Double Standards & fat chicks


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
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West Coast
I'm just as sick & tired as all of you, being called "shallow" and "superficial" just because I won't mess around with fat chicks. Jeesh, I throw up in my mouth, imagining my face in some fat chick's coochie. That's not being shallow.

Here's what came finally to me: If being fat is such a superficial issue for women, why do they make it into an insurmountable challenge? It's only superficial when they WANT it to be-- ie, when they think they should be able to attract men in spite of it. As soon as it's time to knock off some poundage, the barriers go up. It's not so superficial, anymore!
The crazy thing is, men are genuinely a lot more forgiving about serious sh*t a woman is struggling with in her life... stuff that tears her self esteem down so badly, she can't bear to let a decent man into her life.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
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bluenorther said:
I'm just as sick & tired as all of you, being called "shallow" and "superficial" just because I won't mess around with fat chicks. Jeesh, I throw up in my mouth, imagining my face in some fat chick's coochie. That's not being shallow.

Here's what came finally to me: If being fat is such a superficial issue for women, why do they make it into an insurmountable challenge? It's only superficial when they WANT it to be-- ie, when they think they should be able to attract men in spite of it. As soon as it's time to knock off some poundage, the barriers go up. It's not so superficial, anymore!
The crazy thing is, men are genuinely a lot more forgiving about serious sh*t a woman is struggling with in her life... stuff that tears her self esteem down so badly, she can't bear to let a decent man into her life.
I don't really see what point you trying to make. It's perfectly normal that you don't like fat chicks, especially if you look at it from an evolutionary standpoint. A lot of guys don't care about the sh*t women are struggling with in their lives, especially if it's a one night stand.

Fat chicks that think they are hot are not only nasty, but annoying too. They have an identity crisis. These are usually also the chicks that block you from hanging out with their hot lady friends (as a rule of thumb, every hot girl has to have at least one fat friend).

In the end, I think we can draw the conclusion that the world will be a better place without fat chicks.

p.s. If you're genuinely offended by this, your sense of humor sucks.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
snowdog said:
Fat chicks that think they are hot are not only nasty, but annoying too. They have an identity crisis. These are usually also the chicks that block you from hanging out with their hot lady friends (as a rule of thumb, every hot girl has to have at least one fat friend).

In the end, I think we can draw the conclusion that the world will be a better place without fat chicks.

p.s. If you're genuinely offended by this, your sense of humor sucks.
Well, this isn't offensive, but women would think the world would be a better place if all men had fit bods.

The fat chicks have to c-block you because they know they barely get laid, even though they have a better chance of getting laid than a basic fat male.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
The fat chicks have to c-block you because they know they barely get laid, even though they have a better chance of getting laid than a basic fat male.
Speaking of this, I have seen some guys (usually younger) with some of the most unimaginable hosebeasts around. What the heck is wrong with these guys? Don't they have any standards? And I don't mean just physically either, just straight up nasty women. Are these guys that desperate?


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2009
Reaction score
Gotta love the fatties that get an attitude because you won't **** them. Got approached by one one time and she asks me to hang out with her sometime. So I try and be nice and say that I'm busy and don't really have the time. She gets a attitude and **** hits the fan, "What? I'm not hot enough for you? You just want to **** skinny blonds? Well **** you *******!!". Lmao, couldn't stop laughing. Good times.