FR: Girl I talked to outside of library.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Basically this sums up all of your FR:

1.) Opened a bunch of girls, can't member the exact words but this is close.

2.) Talked about Jazz, video games, and other random stuff.

3.) Got a number, email or other contact info.

4.) Always add how this post is for your happiness only, and if anyone disagrees they are haters and will be ignored.

4.) Argue will people who post anything.

And that's it. You never post anything more then that. Never a follow up if you called or emailed. Just an identical FR the next time you decide to post your daily interactions.

This is not This is supposed to be a site about men improving themselves in various ways, not only for women, but for the benefit of themselves. Your posts add nothing. They don't give guys techniques or advice, it's just you posting a daily blog. It's pathetic.
Well, it's whatever you think man. Whether you're wrong or right. I aint here to argue. I had fun in this approach and I'm improving on what I personally know I got to improve on.

I don't know but this sounded gay, probably cause of the impressions and it looks as if you were trying to win her approval and impress yourself so bad.
Also the line "Me: Alright, so if I just leave you a message would that be okay?"
Why ask? "Alright, I'll just drop a message sometime then." would have been so much better tbh.

I'm not flaming you, so you can spare me from the reply but seriously man, cut the impressions and for the love of god, show some more confidence, you're arguing over anything said to you and backing off your words. Come on, sure it's not all about getting laid, but you just posted an FR, not how you went out to make friends.
Read the opener: I don't care what you got to say about it. I'm doing this for my own improvement. You want an FR that benefits you? The search button.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
If it is only supposed to benefit you and you don't want feedback don't post it


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
I see it this way... I don't approach girls to look at them. If I want to look at attractive girls, I can go to any porn site. Beauty is common. When I go up to a girl, I'm not going up there for that. I don't go up to girls cause I'm horny or want sex either. And if I am feeling horny, I can just masturbate to porn

That is perhaps the biggest bunch of BS I have ever read. All males "go up to interesting girls" because the girls are attractive-- Ill have none of this "cool person" crap. It sounds like inside you wish that you could be one of the guys who isn't afraid to put himself out there and take a risk. Instead, you are making small talk with a girl who isn't participating with you and is counting the seconds until you leave.

How about this, make a post where you actually got the girl to do something with you and leave the posts about "being friends" out. Better yet, show us how you fvcked a hot girl on the first date, then report on that!


Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Well, it's whatever you think man. Whether you're wrong or right. I aint here to argue. I had fun in this approach and I'm improving on what I personally know I got to improve on.

Read the opener: I don't care what you got to say about it. I'm doing this for my own improvement. You want an FR that benefits you? The search button.
And you read what I wrote in my post: Spare me from the reply.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Basically... Everywhere
First of all, I agree with what the first guy said.
Secondly, karate noises and picachu impressions (OMFGROFLMAOLOL) screams one thing: CLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN.

Her: dance little monkey, DANCE! Make me laugh!

Edit: actually I agree with almost everyone in here, specially like cky, Duffdog, and TheBaconator (most of all)


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
In Motion said:
First of all, I agree with what the first guy said.
Secondly, karate noises and picachu impressions (OMFGROFLMAOLOL) screams one thing: CLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN.

Her: dance little monkey, DANCE! Make me laugh!

Edit: actually I agree with almost everyone in here, specially like cky, Duffdog, and TheBaconator (most of all)


Dude you just cracked me the **** up thats for the laugh!!!!


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
This guy is a fvcking clown.

ElStud, stop talking about fvcking pokemon, middle school, band, and all this other bullsh!t. First of all, conversations aren't supposed to be just you talking. There's no teasing, no c&f, no banter, it's just you talking about boring sh!t.

Stop asking for facebook/email/broad daylight make-out. Get someone's fvcking phone number, call them, and set up a goddamn date.

If you want to log your pansy interactions, start a blog, don't clog this website with your troll topics and your flames.

Mods, can we please ban ElStud until he PMs you a FR where he takes someone out on a date?


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
God. What a tool you are. Denial is quite the b*tch, as youve demonstrated.

Flabbergasped? said:
This guy is a fvcking clown.

ElStud, stop talking about fvcking pokemon, middle school, band, and all this other bullsh!t. First of all, conversations aren't supposed to be just you talking. There's no teasing, no c&f, no banter, it's just you talking about boring sh!t.

Stop asking for facebook/email/broad daylight make-out. Get someone's fvcking phone number, call them, and set up a goddamn date.

If you want to log your pansy interactions, start a blog, don't clog this website with your troll topics and your flames.

Mods, can we please ban ElStud until he PMs you a FR where he takes someone out on a date?
Hahahahahaha, well said sir, well said.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Go ahead ban me, do what you must. I'll still go out and I'll still be improving. Glad you care so much about the internet. That's halfway why I prefer RSD Boards over these. RSD tries to teach you to be a natural. Everyone here is about lines, words, all that material stuff. Guess what, naturals don't use material. You hate on "Kung Fu" and "Pokemon" only because you are insecure and in your mind, think the girl will reject you. You're no naturals, you're ass pirates. You'll use any techniques and methods to get girls into bed, rather than just being a natural and saying whatever.

And overall, you guys take seduction too seriously. Rather than have fun with it, you're ass pirates. This probably says a lot of other things about you to. That you take rejection harshly, that you're super reactive. I'd be surprised with all the straight lying you guys do to women, that they actually even fall for it. I'm just glad I'll never be insecure enough to lie/trick women like you guys JUST to get them into bed.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Go ahead ban me, do what you must. I'll still go out and I'll still be improving. Glad you care so much about the internet. That's halfway why I prefer RSD Boards over these. RSD tries to teach you to be a natural. Everyone here is about lines, words, all that material stuff. Guess what, naturals don't use material. You hate on "Kung Fu" and "Pokemon" only because you are insecure and in your mind, think the girl will reject you. You're no naturals, you're ass pirates. You'll use any techniques and methods to get girls into bed, rather than just being a natural and saying whatever.

And overall, you guys take seduction too seriously. Rather than have fun with it, you're ass pirates. This probably says a lot of other things about you to. That you take rejection harshly, that you're super reactive. I'd be surprised with all the straight lying you guys do to women, that they actually even fall for it. I'm just glad I'll never be insecure enough to lie/trick women like you guys JUST to get them into bed.
You need to chill. I actually feel sorry for you. Peace be with you dude.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
ElStud said:
Go ahead ban me, do what you must. I'll still go out and I'll still be improving. Glad you care so much about the internet. That's halfway why I prefer RSD Boards over these. RSD tries to teach you to be a natural. Everyone here is about lines, words, all that material stuff. Guess what, naturals don't use material. You hate on "Kung Fu" and "Pokemon" only because you are insecure and in your mind, think the girl will reject you. You're no naturals, you're ass pirates. You'll use any techniques and methods to get girls into bed, rather than just being a natural and saying whatever.

And overall, you guys take seduction too seriously. Rather than have fun with it, you're ass pirates. This probably says a lot of other things about you to. That you take rejection harshly, that you're super reactive. I'd be surprised with all the straight lying you guys do to women, that they actually even fall for it. I'm just glad I'll never be insecure enough to lie/trick women like you guys JUST to get them into bed.
But you're insecure enough to have to log your benign interactions with women which are "just for fun" and then have the audacity to try and tell us we're being asspirates for "only wanting sex"?

If i were to search, how many threads would i find started by you and your aliases about your approaching women and never going further?

You're a pathetic mentally deficient attention *****. It sickens me to think you might have a chance to pollute the gene pool.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
oakraiderz2 said:
You need to chill. I actually feel sorry for you. Peace be with you dude.
You're not one to talk. You're one of the biggest flamers and haters here.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
ElStud said:
You're not one to talk. You're one of the biggest flamers and haters here.
But your the lord of the duche.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
United States
why would you ask for her facebook and then ask to leave a message? Man that's really lame. It's not even so much that the convo was the way it was (not too too bad IMO but needs more c&f and kino). it was the close. just plain awful. go for the phone number/email. facebook=not cool


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
New jersey
I'm all for just meeting cool people and having girls just as friends but man, do you even think you've landed this girl as a FRIEND!? Even if you want to make a girl just a friend, you have to go a bit deeper than that. Approaching to get some interactions under your belt is a great thing, but your end goal is really nothing except to blow smoke up your ass. I don't know you and I haven't read many of your field reports but goddamn man, you're brainwashed into thinking you're going to LOVE spending the rest of your life having brain-dead conversations with cute girls and will be content with that. I've tried to sell myself the same story man, and reality hits sooner or later. If you want to hook up/be friends you've got to at least engage a bit more and give them a REASON to want to be around a "cool" guy.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score

I talk to a lot of girls every day too (and a good many of my hangouts are girls) but I wouldn't field report any I'm not trying to bed since this site is, well...about landing hot chicks.

Honestly...if you're going to field report a girl you have no sexual interest in, you either want her (which I'm sure is the case) or you view any female friend as a victory (which I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt on).


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Michele said:

lmfao hahahahahaha

I was standing in line at the bank to get some money and this HB11 stood behind me! She was just standing there pretending to be disinterested in me when I gave EC. I took this as an IOI because SHE WAS STANDING RIGHT BEHIND ME NOT MOVING. She was obviously trying to be near me so I would open her. I said "hey babayyy!!!" and she ignored me and gave me a weird look. This was just a sh!t test though; DJs like me can see right through it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
ElStud said:
You're not one to talk. You're one of the biggest flamers and haters here.
Uhh ok. Youre still a tool. At least i dont parade around an internet forum posting about my gayass adventures talking to girls who think im a creep. Unlike you i can get girls AND have fun AND not focus all of my energy on such, something that you say we all do here. Keep talking sh*t and jackin off into your pillowcase.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score

Why don't you give us a fictional FR, where you try to create actual attraction with a woman. Lets see if you can actually GET attraction going if you actually decide to be interested in a female for once.

One day our kids will be flaming on your posts. LOL Just take our advice and put some effort into improving your game.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Aragon034 said:
But you're insecure enough to have to log your benign interactions with women which are "just for fun" and then have the audacity to try and tell us we're being asspirates for "only wanting sex"?

If i were to search, how many threads would i find started by you and your aliases about your approaching women and never going further?

You're a pathetic mentally deficient attention *****. It sickens me to think you might have a chance to pollute the gene pool.

i doubt any woman is going to let him polute the gene pool, he talks about everyone being ass pirates and lying to women to get them into bed, at the end of the day this tool must of heard the millions of lies women have told him and hes decided to react by being honest and making pikachu noises, at the end of the day let him embaress himself in front of these women, it just means when you come along they will have this memory of this retard and appreciate you much more