I thought the whole point of patterns was to make her feel in a certain way through conversation, then anchoring that emotion in some way to yourself - whether touch or tone of voice or music.
Anchoring does not require a lot of repetition if the intensity of the emotional state is very high at the time the trigger is installed. And for those who are still trying to understand how anchoring works, think of the last time you heard a song and suddenly you were thinking and feeling about an experience in your past, or the last time you smelt something and you suddenly taken back to a place back in your past - if you have, those experiences are anchors and the music or smell is the trigger.
Since women tend to focus more on their feelings then men, it would stand to reason they are also more succeptible to anchoring. Thats why patterns, done properly work so well.
As for this whole smile and therefore feel happy, the only way that would work is if the smile is a trigger of an anchor of sorts.
Just my 2 cents worth
"Step aside everyone! Sensitive love letters are my specialty. 'Dear Baby, Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: you.'" - Homer J. Simpson