Ellen Degeneres, what's your take on her?


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Well, I came across this video on http://www.upworthy.com/boom-roaste...sk-a-feminist-to-hawk-your-sexist-product?g=2 on my Facebook thread and I thought it was hilarious. I've know Ellen to be a Lesbian didn't know she was a feminist too (or is she?).
Anyway, looking at this video from a woman's point of view I can see why it's ridiculous and insulting. So, guys what's your take on this?
By the way I love Ellen and I think she's hilarious and cool.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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jafyk said:
Anyway, looking at this video from a woman's point of view I can see why it's ridiculous and insulting. So, guys what's your take on this?
By the way I love Ellen and I think she's hilarious and cool.
I tried watching Ellen once and changed the channel.

Not sure why Bic came up with such a stupid idea. It's like all those fvcking toothbrushes with the pointed bristles, those rubber polishers, the hand grips, and whatever other bull5hit they've put into making a toothbrush. IT BRUSHES YOUR FVCKING TEETH. All that fancy computer animation showing how the bristles reach in between the teeth, rip out a string of meat, and blast it with lasers is all crap. Okay, I'm over-exaggerating here...

Now, let's flip the side of the coin. Women are offended that Bic made a pink pen to fit into women's hands better. What about men?

I bought a new hair brush recently. I've got long hair and I need the thing. The package that the hair brush came in said that it's made for the modern woman. In fact, ALL the hair brushes on the rack said that. I'm not a fvcking modern woman. Perhaps I should be blasting the hair brush company for insulting men.

At the end of the day, it's just a fvcking hair brush. And it's a fvcking pen. WHO CARES. If it serves the purpose, what the hell does the companies' marketing hype matter? It's like how I use a dental pick to repair stuff at my job. Is it wrong that I'm not using it to fix teeth? NO. It does the fvcking job and that's all that matters to me.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Lol, geez guys tell me how you really feel.
@ Switch: Well, Ellen is old enough to be your mother no surprise there. I was hoping for a more insightful response but hey it's all good.

@Desdinova:I think the video was just Ellen's sarcastic response to the ludicrous idea in itself. I didn't get a sense she was angry about it. I think the point she was making is that it is kind of a pointless product or marketing strategy considering women have been using all kinds of pen all along. I think in her humor she mocks it using the popular sexist comments that are often applied to women.


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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The hypocrisy in it is that the audience for those pens is the same as Ellen's audience, an audience that never tires of the cultural theme "special treatment and more stuff for women." By poking light fun at silly pens, Ellen promotes a mindset of inconsistency, "we can raise ourselves above the others by making fun of this trivial piece of minutiae while still maintaining a position of utter cultural solipsism, in both (inconsistent) respects, we can look in the mirror as wiser and more self-assured of the legitimacy of the discriminatory treatment we seek in big real ways." Not to mention the strong subtext "It's men and patriarchal entities that are trying to buy us with pink pens."

Of course she won't be doing a sendup of VAWA, affirmative action favoring women, discriminatory reproductive "rights," the massive imbalance in govt spending on women as a gender in medical and social research, discriminatory treatment in domestic courts, differential and discriminatory treatment of rape accusers versus the accused, etc. etc., because those things are -real- with real $$ attached and real social misery as a result.

I find lesbians to be a mixed bag, they tend to be some of the most vocal decriers of feminist excess (and also the most radical feminists), yet at the same time are curiously silent when feminists win real discriminatory benefit for women as a gender. Lots of them won't hesitate to say that feminism is silly, yet will be silent when it's time to speak out about discriminatory aspects of the results of feminism that benefit them in monetary ways.

"Let's make it all about pink pens, shall we?"


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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All this video shows is that women love to create drama and make a big deal out of nothing. Like Desdinova said, it's a f*cking pen, who cares.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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As men, we watch girl-on-girl porn and think: man, them lesbos are hot....


Real life lesbians are some of the ugliest, nastiest b!tches you'll ever encounter.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I asked a young (seemed to be university) girl how do you spell 'restaurant' as I was texting a girl where I was. The name of the restaurant Where. She. Works. includes the word restaurant, yet SHE panicked and walked around the restaurant to find the word restaurant written so she could tell me how it's spelled. THEY ARE FVCKING RETARDS, women in the states ARE TARDS.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
jafyk said:
So, guys what's your take on this?
Honestly? I find it rather embarrassing and sad that what were once called "men" even know about this and can entertain it as a reality.
jafyk said:
By the way I love Ellen and I think she's hilarious and cool.
She's ok as far as non productive androgynous lezzo's go. Seems to keep the low IQ deadsh!ts, fags and chicks happy and smiling which is the aim I guess. Hilarious? I wouldn't go nuts. It's true the male side equipped her with a quick tongue (heh) and a lukewarm "safe" sense of humour but go to any pub 20 years ago and they were filled to the brim with funnier blokes. Personally I've laughed harder with some of my mates.

EDIT: Check this out.
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Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
I find it offensive that they glorify gays in the media period.... and a bunch of idiot breeders in the audience clapping away at everything she says.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Very few people annoy me as much as Ellen.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Ha ha keep it coming guys. I like the views being expressed although I think some are looking at it too deeply.
I just think it's silly that a manufacturer goes out of their way to create a pen just for women. How gender specific can a pen get? I don't think Ellen's point in the video is to take a political stance on it but just poking fun at it for its silliness. Am I wrong here?


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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jafyk said:
I just think it's silly that a manufacturer goes out of their way to create a pen just for women.
The U.S. female audience is the most self-absorbed group on the planet. Just turn on the television and watch some ads to see the depth of it. Ads cost millions to make and air, are highly tested so that money isn't wasted. What can one draw from them? Women in the U.S. can't get enough superficial back-patting and being singled out as special, and stuff "just for them." They never get tired of being told how wise and kind they are in comparison to boorish or evil men, how hard they work, how they deserve indulgences and a "break" from all the "hard work" (that few of them with the time to watch the ads actually do much of). Admittedly it's a left of mean bellcurve audience for daytime TV, so we are talking 90ish IQs here on average. Is it any wonder some company thought it could sell pink pens to that audience as well? The same company sells pink razors and pink lighters, likely with similar packaging. Virginia Slims are still a popular cig brand.

Here's what Ellen isn't getting, or rather purposefully muddling, things like those pens are impulse purchases as gifts for children and teens, something a grandparent or parent might buy to wrap up with "my first journal," or give to a young girl, stocking stuffers, cheap add on gifts. If that is the only "pen for girls" on the store shelf next to the journals or art supplies, guess which ones get bought ahead of the others on impulse by present shoppers? To repeat, BIC likely learned this packaging strategy selling lighters and razors, why not pens? I think it's brilliant. The reason I make a deal of standup schticks like this is that they feed into a "society demeaning, objectifying and victimizing women" theme that is oft repeated but not at all the case, the opposite in fact. It's not just harmless "good, clean fun" going on here. Yeah, I know, I'm being a b-tch on this.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
5string said:
She's nothing more than a muff buffing homosexual.

Fvcking sick b!tch.
Hahaha nice xD

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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samspade said:
Look at the worthless shyt written by the woman who posted this video.


More importantly look at her photo. WYB? Me - he11 no.

Rebecca Eisenberg

Here is a list of words that describe me: nerd, feminist, pop culture nut, comedy fan, TV enthusiast, bad at bio-writing, good at list-making. I'm hoping to make the world a better place by blogging in my pajamas. If you dig my style, you can can find me sharing more awesome Upworthy content on Facebook and Tumblr or talking about a lot of things (but mostly bad movies) on Twitter.
Eisenberg?? guess if that second name is casual considering the rest of her "curriculum"....

Anyway just read the titles of all her "works" then you will be much less against discriminations against mentally challenged..


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
SamTheHobit said:
Hahaha nice xD
Ha ha this was the best response I read from what everyone wrote. Everyone else just sounds really bitter and pissed off. I came from a culture where I never met one homosexual (No, I'm not exaggerating). Having lived in these United States. I realize certain things are the way they are and not going to change. So, you look past some of the issues. It's not like you can do anything about her being gay. It's not a life style I support either but as an entertainer I think she's funny but to each his own right? Just wonder why people are getting so worked up over someone they don't think is worth much.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
jafyk said:
Ha ha this was the best response I read from what everyone wrote. Everyone else just sounds really bitter and pissed off. I came from a culture where I never met one homosexual (No, I'm not exaggerating). Having lived in these United States. I realize certain things are the way they are and not going to change. So, you look past some of the issues. It's not like you can do anything about her being gay. It's not a life style I support either but as an entertainer I think she's funny but to each his own right? Just wonder why people are getting so worked up over someone they don't think is worth much.
:rolleyes: It's a sort of funny lezzo who does a silly dance and interviews Hollyweirdos. With the exception of jaylan obviously, what other answers were you expecting at a site predominantly for hetero men? If it makes you feel any better I'd love to shed 20 IQ points and dance along with the rest of the mind wiped retards worshipping the leftist cathedral and nodding in polite unison at how great and inspirational fags and lezzo's are, at least for a day to see what it's like.