FR: New kid in town - the rebirth of Vulpine


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Ed Norton poses a question in Fight Club: If you wake up in a different place, could you be a different person?



I just came out of a suck sh!t life situation. I was couch surfing at a "gf's" place with all my things in storage. I was AFC but with a lot of natural talent. I discovered this site (quite by accident) and got my sh!t together. I moved to a new town and got my things out of storage, set up the bar, and walk less than a minute to work every day. It's a sweet deal, but I need to get established in new social circles. I'm still banging the "gf" but now she's on FB status and is more than happy to be just an FB. (Hooray for spinning plates) And so the fun begins.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
First Round: scouting

Myself and a couple friends head to a place (DH) they had been to before. Too bright, sports bar, older professional UG's, some fatties, neighborhood locals, not much cooking because it was the middle of the week. I decided to chat up a hot bartender.

V: "Hi, what's your name."
HB: "HBbartender(6)"
V: "My name's Vulpine. I just moved here and my buddies are trying to get me to be a bartender. Do you know any places hiring locally?"
HB: "Well, we aren't hiring here, but there's the WC. That place is always busy. You might check it out. Oh, there's also the BS. They could always use some help"
V: "BS? Sounds like a country bar. Having to listen to boot-scootin' all night would freak me out."
HB: *laughs*
V: "What kind of tunes do they have going at the WC?"
HB: "All kinds, you know, everthing."
V: "I see, "bar music"."

The group of friends I was with was pretty lame. So, we spent that night at that one place. Throughout the night I make random small chitty-chat with the HBbartender and she refers to me by name. Things aren't looking too bad. I get a feeling that I have an in with the bartender plus some social proof and "new guy sponsor" benefits.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Second outing: More scouting

So from the bartender interaction I've found that there are basically 3 worthwhile venues: the DH, the WC, and the BS

Same no clue group of friends. We start out by going to the DH, the bright first place. It's a sausage fest. There are some hotties around, but they are in swarms of dudes who are obviously their bf's. So, I chat up the bartender as a means to brush the dust of my game. Everything was going good throughout the night with her: she kino'd me a couple times, held extra long eye contact, fiddled with her hair, etc. So, I figured I'd move toward a close. I started a conversation and was about to deliver the "give me your number" payload when she dropped this little gem on me:

HBbartender: "Oh, I love taking my step kids there!"
V: "....!"

I look at her hand - ring. In my face. Duh. I'm drunk, better slow it down. She gracefully brushed me off - what did I expect? She's a pro. She's a bartender. I casually diverted the convo another direction and gracefully ejected back to my lamer friends. At least I didn't ask her number... I reassure myself that it's just "a little dust off of my game".

The group of friends starts to get anxious so I convince one of them to take me to the WC. He agrees, and the other friends call it a night: good riddance

We show up at the WC and it's much busier. I went in knowing that I was only scouting and intended to NOT approach.

My buddy and I cozy up to the bar and order our first round. There is a loud drunk on the other side and I'm waiting for my drink looking at him because he's loud. He keeps staring at me. I'm pretty overdressed, and I'm watching his antics.

Drunk: "What?" (loud with a "you gotta problem" tone)
V: "What." (Calm with a "did you just talk to me?" tone)
Drunk: "You keep looking at me." (obviously trying to pick a fight)
V: "You keep looking at ME." (I give him the squint and headshake of "you can't be serious")

I glance over at the bartender and he just rolls his eyes. Ok. That guy is harshing my mellow in a major way so I grab my drink, tap my buddy, and head to another spot. Better spot, some HB's. I open the bar with:

V: "What's up with that dude?"
Guy: "Don't worry about it. He always tries to pick fights."
V: "Nice."
Guy: "exactly..."

I chat up the locals, but I'm too loaded to have any effective game and I'm only going downhill. It gets a little fuzzy at this point, but an HB8 comes up, dropped to HB5 - she got hit in the face with a brick and was a total beeyatch. It turns out she worked at Hooters. All the guys in the bar try to get her to "show 'em". Funny stuff. I distinctly remember not giving her the time of day and it was p!ssing her off.

I keep hearing about this BS bar from random convo's but I don't have any idea where it is. I'm getting the impression that everyone knows everyone. It's kinda freaking me out because I can't just slash and burn through the women without stepping on some toes. I don't want to make enemies right off the bat here so I feel that I need to exercise some discretion.

No closes, just looking thanks.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Third. more checking out the scene

Go to the DH with two other friends - a guy and a girl. It was pretty laid back. HBmarriedbartender welcomes me by name again, some randoms turn to see who she's talking to. I hoped that would happen, and it did. I throw out a couple hi's to some lookers and a 'how ya doin?' to a nearby HB. She just gives me the "hey" nod and goes back to her bf convo. Sausage fest again. It's Friday and this place is pretty dead. There was some drama going on with one of the friends and it really framed the whole night as "let's drink and shoot pool". *Sigh* I can tell it's going to suck again tonight. So, we play pool and at one point two HB's come up and sit next to our game (7/6). In between games I open them up:

V: "You guys wanna play 'partners'? (I shut up and waited for a response)
HB7: (Looking shocked and trying to figure out what I said) "Oh, uh, no... sorry... I just had surgery on my shoulder."

She didn't have any bandages or anything that would have tipped me off, so I glance at HB6 and she gives me the "it's true" look. So I look back at HB7, look at her shoulder, look at her face again. Suddenly, I had a mental image of HB7 in my bed going "ouch, careful! My shoulder!". No thanks. I put my hand on her back and gave her a good eye lock and said slowly and sincerely:

V: "Get well soon."

I smiled at them both, turned, and racked up another game. Boring.
Night ends with the three of us back at my place for ****tails.

I'm getting kinda bummed at this point.
Boring nights, not a lot of hotties, mundane routine... I'm bumming out bad. What's hiding under this dust? If I have game anymore, what am I going to use it on? Steady swordfighting at these local bars. SO much sausage. Grrrrr!

TIme to call in the Lotus.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Four: Time to crank it up - enter The Blue Lotus

I gave my long time friend and "old reliable" wing a call. We've been in a slump for a long time, but, I woke up in a different place. I'm a different person. Our luck is going to change. I just needed to convince the Lotus. Off we go. Our first stop was a "old haunt". We never really had much luck fishing there and tonight was no exception: the place is stuffy and full of uptights. We head back towards my place and stop at the DH. We get there and were both:
The lower level was all body builders. I mean heavies. Even their women were beefy. It was quite an unbelievable and discouraging scene. Empty bar except for 20 meatheads? We ordered a round and headed upstairs. Once we got up there, again were were shocked:
The upstairs was rented out for a private birthday party. At this point we retreat downstairs.
V: "uh... Now what?"
We convo'd about our options and about how the night was busting. We'd been in a slump and spirits were already low, so we were throwing up our hands. I was urging the Lotus to stop at the WC on the way back towards my place but he wasn't having it. He was bummed and we were just heading to back to my place and calling it a night. On the way he had a change of heart, we stopped at the WC.

BL: "I mean, I'm the "old reliable" right? I can't let you down dude-r."
V: "Right on, dude."
BL: (pulls out a "j" and waves it around before smelling it)
V: *laughs* "You're crazy." (He's notorious for his weed antics)
The Blue Lotus and I have had a history, but not as "good" with women, but the makings are there: we know the game, feed off each other's energy, and encourage each other. I hope the Lotus reads this - he's a pimp. We are going to have some hot times, it's on now. He's rowdy, and I could really use some of his "Up" energy for a change.

In we go:
The place is busy. We head straight to the bar and get a round. Eye contact all around. Dudes and chicks are all gawking. We dress sharp, and are way overdressed for this particular bar. We are peacocking just by dressing nice - it's awesome. I see some people that look familiar across the bar from the first time I was at the WC. So, what's a guy to do? Open. Get this party started. Something.

V: "Hey dude, weren't you in here last week?"
(I didn't really know it, but I had a hunch he was the "local alpha". Let's call him LA)
LA: "Yeah, I saw you here whateverday."
V: "Right on. My name's Vulpine, what's yours?" *Offer handshake*
LA: "Hey." *shakes* "Local Alpha. That's Beta1, Beta2, HB8taken?, and Beta3."
V: *handshakes all around - heavy EC HB8taken?* "This is Blue Lotus, Lotus, this is ....(set)"

HB8taken?: about 5'4", 26, blonde, C-ish cups, slender, clear complexion = very doable.

The night is getting old, booze is consumed, buzzes are felt. Here Lotus and I were getting some local establishment and other HB's are ECing. I'm picking up a vibe that the bar thinks we might be gay. We are clean, well dressed, and came in as a "couple". So, I engage LA in some heavy "man" convo about hunting, fishing, banging broads, etc.

I'm in.

The betas and the HB get into the convo. The Lotus was chilling sprawled out soaking it all up. Totally, "I'm way too cool for this." I wanted to high-five him... funny. I'm watching HB8taken? for signs: I'm getting IOI's with heavy kino, EC, and from her body language. But, later, she is sitting with legs intertwined with LA. Dang. I'm totally AMOGing the dude and didn't know it... oops. Funny. I back off because I don't want to step on toes - remember, I'm out to make friends, not enemies.

It gets a bit fuzzy now, but there were other introductions to other HB locals, but no gaming, just hanging out being friendly and establishing myself as, well, "a cool dude that's new in town".

Again, I keep hearing about this BS bar, but still have no idea where this place is. I ask for directions, but since I'm not familiar with the area, can't follow them.

Notably, the night ends with Lotus and I walking out the door and the Lotus blazes the "j" right in front of the door. Hilarious. Dude's blowing smoke at people coming out - outrageous! The set we were hanging with comes out and piles in a car and the Lotus blows smoke in an open window.

BL: *Puff, blow*
HB8taken?: "Hey! Gimme somadat!"
BL: *Pass*
HB8taken?: "You guys wanna come back to Beta2's place."
BL/V: "Naw, thanks though."

We eject for home.

Keep this weed thing in mind for FR 6.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Round Five: There it is!

One afternoon after work, I decided to take a stroll down to the gas station and the grocery store. The route would take me somewhere that I haven't driven yet. I got about a block away from my house... THERE IT IS! THE BS! I run my errands and go home vowing to return the next day, by myself if I have to.

Sure enough, by myself. Now worries. I'll just pop in, have a beer, chat up the bartender, whatever.

So I duck in... Empty! Not one single person in the whole place except for the bartender. I had to chuckle to myself: beer, chat up the bartender.... did I call it or what? I got about halfway through my beer and chit chat with the bartender when in walks the set of dudes from the last FR. I'm thinking, sweet, and they greet me by name.

LA: "Hey Vulpine, whaddya doin'?"
V: "Nothin' - Watchin' the game havin' a bud."
LA: "By yourself?"
V: "I heard about the BS so I thought I'd scope it out. Turns out I live a block that way."
LA: "Noyce."

Blah blah blah... Not a single woman in the place. A 7 dude sword fight. Whatever, I stayed around and strengthened my raport. I'm basically "one of the guys" now. Sweet. I'm a local. What did that take? All of two weeks? This site rocks.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox

I didn't mention in the last round that I chatted up the HB5 cashier at the gas station and got a good dose of the local gossip. She's giving the IOI's. (Has it always been like this? Have I been asleep? Were these indicators always given and I've never picked up on them? How AFC was I? Doesn't matter now.)

The very next day, yesterday, I got home from work, looked around the empty apartment.... fvck it... chores are done, I'm going out. And with that decided to stroll down to the gas station, chat up the HB5 if she's there, and stop back at the BS. I heard there might be a bigger crowd there, and if there wasn't decided to walk up to the WC.

On the way, I passed the BS. There was a guy hanging around out front when I walked by. After I passed, a woman came out and I could hear her talking, I figured she was talking to the guy, so I didn't think anything of it.

Got to the gas station, the HB5 chatted briefly, but since their was another dood hanging around, I ejected. She's 21 with a bf. Duh. I remind myself "Keep it in your pants and don't step on the local's toes. Not yet - be patient."

I headed back to the BS. It looked dead so I wasn't even going to bother. I just kept on walking up to the WC. Along the way, mind you there isn't ANY traffic, a car passes with a HB8 inside. I didn't get a good look, again, didn't think anything of it. ****I whip out my phone and called the exgf/now FB to set up a sexin' date, no answer, left message to call back.****

I got to the WC and it was PACKED! Vollyball night.

I scan the scene looking for a seat at the bar. There's one. Wait - one next to a HB, sweet.

V: "Is someone sitting here?"
HB: "No. Oh, HeeEEY! Hiii! I saw you walking by the BS. I tried screaming at you but you just kept walking.
V: "Oh. Hey. That was you? I couldn't tell, I wasn't paying attention."
(It turns out that she is HB8taken? Sweeeeeet!)
HB8taken?: *laughs* "It's 'kay, then I passed you on the way over here."
V: "That was you? *laughs* I really couldn't tell... Shame on you."
HB8taken?: "Shame on me? Why? What?"
V: "You left me to walk? Didn't stop just to say hi? Pssshf... thanks. I see."
HB8taken?: "I'm soo sorry. I didn't know you were coming here."
V: "Yeah, and you didn't ask."
(She introduces me to the 3 other locals she was sitting with: 1 divorced old dude (DOD), 2 HB's - 4/5)

People come and go around us, it's pretty early. HB4 randomly buys me a drink. Fluff, tell the new acquaintances about being new to town. I started opening everyone in my proximity. I was on a rampage. Then, LA and Betas1, 2, and 3 show up and greet me by name, and I return the greetings by their names. Many, many EC's from the crowd afterwords. I'm waaay in. LA pulls up a chair next to me on my right, HB8taken? is on the left. I had been under the impression that HB8 was taken by LA and offered to switch seats so he could sit next to her. He looked at me like I was goofy and declined. ????? He gets up to mingle and I resume a convo with HB8taken? ****I pulled out my phone and set it on the bar.****

V: "So how old are you again?"
HB8taken?: "26. How old are you?"
V: (just looking at her)
HB8taken?: "28?"
V: "Sure."
DOD: "I'm 41"
V: (raises eybrows, doesn't respond)
DOD: "Did I mention I hate women?"
V: "Awww... don't do that. Women are soft and cuddly." (Hugs HB8taken?)
DOD: "I was married for 14 years and am divorced now."
V: (shakes head in dismay. Dismay at the whole "****block, hijack my convo with HB, AFC scene)(Resumes EC with HB8taken)
HB8taken?: "Come on! How old are you?"
****Phone rings****
(I'm aware that HB8taken? is listening)
FB: "Hey."
V: "You still bleeding?"
FB: "Yep. I'm in the saddle till Friday."
V: *laughs* "In the saddle..." *laughs*
FB: "What? Got that from you. Anyway, when are you coming over to grill out and give me that $300?" (I owed her some rent cash from the last month)
V: "I'm not. You're bringing the grill over to my place. Do you work Sunday?"
FB: "No."
V: "Good. Bring the charcoal too if there's any left. Check it out: you're totally coming over to have sex and get paid for it. You're totally a hooker."
FB: "OMG! *laughs* I didn't think of that - you're right!"
V: *laughs super hard* (I got her to agree to being a hooker - too funny!) "Anyway, call me Sunday and I'll give you directions to my place."
FB: "K. Should I bring over the PS2."
V: "Do you honestly think there will be time for that? C'mon, we're going to be too busy fuxing."
FB: *giggling* "Yeah, you're right."
V: "Anyway, gotta go, TTYL
FB: "Bye."

HB8taken?: "What's in the saddle mean?"
V: "On the rag - a maxi-pad is sorta shaped like a saddle, right?"
HB8taken?: "I get it. Sooo, how old are you?"
V: "Hey, I hope I'm getting you in trouble with your boyfriend. (head gesture towards LA who has been glancing over) He keeps checking over here."
HB8taken?: "I don't HAVE a boyfriend!" (she said this loudly, obviously trying to qualify herself to me)
V: "So what's the deal then? You guys fuxbuddies or what?"
HB8taken?: *laughs nodding* *offers high-five*
V: *laughs along* *high-fives* "Nice. That's actually who just called: the fuxbuddy."
HB8FB: *LAUGHS harder nodding* *offers high-five again*
V: *grinning* *high-fives*
HB8FB: "I knew I was going to love hanging out with you the first time I met you. You ROCK."
V: *grinning* "FB's huh? Hmmm..."
HB8FB: "Seriously, how old are you?"
V: "22."
(at this point I grab my drink, get up, walk over to the otherside of the bar facing HB8FB, and open a HB7 who snuck in)
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Night Six Continued

I'm telling you, I was on a rampage. HB7 was sitting there watching and EC'ing me. LA was sitting there talking to her and I walked up and talk to him first so he wouldn't get his feelings hurt by the blatent AMOG I was about to do. He assured me it was cool for me to be there. Good, I turn around and:

V: "Hi, I'm Vulpine"
HB7: "Hi I'm HB7"
V: "I'm new to town so I'm out rubbin' elbows. Are you from here?" (now that I think about it, I should've rubbed her elbow)
HB7: Fluffity-fluff, chit, yack, chat 5'6", short brown hair, B cup, 26
V: "OMG! You look JUST like Uma Thurman!"
HB7: "....?..." *blushes, turns head away* "Nuh-uh!"
V: "LA, check it out! Doesn't she totally look like Uma Thurman?"
LA: "Huh? I don't know dude."
HB7: "Seee?"
V: "Dude, watch." *I pull her hair back* "Her ears... Uma Thurman, her eyes..."
LA: "Kinda..."
V: *still holding hair back* "I donno, some guys get all ga-ga over Uma Thurman but she really doesn't do it for me. Like Angelina Jolie, some guys dig her - I'm not into her."
HB7: *Shocked look on her face*
V: *lets hair go* "Watch dude, watch her mouth, JUST like Uma Thurman, Telling you!" *lauging*
LA: "HAHA TOtallly looks like Uma. HAAHA, now that you point it out. That's awesome." *laughs*
HB7: *blushing, turns away all pouty*
(Meanwhile, an HB5 latina parks herself at the end of bar in the middle of HB8FB and HB7)
HB7: "I can't believe you said that, that's so mean."
V: "What's mean?"
HB7: (mocking me voice) "but Uma Thurman doesn't do it for me."
V: *Laughs* "Duh? Uma Thurman is HOT, but, she's just not the girl of my dreams...." (I realized I had negged her pretty hard and made a scene so I needed a little damage control.) "..nope...SHE has dark hair. *tuck HB7's hair behind her ear with my finger* I don't like blondes."
HB7: *HUGE doggy bowl eyes*

CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! Just as I just typed it, I just realized it. DAMN! Haha... Damn. Wow, I thought it was a pretty smooth recovery, but I didn't think it was THAT smooth. Damn. Haha.

Anyway, the convo fizzled there after a while so I went back over and sat where my stuff was on the bar by HB8FB. She had got up and was sitting by HB5 latina talking to her. HB8FB waved me over to sit by her, but I wasn't budging. The bar had karaoke that night too, so the whole time people are being goofy. I've never done karaoke but I figured "Since I've woke up in a different place, I'm a different person right?" so I put in my request.

I popped my karaoke cherry with Frank Sinatra's "Summer Wind".

I can't even tell you how awesome that scene was. No, I couldn't possibly do anything of Frank's justice by comparison. But, compared to the other drunks, I fuxing nailed it. Sooo much EC. I'll be doing that again for sure. So I finish and directly open HB5 latina.

V: "How was that?"
HB5: "Really, reeeeallllly good."
V: "Awww.... what's you're name?"
HB5: 34 years old, bf right there
V: "And yours?"
BF: "Fat AFC"

I'm pretty loaded at this point, but we started fluff talking and she mentioned she was an "under-writer". I only heard "writer", so I challenged her to a Scabble game.

V: "Writer? You should come over to my place for a game of Scrabble."
HB5: "Yeah?" *nervous glances around* *reaches in purse under the bar* *nervous glances around* *comes out of purse with business card and hands it to me* "Call me tomorrow. Direct line."
V: *laughs* "Dude, you're boyfriend is right freakin' there!" *waving business card around*
HB5: "SHHHHHH! shhh. Nevermind. Call me!" *pulls my arm with business card down under bar level*
V: "K."

I eject back to HB8FB for some fun. HB7UT retires for the evening - I hope I see back there again.

Now it just gets funny.

I'm sitting there and HB8FB is obviously drunk. She's getting very touchy feely, and I'm sketching because I'm totally coxblocking LA. I straight AMOG'd him, now I'm gonna jack him for his FB? I'm pondering this when all of a sudden HB8FB sounds off:


Remember the parking lot scene?

LA looks up at me with a nasty scowl 'cuz he knew what was going on. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head "no" at him.

Like I said, I didn't want to make enemies. I wasn't about to pull his FB right in front of him. LA is physically bigger, drunk, and would probably beat the stuffing out of me. Naw, he's a valuable asset, and much too prominent to have as an enemy. I finished my drink, and bid everyone adieu.

You could possibly flame me for lack of closes, but I'm not at that point here yet. Small towns = gossip/drama
Right now, I'm neutral with friends. Right now, my rep is very fresh and still forming. I need to be discrete and am just not comfortable with doing all the women that I could without regard to social repercussions. This weekend I'll work on some closes, this was a Wednesday. I think I'm going for F-closes since my apartment is a block away.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Feedback? Critique? I'm caught up, so feel free.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Seven: Sausage

Friday was lame. Went to the WC first, saw a local guy and hung out with him as a pivot of sorts. But my patience is paying off. A local gal came in and everyone was greeting her, but nobody (oddly) introduced us. I'm looking back at the scene and recognize all the local dudes wanted her, so it was a coxblock thing.
She was an HB8, brunette, taller than me, "naughty librarian" look. At the WC, I didn't talk to her all - just pretended she didn't even exist. It worked, I could spot her in my peripheral staring at me. Well, the group wanted to head it down to the BS so we switched bars.

The BS was sausageville. So, we camped at the bar bs'ing. Guess who followed us later. HB8. I still hadn't talked to her, so I wanted a smooth "in". There wasn't any open seats at the bar, so the second she walked in I got up to take a squirt. When I returned, just like magic, she was sitting in my seat.

V: "Thanks for keeping it warm." *motion palms up for her to slide out*
HB8: "Oh, jeez I'm sorry." *gets up*
V: *sits* "Psshf... it's not warm at all. Are you a cold girl?" *touches her arm* "Holy !!! You're FREEZING! Are you okay?"
HB8: "Wow. You're REALLY warm!"
V: "I'm a regular blast furnace compared to what you got going. So, why didn't anyone introduce us yet?"
HB8: "I'm (HB8 EC warm smile)" *offers shake*
V: "Vulpine." *looks at her extended hand and pauses* "D'you need that hand warmed up?"
HB8: *giggles, bashful look down and away*
V: *takes hand with both hands and gives it a brief massage*
HB8: "So, are you from around here?"

After a bunch of fluff, we ended up having a couple of really interesting convo's and she was smart and had a golden attitude, I'm bumping her up to 8.5. She was obviously digging me.

HB8taken? > HB8FB came in. Someone got up and she sat down next to me. I ended up rubbing up on her, too. (she was cold) The three of us got into a bit of a rub-fest - harmless fun, right? Well, someone else got up and HB8.5 sat on the other side of me. A Vulpine sandwich. HB8.5 started squawking about needing to go home - work early in the morning. One of the locals she knew came up and had a convo with her. I turned my attention to HB8FB. Through that convo, she let it slip that she had a little boy. (HB8taken? > HB8FB > now SM) So, I turned to chat more with HB8.5 and move to a close, but she had gotten up and was at the door escaping. Phooey. She'll be back.

I've determined that the SM is also an AW. I'm going to just treat her like garbage from now own. Night ended unremarkably.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
8: Coxblox & Bad vibes

Donno what was up with Saturday. Everyone was p!ssy. There was all sorts of drama like the cops showing up and walking through the bar. I started off at the WC again. When I got there, HB6 I met a couple days ago was there. She was good and tipsy, so I moved right up for the f-close. It was going great but a little distraction broke the convo and one of the local guys ushered her out. He returned several minutes later.

V: "So what, you just took her home?"
DOD: "Yeah, she was pretty drunk."
V: "So? Are you her babysitter?" *turn to leave*
DOD: "No, but -... "
V: *Walking away*

Coxblocked right off the bat, things aren't looking up. Went down to the BS. Nothing really miraculous happened until a wedding party came in. Throughout the night, I had 4 solid f-close opportunities vaporize due to uncontrollable circumstances. The coxblock, a limo leaving, a bad night at work, and one deal with some local drama. I don't even know the whole story with that. Left empty handed.

It's hard to isolate here. Everyone gets dodgy about leaving because "everybody knows". The small town thing makes everybody so prominent, it's like a built in slvt barrier. I need to work on some ways to pull the ladies out of the bar covertly after working them up. I'm going to get more forward about leaving coming up here in the near future. I know that once I screw one of the locals, word is going to spread like wildfire and it's will be much easier. Nevermind, I'll shift to number closes - that will get around it best.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Vulpine said:
I'm sitting there and HB8FB is obviously drunk. She's getting very touchy feely, and I'm sketching because I'm totally coxblocking LA. I straight AMOG'd him, now I'm gonna jack him for his FB?

LA looks up at me with a nasty scowl 'cuz he knew what was going on. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head "no" at him.

Like I said, I didn't want to make enemies. I wasn't about to pull his FB right in front of him... Naw, he's a valuable asset, and much too prominent to have as an enemy.

You could possibly flame me for lack of closes, but I'm not at that point here yet. Small towns = gossip/drama
Right now, I'm neutral with friends. Right now, my rep is very fresh and still forming. I need to be discrete and am just not comfortable with doing all the women that I could without regard to social repercussions.
You made the right decision here. Being a DJ in a small town can have alot of implications if you make the wrong decisions. First off, recognizing alpha as a good bud was the first move in the right direction. One piece of tail is not worth years of looking in from the outside.

Secondly, I would be careful who you bed until you get to know everyone a little better. You don't want to nail the town skank and be labelled as a skank either. Trust me, the skank isn't always as obvious as you might think. For all you know she could be the girl next door. I wish people who have told me to stay away from my first g/f in the small town but I doubt I would have listened anyway.

That being said, its not all that bad. I've been to the bar where it sucked having already nailed 6 0f the 10 women there and having no interest in any of the 10. Or other nights where your totally into a the new meat around, or playfully fighting with your buddy who's going to nail FB tonight. Its all about making the most of the situation your in.

You've already made a good impression with alpha by not stepping on his toes. I bet if you play it right, he won't mind if you nail his FB as long as he knows he's not getting cut off.

The other thing is go for the # close instead of the f-close. Be vary wary though, right now your reputation is the most important thing you got. Take things slow until you get to know everyone better, in the meantime, use the mysterious card to your advantage.

One last final thought. Don't spend everynight with your new acquaintances. Go and do other stuff in the next town or wherever and make sure you subetly drop the fact that you were out doing something else. You have to build yourself up as the prize even to the other males. In a small town social proof goes along way.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Right on, Thanks MacAvoy. I went to highschool in a tiny town after having went to middle school in a large school. I became all too familiar with the little quirks and bugs. Word gets around about the fresh meat quickly, and, if you give it up to the town slvt... it's a big blemish on your rep for the rest of your days. "Hey, you're the new guy? I heard you and slvt hooked up, is that right?" In many cases, people have already heard of you from other locals before you meet them.

You make a good point about prize building and spending time in the neighboring towns/cities. The Lotus told me: "You're giving them too much." I coupled that with "pearls before swine" and decided to take a break from the local scene. I'm too available and "trying" too hard. I'm heading out Wednesday, but then I am going to vanish for a couple weeks and make 'em wonder.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox

Went to the bowling alley, WC, and decided I was going to roll a few games since I haven't thrown my ball in better than 5 years. I got a lane, shoes, and ducked into the bar to grab a drink. The locals greeted me. One dude saw my shoes on and asked to join me. Then I got "the return phone call" from a chick I was trying to nail down a date with so I ducked out. While I was out, the "bowling alone" turned into bowling with 3 people. That turned out to be a good time. There was a dude and his sister (HB6.5) bowling with me, but I didn't think pulling a dude's sister right in front of him was good juju, so I kept it low level flirting. I did manage some kino, and she did respond well.

After bowling, I packed up my gear and slid into the bar. HB8taken?/FB and LA were there. We had a laugh and LA thanked me for not swooping in on her. It turns out they formally and officially are a thing now, not FB's. So that's good.

Uma was there, so I said hi. She was pissy, so I left her alone.

The chick that I got coxblocked trying to take home was there. She's an emotional train wreck and was crying about some ex bf to a gf. She got ignored, too.

Eventually, the group wanted to head down to the BS. I asked to ride along + stop off at my place to drop of my gear, I was obliged. When we got down to the BS, it was fairly busy. Mostly unremarkable, until the end of the night. One of the locals couldn't get home and needed a place to crash. I offered, but a HB7 countered. I hadn't met her, so I introduced myself. It turns out she lives a couple buildings down from me. She invited me and the dude back to her place for an afterbar. Somehow, when we left, it ended up being 5 of us: Me, dude, DOD coxblocker, the HB7 and fat warthog. I walked with them, but broke off for my place. WTF is with DOD coxblocker!? I didn't want to get down with that sausage fest because I had to work in the morning, so, home I went. Like I said, I won't be heading out locally for a couple weeks.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Uh, I won't be seen locally unless...

So I met an AW7 online. (go figure) I got her number and played a buh-zillion stupid-azz games. I twisted her into coming to a local venue and I worked out some smooth (yet cheesy) plans. I didn't expect anything, but I did want to parade her around the locals. And, an AW7 got used for my benefit. Observe:

I met AW7 in a park across from the BS.
An HB6.5 bartender (who I previously met when she wasn't working) was working that night. (She previously had shown IoI's)
Had some time with AW7 in park... couldn't stand the whining anymore - needed a drink or nineteen.
Toted AW7 into the bar, all the locals gawked, including HB6.5 bartender.
I dropped a couple of "forfeit lines" and the AW7 left on cue.
HB6.5 bartender came over and wanted to know the whole dish.
I gave her bits and pieces: It was a "date", she was X, I don't care for her Y, not even close to being in my league...
HB6.5 bartender is sure to run her mouth about HB's on my arm to the locals.

Just as in the "what to do if she asks..." thread, locals don't know and don't care who you are until they see hotties on your arm. Then all of a sudden: "What does that guy have that makes him so attractive?" I better board up my door and windows now... once the word breaks that I'm not gay and bring 7+'s around... It will be on like Donkey Kong.

Time to disappear for another week, better call up the FB's for some maintenance.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Back on the scene sooner than I wanted to be.

It turned out there was a local festival, a town fair, going on this past weekend. On a trip to the store, I spotted some signs advertising it, so I went out Wednesday to feel out the scene.

I was sitting at the bar chatting up a guy who had the same name when someone smacked my shoulder. I look back and noone's there, so, I resumed my convo. Again, I get a smack on the shoulder. Ok, someone's playing games. I look around and there is HBUmaThurman.

V: "Oh, hey! How you doing, Uma?"
HBUT: "Psshff, you don't even know my name do you?"
V: "Silly. Of course I do."
HBUT: "What is it then?"
V: "<name>, what's mine?"
HBUT: "Vulpine."
V: "Hooray. We know each other's name."
*I turn around and continue the conversation with dude*

HBUT and HB4 friend pack up and head for the door.

V: "Hey, hey! Leaving already? No goodbye?"
HBUT: "What? Yeah, we gotta go."
*She spies a piece of paper hanging out of my shirt pocket, reaches up and pulls it out*
V: "Oh, I see, haha, I know this drill." *reaches in pocket and pulls out the sharpie, hands it to HBUT* "You are a smooth operator."
HBUT: *totally confused, deer-in-the-headlights look, looks at friend*
V: "Well? Make with the phone number."
HBUT: "OOOoooH! Haha. Oh, no. You had your chance, I got a boyfriend now and I'm happy."
V: "Ahhh... I "had my chance". *mocking tone* :rolleyes: Hahah, silly. That, my dear, is a two-way street."
*I snatch the paper and pen out of her hand and repocket them, I then promptly turn and head back to my drink without another word.*

That whole scene would have been different if her friend wasn't tapping her foot waiting to leave. Fiddlesticks. Well, it's still game on, but she's coming after me now... she was the one tapping me on the shoulder. In accordance with give and take procedures, I won't be talking to her unless she opens me. There was some good kino going in that interaction... which she started, but, there still wasn't a chance for isolation. So, I think I handled the b!tch sheild/slvt defense pretty well by taking back the control. I'll have to just wait and see. That "two-way street" comment is going to burn in her ears for a good long time, especially since she's already proven interest.

The weekend was equally as harsh, but I still have to type it out. Stay tuned.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Hardcore XXX Beer Tent Action!

Ok, so it wasn't as hot as all that. You know the beer tent scene: Sucky cover band, jam packed with people, lots of drinking... easy prey, right? You'd think.

I couldn't make the scene Thursday... FB "maintenance".

But, I did go on Friday, by myself, hoping to just bump into locals I "knew". And, it went down just like that. So, I was mingling with locals and I would try to get some of the guys to act as wings for me. But, we all know quality wing is hard to come by, and guys with any sense of "game" are few and far between.

I was doing great, opening sets, EC, kino... blah blah blah... however, my "wings" kept abandoning sets, ejecting, or just plain blowing it. I opened no less than 8 sets, all of them blown by my impromptu wings. It hurts my head to think about, but let me give you an example.

One dude nudged me and said: "That girl in black keeps looking over here." I look at him and smile, and with the smile still on my face look over at the chick in black. I motioned with my free hand for her to come over... what does she do? Duh, she comes over with her friend. Cake walk. So, I'm jumping on a HB6 "grenade" for this dude and it's on. I was talking to this girl for several minutes and we are getting all touchy-feely:

V: *puts hand on small of HB6's back* "Wow! You've got some serious pipes back here!" *rubs around on back*
HB6: "Yeah?" *giggles*
V: "I bet you're an 'on top girl'."
HB6: "I have no comment." *sly smirk + EC*
V: "HaHa! You're naughty." *winks*
*HBfriend taps HB6 on the shoulder and gives her the "c'mon" head motion*

I spin around to find my temporary wing to figure out WTF went wrong... he's not there, he's gone, nowhere to be seen. W T F!!! NOOOOOO!

I turn back around, and the set had already bolted through the crowd.

And, the other sets were flushed in a similar fashion.:cuss:

Ok, so I'll call the Lotus for the next night.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
A lotta good that will do.

Anyway, Saturday night I went with the Lotus. Right of the bat, Mr. Negativity is seriously getting on my nerve. When we get there, he's a stick-in-the-mud. He walked around moping, didn't want to talk to anyone, and basically was negative about everything:

Lotus: "What are we doing?"
V: "It's a beer tent dude."
Lotus: "So we're just going to stand here?"
V: "Look around."
Lotus: "Yeah, we're just standing here."
V: "What is your problem? Set of 2 8's at your 7 o'clock, 3 6.5's on your 3, and 2 more 8's on my 6, one of which keeps bumping me with her ass."
Lotus: "Psshff. They're not my type."
Lotus: "This aint my scene."
V: "OMG dude, watch."
* I turn around to the set behind me and open, turning my back to the Lotus *

*Lotus walks off*

I can't win. He walked around all night with the serial killer look on his face and scared off the chicks. A couple sets of HB's actually opened US and he would just stand there all serious and not talk to them until they felt ackward and left or he left.

HB5: "Hey, c'mere. She wants to rub your head." *waves over friend*
V: "What? I can't whip it out right here, I'll get kicked out."
*Music was too loud, she didn't understand.*
V: "I saaiid: I can't whip it out right here, I'll get kicked out."
HB5: *Laughs, nods, EC's, Smiles, grabs and holds arm*
HB4: *Rubs my head*
Lotus: .....*looks like he has to take a crap*
HB4: So blah blah blah blah *starts giving me a massage*
Lotus: "C'mon dude." *turns and leaves*

Granted, they were low on the scale, but we were in a sea of chicks: hello? social proof? having a good time? FUN???? What we were doing wasn't 'fun'.

Eventually, I got sick of it and we left. On the way back to my place I basically chewed his as$ for being a gameless coxbloxer.

V: "I don't know what's gotten into you lately. You couldn't open your way out of a wet paper bag. You used to be all about the ladies, now you're scared of them or it's like you are gay or something."
Lotus: "That sh!t's just not my scene."
V: "Every scene isn't your scene. No matter where we go, it isn't 'your scene'. You need to check your attitude, because in case you haven't noticed, we are walking home alone, AGAIN! Is it me? No. I was trying, you weren't."
Lotus: "Fvck you, dude. You keep dragging me to this local cr4p and it isn't my scene."
V: "It's not my scene, it's not my scene, it's not my scene... pssshfff. You know what is not MY scene? Going out with negative people that kill my game - get with it."

Basically, I have to cut him out of my life until he changes his attitude. I'm not going to avoid him, but he's getting downright toxic. I just won't be so eager to go out with him.

I was doing far better the night before with pick-up wings. That's just sad.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
After this weekend, I can see things holding me back that are left over from my previous AFC life. I desperately need to break with old negativity and seek out new optimism. Two back to back days with completely different energies. "Out with the old" is going to be rough. I need a whole "circle of friends makeover". *Sigh*

Anyone have some food for thought?
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Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
This thread deserves more responses than a lot of the others in this forum. Too bad it's not getting them. One of the hard parts of becoming a success is getting rid of the sh!t people in your life. Joe Girard, a sales guru, writes that there are three types of people in life - he calls them 1's 2's and 3's.

The 1's are the winners. They are magnetic, people want to be like them, want to be around them. They are successful, they are positive, they bring people up. They are open to new possibilities and opportunities. Surround yourself with these people.

The 2's are the pessimists. They think the 1's are just lucky. They think success is more about luck than taking action. They always have an excuse for things not going their way, a woe-is-me tale. They enjoy bringing others down to their level, and seeing people fail. They fear change and are close-minded.

The 3's are absolute losers. They are black holes of negative energy. Don't even acknowledge them.


I like the 1s 2s 3s model. It's a good way to look at the people you associate with. Back in my AFC days, my whole social circle was 2s and 3s. It's not easy to build a social circle of all 1s, because most people are 2s. It sounds like your wing is definitely a 2 person. I'm really making an effort these days to not associate with people who are not 1 types. Sounds like you're experiencing the same challenge. You should do what I've done recently, and institute a zero-tolerance policy on negativity. That is, no hanging out with negative people. If it means going out alone, it means going out alone. Who knows? Maybe without Mr. Douche as your wing you could pick up both chicks for yourself.

A wealthy person I know does something interesting when negative people, even potential customers, come into his office. I find it kind of inspirational. He tells them "Get the hell out of here. Get away from me, and leave my business. I don't tolerate negativity. Go!" Perhaps a bit extreme, but he's at the point where he can afford to just toss people like a baseball umpire when he wants to. Perhaps that's what we all ought to aspire to.