BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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If you like Whiplash (2014) because there is some sort of Schadenfreude with the psychological abuse suffered by the character portrayed by Miles Teller, then you would like War Dogs (2016), but it has a happy ending for his character.
I like Whiplash because it shows the musician/artist's dedication to his craft, I like movies about creativity. I also like JK Simmons, and his character is very interesting here although I don't agree with his approach, even if in the end he was apparently successful. But it raises the question of what it takes to succeed, and shows how failure can motivate.

I'm not a big fan of jazz overall, although I appreciate aspects of it, and I think the best drummers come from jazz. Listen to that gospel song I posted earlier, it's only a minute and a half.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I like Whiplash because it shows the musician/artist's dedication to his craft, I like movies about creativity. I also like JK Simmons, and his character is very interesting here although I don't agree with his approach, even if in the end he was apparently successful. But it raises the question of what it takes to succeed, and shows how failure can motivate.

I'm not a big fan of jazz overall, although I appreciate aspects of it, and I think the best drummers come from jazz. Listen to that gospel song I posted earlier, it's only a minute and a half.
War Dogs (2016) also portrays dedication to business contracts and making the impossible happen. If you like Whiplash then you would like War Dogs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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War Dogs (2016) also portrays dedication to business contracts and making the impossible happen. If you like Whiplash then you would like War Dogs.
It's on HBO right now, so I have access to it. Looks interesting, I'll put it on my list.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
The space rock missed us. It looks like unrest related to the election will be behind any catastrophic bad news that occurs in November. This morning Philadelphia police claim to have thwarted an attempted attack on a vote counting facility. Bitcoin is going up like crazy, which seems ominous given the timing.

I have said this on here many times. It is the electoral college who elects the president, not the people. Those people have no idea how the political process actually works. And when they find out, they are going to be very upset. First the media will announce Biden as the winner, people think it is over, and then the electoral college sh1t hits the fan. That's the time to board up windows, not election night like they did in DC.

There was a simulation of all of these events over the summer by a group called the transition integrity project. They predicted everything that is happening now, and it just gets worse. Their simulation got to the point of rioting in the streets, and they shut it down because it was too disturbing.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Georgia secretary of state orders hand recount of all ballots. And they aren't even done with the first counting. And assuming both of those get done, the losing candidate can then request another recount using machines.

A good summary of the electoral college can be found here:

There is a federal statute that says all election disputes must be resolved by December 8th.

"If any State shall have provided, by laws enacted prior to the day fixed for the appointment of the electors, for its final determination of any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors of such State, by judicial or other methods or procedures, and such determination shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors, such determination made pursuant to such law so existing on said day, and made at least six days prior to said time of meeting of the electors, shall be conclusive, and shall govern in the counting of the electoral votes as provided in the Constitution, and as hereinafter regulated, so far as the ascertainment of the electors appointed by such State is concerned. "

I think it just tells the states to make a decision somehow, and that however they do so is valid, idea being we are out of time and have to have results. It is a confusing and poorly written statute, but it just might be the catalyst behind the potential unrest. The secretary of state in Georgia could claim that by law he has to appoint the electors himself because the count was never finished. If a few more states did the same thing, then that changes the outcome of the election. Just because that has never happened before doesn't mean that it can't, mostly because everything about that scenario is legal and constitutional.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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The space rock missed us. It looks like unrest related to the election will be behind any catastrophic bad news that occurs in November. This morning Philadelphia police claim to have thwarted an attempted attack on a vote counting facility. Bitcoin is going up like crazy, which seems ominous given the timing.

I have said this on here many times. It is the electoral college who elects the president, not the people. Those people have no idea how the political process actually works. And when they find out, they are going to be very upset. First the media will announce Biden as the winner, people think it is over, and then the electoral college sh1t hits the fan. That's the time to board up windows, not election night like they did in DC.

There was a simulation of all of these events over the summer by a group called the transition integrity project. They predicted everything that is happening now, and it just gets worse. Their simulation got to the point of rioting in the streets, and they shut it down because it was too disturbing.
Thats really interesting, any link where we can get more infos?

I see you mentioned btc growing fast, how do you explain it?

Black Widow Void

Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
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I can listen to an Elton John song and it's not going to turn me suddenly gay. I can listen to an old blues song and it's not going to make me want to go out and shoot my woman.
That's hilarious!

There's a band called Negativland that exploited this area of thought. A band member called the news media and claimed that a teen suicide occurred after listening to a Negativland LP (this was in the early 1990's) . The news outlet didn't verify the source and reported it as fact. Then it was picked up by the networks. And only later was it reported to be a hoax. The band not only got free press out of it, but they sampled the news clips on a later release

. helter stupid.jpg
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The secretary of state in Georgia could claim that by law he has to appoint the electors himself because the count was never finished. If a few more states did the same thing, then that changes the outcome of the election. Just because that has never happened before doesn't mean that it can't, mostly because everything about that scenario is legal and constitutional.
States elect electors to vote for the president. We're used to those electors following the results of that state's election. What if one (or more) of those electors didn't vote accordingly, is that even possible? I'm not sure. And then there's the type of situation you describe where time runs out and they just have to go out and cast their votes. There's actually a fairly short amount of time between election day and Dec. 14, which is when the electors vote, to fit in all the potential lawsuits and recounts. If things get jammed up, there could certainly be some violence. There could always be violence even without any of the above.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Do those electors you talk about have a political affiliation like dems or reps? are they choosen with the same elections for the president?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Do those electors you talk about have a political affiliation like dems or reps? are they choosen with the same elections for the president?
The electors are party loyalists. The voting is supposed to determine which party gets to send their electors.

It is theoretically possible that both sides could each send their own set of electors and then mass chaos would ensue, like riots and gang rumbles.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Mods will probably delete this


Georgia secretary of state orders hand recount of all ballots. And they aren't even done with the first counting. And assuming both of those get done, the losing candidate can then request another recount using machines.

A good summary of the electoral college can be found here:

There is a federal statute that says all election disputes must be resolved by December 8th.

"If any State shall have provided, by laws enacted prior to the day fixed for the appointment of the electors, for its final determination of any controversy or contest concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors of such State, by judicial or other methods or procedures, and such determination shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors, such determination made pursuant to such law so existing on said day, and made at least six days prior to said time of meeting of the electors, shall be conclusive, and shall govern in the counting of the electoral votes as provided in the Constitution, and as hereinafter regulated, so far as the ascertainment of the electors appointed by such State is concerned. "

I think it just tells the states to make a decision somehow, and that however they do so is valid, idea being we are out of time and have to have results. It is a confusing and poorly written statute, but it just might be the catalyst behind the potential unrest. The secretary of state in Georgia could claim that by law he has to appoint the electors himself because the count was never finished. If a few more states did the same thing, then that changes the outcome of the election. Just because that has never happened before doesn't mean that it can't, mostly because everything about that scenario is legal and constitutional.
Didn't your state, Pennsylvania, just hurriedly pass a law to extend the time allotted to count votes?

I fail to see how Georgia is gonna piss anyone off further.


I fail to see how Georgia is gonna piss anyone off further.
Nevermind, I wasn't thinking about disappointed liberals.

May their tears fill the gutters and gullies!

Honestly, though, we're fvcked either way.

Stack up on the sardines and PB, bible.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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It's Nov 22 and nothing has happened yet. I've recently stopped looking at escort pics and video role-play porn and fapping. If the end had come sooner, I may not have made it with these sins. Now, bearing the last week or so left, I'm in a likely better position. But I don't want to talk too soon, lest I be tempted again to look at something lustful. I'm looking at anointed church services online. The ones I used to go to in the past but we all went to other types of churches. I would hate that something had happened and we were not all ready to meet God.
He is graciously giving people more time to repent. I am thankful everytime I get out of bed. Each day is a gift, and I treat it that way.

Travel memoir21

Senior Don Juan
Feb 20, 2020
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Rio Grande Valley, Texas
It's Nov 22 and nothing has happened yet. I've recently stopped looking at escort pics and video role-play porn and fapping. If the end had come sooner, I may not have made it with these sins. Now, bearing the last week or so left, I'm in a likely better position. But I don't want to talk too soon, lest I be tempted again to look at something lustful. I'm looking at anointed church services online. The ones I used to go to in the past but we all went to other types of churches. I would hate that something had happened and we were not all ready to meet God.
He is graciously giving people more time to repent. I am thankful everytime I get out of bed. Each day is a gift, and I treat it that way.
Dude, please lay off the Porn keep your smartphones away from the bedroom at all times and know porn is harmful to the soul.

That’s the key, keep your phone away from your bed. If you got an urge, take a cold shower.

Also ask and pray to God for help. Cheers.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Dude, please lay off the Porn keep your smartphones away from the bedroom at all times and know porn is harmful to the soul.
Yes, I've just said that. The Tablet has replaced the smartphone since 2017 because the screen is larger, as well as the images of women. However, the Tablet has many other uses, such as playing audio music, reading on a Kindle app, and looking at tones of choices of video that are NOT porn related.

At the end of things, the issue is in the heart, not the electronic device. Jesus had strong words against lust before the internet was invented. That tells me that whether it's a Tablet, or a woman walking down the street, or a memory of a woman I dealt with, it's still the same principle. The heart has to be right and right actions follow. The Tablet is simply a vehicle of choice. It doesn't make me do anything.

Travel memoir21 said:
That’s the key, keep your phone away from your bed. If you got an urge, take a cold shower.
The Tablet is helpful to fall asleep. The hope is that I watch something boring and just fall asleep, or listen to a woman singing or talking if I'm feeling lonely, (as long as it's not a porn actress talking dirty and pretending to be my step-mother, daughter or step-sister, etc...).

Travel memoir21 said:
Also ask and pray to God for help. Cheers.
I have already done this step. My mother is well aware if I look at porn on my bed at 4:00 am in the morning. She says my face looks different and she can tell if I did something like that. There is a strange and unsettling look in my demeanor after I look at porn. Maintaining the soundness of mind and my face is very important.

Again, I don't want to miss the rapture because I looked at an image of an escort or video of a fake step-mother or some nonsense like that.

These attacks occur between 2-5 am in the morning, normally if I have trouble falling asleep, or wake up in the middle of the night, or get a panic attack and feel doing this will make me feel normal or something. But I haven't looked at anything in over a couple of days and counting....lets see if this is permanent this time. The mild-porn thing was just too insidious. You think a woman, by herself, on a video, just talking with some exposure isn't that bad....sometimes that's even worst than hardcore. I've stopped this for now.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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This time I fapped to my ex wife. Still remember her body after 6 years and can replay any memory, including smell, texture, position, etc... If divorce is not valid to God then I hope this is not wrong since it cant really be adultery. Lets see how this plays out tomorrow. Dont feel as defiled by this since the memory is legitimate.
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