Crazy women... (warning: lols inside)


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Whats up fellas. SO awhile ago (in the summer) I broke up with my GF and met this girl in a bar. Me and my buddy opened them up, she was with her roommate/ friend. So fast forward, my buddy is dating that same girl today (great girl, good head on her shoulders and all) and they're pretty happy. Me on the other the other hand, just had sex (strictly hook up) with that girl (the roommate) who I met at the bar.

So i'd go up and visit my buddy, who lives with that girl in her off campus apartment and that crazy girl(The one I opened at the bar) lives there as well. So I told her from the start that it was only a hook up type of thing and she was fine with that. After we hooked up for the first time, she kept telling her roomate (my buddys GF) some crazy ****. She may have feelings for me, I hope he stays over, call JohnChops up! I want to see him. Then I went ghost for a few months because the semester started. She kept texting me, asking me when i'll come up next. I never responded or I only did with 1 word answers, thinking she would get the hint. She didn't.

So during that ghost time, my buddy would text me and say **** like " dude *crazygirl* really wants you to come up, she wont stop talking about you, etc" then I told him and his GF to go find her a guy lol, apparently her standards changed to mirror me (lolwut) and she wont date anyone who pretty much isn't a replica of myself (who says that ****).

So I break NC eventually because I had a lull in the semester and I end up at their apartment one night and rail her again for funsies. Thinking with my d1ck not my brain there. This was the last time, never do this again, or really speak to her for that matter.

She told my buddy that she wanted to hook me up with her friend so she could "forget about me" then she didnt want to do that because she still "loved me" lol. My friend sent me pictures of her text messages (shed leave imessage open on her macbook). I was supposed to come over there one night but couldnt because I had an exam to study for so I didnt but before hand she texts her friend saying "you know who is coming over" and how she is" over me" but she is going to "look hot like she always does to make me jealous". Her friend despises me to apparently lol, shes never met me, thats fine.

Fastforward to yesterday, I get a text from my buddy saying how this girl has all her friends + anyone she phcuking meets convinced that me and her dated, i acted like a dbag, then SHE broke up with ME, and made me cry because of how much I loved her. I laughed so hard at first I had abdominal cramps, then I realized this girl is full blown mental (i knew it before just wasnt this bad beforehand).

So, that is where this story is at now. Once this semester ends me and my buddy are going out to celebrate, end of finals and such, she will most likely be there so two questions:

1) shall i mess with her and troll the **** out of her?
2) wtf do I do if this girl goes bat **** crazy from me ignoring her all night and does what insane girls do (claim rape, beating, pregnancy bull****?)

ALl in all I think its funny as hell but if any thing like #2 happens, I wont be that happy lol.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2014
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You sound like a sick, sick bastard...if she's mentally ill, just leave her alone, idiot! Why would you want to mess with a mentally ill person?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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princess_124 said:
You sound like a sick, sick bastard...if she's mentally ill, just leave her alone, idiot! Why would you want to mess with a mentally ill person?
Translation: You sound like a bad boy that I used to date/fvck who pumped and dumped me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2013
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Paradise or Hell - You choose
princess_124 said:
You sound like a sick, sick bastard...if she's mentally ill, just leave her alone, idiot! Why would you want to mess with a mentally ill person?
This girl has a point. Think about it. Dont go Yada Yada with your sosuave dogmas. There are many stupid dogmas that doesn't apply to many situation.


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2014
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JohnChops said:
Woah woah woah princess pls.... I don't even know you. :crackup:
After reading that story, you don't want to put it in my me, I WILL bite (on purpose) :yes:. By the way, you do know that karma exists right? You may hurt someone today, God WILL punish you later!


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
Your post is hilarious. For the fcuk of it, fcuk that beech again. You better wrap up though. Dealing with batch sheet crazy girls is like walking on firestones, if she gets preggy for you, your life is literally over, you might as well jump off a bridge but if you enjoy the high of walking the line then yeah get in there, just because :cuss: :flowers: :cuss:


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2003
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To insist that you are playing with fire is to understate the situation. If she is willing to make up those nasty rumors to hurt you and make herself appear to be a victim after a few hookups, then imagine how far she might go if you trolled her.

I'm just saying that you could end up in jail if you mess with her and she decides to retaliate with the full force of her craziness. Don't ever contact her again and don't respond to any provocations. Just explain you situation to anyone as you find out that they are misinformed.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Anyone else find it a bit odd that that woman is actively participating in a men's dating tips website.

Idk about you guys but I don't know very many women who'd hang around this place very long.

Either she's a lazy fat slut who can't keep a boyfriend and get likes on Instagram, or a dude posing as a female for shìts & giggles.

As for the Op, sounds like she hit a lil ego. I know if a broad painted me as some sort of pvssy, I'd be pretty pissed. Reputation is important, especially on a college campus.

I say you leave her alone.

Sure fūcking with her could lead to some laughs, but it could also lead to some jail time.

The ***** is fūcking nuts. Leave her be lol.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Stay as far away as you can. Be pleasant to her if you see her, but under no circumstances should you have sex with her, she could have sex then cry rape and you'll get a decade or two in jail and have your entire life ruined, you're not so much playing with fire, as walking through lava.

However, if you are stupid enough to have sex with her, record the audio on your phone, that way if she does accuse you you can play it back to them.

Always, always, always have a plan of escape, but I recommend avoiding her like the plague.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Lol I dont go to her college fellas and I haven't talked to her in awhile. I don't plan on it unless I see my buddy with his GF (who brings this b1tch alog). Don't really care about my "reputation" or what others think.

I just thought it was one of the funniest thing that has happened to me thus far, with dating.