Ever happen to you?


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
I wonder what do "racial" theorists have to say about Robert Deniro and his black wife, he's dated black women in the past too.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by IGotGame
I like this guy, he's pretty sharp. But I dont agree with your views on this Jp. Since when does talking to a black person, or a minorty, put you in a lower status? Is this 1945? Are you telling me people still really care? Your tellin me in the year 2005, HeyJose walks up to an asian or a white girl, and she rejectes him because he's black and her status will be brought down. What if she thought HeyJose was hot? Still reject him? Doubt it. Did he have to be rich or an athlete? See thats what I think the point may be. Does she find you attractive? Cant win em all dawg just try to. Now I know there are ignorant people out there. Jp I think you might be one as far as this view point. Let me ask you, If you had a daughter would you teach her not to talk to minorities ( dating situations) because it will lower her status? How would you feel if she came came home with a fine black guy like myself? I think that you would beat her azz. Im curious to see your answer.

Theres a difference in not being able to spell and a typo.

Hollywood Marine......out
Bvllshyt..you're the ignorant one. If you're a Marine sergeant..you don't make typos with the word SERGEANT. You have to attach your rank to your name everytime you sign something.

Some people do think other races lower their status. No I wouldn't teach my kid that, but that's the way life is. I certainly don't agree that anyone should look down on someone because of their race. That's just ignorant. There are good and bad people in every race. But the reality is, some people DO judge others by their race.

IGOTGAME. what unit are you with? I have some serious doubts your stupid ass is a Marine.....


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
she probably is shy and is a lil bit unsure about being with a black guy in public. all races of womenn are attracted to goodlooking black guys. i have gotten a lotta white enemies because thier females all had a crush on me. other races of women hide thier true feelings when it comes to black guys... they are attracted to some if not many black guys. same as some black women are attracted to some white guys they just pretend not to.same with white men too. lol dont think your cute lil blonde girlfriend isnt eyeing that buff blackguy when you not looking. why are some of you in denial.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score
North Carolina
This is true that asians are looked down upon for dating outside their race....they'll let a white boy slide though.

A dated a korean girl for about 8 mos. She made sure she kept it from her parents. Asians take that sh*t seriously...." you have ruined the family honor, you must be sacrificed" jk

I cant stand to be apart of any type of prejudice. What the f*ck makes any of you better than me. Lower her social status my A**. To whom.... other biggots.

Stop forming teams and putting down people who are different than you. If anything it should be a collection of law abiding citizens against criminals. But then again it seems white people dont acknowledge the fact that they have criminals too.

Im gonna smack the next beatch that grabs her purse at me. I live in the south, nobody snatches purses around here. And I dress preppy.

You wanna know the difference.... You can tell if a black person is trouble by looking at how they dress, if they have some crazy fro going on.
You cannot tell if a white person is crazy by looking at them. Prolly everyone of us knows a white serial killer but you dont know it b/c you just cant tell by acting normal in everyday society.

Just sick of whites being so arrogant.

Dont be puzzy whupped Craig......You gotta reverse it......Whup that puzzy BANG BANG BANG


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Josetown a.k.a Chocolate City Area
she probably is shy and is a lil bit unsure about being with a black guy in public. all races of womenn are attracted to goodlooking black guys. i have gotten a lotta white enemies because thier females all had a crush on me. other races of women hide thier true feelings when it comes to black guys... they are attracted to some if not many black guys. same as some black women are attracted to some white guys they just pretend not to.same with white men too. lol dont think your cute lil blonde girlfriend isnt eyeing that buff blackguy when you not looking. why are some of you in denial.
Yea, she didn't really talk much. She was pretty quiet. But yea, I'm through with Asian Girls for good. I also think, from my experience in San Diego(I live in VA) and Boston, that interracial dating/flings are more common. Guess since its the south, ya know.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Heyjose25points
Yea, she didn't really talk much. She was pretty quiet. But yea, I'm through with Asian Girls for good. I also think, from my experience in San Diego(I live in VA) and Boston, that interracial dating/flings are more common. Guess since its the south, ya know.
By the way jose, I wasn't trying to put you down bro. But sometimes asian women do look down upon blacks. I'm not sure why, but it does happen. Happens with some white chicks too.

Don't take what she did personally. You seem like a good guy, and there'll be plenty more chances for you.:up:


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by sexualchocolate
This is true that asians are looked down upon for dating outside their race....they'll let a white boy slide though.

A dated a korean girl for about 8 mos. She made sure she kept it from her parents. Asians take that sh*t seriously...." you have ruined the family honor, you must be sacrificed" jk

I cant stand to be apart of any type of prejudice. What the f*ck makes any of you better than me. Lower her social status my A**. To whom.... other biggots.

Stop forming teams and putting down people who are different than you. If anything it should be a collection of law abiding citizens against criminals. But then again it seems white people dont acknowledge the fact that they have criminals too.

Im gonna smack the next beatch that grabs her purse at me. I live in the south, nobody snatches purses around here. And I dress preppy.

You wanna know the difference.... You can tell if a black person is trouble by looking at how they dress, if they have some crazy fro going on.
You cannot tell if a white person is crazy by looking at them. Prolly everyone of us knows a white serial killer but you dont know it b/c you just cant tell by acting normal in everyday society.

Just sick of whites being so arrogant.
For the record, I am not racist. I give everyone an equal opportunity. However, I recognize stereotypes and why they exist.

You're right, someone who puts another group of people down and refuses to see another group's views is a biggot by definition.

HOWEVER, realize that some members of your own culture are perpetuating the problem. As a black man, you are representing your culture. If you really are proud of that, you should be damn sure to make a good representation of your culture. Don't just point the finger at other groups of people. I'm not saying everyone else is innocent, just that they're not 100% to blame. There is always some blame to go around the table. Some of your own members are contributing to what you're fighting against. These people are the thugs, the murderers, the rapists, the crack dealers, etc.

To fight racism, you have to fight from the inside and THEN out.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by skeeloo
she probably is shy and is a lil bit unsure about being with a black guy in public. all races of womenn are attracted to goodlooking black guys. i have gotten a lotta white enemies because thier females all had a crush on me. other races of women hide thier true feelings when it comes to black guys... they are attracted to some if not many black guys. same as some black women are attracted to some white guys they just pretend not to.same with white men too. lol dont think your cute lil blonde girlfriend isnt eyeing that buff blackguy when you not looking. why are some of you in denial.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
hey jpr........., that wasnt meant to be a racist comment . i dont mean i have white enemies all im saying is that i have been insulted by white dudes because they felt thier girlfriend was attracted to me. i dont know why you highlighted that quote.

heyjose...... like you said its probably best you leave that girl alone. black guys already get alotta hate as you know and if a girl of another race isnt proud being seen in public with you then its best you ignore her and find a black chick or latino chick. this remindes me of a time when my friend went to a resturant with his asian girlfriend and the waiter who was asian asked her in chinese what she was doing with that black guy. his girlfriend later told him what the waiter said. lol .


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score
North Carolina
Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
For the record, I am not racist. I give everyone an equal opportunity. However, I recognize stereotypes and why they exist.

You're right, someone who puts another group of people down and refuses to see another group's views is a biggot by definition.

HOWEVER, realize that some members of your own culture are perpetuating the problem. As a black man, you are representing your culture. If you really are proud of that, you should be damn sure to make a good representation of your culture. Don't just point the finger at other groups of people. I'm not saying everyone else is innocent, just that they're not 100% to blame. There is always some blame to go around the table. Some of your own members are contributing to what you're fighting against. These people are the thugs, the murderers, the rapists, the crack dealers, etc.

To fight racism, you have to fight from the inside and THEN out.
Totally agree with you. I realized this years ago. My current job requires me going to customers homes and repair/maintain their appliances (HVAC).

I cant help but feel like a Mr. Bojangle, putting on a show to calm their nerves about a black man being in their home. I just wish whites could experience the same feelings i go through. When they open the door, looking at you like youre not sh*t. It pisses me off to no extent.

Even with my workmates they play like Im the lazy ni**a b/c some white person will call and tell a bold face lie complaining i didnt do my job. Therefore I have to work harder than my workmates. So when the reviews come in I have the highest scores.

Though my own goal to represent blacks in a more favorable fashion will never stop the racism I see. It f*cking sucks when you just want to be viewed as an individual who just happens to be black, but treated like sh*t b/c of statistics.

And I do realize blacks can be intimidating, are a bit more aggressive, and criminal statistics are much higher, but I cant change how everyone thinks. Just so you see a black mans dilemma, why be an upstanding citizen when no matter what you do, some whites (baby boomers) treat you like sh*t.

Its not like this stuff (civil rights activists...hate crimes) ended a couple hundred years ago. This was like 30 years ago. The same people who fought so hard for us not to have rights are still alive.

Guess I'll just have to live with being viewed as a scab. No matter what my education, no matter how well i dress, no matter how proper i talk, no matter what. Remember nobody can choose what race, class, or religion they are born under.

Just a dash of why some blacks dont give a f*ck.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by sexualchocolate
Totally agree with you. I realized this years ago. My current job requires me going to customers homes and repair/maintain their appliances (HVAC).

I cant help but feel like a Mr. Bojangle, putting on a show to calm their nerves about a black man being in their home. I just wish whites could experience the same feelings i go through. When they open the door, looking at you like youre not sh*t. It pisses me off to no extent.

Even with my workmates they play like Im the lazy ni**a b/c some white person will call and tell a bold face lie complaining i didnt do my job. Therefore I have to work harder than my workmates. So when the reviews come in I have the highest scores.

Though my own goal to represent blacks in a more favorable fashion will never stop the racism I see. It f*cking sucks when you just want to be viewed as an individual who just happens to be black, but treated like sh*t b/c of statistics.

And I do realize blacks can be intimidating, are a bit more aggressive, and criminal statistics are much higher, but I cant change how everyone thinks. Just so you see a black mans dilemma, why be an upstanding citizen when no matter what you do, some whites (baby boomers) treat you like sh*t.

Its not like this stuff (civil rights activists...hate crimes) ended a couple hundred years ago. This was like 30 years ago. The same people who fought so hard for us not to have rights are still alive.

Guess I'll just have to live with being viewed as a scab. No matter what my education, no matter how well i dress, no matter how proper i talk, no matter what. Remember nobody can choose what race, class, or religion they are born under.

Just a dash of why some blacks dont give a f*ck.
That sounds like whining to me. I'm not black, so I don't know the "black man's" experience, but it seems some of it lies on some of your own behavior. Is that right to judge every black person? Hell no...I'm a Marine..there is no color or race..we're all MARINE GREEN.

But when you say "black men are intimidating"..that might be true for some, but it never was for me. I was always the "tough" white kid. I never was intimidated by someone's color.

At least if you're black you have recourse against discrimnation. If you're a white male, you're the only demographic in the USA who isn't protected.

Everybody is discriminated against in some way. Short people, fat people, stupid people....racism comes in ALL colors not just white.

It seems on one hand, black people embrace this "thug" culture. They get off on trying to scare "whitey" with that crap. Then on the other hand they complain about how white people "perceive" them. Well which one is it? You come on T.V. with gold teeth talking "i'm gonna do this, and i'm gonna do that yo yo yo" and you wonder why some people have that image?

Some of my black friends who have college degrees are looked at as "sell outs" by the black community. If you didn't obtain your status by being an athlete, or a rapper, you aren't black enough.

Just look at Whitney Houston as an example. Beautiful, talented young lady in her early career. Then she marries the "thug" Bobbie Brown. And why? because people told her she was "too white" acting, so she had to marry Bobby to "be down"...what a waste of talent on a pathetic loser like him.

Another double standard is how white police officers are perceived in southern california.99 percent of white cops are good, honest, decent people, but because of the actions of a few *******s, EVERY white cop is perceived as being racist.

On one hand black people say, "Don't judge us because of what a few black *******s do, but we'll judge all cops because of what a few of them do"...DOUBLE STANDARD.

Another example: I have a black friend in the Marines who invited me to his mom's house for dinner one weekend. She lives in Compton. I said no problem....when we get there, we got stopped by a BLACK COP, who told me white people shouldn't be in this section..I started to laugh at him and said as long as there's no law against it..I'm going to eat supper at my friend's house. If a white cop would say that samething to a black person in a white neighborhood, Jessy Jackson would be holding a march.

When I got to Compton, I started to laugh again. All these movies depicting what a "war zone" Compton is were a bunch of bullshyt. Compton is a MIDDLE CLASS black neighborhood, with decent black people going about their business. Some of these black film makers who want to convince "whitey" how bad it is in South Central are full of shyt.

I hope some day all this racial bullshyt goes away, and we can all be cool with eachother. Because in the end, we're all human beings and should be treated equally.
Last edited:


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score
North Carolina
JP, the US is a white mans world. b/c you are the majority, you dont need as much protection.

Its the same in any other country. If you moved to South America, you would be the gringo that everyone hated. The gringo that better not touch one of our latinas.

I only post here to share a different view, different angled dynamic to how some think. Racial tolerance is important, b/c im affected by it every day.

Havent you seen those shows where they darken a white mans skin color to make him appear black. Then send him out on the town. Then he cant believe how sh*tty he was treated.

I dont know you but from what ur prolly used to.... u wouldnt last as a black man.

Not saying its so tuff, i love being black. I mean i get my pick of white girls. lol jk JP

Seriously I dont let this stuff bother me as much as it sounds. Only gets me fired up when someone says something stupid.

Dont be puzzy whipped Craig...... You gotta reverse it.....Whip that puzzy BANG BANG BANG


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by sexualchocolate
JP, the US is a white mans world. b/c you are the majority, you dont need as much protection.

Its the same in any other country. If you moved to South America, you would be the gringo that everyone hated. The gringo that better not touch one of our latinas.

I only post here to share a different view, different angled dynamic to how some think. Racial tolerance is important, b/c im affected by it every day.

Havent you seen those shows where they darken a white mans skin color to make him appear black. Then send him out on the town. Then he cant believe how sh*tty he was treated.

I dont know you but from what ur prolly used to.... u wouldnt last as a black man.

Not saying its so tuff, i love being black. I mean i get my pick of white girls. lol jk JP

Seriously I dont let this stuff bother me as much as it sounds. Only gets me fired up when someone says something stupid.
Chocolate, you seem like a decent dude, but don't give me this "Every white person was born with a silver spoon in his mouth" shyt. It's tough all over. Most of the white people in San Diego bend over backwards to show black people how UNracist they are.

As far as making it as a black man..Dude I've been to combat. If I can do that, I could make it as a black man...You're a good guy, don't spoil it with your "black peril" story.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Chocolate, I take back what I said about you being a good guy. I just saw your quote that "We all probably live next to a white serial killer" statement.

That has to be one of the most RACIST statements I've ever heard. A lot of serial killers are white. Fact: 70 percent of young black males have some sort of criminal record by the time they reach 21. If I were to say "We all probably live by some black criminal" You'd scream racism....

So shut the fvck up with this. "I have it so hard being black" shyt..

Poor people everywhere have it hard, not just blacks.

P.S. You notice how a lot of white guys won't respond to this thread? They're conditioned by society not to argue with black people because they'll be perceived as racist.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Black chicks are hot they got the best booty ! :up:


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tkman
Black chicks are hot they got the best booty ! :up:
Beyonce Knowles.....:woo: oh my....


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score
North Carolina
Im just saying i go out of my way to make everyone feel comfortable around me no matter who they are. Where's the reciprocation?

I cant walk thru the mall without some idiot making me feel like im a burden to society. Not b/c of my criminal record, which consists of maybe a seatbelt ticket. But b/c of my complextion. Maybe its where i live. I do know that is has a lot to do with statistics and how many blacks that are idiots out there.

Im not taking up for ALL blacks.I dont like hoodlums, crack dealers either. Sensible blacks are just as afraid of these d*cks as whites are.

White people, dont ever say that a black dude acts white b/c he does something uh...not hoodlike. I am not by any means a Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel Aire. But I dont limit my self to stereotypes of a black man. I play golf, i go tubing down rivers, skiing. I am by no means trying to be white.... The sh*t is fun. Thats the only reason I do it. So by saying that youre calling me a sell-out and restricting blacks from enjoying life.

Dont be puzzy whipped Craig....You gotta reverse it.....Whip that puzzy BANG BANG BANG


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by sexualchocolate
Im just saying i go out of my way to make everyone feel comfortable around me no matter who they are. Where's the reciprocation?

I cant walk thru the mall without some idiot making me feel like im a burden to society. Not b/c of my criminal record, which consists of maybe a seatbelt ticket. But b/c of my complextion. Maybe its where i live. I do know that is has a lot to do with statistics and how many blacks that are idiots out there.

Im not taking up for ALL blacks.I dont like hoodlums, crack dealers either. Sensible blacks are just as afraid of these d*cks as whites are.

White people, dont ever say that a black dude acts white b/c he does something uh...not hoodlike. I am not by any means a Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince of Bel Aire. But I dont limit my self to stereotypes of a black man. I play golf, i go tubing down rivers, skiing. I am by no means trying to be white.... The sh*t is fun. Thats the only reason I do it. So by saying that youre calling me a sell-out and restricting blacks from enjoying life.

You know chocolate, I understand what you're saying to an extent. But I have the same problem. I'm white, but I'm 6"5 and 250lbs of muscle. I don't exactly have the friendliest looking face either. People look at me funny too. Wondering if I'm going to go into "roid" rage, even though I've never touched a steroid in my life. My body is natural, but somethimes I get looked at like a freak...

As I said, it's tough all over bro.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score
North Carolina
JP be happy you have that build. I saw ur pic in that other racially charged thread. You are f'ing swole. I wish I was half that size.

You dont have to deal with big f*ckers thinking they can whip your azz and take your girl. Im only 150 lb skinny dude. So whenever I get my hands on a really hb. I got some punk staring her down right in front of me. You prolly dont have to deal with that do ya D-Bo haha jk.

Got a funny/sick story.

Was dating this hb. I'll give her a weak 9/ strong 8. We were in a club dancing close and i see this black dude walk by staring. Ignore him. We are packed like ants on the dance floor. Notice the dude again standing beside/behind her.

She reaches and holds my hand while we're dancing.

I notice him smiling and looking at her. Not pissed yet. Comes with dating pretty women. I look down... this f*cker is holding MY hand. The whole time he thinks he grabbed her hand cuz its so packed. I pulled back my hand with a look of disgust on my face. Think i was too embarrased to knock him on his ass. LOL

NEways ima try Anthony Ellis' program again. I gained about 10 lbs. but didnt stick to the diet. He seems to be really informative. I could never get huge, but it would be nice to have a nice physique of around 180lbs. Id be fine with that.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Lucky he was just trying to hold her hand then hey ;)