Carry Yourself Like a Seducer


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Just a girl:
Try this one out boys.... BE YOURSELF! There is no specific method to "getting" a woman. Really guys!
Hey, if you have been good with women, then by all means Be Yourself. But if you've lived many years getting no where with women, many years being yourself, then maybe being himself doesn't work for him. You have to IMPROVE yourself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
Drew and I had a little conversation about patterning and the like on aim a few minutes ago. He was able to show me how patterning and trigger words get those emotions out.

Now to take this even more off topic.

I explained that to me, it seems like youre tricking the girl to become attracted to you. Rather than actually being that great guy in her mind, you basically leech off the strong emotions she feels for him because of his qualities and places them on to you regardless of whether you have those qualities or not.

I would much rather have a girl be attracted to me for who i am(the me that i made with this site), rather than because i made her associate me with feelings she has for someone else. Though i would understand a persons motivations in patterning if he is unable to become that great guy.

O well, seems to work, not for me. gi'day

[This message has been edited by Jester (edited 06-25-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Cyc and Drew, great posts. Thank you both for standing up for my thread. Please, no more replies that don't either have something to add or an IMFORMED opinion if you disagree.


- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.

~"Pon atencion al latido de tu corazon...y el ritmo de tu respiracion...como te permites llegar a ser completamente llevada...por la conexion que esta tomando lugar." ~

[This message has been edited by SexPDX (edited 06-25-2002).]


Senior Don Juan
Feb 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Just a girl:
Try this one out boys.... BE YOURSELF! There is no specific method to "getting" a woman. Really guys!

RUN Forrest(AFC/Newbie) RUN!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2001
Reaction score
Drew, can you at least post a better explanation of anchoring, or talk to me later about it because i'm horribly inexperienced and would like further clarification.

Jester, you've come to that point where "ethics" and being "manipulative" are raising some questions. I've been through similar debates with myself over the ethical implications of NLP and SS. But think about it in abstract terms. How is it that it's "tricking" her unless you're getting something of value from her without her permission? You assume there's a hidden agenda here like "i want sex" that i'm somehow hiding or else my whole "plan" will screw up. Girls know you want sex, and girls who don't know that guys want sex are living in their socially conditioned fantasy world or in denial. If a girl expects that I'm approaching her validating her for marriage, she has some screws loose. In either case, I make it abundantly clear what my attentions are throughout the course of my interactions with her.

Anchoring is simply the guiding of her "states". You think you don't do this already bro? You don't think you do anything purposely in the effort that a girl will be attracted to you (leading to sex) and altering her view of you or her state? How about dressing nice? How about social proof? You don't think these things have anything to do with her mental states? All patterning is is doing it through verbiage. What about KINO, you think that's SO much different from anchoring? Why do you use kino? To get the girl in a more comfortable state, one more comfortable to your touch and more sexually receptive. Anchoring is simply creating a trigger to re-create a certain state with her.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
what drew allowed me to see cyc, was that you are able to basically transfer the emotions she has for someone else, and puts it on to you. If the pattern only made her be in a relaxed state of mind, i wouldnt have a problem. Now if all i wanted was sex this would definitely be the way to go, but i want to have fun with a person that likes me for me and who i like for her. Not because i used a pattern that made her think i was like that special guy in her head...and if i was already like that guy, it would just be redundant...get my objection?

edited for accuracy. the goals of most patterns though seem to be to make her feel somethign that you didnt put there, and thats why i wouldnt do it.

[This message has been edited by Jester (edited 06-25-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2001
Reaction score
I understand your objection, and you're free to have your opinion on the matter. But, I thought were talking about anchoring here, and why does that necessarily involve transfering emotions she has for another person? In either case, i'm tired of debating, so blah.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2001
Reaction score
way back we were talking about smiling making you feel better. I explained that since your brain knows that its a fake smile, no matter how many times youve made a fake smile in the past, it will not cause you to feel any better. But the brain can not tell the difference from a fake and a real laugh, so if you do that, you will feel better because serotonin will be released.

That isnt something you can really argue, its established by neurologists.

[This message has been edited by Jester (edited 06-26-2002).]


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by Jester:
what drew allowed me to see cyc, was that using a pattern basically transfers the emotions she has for someone else, and puts it on to you.
It depends what pattern you are using!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! If you are going to keep replying (and off topic BTW) can you at least READ THE MANUAL?! time I post something like this I am just going to not check the forum for a few days. The compulsion to follow this thread has been too much. LOL!


- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.

~"Pon atencion al latido de tu corazon...y el ritmo de tu respiracion...como te permites llegar a ser completamente llevada...por la conexion que esta tomando lugar." ~


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by Jester:
way back we were talking about smiling making you feel better. I explained that since your brain knows that its a fake smile, no matter how many times youve made a fake smile in the past, it will not cause you to feel any better. But the brain can not tell the difference from a fake and a real laugh, so if you do that, you will feel better because endorphines will be released.

That isnt something you can argue, its established by neurologists.
You have basically written the same reply twice adding nothing new to your argument which I STILL think is bogus. I don't think you are lying that you HEARD this, but I think you are misapplying it. I disagree with whoever says that smiling doesn't make me feel better.

Right now I am smiling and I am happy even though it's a fake smile. Now might that be because I want to be right because of this debate? That could easily be the case but it is still working
. And now thanks to this thread the act of a fake smile is going to be anchored to this hilarious debate so I guess I got something very positive out of this experience.

Point me to a respected neurologist that supports your claim IN THIS CONTEXT and then I'll give it some thought.


- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.

~"Pon atencion al latido de tu corazon...y el ritmo de tu respiracion...como te permites llegar a ser completamente llevada...por la conexion que esta tomando lugar." ~

Ashlee Angel

Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2002
Reaction score
Great post and great tips. I think when using good eye contact throw in some kino to really seem like the man.

The more girls you ask out the more chances of you getting a yes.

Just a girl

Don Juan
Jun 25, 2002
Reaction score
I don't mean to get your panties in a bundle here, I'm just telling you how my lady friends and I are. Would you feel better if I said, "hey you don't have a chance if you're a fat nasty slob!" Confidence plays a big factor with women, i agree, but you have to watch how you carry yourself also. Have you ever heard a woman say something to the effect of... that guy looks like a **** (simply from the way you present yourself.) I guess you guys are in a tough situation here. I'm sorry. See I'm a different type of girl. I approached my now boyfriend. Maybe the girls need a little more confidence when approaching a man. And of course all girls are different in how they want to be approached and what kind of guy their looking for. It is difficult. I didn't mean to offend anyone, so please don't take it that way.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
Reaction score
I thought the whole point of patterns was to make her feel in a certain way through conversation, then anchoring that emotion in some way to yourself - whether touch or tone of voice or music.

Anchoring does not require a lot of repetition if the intensity of the emotional state is very high at the time the trigger is installed. And for those who are still trying to understand how anchoring works, think of the last time you heard a song and suddenly you were thinking and feeling about an experience in your past, or the last time you smelt something and you suddenly taken back to a place back in your past - if you have, those experiences are anchors and the music or smell is the trigger.

Since women tend to focus more on their feelings then men, it would stand to reason they are also more succeptible to anchoring. Thats why patterns, done properly work so well.

As for this whole smile and therefore feel happy, the only way that would work is if the smile is a trigger of an anchor of sorts.

Just my 2 cents worth

"Step aside everyone! Sensitive love letters are my specialty. 'Dear Baby, Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: you.'" - Homer J. Simpson


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2002
Reaction score
way back we were talking about smiling making you feel better. I explained that since your brain knows that its a fake smile, no matter how many times youve made a fake smile in the past, it will not cause you to feel any better. But the brain can not tell the difference from a fake and a real laugh, so if you do that, you will feel better because serotonin will be released.
Other studies have shown that if you sit in class with open body language you are more likely to learn the material then if you have closed body language. Hence people who conciously maintain open body language will excell. I believe this was explained in the book: psycho-cybernetics, a book concerning self image, under the "fake it till you make it" part.

Also concerning anchoring. NLP is not hypnosis, you can not force anyone to do anything. Those ab doer adds use NLP techniques, sure you may feel a slight desire to buy it, but you turn your back and the urge dissapears, even if you anchored it there is still a large part of you can ignore the impulse. Not to mention the difficulties of manipulating a stranger during a dynamic conversation.

Just my .02


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Originally posted by Maji:

NLP is not hypnosis, you can not force anyone to do anything.
That's doesn't make it NOT hypnosis. You use NLP to induce a state of heightened suggestibility. That's what hypnosis is.


- The seductionist formerly known as trickynick

You either own the game or it owns you.

~"Pon atencion al latido de tu corazon...y el ritmo de tu respiracion...como te permites llegar a ser completamente llevada...por la conexion que esta tomando lugar." ~


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
Reaction score

I once heard someone say: "Men fall in love through their eyes,but women fall in love through their ears."

SexPDX's suggestion of communication in clear sentences, even if you have to go slow, is one of the most(if not THE MOST) important ways to get a woman. He is right on this and every other point he made in his article, INCLUDING the anchoring method.

Instead of debating it fellas, try it and see if it works for you. It works like a divine charm for me.

One suggestion:
Try acting like a person who is already a master seducer (for me, I imitate James Bond). Don't shoot me down and be ignorant about it. Try it and see.

Excellent post SexPDX.


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2001
Reaction score
New Jersey
Originally posted by Just a girl:
Try this one out boys.... BE YOURSELF! There is no specific method to "getting" a woman. Really guys!
That's why a lot of us failed!