"Date" turns to FR! (Long)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
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I was supposed to go out with this girl, but the event was canceled. So I decide on going to a brewery, and it turns out she had the same plans with friends already (before she knew about the show). Not to be negative, but as I am clearly focused on her, I will refer to he as "oneitus." So I go to the brewery with her and friends. I'm already feeling kind of bummed that this isn't just 'me and her' and its with a group.

I don't even hug her when I see her . . maybe not a big deal, but it sets the wrong frame in my head. Its like I've begun to friend-zone myself. (Gotta work on this).

There is another girl in the group. We'll just call her 'tiny girl.' She's small, skinny, really cute face though. I'm a big dude. This is an odd match, but there's a good vibe with her. I catch her looking at me throughout the night and I'm kind of teasing, but in a nice charming way.

Anyway we get there, Onietus is walking with me, I think of taking her hand but don't . . The friends being around just froze me. I was the frozen AFC. Still having fun and holding conversation, but no escalation or anything. I'm in the wrong frame of mind.

Anyway, other people show up and she's greeting them . . starts talking to this guy. Good looking guy. "This is going to hell," I think. She seems to like him. They seem to have a past, even.

No, not like this. I won't be the AFC robbed of the girl on what could have been a DATE. So I say **** it and I start walking around the venue to chat up girls. In fact, every time I saw her talking to another guy, my immediate response was "time to find a girl." I did catch her looking a few times.

One set is a cute girl in braces (I think braces are fvcking adorable), who is seeming into me. We have an awesome fun/teasing vibe going. I'm telling her and her friend to meet us at the next bar. They seem like they're going.

But that goes to sh*t as everyone decides to hit up another spot, including the oneitus. In fact, it may have been her idea. Hmm. Maybe she knew I had invited the other girls? Not sure. Thats wishful thinking, anyway.

We get to another place and I am just talking to every girl, including Tiny-girl. Me, her, and oneitus go out to the car to have some vodka. Tiny-girl leaves to drive home, so its me and Oneitus. She sits in the drivers seat (I'm outside), so I felt like I couldn't make any move, and I take this as an IOD (like she's avoiding any chance of me making a move)

More of the same for another hour or so. Then onietus's other guy (the guy she seemed to like) shows up. Crap. I just ignore it. When we're all leaving, she seems to want to follow him and a friend of hers. I say "You can go with them if you want its no big deal." She doesn't. They end up actually going home, so its me, onietus, and another buddy (tiny-girls roomate) for the rest of the night.

At this point I'm just partying. I can't believe this, at one point, was a 'date' in my mind. God. We hit up another bar, kind of separated now . . I'm doing my thing, she's doing hers. The night ends and we go back to our buddy's apartment, where . . Oh snap, the return of Tiny-girl! We're all partying, and finally I have a good rapport back with Oneitus. But as time goes on, she goes to bed, and its me and Tiny-girl.

We're getting close. She is throwing the most blatant, ridiculous sh*t-tests at me. She has this look on her face like "Are you f*cking crazy?" But I'm just not phased. I knew what she was doing and just laugh it off every time. Listen to this sh*t:

"Are you having an episode?"
"Are you autistic?"
"Do you have ADD?"
"Please don't kill me."

Like, what?? I say "I totally want to make out with you all night." She backs off a bit, looking nervous, and says "Do people do that??" WTF? Cute.

Its on. We make out all night. I escalate more, reaching down her pants, up her shirt. I say "say when." Dumb. She says "I'm bad at saying 'no'" and takes me hand away. Oh well. With some hard escalation I feel like I could have f*cked her, but we just chill and make out. We're up till 9AM and finally go to sleep in her bed.

This reminds me that the times I'm successful with a girl, I'm not worried about it AT ALL, and I make no bones about what I want. I've heard to just 'make a move' and 'go for it,' but I'm finding that with the proper vibe going (this is key), outright mentioning it verbally has brought more comfort to the situation . . it opens the door.

Its 3pm when we wake up (and I realize I'm laying in f*cking cat-hair). Oneitus is still there. So basically, Oneitus is waiting all day for me to go home as I'm in tiny-girl's room with her. But she doesn't seem pissed or anything. Was this too much? I guess I'm concerned that I've friend-zoned myself by getting another girl that night.

I don't feel good about the situation with this onietus anymore. I should be (and am) happy about tiny-girl. I will probably call her this week or something. But damnit, I still want the oneitus. If there was any attraction there, I'm a bit concerned that pursuing other girls that night, and basically getting one with her there, could have diminished attraction. Almost like I gave in to a friendship frame. I think it may have fizzled out.

I take her home, she hugs me goodbye but has her head low so no chance for any kiss.

All in all though, pretty EPIC fun night.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
That's awesome. Oneitis chick learned a lesson. Step up to the plate or some other girl will.

I'm not gonna critique you, because everything you did wrong, you already know about (Group dates, "Just say when," etc.). So I give you the golden star for turning a crappy situation into an awesome night on the town.

The Greek

Don Juan
Feb 27, 2010
Reaction score
I love how you turned a group date into that glorious F U to oneitis girl.

The Greek

Don Juan
Feb 27, 2010
Reaction score
Forty0ztoFreedom said:
Its on. We make out all night. I escalate more, reaching down her pants, up her shirt. I say "say when." Dumb. She says "I'm bad at saying 'no'" and takes me hand away. Oh well. With some hard escalation I feel like I could have f*cked her, but we just chill and make out. We're up till 9AM and finally go to sleep in her bed.

This reminds me that the times I'm successful with a girl, I'm not worried about it AT ALL, and I make no bones about what I want. I've heard to just 'make a move' and 'go for it,' but I'm finding that with the proper vibe going (this is key), outright mentioning it verbally has brought more comfort to the situation . . it opens the door.
There's nothing wrong with a bit of word play, but remember, assume the sale.. you know this already anyway haha


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
It would have been my goal to have the loudest, kinkiest night with the tiny chick...so loud that your oneitis girl would have heard. When you two went home the next morning, your first words to her should have been when you got outside and something like "You know, it would have been a lot of fun just me and you last night." Let her think on that statement after hearing you pound the tiny girl all night...

She would either find that to be an extreme turn on knowing you go out and get what you want or she would be in the same situation you're in now.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Really? You would go that far? I'm a bit torn on this. I feel I'm partly to blame for being AFC at first and kind of setting that tone. Then again, why the hell do I have to always step up and when I don't, these girls don't give an inch. Bullsh*t!

Maybe I jumped to conclusions but the second I saw her talking to this one guy, and her face kind of lit up, and I feel there's something between them . . I went CODE RED. I needed her (and ME) to KNOW that it wasn't gonna go down like that.

Imagine if the roles were reversed. If it was her in some dude's room all night, and them cuddling up a bit the next morning in front of me. I'd probably delete her number!

Is the consensus here that what I did could only INCREASE attraction?

I guess I'm just going no-contact with this girl for a while, unless anyone has other advice. Last resort till we're just drinking buddies. In the mean time its tiny-girl time and I'll do my best not to crush her to death.

I'm not gonna critique you, because everything you did wrong, you already know about (Group dates, "Just say when," etc.).
About the group date, should I have just canceled altogether? Well, I'm kind of glad I didn't THIS time, but you know, for future reference.

assume the sale.. you know this already anyway haha
Yeah, I kind of did when I said "I totally want to make out with you all night." Almost like she doesn't even have a say.

Its weird because at one point she says "So what happened?" I'm like, "What??" It kind of shook me a bit to be honest. Who just says that? "What happened that made you like this, where you don't even ask to do this?" I just say, "What kind of pvssy ass motherfvcker asks to do this?"

Yeah, how bout 'me' like a couple years ago probably. But I was just verbally vomiting at that point.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
speedwheel said:
It would have been my goal to have the loudest, kinkiest night with the tiny chick...so loud that your oneitis girl would have heard. When you two went home the next morning, your first words to her should have been when you got outside and something like "You know, it would have been a lot of fun just me and you last night."
^^This^^ is absolutely brilliant.

As for the OP, the only mistakes I see are saying, "Tell me when to stop" or whatever AND the fact that you're even still thinking about the "Oneitis" girl. Screw the tiny chick and 9 others and then come back and tell us what you still think about Oneitis girl.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Forty0ztoFreedom said:
Really? You would go that far?
Imagine if the roles were reversed. If it was her in some dude's room all night, and them cuddling up a bit the next morning in front of me. I'd probably delete her number!
You're making the mistake of believing that women think like men. Women attract women. The more women you screw, the more women will want to screw you. Reminds me of the time I told a chick about one crazy weekend I had where I banged 3 girls and made out with a fourth, all in 48 hours. The chick got totally interested in me after that. If she weren't a single mom I might have done her too.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
spin new plates, I seriously doubt your oneitis has any intrest in you.

-she keeps avoiding you
-she wasen't jealous at all about you and the tiny girl
-she's clearly intrested in other guys

I would just avoid her and reduce contact to a minimum with her.

As to what the others say, yes you should have banged tiny girl, but NO YOU SHOULD NOT SAY "its to bad it wasen't with you oneitis". This just makes you look like an afc and a manwh*re.

It's true that women are attracted by women, but I doubt it would affect your oneitis, her minds made up. She doesn't want a taste of the "Forty0ztoFreedom-meister"? Then fvck her, its her loss, plenty of women who do want you!

Ow and by the way, by reducing contact you might get a small bit of intrest, should this happen:
STILL AVOID HER, her plans with the other guy then probebly failed and your just the backup plan.

One last thing


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, it SUCKS, because she is HOT and FUN, and we had awesome times together, but I'm done with Oneitus for now. Maybe things can spring up again somewhere down the line, or she can initiate or something, but I'm not gonna chase a ghost.

I set something up with tiny-girl tomorrow night. Beyond that its just approach, approach, approach I guess.

RIP Oneitus.

(Not sure how she's an attention-***** though, feel free to explain . . also, I wouldn't say she was avoiding me at all.)


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Good job, 40. And I agree with this:

Iceberg said:
That's awesome. Oneitis chick learned a lesson. Step up to the plate or some other girl will.

I'm not gonna critique you, because everything you did wrong, you already know about (Group dates, "Just say when," etc.). So I give you the golden star for turning a crappy situation into an awesome night on the town.

I don't agree with whoever said that women attract women, and the be loud and obnoxious bit. Unless Oneitis is a dumbslvt, if you were being loud, obnoxious and totally obviously a douche, she'd probably think that she was right to pass you up.

There is a chance she won't talk to you again... for now. And that would be a good thing. That means it really got to her that you hooked up with her friend. And her friend is going to tell your Oneitis that nothing happened, and that you were a "gentleman", and that is a GOOD thing, especially if Tinygirl ends up with Oneitis for YOU.

I agree with whoever else said focus on Tinygirl, plus lay or play or spin or whatever they are calling this week, 10 other chicks and THEN tell us what you think about ONEitis chick.

And I see you are on the same page, so kudos:

Forty0ztoFreedom said:
Yeah, it SUCKS, because she is HOT and FUN, and we had awesome times together, but I'm done with Oneitus for now. Maybe things can spring up again somewhere down the line, or she can initiate or something, but I'm not gonna chase a ghost.

I set something up with tiny-girl tomorrow night. Beyond that its just approach, approach, approach I guess.

RIP Oneitus.

(Not sure how she's an attention-***** though, feel free to explain . . also, I wouldn't say she was avoiding me at all.)

That last line... well you know. This IS sosuave. Of course the girl is an attention wh0re. Aren't all girls? :rolleyes: