Does your car matter? Especially when you're close to your 30's?


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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You're not wrong.
When I was younger, I was a "trouble man" and I had to reject a lot of women who just wanted to save/rescue/repair me, but I'm not a project.
Now that I'm an older, more mature version of what I used to be, women seem to like that I saved/rescued/repaired myself. :cool:
Women will repel a guy with no boundaries, no self respect, puts up with $hit from her, chases like a puppy when rejected, a guy who is afraid of walking away, that thinking of "oh be a broken man so girls will like you" man shut the fvck up with that binary thinking (not you directly, but in general with men with that thinking)

RazorRambo is a cautionary example, is for all intent and purposes a broken man, lives with parents at 31, broke, addicted to porn and fap, ED, validation seeking, yeah I'm sure he has many girls after him trying to fix him.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
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What poor guy has a high status car? No, I’m not talking about Joseph renting one out for a weekend or driving a 10 plus year old luxury car.
Don't think I ever said poor but plenty own them who can not reasonably afford them and people would assume they are a lot wealthier than they are


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Women will repel a guy with no boundaries, no self respect, puts up with $hit from her, chases like a puppy when rejected, a guy who is afraid of walking away, that thinking of "oh be a broken man so girls will like you" man shut the fvck up with that binary thinking (not you directly, but in general with men with that thinking)
I know what you mean. These guys are looking for a 'mother'.

When I left home at 17 I came from a dark place of childhood abuse and an aborted suicide attempt, but I wasn't 'broken' nor was I interested in becoming someone's 'project'. I worked on improving myself and some women I dated wanted to make themselves a crucial part of that process by implying I needed their help, but I refused their help and went my own way.

Guys who enjoy getting fixed by women are incapable of fixing themselves and they tend to drag down any good woman trying to help them. Most women know this and they're not really interested, but they do want to be influential in a man's life.

The way I deal with that desire to influence my life is by allowing them to exert some influence but not too much.

Like one of my kittens is a Hungarian chef de cuisine and she likes to cook for me, but my kitchen was not up to her professional standards, so she rearranged my kitchen, bought two iron skillets and taught me how to maintain them. She derives a lot of pleasure from 'taking care of me', but she also sees it as 'doing something back' since I got her to move to vaping cannabis from smoking joints that messed up her lungs. And she can be shameless with me and explore a new side to her sexuality that she wasn't aware of.

It's a balancing act. You want to maintain control while also give them a sense of being useful beyond the bedroom.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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At one point Daddy tried to persuade daughter with a lot of money and a suitor that owned a yacht and half the business in the Puerto Vallarta mall. She chose to get her back blown out by a guy that lived in a dingy motel room and took the public 'limo' to the beach on weekends.
A month later, the guy's lifeless body washed up on the beach and the cops (assuming they even respond to stuff like this in Puerto Vallarta) wrote it off as an "accidental drowning".


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Don't think I ever said poor but plenty own them who can not reasonably afford them and people would assume they are a lot wealthier than they are
I think you are referring to the slum dog Jeffrey's that are the 5th owner of a used Mercedes or BMW from a drive away lot using it to impress hood rats. Otherwise, a normal expensive vehicle driver has a decent job/business and the skillsets to bounce back if they were to even temporarily lose their income.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2012
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I think you are referring to the slum dog Jeffrey's that are the 5th owner of a used Mercedes or BMW from a drive away lot using it to impress hood rats. Otherwise, a normal expensive vehicle driver has a decent job/business and the skillsets to bounce back if they were to even temporarily lose their income.
I was referring to the person starting the thread. If you are initially attracting someone with a high status car, 80k+, and that is important to them past early 20s. Most likely they will expect the lifestyle with that. When they realize you can not provide that, most likely they are not sticking around. Point being, do not lead with your wallet especially if you do not have the funds. Present who you are authentically are and that will weed out some of the riff raff


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
I was referring to the person starting the thread. If you are initially attracting someone with a high status car, 80k+, and that is important to them past early 20s. Most likely they will expect the lifestyle with that. When they realize you can not provide that, most likely they are not sticking around. Point being, do not lead with your wallet especially if you do not have the funds. Present who you are authentically are and that will weed out some of the riff raff
I know what you mean, but frauds aren't driving 80k plus cars. Even if you are pulling a Fresh and Fit with the luxury cars, they aren't financially disadvantaged. A guy working at Mcdonalds as a shift leader isn't driving a Royce and frauding on the side. He might have a high interest loan on a high mileage C-class Benz, but who is that really going to impress though?

Okay Fresh might be screwed, but Myron is more than likely okay due to his degree and talent.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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Cars, and almost every other product, are made to cater to women. You've just discovered that SUVs push a woman's buttons.

First off, they're practical and can haul all the baby crap. Secondly, they're safer than cars just because of more mass. But I've rarely met a woman who had practical matters in mind when considering buying a car.

Thirdly, SUVs are in demand and considered trendy. Ford stopped producing cheap cars to focus on SUVs because they are what sells. This is probably why the woman was suddenly interested.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
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I’ve always had nice cars. Some women cared and some didn’t. When I was young, I had a decent looking car with a loud system in it. I used to take the car cruising in an area where people would cruise. I picked up countless girls back then using my car. They were young and impressed by cars. Right now I own a BMW that is heavily modded and has a loud exhaust. My gf hates riding in it. She says it’s too loud and bumpy (it’s lowered). The car breaks necks when I drive down the street. Instead she would rather ride in my stock (non modded) Audi that no one stares at. Then I’ve also had women who like my BMW. So it kind of depends on the woman’s age and who she is.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
Reaction score
I’ve always had nice cars. Some women cared and some didn’t. When I was young, I had a decent looking car with a loud system in it. I used to take the car cruising in an area where people would cruise. I picked up countless girls back then using my car. They were young and impressed by cars. Right now I own a BMW that is heavily modded and has a loud exhaust. My gf hates riding it. She says it’s too loud and bumpy (it’s lowered). The car breaks necks when I drive down the street. Instead she would rather ride in my stock (non modded) Audi that no one stares at. Then I’ve also had women who like my BMW. So it kind of depends on the woman’s age and who she is.
Lol is the BMW breaking necks due to "damn that's a nice ride" or to "damn that sh1t's loud"?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Ime all you really need is a car that looks nice/decent at first glance. No obvious beaters. Keep it clean and detailed and running decent and you should be fine assuming you're screening the women well.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Most cars look the same. Unless you get something really ostentatious or classic. I recently saw a Maserati crossover that looked like a Toyota.

In another decade or two it'll all be driverless anyway. Of course some will be nicer than others. Autos are just another thing where you value them because it conforms with who you are or you don't. Don't fall into the trap of valuing things differently because of a woman's frame. Esp. don't go into debt for it. Do as you like within your means.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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Yep, but whatever you drive, keep it clean, tidy, and smelling 'good'
(I personally prefer fruit-smelling air-fresheners to anything floral, or musky, or any of that 'Aqua'/'New-Car'/'Black-Ice'/Whatever.....)

I was once told by a woman... "If your car had been minging (untidy/dirty/smelly/etc) there's no way I would have set foot in your house".
That stuck with me, and I always keep it clean and tidy, with either a Cherry or Citrus freshener.
Haha, exactly, chicks love cars that smell good. That's why I always keep my car clean, and make sure it smell good. And it's easier to get laid with them in a clean and nice car that they feel comfy being in, also.
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
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What poor guy has a high status car? No, I’m not talking about Joseph renting one out for a weekend or driving a 10 plus year old luxury car.
Theres this one kid from a farm pretty far away.
