You all seem to make such a big deal out of it and have to go to "rehab" to get some "keerlosure"!

Heroin is a totally different kettle of fish, but nearly everything else bar crack and meth can be done just as safely as alcohol. If not more so.

We don't have quite as many kids on ritalin or adults on prozac, and insanely crazy drug laws where you get buggered in jail for smoking a joint. Apparently owning an offensive weapon is just fine, but dropping an E is the end of the world.

I love America, don't get me wrong. I hate this socialist hellhole sometimes, and there are many, many things I admire about the US of A. But your attitude towards guns, drugs and religion is completely retarded. To clarify:

- Drugs f you up no more than alcohol, in the main, except for the hard stuff
- God doesn't exist, he is a sky pixie you invented
- Guns are fine if you live 100 miles from the nearest police station, but are not needed in a large urban conurbation
- Your marines suck and get done right in by the SAS, but they are very good at shouting loudly
- Teeth should look like human teeth, and not oversized flourescent ceramic tiles.

...and don't forget, you're not a proper country...and Russian won WW2, not you!!

Bring it on colonial slaves!


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Fruitbat said:
Heroin is a totally different kettle of fish, but nearly everything else bar crack and meth can be done just as safely as alcohol. If not more so.
That's what dopers like to tell themselves.

Fruitbat said:
We don't have quite as many kids on ritalin or adults on prozac, and insanely crazy drug laws where you get buggered in jail for smoking a joint.
Apparently owning an offensive weapon is just fine, but dropping an E is the end of the world.
What's an "offensive weapon"? And how can you criticize Americans for owning guns when in your own country, you've got soldiers, of all people, getting beheaded in the streets by islamic lunatics? The UK has no right to feel morally superior to America. You guys are the most cowardly, pussified, politically correct nation in the West. Even the French have more balls than you do!

Fruitbat said:
- Guns are fine if you live 100 miles from the nearest police station, but are not needed in a large urban conurbation
Oh really? Do you consider London as a large urban "conurbation"? I'm sure the beheading victim wouldn't have minded having a gun on him!


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Bokanovsky said:
That's what dopers like to tell themselves.

What's an "offensive weapon"? And how can you criticize Americans for owning guns when in your own country, you've got soldiers, of all people, getting beheaded in the streets by islamic lunatics? The UK has no right to feel morally superior to America. You guys are the most cowardly, pussified, politically correct nation in the West. Even the French have more balls than you do!

Oh really? Do you consider London as a large urban "conurbation"? I'm sure the beheading victim wouldn't have minded having a gun on him!
Very good!

Non dopers = people with no balls, too scared they might die from a tablet.

I'm quite confident that we could shoot down a bunch of jets heading directly for the centre of our cities though.

Aren't american men the most touchy feely men on earth? I have seen "friends" you know......and we don't need to put on tin hats and armour to play rugby in case we get "hurt".

Funnily enough I am actually one of the few Brits who supports the right to bear arms, that was a pure wind up, sorry.

The French have more balls than us, now, you have gone way too far, take it back :cry:


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I'm gonna have to use the "sky pixie" line.

Oh and I've used every sort of drug, bar heroin, ketamine and "bath salts." IMHO alcohol is the most dangerous by far.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Fruitbat said:
Very good!

Non dopers = people with no balls, too scared they might die from a tablet.

I'm quite confident that we could shoot down a bunch of jets heading directly for the centre of our cities though.
How are you going to shoot down planes when you're high on dope? Funny guy :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Zarky said:
Oh and I've used every sort of drug, bar heroin, ketamine and "bath salts."
What's wrong with bath salts? Don't knock it until you try it and all that :D


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
herion is one of those drugs that generally when someone gets off of them, there is a good chance they are done with it. that **** is a ***** to get off. moreso than anything else. the withdraws are ungodly. not somehting someone wants to go through again

most end up using something else but they are generally done with H. from my experience.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Zarky said:
I'm gonna have to use the "sky pixie" line.

Oh and I've used every sort of drug, bar heroin, ketamine and "bath salts." IMHO alcohol is the most dangerous by far.
Ketty on it's own = bad
Little bumps of ketty whilst on any other type of stims like E, whiz or coke = Very entertaining!

Dead right on Alcohol. Nothing has f'd up my life like massive amounts of alcohol.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2005
Reaction score
I hate to judge, but heroine is no joke.

Anything could cause her to relapse to the junk at a moment's notice. A fight, death in the family, depression, lack of sex...who the **** knows?


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2012
Reaction score
living in the middle of effing nowhere
LiveFreeX said:
You must be absolutely fvcking desperate dude.

SHE COULD HAVE HEP C. You are not able to detect this for like up to 6 months after the date of infection.

Then you are fvcked for life and you are catering to a girl who can next you at any time. Think about that... you are stuck with an STD (infectious no less) and your pool of chix suddenly shrinks to less than 1%

Now you have to beg her to get pvssy, a former drug user.

It is so not worth the risk, I can't believe you even asked this question.

If you are so desperate to nail a woman get a REAL DOLL...
you forgot to advertise chinese women this time ;)


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
I just had (Hep C-free) sex with my Chinese wife and lots of possible blood to blood contact. She initiated when I woke up... if that makes you feel any better. :)

I dont know how far down the totem pole you have to be if you are even debating having sex with an american woman.... I mean heroin addict.