Female matchmaker's rant @ females about their unrealistic standards

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
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Mile High City, USA
This popular matchmaker quit female matchmaking after getting fed up with females' standards. A lot of her points are similar to the ones brought up here.


OMG this video is the BOMB! It should be required viewing for every woman over age 18. It needs to go viral.

Bottom line is women--especially the hot ones--cannot get out of their own f*ucking way if their lives depended on it.


May 23, 2013
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Yes, you hardly hear the words realist and woman in the same sentence…


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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Well I can tell you this. Her message is one women REALLY need to hear. Especially the part about the expectations on the man but without her bringing similar value to the table.

Water seeks its own level. And sometimes you meet people who you really didn't see coming, and its wise to open to the exceptions to the rule.


Aug 19, 2015
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Especially the part about the expectations on the man but without her bringing similar value to the table.
Bingo. The missing link.

Expecting the world while bring nothing to the table.

Well, nothing but a vagina.

Loser women only have their vagina to barter with to paraphrase Patrice O'Neal....


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Well I can tell you this. Her message is one women REALLY need to hear. Especially the part about the expectations on the man but without her bringing similar value to the table.

Water seeks its own level. And sometimes you meet people who you really didn't see coming, and its wise to open to the exceptions to the rule.
Agreed! I know several single women in their 30s and such who "refuse to settle". And most of them are neither attractive, nor all that fun to be around.

Rules are nice to keep yourself out of trouble, but one really has to always have their eyes wide open. If you dont, your just missing opportunities.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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I mean we see it around here too in the reverse to be fair.

Every dude here expects to pair off with a HB9 who has only slept with 5 men or less, is younger than 25, comes from a family without any divorce, and is sweet and compliant no matter how little in return the guy has to offer.

So yeah. People need to get a grip. Seriously.

The men here who are ACTUALLY dating the HB9s? They are not experiencing any issue with their standards at all. I don't experience issues with my standards either. People who have high standards who have lots to offer are not suffering from lack of choices. Quite the opposite.


Aug 19, 2015
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I mean we see it around here too in the reverse to be fair.

Every dude here expects to pair off with a HB9 who has only slept with 5 men or less, is younger than 25, comes from a family without any divorce, and is sweet and compliant no matter how little in return the guy has to offer.

So yeah. People need to get a grip. Seriously.

The men here who are ACTUALLY dating the HB9s? They are not experiencing any issue with their standards at all. I don't experience issues with my standards either. People who have high standards who have lots to offer are not suffering from lack of choices. Quite the opposite.
Interesting perspective.....

I don't agree with you entirely here though.

I see men settling more. How many times do we see fairly decent looking men, perhaps unaware of their own value, dating (committing) to overweight beasts? I see it a lot.

Or a man only too fvcking happy to be getting some that he commits to the first girl who puts out.

A woman by her nature will always seek to date up.

Modern man because of the dismantling of masculinity and the pedastalising of the vagina will settle.....

And what of those dating a HB9? Are we to assume that all she is bringing to the table is her looks anyway? So why commit unless you're looking to procreate? Why brag about "dating" a hb9? to make you feel good about your own perceived success?

Now a man who is fvcking and dumping HB9's that is someone who's hand needs shaking.........there's no attention one's own value to your "trophy girlfriend"

.....but alas, different value systems. Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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both men and women have unrealistic expectations, unless you're bisexual or a shapeshifter there's no real way to tell whether it's more common in men or in women but the fact of the matter is that there are a whole lot of idiot men who are fat losers that want supermodels, and a whole lot of idiot women that are annoying and ugly but wonder why they can't get a man

one thing that I'm pretty sure is unique to women though, is the women that want a man who likes them for more than XYZ (usually "my body" or "my looks" or "sex") despite not offering anything else. I've never seen a rich guy, who had nothing but money complain about that sort of thing (for example), most rich guys would either be happy to get girls using their strengths or screen out gold diggers by only getting girls who think they're good looking but poor

as far as I can tell it's only women who will be nothing but a pretty face and a warm hole but wonder why men don't like them for who they are


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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@deesade I don't have a beef with you at all and no I'm not re-framing anything. The women this lady is talking about are clearly over the moon delusional about what they can expect in a man given the fact that they bring very little of value to the table. They are not offering up equal value compared against what they WISH for. I mean shoot, I'd love to have a job that pays me a billion dollars a year to sleep in and show up once every six months too, but that's not happening any time soon either, Heh. Maybe if I can turn over enough real estate deals. Stay tuned.

All I'm saying is that there are several posters on here that also place unrealistic expectations on their dating given what they themselves bring to the table. There are several posters in particular I am thinking of but I'm not going to list things out. The posts and threads are scattered around here for the viewing and they whine and lament and cry and whimper when they need to be hitting the gym and earning more money and tending to their social/emotional intelligence. But to do that requires...GASP...effort. Same as these idiot women. Lazy people of either gender want to b itch moan and complain rather than take action and DO something.

I got not issue with you or what you promote, which is to get out there (take action) and improve/get better/ get in set and learn, which will create results.

Some are too lazy to do that and would prefer to whine. That's all I'm saying and that's why this lady doesn't take female clients anymore. I don't blame her for one second.


Mar 12, 2011
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I mean we see it around here too in the reverse to be fair.
That's sorta true.

What if a guy made a video and said "Men lower your expectations. Not every girl is 5'8 Sharon Stone lookalike. Girls are fat, girls are ugly, girls don't do anything, girls aren't virgins."

Guys here would flip.

The men here who are ACTUALLY dating the HB9s? They are not experiencing any issue with their standards at all. I don't experience issues with my standards either. People who have high standards who have lots to offer are not suffering from lack of choices. Quite the opposite.
Curious what is "lots to offer?"

Is it anything that sells? Is it money, education, social status, height, genetics, job, looks? Combination of them all?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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What if a guy made a video and said "Men lower your expectations. Not every girl is 5'8 Sharon Stone lookalike. Girls are fat, girls are ugly, girls don't do anything, girls aren't virgins."

Guys here would flip.
I mean lets be real for a minute. It is easier to spend 30 bucks or 50 bucks or 99 bucks or 150 bucks on the "one secret technique that will make any woman become your love slave", which is some variety of what so many of the PUA people are peddling. The female dating experts sell it too, don't get me wrong. Maybe I'm in the wrong business. So guys spend the money and get a silly volume that doesn't tell them anything different than what they could learn here if they would get real, be honest and make an effort. They would rather believe the fantasy or be angry at the fantasy. That's easier than being accountable. Accountability requires effort over time. The PUA stuff sells and guys buy the stuff so it's all good. I'm pointing out the obvious I should think.

Reality is a bummer for lots of people. Don't blow up their fantasy too. That's so mean.

what is "lots to offer?"

Is it anything that sells? Is it money, education, social status, height, genetics, job, looks? Combination of them all?
This is a harder question to answer because it depends on what a particular individual is seeking from the marketplace.

I'd say in a very general sense that for women it is the following:

Beautiful, slender, feminine, kind, intelligent, supportive, emotionally stable, ability to be a good mother, helpful, young, traditionally minded regarding gender roles and relatively innocent. In different segments of the market it changes to a degree. I find men like me because I am beautiful, slender, intelligent, fun, experienced at life, sweet, financially self-sufficient, educated, supportive, emotionally stable, strong character, emotionally intelligent, socially adroit/well connected and willing to fulfill a traditional feminine role. The market changes a little bit based on whether or not creation of a family is a goal as far as what men most want in a woman. Obviously I'm on the older no more children side of the marketplace.

For men in a general sense it is the following:

Ambition or success results (sliding scale based on age), looks, education, intelligence, financial means (again on a sliding scale based on age), status, influence, protective, masculinity, leadership ability, and personality. For me character would also be important, but it's not on every list.

As a man OR as a woman you can't show up JUST with looks and expect to cut it in the high value marketplace. You gotta be a much more complete package than that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Every dude here expects to pair off with a HB9 who has only slept with 5 men or less, is younger than 25, comes from a family without any divorce, and is sweet and compliant
I'd say most of the forum are shooting for 7s, as far I can see. It's only a few well-known "elitists" who post around here who talk such game ;)

But really, I encourage all men to have ridiculous standards in the women they wish to attract and use that as motivation to become the man they want to be. I don't believe in nor solicit limitations in any man.


Aug 19, 2015
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I encourage all men to have ridiculous standards in the women they wish to attract and use that as motivation to become the man they want to be
Why though? seriously?

a girl said to me before "all you want is a body"

she was of course right in a way......

What's wrong with being Charles Bukowski and enjoying the average woman and the very more than average wine...


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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Why though? seriously?

a girl said to me before "all you want is a body"

she was of course right in a way......

What's wrong with being Charles Bukowski and enjoying the average woman and the very more than average wine...
Nothing wrong it, per se. I just don't find it inspiring and I'd like to see men inspired to be better. Hard to want to be a rockstar if all you desire are easily accessible 5s. Know what I mean?


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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I mean we see it around here too in the reverse to be fair.

Every dude here expects to pair off with a HB9 who has only slept with 5 men or less, is younger than 25, comes from a family without any divorce, and is sweet and compliant no matter how little in return the guy has to offer.

So yeah. People need to get a grip. Seriously.

The men here who are ACTUALLY dating the HB9s? They are not experiencing any issue with their standards at all. I don't experience issues with my standards either. People who have high standards who have lots to offer are not suffering from lack of choices. Quite the opposite.
I am such a 1% man ;)

Hate to break it to you guys

but the video is just a ploy for women to lower their standards so she can get more business
Agreed but she likely will get more attention from guys.... like the comments on the Youtube video... Women are emotionals and don't want to be ''Accountable''.... Notice all the posts are guys agreeing and some women disagreeing.

So I bet, she will get ALOT OF GUYS client.


Anyway... The Woman dating coach said she would never date a pastor, rural guy etc.... indeed she married him

Action over words

Great video, a lot of truth, I see it alot with professional urban women... who want to be the man and the princess at the same time


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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A lot of the guys I know these days seem to pick partners on income more than anything. Their partners earn similar or more. They are switched on ladies. However, I have always been attracted to women who actually are lucky to have me in many respects. It's probably why I seem to always end up with immigrant women. I don't have a family, well much of one, to impress. I just want a woman who is likely to stick around with me, because I know I can offer a lot of guidance on life and can "be the man".

All the dudes I know with the up together girls....well, I would not chose their relationships to be honest. I visited one the other day to watch a 2 hour football game. His girl locked herself away in another room and didn't even say hello to me. All the girls I have had may do this, but they damn well know that showing some level of social courtesy is required. perhaps they had a fight, but it's happened before.

I actually feel better when the girl has less to bring to the table - but, without expecting huge amounts from me. If we are equals on pay, acumen, life etc, then the pvssy is an unfair advantage. What is a man for? She needs to believe I am the guy she asks advice to, the guy who knows what to do etc. Dating down a little for men has a lot to be said for. This is why I believe being older than her is key. You're a grown up in her eyes. There is that natural authority.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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I'd say most of the forum are shooting for 7s, as far I can see. It's only a few well-known "elitists" who post around here who talk such game ;)

But really, I encourage all men to have ridiculous standards in the women they wish to attract and use that as motivation to become the man they want to be. I don't believe in nor solicit limitations in any man.
I think you know I'm all for self improvement and the removal of self-limiting beliefs. Thinking --> Action --> Results. Absolutely. Cheers!