Forget About Being Alpha


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
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There's been a lot of posts lately about being Alpha and Beta, Nice Guy and Jerk, etc. Point being you guys are obsessed with these (PUA) terms. I use a few of these terms a bit myself, so simply using them isn't what really bother me all that much. The extremes some posters have been (are) taking it to bothers me. I see so many posters doing nothing but complaining and b!tching about how they're not tall enough, how they're not ripped enough, how women hate Indians (or any other non-white race for that matter), how they don't look enough like Channing Tatum, how they're not rich enough, how whatever (a leader, alpha, attractive, etc) is something you're born as or is in your genetics and how you will never be it, or even how they're not Alpha enough. What's worse is seeing these same posters get to the point where they start focusing on what they aren't.

No, you may not ever be 6'10. You may not ever have a 10" d!ck. You may not ever be rich enough, Alpha enough, jerk-ish enough, etc. You may not ever be whatever enough for her. But who cares?

For starters, this shouldn't be about her in the first place. Every improvement you make, every step you take towards that end-goal, every step you take towards being "Alpha" should be about you. Second, there could be any number of reasons why you couldn't get her. This one you may not have been rich enough for, that one you may not have been bold enough for, or you may not have waited long enough, or maybe you rushed, or maybe she just didn't like you. Let me reiterate: with every single individual girl that rejected you, there could be a hundred different reasons why she rejected you.

The point is: it shouldn't matter. She rejected you (even if you never really tried) and that's that. Of course, you can look at why she rejected you for learning purposes. You should. It will help you out in the long run. However, when you do:

Look first for recurring themes in each attempt. I've said it a few times already in this post, but there could be a hundred different reasons why this specific girl rejected you and a hundred still different reasons why the next one did. But if you can identify mistakes you made during both attempts you'll be golden.

Second, don't get into the mindset of "I'm not whatever enough and never will be, and I accept that". That's a bvllsh!t excuse that only serves to dig your own grave. Not being Alpha enough, not being a natural born leader, not having the genetics to be attractive, etc are not things you should be accepting as "truths". Never accept defeat. The only thing holding you back is you.

Stop worrying about what you aren't. Focus on what you are. The (US) Marines have something they call Leadership Principles. As the name suggests, these are what Marines believe make a good leader, and one of them is "Know yourself and seek self-improvement". It's always been the one that has stuck to me. Address and acknowledge your weaknesses. But don't obsess about them. If it's something you can fix, work on it. If not, complaining and b!tching about how you "will never be it" isn't helping anything. It just makes you insecure. Accept what you can't change and move on. The biggest problem a lot of you have is your inner-game is still as bad as it was when you started. You can work on cold approaches, being the life of the party, looking confident, and acting arrogant, as much as you want, but if inside you are insecure, needy, clingy, or you don't have an abundance mentality, sooner or later you are going to fvck up.
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Sep 25, 2014
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Eph said:
There's been a lot of posts lately about being Alpha and Beta, Nice Guy and Jerk, etc. Point being you guys are obsessed with these (PUA) terms. I use a few of these terms a bit myself, so it really doesn't bother me all that much. What does bother me is the extremes some posters have been (are) taking it to. I see so many posters doing nothing but complaining and b!tching about how they're not tall enough, how they're not ripped enough, how women hate Indians (or any other non-white race for that matter), how they don't look enough like Channing Tatum, how they're not rich enough, how whatever (a leader, alpha, attractive, etc) is something you're born as or is in your genetics and how you will never be it, or even how they're not Alpha enough. What's worse is seeing these same posters get to the point where they start focusing on what they aren't.

No, you may not ever be 6'10. You may not ever have a 10" d!ck. You may not ever be rich enough, Alpha enough, jerk-ish enough, etc. You may not ever be whatever enough for her. But who cares?

For starters, this shouldn't be about her in the first place. Every improvement you make, every step you take towards that end-goal, every step you take towards being "Alpha" should be about you. Second, there could be any number of reasons why you couldn't get her. This one you may not have been rich enough for, that one you may not have been bold enough for, or you may not have waited long enough, or maybe you rushed, or maybe she just didn't like you. Let me reiterate: with every single individual girl that rejected you, there could be a hundred different reasons why she rejected you.

The point is: it shouldn't matter. She rejected you (even if you never really tried) and that's that. Of course, you can look at why she rejected you for learning purposes. You should. It will help you out in the long run. However, when you do:

Look first for recurring themes in each attempt. I've said it a few times already in this post, but there could be a hundred different reasons why this specific girl rejected you and a hundred still different reasons why the next one did. But if you can identify mistakes you made during both attempts you'll be golden.

Second, don't get into the mindset of "I'm not whatever enough and never will be, and I accept that". That's a bvllsh!t excuse that only serves to dig your own grave. Not being Alpha enough, not being a natural born leader, not having the genetics to be attractive, etc are not things you should be accepting as "truths". Never accept defeat. The only thing holding you back is you.

Stop worrying about what you aren't. Focus on what you are. The (US) Marines have something they call Leadership Principles. As the name suggests, these are what Marines believe make a good leader, and one of them is "Know yourself and seek self-improvement". It's always been the one that has stuck to me. Address and acknowledge your weaknesses. But don't obsess about them. If it's something you can fix, work on it. If not, complaining and b!tching about how you "will never be it" isn't helping anything. It just makes you insecure. Accept what you can't change and move on. The biggest problem a lot of you have is your inner-game is still as bad as it was when you started. You can work on cold approaches, being the life of the party, looking confident, and acting arrogant, as much as you want, but if inside you are insecure, needy, clingy, or you don't have an abundance mentality, sooner or later you are going to fvck up.
These same posters most likely have accounts on slvthate trolling each other with constant hopelessness. Half these dudes think talking to a chick is "pua" and they're not here to do better for themselves, only to find excuses for everything and drag others down to their own diseased minded comfort zones. Svcks to be them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
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TarantulaHawk said:
These same posters most likely have accounts on slvthate trolling each other with constant hopelessness. Half these dudes think talking to a chick is "pua" and they're not here to do better for themselves, only to find excuses for everything and drag others down to their own diseased minded comfort zones. Svcks to be them.
Honestly, I think the half that aren't trolls came here to improve themselves (at least in terms of getting laid), but got caught up in all the nonsense somewhere along the way. Getting laid wouldn't even be a problem for guys if they focused on overall self-improvement instead of constantly starting nerd-wars with each other over deciding who's Alpha, defining Alpha, "enlightening" us on why all women are inherently evil, etc and other stupid sh!t like it.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Nice to see a wholesome post.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
I use alpha/beta terms in my posts to make my point.


Alpha means you respect yourself and don't put women on a pedestal.

Beta means you are a weak, co-dependent b!tch who has no life purpose outside of gaining female validation. It means you are a weak pathetic excuse for a man.

I've said before that alpha is a state of mind. It doesn't mean being rich, successful or powerful. It doesn't mean winning every fist fight. It means self-respect and self-love above all things.

People who are tired of the "alpha/beta" language are just anal, fussy and missing the point.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Poon King said:
I use alpha/beta terms in my posts to make my point.


Alpha means you respect yourself and don't put women on a pedestal.

Beta means you are a weak, co-dependent b!tch who has no life purpose outside of gaining female validation. It means you are a weak pathetic excuse for a man.

I've said before that alpha is a state of mind. It doesn't mean being rich, successful or powerful. It doesn't mean winning every fist fight. It means self-respect and self-love above all things.

People who are tired of the "alpha/beta" language are just anal, fussy and missing the point.
It's ironic, but I think you just missed the point of this thread. You say, "alpha is a state of mind. It doesn't mean being rich, successful or powerful. It doesn't mean winning every fist fight. It means self-respect and self-love above all things", others say it's something you have to have the genetics for. But you know what I say? It doesn't fvcking matter what an Alpha is or who's an Alpha. It's a concept that means different things to different people, and anyone getting caught up in defining it is wasting time they could be using to improve something about themselves. That was the entire point of the thread.

It doesn't matter whether you're "Alpha enough", if you're a "Beta", or a Nice Guy, or whatever. Too many of you are getting caught up in this sh!t, and after a certain point, it becomes your excuse for everything. It all turns into, "Oh, I wasn't enough of a jerk", "women love a$$holes", "The Alpha is the one that women desire". These are all excuses. Women desire Alphas? Okay. Women love a$$holes? Whatever, it doesn't matter who or what you are. If you want women, make them love...make them desire... you.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
Reaction score
Eph said:
It's ironic, but I think you just missed the point of this thread. You say, "alpha is a state of mind. It doesn't mean being rich, successful or powerful. It doesn't mean winning every fist fight. It means self-respect and self-love above all things", others say it's something you have to have the genetics for. But you know what I say? It doesn't fvcking matter what an Alpha is or who's an Alpha. It's a concept that means different things to different people, and anyone getting caught up in defining it is wasting time they could be using to improve something about themselves. That was the entire point of the thread.

It doesn't matter whether you're "Alpha enough", if you're a "Beta", or a Nice Guy, or whatever. Too many of you are getting caught up in this sh!t, and after a certain point, it becomes your excuse for everything. It all turns into, "Oh, I wasn't enough of a jerk", "women love a$$holes", "The Alpha is the one that women desire". These are all excuses. Women desire Alphas? Okay. Women love a$$holes? Whatever, it doesn't matter who or what you are. If you want women, make them love...make them desire... you.
Nah.. I didn't miss the point. I agree with you. MY point is... in the context of this website.. the terms alpha and beta are very useful for helping men understand the right mindset vs. the wrong one.

Since most men aspire to be the "alpha" it becomes a good teaching tool when you call their behavior/thinking/approach "beta". It makes them reevaluate themselves.

Telling men to stop caring so much what women think is a good message. Telling men they are "perfect the way they are" is Oprah sh!t. To call a man "beta" is the same as telling him: "You need to improve yourself for your own good". :up:

So while I agree with your message.. I don't think men should "forget about being alpha".


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Alpha means dominant male. The only reason guys on this forum care about being alpha is because women want the top dog. Self respect and self love is good, but it doesn't make you an alpha.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Just be you and align your frame and character and moral compass to who you really are.