Don't confuse BPD with basic female nature


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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From reading this site, one could easily conclude that there is some kind of a BPD epidemic taking place. But the reality is that women have always been crazy. I am not a religious guy, but the biblical story of Adam and Eve is a great illustration of the fact that women carry a self-destructive seed. Eve was living in the Garden of Eden and had everything she could ever want...yet, she could not help screwing it up.

Give a woman a hard life in some dirt-poor third world country, where she's struggling just to get by, and she reacts by being a good mother, loyal wife, etc. Conversely, put her in a wealthy society where she has an easy life, equal rights and freedom to do whatever she wants, and her chaos gene is activated. She becomes moody, unhappy, depressed and "BPD".

That's why women in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, etc. seem like such gems to western men. But those who bring them back home quickly find out that their sweethearts change drastically when transplanted into a western environment. Ultimately, a woman cannot be happy living in paradise. Even the ancient hebrews knew that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Bokanovsky said:
That's why women in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, etc. seem like such gems to western men. But those who bring them back home quickly find out that their sweethearts change drastically when transplanted into a western environment. Ultimately, a woman cannot be happy living in paradise. Even the ancient hebrews knew that.
All ancient cultures understood that woman's ONLY ROLE WAS TO SERVE THE MAN WHO OWNED HER.

no thoughts, no back talk, just service to her family

that's it

western culture has abandoned this truth and thus sowed the main seeds of its destruction

we are seeing the terrible fruit of this in the arrogant, entitled, destructively opportunistic women that walk among us...until men in masse once more relegate women to the status of owned property there will be no peace or stability.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Man himself is evil, and bent on self destruction. Even here on this forum, most of the advice on becoming a great man seems to boil down to "be a selfish prick". Uplifting.

But I believe women have an extra weakness, and are even more susceptible to evil than men are.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Anti-Christ by Lars Von Trier.

has nothing to do with religion, but drives the point Zekko makes above.

I don't particularly like the guy, but the film is gold.

Watch it.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
zekko said:
Man himself is evil, and bent on self destruction. Even here on the deceived rum, most of the advice on becoming a great man seems to boil down to "be a selfish prick". Uplifting.

But I believe women have an extra weakness, and are even more susceptible to evil than men are.
Regardless of whether one is a believer, Satan took down Adam through the easily deceived woman. He is doing the very same thing today because it works. Man's achelie's (sp) heel is a gooey, hairy hole, and his addiction to an orifice is what can easily destroy him. In the case of the biblical story, the NT reveals that although the woman sinned first, the man was held responsible for the woman was deceived but the man was not.

Today man has lost his dominion and authority in the world because of the deception of the woman (the media) and the man's fear of rejection by the woman.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
Atom Smasher said:
Regardless of whether one is a believer, Satan took down Adam through the easily deceived woman. He is doing the very same thing today because it works. Man's achelie's (sp) heel is a gooey, hairy hole, and his addiction to an orifice is what can easily destroy him. In the case of the biblical story, the NT reveals that although the woman sinned first, the man was held responsible for the woman was deceived but the man was not.

Today man has lost his dominion and authority in the world because of the deception of the woman (the media) and the man's fear of rejection by the woman.
^^ This is one of the best posts ever made on this board.

And Bokanovsky, I think you're 100% correct. Folks on here are so quick to label someone BPD when, to me, they are just showing the typical traits of an empowered, modern woman. See, that's where they get us. By me saying "empowered, modern" people think that's a good thing and that I'm paying a compliment, when reality, it's terrible. 'Progressive' isn't always so good.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Great thread. A casual reader would think that this forum has some kind of franchise on the BPD population.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Anyone who has been through a BPD relationship knows that the exact opposite is true. BPD victims are much quicker to blame themselves when things go wrong and/or write off insane behavior done by BPDs as "just normal women stuff" in order to justify staying with them.
Or you could consider it extreme one-itis, especially because BPD women make the men feel good about themselves, at least at times. Sucking you in. Men's self-esteems are already low enough, so this type woman just ravages them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Nature has a way of evening things out.

If a society continues on the feminist path, it will eventually collapse on itself. Women are the sellers in any context (they carry the precious cargo). If they charge too high a price, the customer will eventually put his efforts and resources elsewhere. Remember that things like game, foreign women, prostitutes, and eventually, sex-bots, represent options for the customer. Now ask yourself, which segment of the population has attacked those options as misogynist? That's not BPD, that's a merchant protecting the status quo.

Of course with technology we could wind up in a situation where women freeze eggs cheaply and reproduce (mostly) independently, while men find sexual release via holograms and again sex robots. For that model to work however men will either still need to give/sell sperm and probably will since they'll want to propagate even if it's anonymously. That's unless cloning becomes foolproof.

The other end of the spectrum is that we will destroy ourselves via nuclear war and aftermath, and that will be mostly man's fault. War is the be all end all of resource competition, and men seize resources to gain status. It's all about sex, and it's sobering to think that the same natural urges that propel us to great things might be our undoing. But again in the end it'll be nature's way of finding balance - we're not nor were we ever the only show in town. My hope is that we'll move past the earth to other worlds rather than destroy it and ourselves.

(I realize I just got heavy on the keyboard-jockeying, so I'll bring it back down to earth now.)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
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I don't think women en mass will embrace sperm donors. With some sperm donors getting hit up for CS, I don't see that happening either.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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It's pretty simple. The majority of guys on this board are in the pre-red pill or shortly post-red pill stage, both of which are littered with 'wtf' moments.

Like 'chick logic'. Most guys 'know' that women are ruled by emotion first and pragmatism second, but they still fail to understand it on a deeper level in their day to day interactions, so in order to make sense of it in THEIR minds, they immediately say she's BPD. Some girls are. Most aren't. They're just girls. With enough experience you'll learn to get over it.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Bokanovsky said:
Give a woman a hard life in some dirt-poor third world country, where she's struggling just to get by, and she reacts by being a good mother, loyal wife, etc. Conversely, put her in a wealthy society where she has an easy life, equal rights and freedom to do whatever she wants, and her chaos gene is activated. She becomes moody, unhappy, depressed and "BPD".
This is one of the best quotes I've seen here in a long time. Such a simple way of stating an underappreciated but absolute truth.

I'd rep you again if I could.

As for the influx of "bpd" I couldn't agree more, I said the same thing more or less back in circa 2008.

( . )( . ) said:
Hmmm, you guys seem to know alot of "BPD" women.

I'm still a bit skeptical of where all these girls are coming from, dont get me wrong I know alot of fvcked up chicks aswell but I have 10$ that says if you took 99% of these women back 40 odd years in a time machine, back to the days when a woman displaying these "bpd" symptoms were simply given a swift backhand to put her back on the straight and narrow, I think you would find this huge influx of "BPD" chicks drastically reduced.

"BPD" ...How's about = B!tch not Privy to Discipline

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Maybe said:
The NT verse you are referring to is:
And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. [1 Timothy 2:15]

Ok, Paul (who wrote Timothy) was referring to the Genesis narrative about a line being drawn in the sand. Paraphrasing: eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil and you will die. [Genesis 2:17]

The woman was deceived, transgressed and became a sinner. She gave the man the fruit and he transgressed and became a sinner. They both crossed that ‘line in the sand’. They were both held to account.

Interestingly, when God confronted the man and the woman (after they had both transgressed):
The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate.” Then the LORD [YHWH] God said to the woman, “What is this that you have done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” [Genesis 3:12]

Notice the blame shifting? The woman shifted the blame onto satan. The man shifted the blame onto the woman AND to god (who gave him the woman). Bottom line is this: they were both held to account and died as a result.

So the story goes - YMMV
All true, but we must be mindful of God's later summary:

Romans 5:12
12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—

14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.

1 Cor. 15:21
21 For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.

Notice that Eve is not mentioned, only Adam.

Adam was Eve's authority. He was the firstborn and therefore was charged with great responsibility. Eve sinned first (apparently in Adam's presence) and he followed suit, and even though Eve sinned first, Adam is charged with the fall of the creation because the woman was deceived, and Adam was not. He could have and should have protected her, and he did not.

The tactic of brainwashing the weaker sex worked in the garden, and it works today. To kill the man, confuse and corrupt the woman. The powers that be want women working and paying taxes, and they want men to be unthinking worker drones. They are working to meld the genders together. This is their utopia. Man has abdicated his role of authority because he is afraid of rejection and addicted to the hole between the female's legs.

Clearly, you do not attack the man directly if you want permanent success. You corrupt the woman, who harbors man's real "god" (the ever-worshipped hole).

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
I love this thread. This whole discussion of man and only man created in God's image reminds me of a post by da dynamically and pooks writings way back when. Woman is a Henid, substance without form. An empty vessel if you will to be filled by man.

It's time to take off our skirts and be real MEN again. Men are Monads. A Monad is a single absolute being that could exist on its own. No two Monads are the same. Each Monad has the potential to be a Demigod in his own right. Put a man in a deserted island and he will find a way to survive and entertain himself. Women are Henids. Henids are substance without form. Women have no form, they are defined by their environment. Women need men to define them. Put a woman in any environment and she will adapt to "fit in". She will become a hootchie mamma in a ghetto environment, a skater chick in a suburban environment, a chic girl in a downtown environment, etc. Men however, have the ability to change their environment based on their preferences. For a man to change himself and blend into his environment is a feminine thing, and females are turned off by that. We were meant to dominate our environment, not adapt to it. "A woman's frame changes like quicksand" - Juggler. This is very true. It is because women have no true frames. Their Henid brains are constantly adapting the frames of others. That is why you can never let a woman dominate you. That will make her more masculine than you. "Change her mood and not her mind". If you can change a woman's mood, you can make her do just about anything. Henids are substance without form. As a man, you are the sculptor of her essence. Women **** test you because you are not dominating enough to sex them yet.

However, in western society, more and more women are acting like men, and vice versa. Women are dominating their environments with their sexuality. Women are no longer adapting. They wear hot pants and short skirts to the clubs AND the office. They know that all they have to do is wear something tight and the men become complete tools. Women are pursuing their passions in life while the men are scrambling around, looking for ways to impress the Alpha Woman, while putting their passions aside. If this sounds like a PUA to you, it is!

A PUA IS A HENID. He is like a mirror. Substance without form. He changes himself according to the whims of women so that he could attract that HB 10. The HB 10 has become a single absolute being. She dominates her environment with her supreme sexuality. The HB 10 is the sculptor of the PUA. She can change her mind 10 times within 15 minutes and the PUA will accommodate her every need. A HB 10 goes about her ways, the PUA adjusts. Remember, the whole school of pickup arts was started by a guy who could not get laid to save his life. He was a social loser. If all men were to shape shift into women and women into men, the western world would probably just carry on as if nothing ever happened! That is because it is already this way.

How do you get yourself out of this mess you ask? Simple: Be a MAN. That's right. You don't have to do anything out of the ordinary. You just have to celebrate your own sexuality. Men were meant to be masculine and dominating. Our superior masculine strength is not an ACCIDENT. Nature does not create accidents. Our superior logic is not an accident eighter. What these two distinct traits equate to is Passion and Nobility. Our masculine strength allows us pursue our passions no matter how impossible it may seem. Our logical mind allows us to be noble. Back in the days, there were real noble men such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Brutus, Caesar, etc. Men prided themselves on being fair and just. Nowadays, you have a bunch of Henids running around chasing girls, doing whatever that is "cool" according to MTV, aways following the pack. Once I heard 2 women argue once over which celebrity was "hotter". One girl said "I fvcking hate Ben Affleck! I wish he would just die and never make a movie again!" I rest my case. Women don't have the capacity be noble. They are purely emotional beings that can be shaped and sculpted. Women are not emotionally unstable, but, they CAN be as unstable as their environment for they have a tendency to adopt their surroundings. As men, we have to strive to be passionate and noble, because if we don't do it, chaos will arise. Real men are hard to find. They are busy climbing mountains and conquering the world. What the hell are you doing? Reading seduction tips?

So as you can see, the only thing you should be pursuing is your dreams, not women. I am a natural so I can tell you this: Women don't want to be pursued. They want to be re-framed by your dominance. Since they are substance without form, it is YOUR masculine nature that gives them meaning in life. Women search for emotions and meaning outside of them, men supply the purpose and meaning. This is the basis of sexual and emotional attraction. It is your own imagination that women want to live in. Let's take off the skirts and be Men again. Passionate and noble, the beauty of the world. The western world has done a good job making us men feel ashamed of our own masculinity. But it is masculinity that shapes femininity and allow it to be what it is. Women need it like they need water. It is a gift from the Gods.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Great find. Is this a mix of da dynamically and Pook or just da?

Regardless, it's money. Every man should be required to memorize it.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Atom Smasher said:
Great find. Is this a mix of da dynamically and Pook or just da?

Regardless, it's money. Every man should be required to memorize it.
That ones just da dynamically but pook made the monad/henid reference aswell if I remember correctly, he may have even come up with it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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On the subject of Genesis chapter 3, this can be interpreted several diferent ways. I googled the meaning of this passage, particualrly 3:22, and like many of the accounts in the old testament which appear to be allegorical it is subject to the reader's interpretation.

Bradd80 is correct that the serpent is not addressed as Satan, only the "shrewdest of animals". However, most Christians and scholars believe he represents Satan, or 'The Deciever', based on context and the root Greek and Hebrew words.

But anyways that's a digression. Lately I've come to fully grasp that women are dependent creatures. In other words, a vessel half-filled. They need, by nature. Man's dominion over woman is addressed in this verse, and elsewhere; although it should be noted that while even the New Testament clearly espouses male leadership, it does NOT condone male tyranny. Husbands are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:22-28).

Genesis 3:16 (NLT)

"Then he said to the woman, "I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you."

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Colossus said:
"Then he said to the woman, "I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you."
So God gave us sh!t testing nags (thanks a bunch), but turned out to be a pretty good tool for women to weed out lesser men. To his credit he did give man a stronger backhand to counter it I guess. Unfortunately now though our hands are tied behind our backs and we negotiate with words or our feet.


I prefer the old way, this new way is less productive and more time consuming. This thread has inspired me to remind my woman again that she was put here for me. She loves that stuff.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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Short short version: no such thing as BPD, just lazy diagnosis of the Common Three plus one or more other behavioral disorders. Having said that, what Atom Smasher said, "BPD" is shorthand for a pathology. Men with honorable intentions stay with BPD chicks far too long, and learn that mental illness affects not only the sick persons, but also their families and extended friendship circles. The closer you are, the more you walk on eggshells as a mate, ducking nuclear bombs, become dazed and depressed and detached from reality, a 24/7 health care worker completely exhausted from sleeplessness and with your nerves shocked from full-bore abuse.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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There is a common theme on SS to label. It's very easy to do it. Think a woman is acting irrational she's then instantly labeled a buzz word picked up here. Tada, she's a BPD. That said, I believe many women are just being their usual irrational selves. Emotion runs their decisions. That's 99.99% of females.

Real people that have one of the NPD, HPD, or BPD issues will show a whole other world of behavior. We are not just talking irrational. We are talking illness level customized behavior.

You can usually shrug off a normal chicks flaky, emotional drama. It's one of those shrug your shoulders, and go to a game with your guy friends kind of,"whatever" attitude moments.

When a BPD engages her tools of mind bending manipulation, and coming at you 1000 mph, run away from you at 1000mph trickery its a whole other game. If you've seen it before you'll usually be able to deal with it. It's problematic when a guy has never experienced it before. That's usually what posters here are writing about. Tricked me, tricked Rollo. It twists your view of people, and relationships. Now once you've seen it once you're usually in the clear. You can easily spot and avoid in the future. It's the poor shlub that's never seen or had this kind of game played on him. He's usually in for a dark ride, and it takes a lot of force to get him out of the situation. Once clear, it's as if someone turns on a lightbulb and he can see again. BPD's are that cunning and dark. I really wouldn't wish that on even my enemies.