Female “Likes” of my posts and the DJ Formulas

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
As you guys know, we have many formulaic “rules” here that serve as training wheels to get us in the right mindset and to help us overcome our problems with women.

As you also know, I am typically pretty hard on women in my writings here, and I take the female population to task for their words and behavior. I talk about male authority, the bratty-ness of women, their lack of an internal locus of control, their inability to self-govern, and so on.

Yet I continually get “likes” from women on my posts, even though I am being harsh in my expression. Why is this? Shouldn’t they be folding their arms and stomping their feet at my “misogynistic” attitude?

Many men have asked me how it is that so many of my posts receive “likes” from women, so I thought it would be useful to answer this here.

It is because although I speak formulaically and harshly here (In the view of the outside world), they internally intuit that my leadership and guidance is tempered with kindness and concern for the woman (in a relationship), that my discipline is administered for the good of the relationship and for her, that I know that effective leadership is ALWAYS sacrificial, and that I have that rare quality called “Backbone”.

So what’s my point? My point is that women internally know that they need guidance and discipline, and they possess an internal intuition about men of character who are not afraid to administer these. They possess an internal “knowing” that such a man doesn’t do these things out of insecurity and ego, but rather out of a desire to do and live righteously and for the benefit of all.

If you’re just some guy who is out to get laid and increase his notch count, I have no words of advice other than to tell you that you’re living a life of dissipation.

If, on the other hand, you are a man looking for a decent relationship, my advice is to study leadership and become a leader. Genuine leadership is never seized, but rather, is granted by those being led. Leadership requires strength, decisiveness, moral fortitude, the ability to reward good behavior and punish bad, the ability to protect, the ability to provide amusement and fun, and leadership is always ultimately self-sacrificial for the benefit of those who are led.

So when you see females “liking” my posts where I call women to task in our typical harsh male shorthand, know that they do these “likes” because they have an internal “knowing” that in real life, my exercise of these principles is tempered with higher principles. I’m not trying to be a hard-ass, but rather I’m working to normalize the immense societal imbalance and sickness that we currently struggle with.

Just as a child who has caring parents internally knows that discipline is administered for his or her benefit and is a good, positive thing even though it hurts, so it is with women who receive the discipline of an authentic leader. It hurts, and they might initially rail against it, but it gives them SECURITY on many different levels.

A woman can sense if you’re taking them to task out of ego and misplaced anger, or out of well-developed character. There is no thought process behind this, just intuition and inner knowing.

He who has an ear, let him hear. Become a man of authority and simultaneous genuine kindness as you move through the world, and your problems with women will be history.

That’s why my harsh posts get the likes, folks. Women know who you are by intuition alone, based on tiny nuances they observe. They will test you once, and usually never again, because they feel safe and positive about your backbone and your leadership. Women subconsciously crave a man who will lead them and put them in their place when they get out of line. This kind of man generates the deepest kind of love, loyalty and most important of all, respect from women.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Also, the type of women who like this forum are not accurate representations of most women. Without taking anything away from your point of course, that's very true.
That’s absolutely true, but I’m perhaps imperfectly trying to extrapolate to the real world.

My real point is about all women’s innate wiring to recognize and respond to a certain kind of badass, self-respecting but friendly man who they feel safe with.

All my writing distill down to my personal experience of being a gown-up clueless boy and with the help of this website, building myself into a man who is respected by women wherever he goes. That’s something I could never have even conceived of 12 years ago.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
Reaction score
The women that throw me are the ones that entice empathy or vulnerability but then look down on it and lose respect for you as a result. It's as if they insist they be treated poorly. The amount of pity I feel for them is immense.


Master Don Juan
Dec 18, 2017
Reaction score
Interestingly this is something I've just stumbled upon this weekend with the woman I'm seeing (see my is this a **** test post

She has a good career, far up management ranks, but responded really well to me calling her out on certain behaviours. Not being angry or aggressive, just pointing her some of the things she does as being out of line. Went down well and can see and feel a change in her demeamour towards, like she is happy to submit, feels secure and trusting towards me.

Not a case of putting on some kind alpha or arse hole act, can still be kind, good natured, but having firm boundaries and not taking all of their **** which re-assures them. They can see your true character through how you act around others, what you do for a living, how you spend your time with hobbies, pursuits etc

They inherently want/need to submit to someone but you have to prove youre worthy of them doing that.

She also mentioned how she likes how I do my own thing, my own man and I don't care care what other people think. See the world differently to most, don't just conform, which sort of ties in with what you're saying.

Its a bit like how kids or even dogs need this kind of thing to make them feel secure, know their place in the heirachy otherwise they'd keep pushing and pushing and end up with little respect for you and out of control.
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