DJ_Traveler's Bootcamp


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 5 & 6

During the past two days I haven't had the chance to initiate any conversation with any HB, so it's all going to come down to Day 7. I will finish week 3 with a trip to a club.

Just two more conversations to go with two HBs and week 3 is done. :yes:


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Week 3 Day 7

I successfully wrapped up my last two conversations with two chicks today. I felt so money today....

First convo: I was at the gym when I notice this HB 8. I glanced at her and it seemed she was looking at me but it was hard to tell. I couldn't figure how I was going to approach her to get my little conversation going... I knew the solution had to be in its environment. I paused, and I noticed that she kept on stretching before each machine that she would use. I opened up the conversation with "Hey, you sure seem to stretch a lot..." It was a nice little conversation.

Final conversation was at a club. I was at the Bar and I had this HB 7 sitting across from me. She wasn't smiling at me or anything. Then four dudes came in and they were all staring at her. I knew I had to grab my balls but in this case it was my corona that I grabbed. I remembered what Vassago said "It's always on!". I walked over and said: Hey you look kinda bored. Then the conversation started from there. It turned out she knew my dance instructor.

To make a long story short, I wrapped week 3 about 1 hour from the deadline. Of course, there is more to the story but I will go over it in day 1 of week 4. I'm tired.

Life is great and bootcamp rocks!!!


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Week 4 Day 1

Let the rejection begin!

The bar story:

As I was saying in my previous post there was more to the story at the Bar. Since the Bar sarging continued passed midnight, I decided to include it in week 4.
Well, the conversation with the HB7 was growing cold, so once again I grabbed my beer and noticed an old guy probably 75+ dancing with mad salsa skills. I went over to introduce myself after he finished dancing and we chatted for a while.

Later on, I was by the dance floor and noticed HB7 from earlier so I got close to her and said "So you want to dance?" And we did. It was a lot of fun. Needless to say, salsa is just awesome for Kino. I danced with her for a while then we took a little break and chatted some more. After a while, some guy comes by and asked HB7 to dance. It was fine by me as I was really there to wrap up my last conversation and practice dancing. I saw an HB6 and went over and I said "Can you dance?" she said yes and I grabbed her by the hand heading to the dance floor. I'm beginner when it comes to dancing but HB6 just didn't have the rhythm. After two songs I took a break from HB6 and I just watching people dance bachata. I didn't how to dance that particular dance so I was just observing the basics. Out of the blue HB7 comes back behind me and ask me if I want to learn how dance bachata so I said of course.
I danced a bit more, but I realized that it was getting close to 1 am and I have to wake up early, so I told her that I had to get going.
Just as I was leaving HB7 I said "do you want to exchange phone numbers?" Number close baby!:cool:

First number close of the year! Yeah I know…I have been lazy, but that is why we have boot camp!


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Week 4 Day 2

Today was Challenging but good overall. I continued on working on my social skills at the gym with two conversations with chicks and one conversation with a guy. Since today was May 5 I asked one of the chick what she was planning to do tonight. She told me that she was going out and I said “are you even 18?” her reaction was pretty funny. She is going to turn 21 next month but busting my making of her not even being 18 was priceless.

One of my coworker set me up to meet a couple of guys who were going to go out pick up chicks. I had conversations with the four guys in the group and the four chicks in the group as well. Apparently one of the guys was explaining to me that the chicks in our group were really with us for “social status”. I could tell he knew some stuff about the pick up game. In any case, we went to a club downtown which I had been to a year ago with little luck. Well, tonight didn’t turn out much better than a year ago. I did three approaches but got shot down every time! All the girls that I approached gave me the vibe that they wanted to dance, but it was always no when I asked. What a contrast to Latin clubs when I have been getting 100% yes when I asked them to dance.

One thing about the club that I noticed is that the girls seem to have their Bieatch shield way up. The other guys agreed with my observation and conclusion about the chicks in the club. I don’t know if it was just a coincidence but now that makes two poor experiences in the same club. One thing that I really struggled is eye contact which of course is critical. I had no eye contact with any of the chicks that I approached. I need to figure how I can put myself in a position to get more eye contact in the clubs.

No number close!


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Week 4 Day 2

The rejection process has not been going so well. I continued working on my social skills. In the end, one of the biggest obstacles with the boot camp setup is that if you have not made a plan and scoped the places that you need to go, the difficulty of boot camp increases.
I think turning into a Don Juan takes more than 8 weeks, but for what is worth I still think boot camp is a valuable experience.

I went to a Latin club tonight, danced with four chicks and had conversations with 5 chicks and 1 guy. I’m continuing on getting comments from the Latinas that my dancing is pretty good for a white guy. I love to hear this stuff. No number close!

As it stands, I have three active phone numbers, and I may end up going to three different dates next week.
I need to get back in the frame of the rejection game and just approach without being concern about going on dates. At the moment, I have been picky about who I ask for numbers.


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Week 4 Day 4 & 5

On day 4, I made a very dumb mistake. I went to get a hair cut, and I listened to the hair dresser's advice to do some highlights. Well, it turned out pretty bad. I just had to have another challenge...:rolleyes:

Day 5, I went to a bookstore and saw five chicks sitting at a table, but I chocked. That could have been five rejections! Beyond that the bookstore was pretty empty. I'm just not sure as to what are the good places to go from 5pm -9pm during week days. Anyone who has some good ideas during that time of the day please let me know.

In the end, I've wrapped two more conversations with chicks for these two days but no number close.:down:


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
Week 4 Day 6

Interesting day...
Last Wednesday, I got the number of a chick at a bar, and I called her Saturday but she never called back. Well, I decided to call during my lunch and she picked up, I said my name and CLICK she hung up on me!!!:rolleyes: I was laughing....I told myself next and deleted her phone number from my cell right away.

Around 3pm the same chick calls back and she explained to me that her boss was around when I called. She told me that she was available to meet this afternoon so we met at a bar and chilled for a little while.
Because of the date, I didn't have time for number close today.
I finished the date by telling that "I had a great time" looking into her eyes and she said "call me anytime".

She is about a 7.5 in looks or maybe 8.

The lesson of today is that good things happen when you go for the number. :yes: