BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I blame the rise of the mega churches. They are one big sales pitch to make themselves money. The key is to only tell people happy, feel good stuff and never challenge any of their decision making or present them with any sort of intellectual or moral difficulty from faith. None of these people actually read the bible, so they will believe anything about what it says. A friend of mine went to a local mega church. The pastor said in the sermon that the most common word spoken by jesus was "money" and that jesus said to give money to the church, because that is how one gets to heaven.
Agreed, with qualifications. As a teenager growing up in 1993, with a different spiritual landscape than it is today, I'm not sure how I'd be as a teenager in 2020. If I were 17 years old today then I'd have been born in 2003, or 10 years after I got "saved". So you feel churches are in general not as anointed or spiritual compared to the 90s? You can even look at Hillsong church worship music in the 90s and early 00s and compare it with today's music and it's like totally different.

However, I do tune into word-of-faith/prosperity gospel teachers and agree with what they are saying. It makes sense to believe in God for a breakthrough if everything is going wrong in your life and you are not seeing your way. Like look at my case, I'm 44 years old, live at home, don't have a penny to my name and no gf to save my life. I can see that working for me. As a teenager there is allot of potential. It's different when you are a middle-age adult and everything has been a fail. So I guess I'm just attracted to listen to different things depending on my own phase of life.
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Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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The focus of discussion was religion and the culture within society as a whole when religion was a more dominant force. Churches do not care or cater for single guys or incel guys unless you are a chad or something and running church game. For it to work, the whole society outside the church has subscribe to it or a woman can just pair up with anyone outside the church. You think their options are just limited to that church? Lots of women flip their smartphones on while service is going on or just before it ends and probably have gigantic virtual social bubbles.

The 50th percentile guy is in a society where the lack of religion within it has condemned him to live a substandard life. For the record, there aren't that many strong churches out there. Allot of them are lukewarm and weak or are getting political and focusing on Trump and it throws allot of people off. I think, at least in my past, church offered a venue to at least talk to women. I can't even see that today and even my mother has lost interest in evening encouraging me to go to church because its just hopeless in that department as well. Lets see what happens next month...whatever it is, can't be worst than this sh1tty state of affairs.
The most important thing that you said is that churches do not care for single or incel men. If you go to nearly any Judeo-Christian church, there is almost no one there between the ages of 21 and 40 who are single. That goes for both single men and single women. A lot of younger singles do not feel welcome in churches. The only time you see people between 21 and 40 in church services is when they are married and have families. It's like a lot of children drop the practice of religion around age 18 and do not return until they are marrying and/or have a family.

This is an older article but still valuable. Look at how few singles meet through church in the graph. It has probably gotten worse since 2009-2010.

Almost all the Judeo-Christian religions are having issues.

Mainstream Protestantism is dying off. The Catholic Church has been having an identity crisis for decades. There are hardline practitioners of Catholicism. Amy Coney Barrett would be an example. Then there are more liberal practitioners of Catholicism. Many Hispanics, though culturally conservative, tend to vote for Democrats, particularly if Mexican-American. Hispanics are becoming a larger share of Catholics, as the GI Generation (1910-1926 births) and Silent Generation (1927-1945 births) are dying off. The Catholics from the pre-Boomer generation were mainly white, and had Irish or Italian ancestry. Some white Boomer Catholics remain, but their white Millennial children are not ardent Catholics. Some of the non-denominational Protestants (Evangelicals) are strong, but they tend to be more conservative. I don't think there are as many practicing Jews anymore, though I haven't seen much data on that. Mormonism still seems strong because they have a lot of children. However, Mormonism is mainly confined to Utah, Idaho, parts of Arizona, and parts of Nevada. I was recently in Utah and had to make a pit stop while traveling. I was in Provo, the home of Brigham Young University and my pit stop was at a Walgreens. I checked the condom aisle at this Walgreens and there was a robust condom selection there despite the big Mormon influence.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Like look at my case, I'm 44 years old, live at home, don't have a penny to my name and no gf to save my life. I can see that working for me. As a teenager there is allot of potential. It's different when you are a middle-age adult and everything has been a fail.
Humility is a virtue, but defining yourself by the criteria of this world is not very Christian. The first will be last, remember?

And whatever reasons that guys on this site list as why they don't have a woman, the complex you have about it is a much bigger inhibitor than the reason itself. Being broke and living with your parents does not mean that you can't be fun to hang around to a woman, but viewing yourself as a failure certainly does take the fun out of it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Humility is a virtue, but defining yourself by the criteria of this world is not very Christian. The first will be last, remember?

And whatever reasons that guys on this site list as why they don't have a woman, the complex you have about it is a much bigger inhibitor than the reason itself. Being broke and living with your parents does not mean that you can't be fun to hang around to a woman, but viewing yourself as a failure certainly does take the fun out of it.
I don't think so. I just paint a portrait of an aspect. I didn't say I'm pissed-off or depressed, I merely said that word-of-faith or prosperity theology messages SHOULD be helpful to people like me because if they are not, then what are they good for? Has it helped me? I think it is very helpful because it helps train my mind to see positives and to bring Jesus into everything so that despite how my situation might objectively be, it may not be that way in the 'spiritual' side of things, and that realm is very bright with Jesus and confessing out words that reflect that. So in an unseen realm I'm a winner and everything is just great. Again the dichotomy of the spiritual and natural realm is a hallmark of word-of-faith teaching.

The natural is the body and the environment. The spiritual, is the spirit and the word of God and what the Bible says about you and who you are in Christ. I didn't define this dichotomy initially but, I see where you may have come to that logical sequence of thought without clarifying that position. This is how word of faith teachers, like Andrew Wommack, will teach and provide examples where people who are diagnosed as cancer simply cancel their diagnosis and claim out loud that Jesus blood has healed them from all diseases so it's not real despite the diagnoses being there but miraculous healings are known to have occurred this way. This is also applied to finances and other areas of life. The dichotomy is stronger the more extreme the difference is between the natural and the spiritual. I feel in my case its strong and therefore it should be more apparent that if anything happens in my life that it is because of this word-of-faith teaching and a work of God rather than anything that I can possibly do to life myself out of this.

There is no discussion where I didn't say I'm not fun to hang around to a woman. I have not been rejected by any woman on my situation since my ex-wife. That means any rejection has to be no-verbal and based on my looks or I didn't get any buying indicators that would encourage me to pursue anyone further than the social interaction allows. So, it's certainly another aspect that isn't working out, that would add to what would seem like a hard situation, not necessarily be because of it. But they, I don't really need a woman if I am to be content with Jesus alone anyway.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I blame the rise of the mega churches. They are one big sales pitch to make themselves money.
There were also all the televangelists.
Does anyone remember Dr. Gene Scott? He was a minister based in LA, he was on TV for awhile, we used to watch him out of curiousity. He would mostly sit with a scowl on his face, smoking a cigar and drinking whiskey demanding that people send money in to him before he would start preaching.

7onriverI f

Jan 31, 2020
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and that jesus said to give money to the church, because that is how one gets to heaven. ]
That is lordship salvation relying on your own efforts in order to get to heaven. It's commonly taught. Other teachers teach you have to stop sinning in order to get to heaven. Others say you have to turn up to church to get to heaven. All the same thing.

Even unbelievers who haven't read the bible believe in lordship salvation as identifying someone as a christian. There's a whole of deception out there. Hardly anyone is actually saved just by talking to them and finding out what they believe. Some people who don't even identify as christian do more good works than people who identify as christian and may or may not believe/teach lordship salvation. Wealthier muslims do give to poor people (I think it's at least 2.5% of their income each year) which is a good work. Other people who identify as atheist give a lot of money to charity's or maybe not a lot of money but compared to their amount of money they got it's a lot. However giving money to poorer people I think should be encouraged more in general but not done in order to go to heaven which that is just a flat out lie.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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That is lordship salvation relying on your own efforts in order to get to heaven. It's commonly taught. Other teachers teach you have to stop sinning in order to get to heaven. Others say you have to turn up to church to get to heaven. All the same thing.

Even unbelievers who haven't read the bible believe in lordship salvation as identifying someone as a christian. There's a whole of deception out there. Hardly anyone is actually saved just by talking to them and finding out what they believe. Some people who don't even identify as christian do more good works than people who identify as christian and may or may not believe/teach lordship salvation. Wealthier muslims do give to poor people (I think it's at least 2.5% of their income each year) which is a good work. Other people who identify as atheist give a lot of money to charity's or maybe not a lot of money but compared to their amount of money they got it's a lot. However giving money to poorer people I think should be encouraged more in general but not done in order to go to heaven which that is just a flat out lie.
The bible does talk about Christians, as evidenced by the fact they are saved, woukd be zealous for good works rather than buring their talents in the ground for the Lord to say "you wicked and slothful servant" and cast him out to outer darkness. You read Rev 2-3 and Jesus first statement is "I know thy works..." and goes on. I dont know what bible you are reading from but I think you are out to lunch. Works and fruit are talked about everywhere. The book of James says faith without works is dead and people who refuse to help someone in need do not possess the love of God and are not saved despite their cheap profession.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I assume we are babbling around while November is now 23 days away, elections in 26 days and the civil war over the election results another 32 days (just kidding). You have both white and black militia groups that are arming up.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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A friend of mine went to a local mega church. The pastor said in the sermon that the most common word spoken by jesus was "money" and that jesus said to give money to the church, because that is how one gets to heaven.
I'm assumed you are being facetious and didn't reply. You know that this statement is absurd because you can't bribe God. You can't spend your money visiting prostitutes and then think its okay if you give a small portion of that (i.e. 10%) money to the church and God will be okay with that, and say "as long as you give to the church you can do anything you want with the rest of your money". Statements like that can be stretched out to mean anything. The Bible even says that prostitutes are not allowed to give their money to the old Temple because its dirty money. It's not all about giving money to a church.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Watching movies could be argued to be a waste of time too.
Yeah, I guess you're right, good point. If you look at people like St. Francis, they lived lives of complete self denial and humility, taking a vow of poverty and all that.

The value I see in movies is that it gives you some common point of reference to interact with other people, having some common culture (pop or otherwise) helps people relate to each other, which is an important thing in Christian life. It's maybe more important for someone like me, as an introvert, to find these common threads with other people, you can always talk about a movie. On another level, I guess it's like giving in to the world, although I think you can watch a movie without approving of every worldly message it might be trying to send you. I try to keep some sort of balance in my life, between work, play, social life, health, interests, etc., although I don't always succeed.

Speaking of Dr. Gene Scott before, this is one of the gospel songs he used to play over and over again while he was waiting for people to send in money. It's a good song, really gets cooking toward the end:


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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The value I see in movies is that it gives you some common point of reference to interact with other people, having some common culture (pop or otherwise) helps people relate to each other, which is an important thing in Christian life.
The Bible says that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Therefore, you are not just watching the movie, you are submitting to the director's vision, influence, and the masterminds behind the movie. These are usually godless reprobates in Hollywood. Even if there is a Christian actor, they have to end up betraying Jesus by saying His name in vain for money, such as Chris Pratt in Avenger's End-Game 2019 playing a godless Starlord. So any benefits a movie has is far outweighed by the minuses, and maybe in some cases a Christian may engage in "friendship evangelism" and watch a movie with an unsaved friend, but the end-game goal is still to influence and win someone to Christ.

zekko said:
It's maybe more important for someone like me, as an introvert, to find these common threads with other people, you can always talk about a movie.
I watch a tonne of movies and I can tell you it doesn't help with any social life. In fact I would avoid trying to look too hip or interested in movies in real life since I would not want to be branded as a cinephile, or be known as the go-to-guy as far as movies are concerned. Sort of undermines the Christian image right?

zekko said:
On another level, I guess it's like giving in to the world, although I think you can watch a movie without approving of every worldly message it might be trying to send you. I try to keep some sort of balance in my life, between work, play, social life, health, interests, etc., although I don't always succeed.
Of course its giving into the world. I can say from first hand experience that if I were to cross-off all unsavory aspects of movies from swearing, to violence to nudity, to occult or borderline occult out of a list of 100 movies, there would probably be 5 movies left out of the list and they'd probably be boring as heck and you'd fall asleep after the first five minutes. The milder movies have at least one nasty f-bomb when someone's upset.

Guess who also says the f-bomb once in a while when they are upset at someone or something? I do. I don't like doing it, and I try to make it right with the Lord, confess the sin, write-ups etc... but the reality is movies that are clean, but have that one nasty f-bomb is more damaging because it always feels like there is a "cuss" word waiting for an opportunity to just lash out at someone who crosses me the wrong way. I live with my folks and don't have a social life to learn saying these words from, so guess who is the biggest influence of such things? That's right, movies. I had to go on a movie-fast for 2 days stripping down movies that violated anything and a whole set of movies got crossed-out meaning almost every good movie out there is going to have cussing, violence, or nudity or a depiction of adultery or occult.

If you look at a movie then you are in effect part of the movie yourself whether you agree with it or not. You are entertaining what is being depicted by the movie and in essence partaking and indulging in it yourself (unless you actually stop or take the movie off or walk out the theater). That means you are indirectly responsible for supporting every cuss word, every violence, every adultery, everything on there because you are paying for it, you are spending your time and energy on it, and it's impossible to play with fire and not get burned.

Therefore, the logical goals are impossible, because they are impossible for me. However, as you have difficulty accepting what I wrote, so I do as well. Its not an easy saying. It's something that has to process and grow over time. You'll come up with other excuses like me and say it's just art, like a painting on the wall, etc... Or something more sophisticated, like I am somehow fixated on the old projector and watching the individual frames when I held the 16 mm film up in my hand, smelled the celluloid, the red tape at the end, rewinding it, holding on the reels with my hands when putting them in and off the projector, carrying bags of reels, and re-imaging this in a digital age and still see movies as something humanity has had for the past 100 years and is still a technical marvel.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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you are not just watching the movie, you are submitting to the director's vision, influence, and the masterminds behind the movie.
I don't really see it as submitting to their influence. If I don't agree with something they're trying to say I will take note of it, but I'm not going to change my mind about it. I can listen to an Elton John song and it's not going to turn me suddenly gay. I can listen to an old blues song and it's not going to make me want to go out and shoot my woman. That sort of thing is more a danger for the young and impressionable. I see the moral decay seen in movies (and song) more as symptoms of the culture's sickness rather than the cause, except maybe for those who don't know any better.

I don't really watch that many movies, so I certainly wouldn't be seen as a cinephile. There are certain types of movies that appeal to me, and I'll watch those.

There's a scripture that's always fascinated me, Ecclesiastes 7:16:
"Do not be overly righteous, Nor be overly wise: Why should you destroy yourself?"
That's not a danger for most people, obviously. But I do think if you try to cut yourself off too much, you run the risk of getting out of touch with people, that's my point. Jesus was a man of the people, he was at the Cana wedding, he dined with unpopular sorts. If you're going to love people, you have to relate to them to some extent. There is much good in God's creation - If there was no value to existing in a material world, then why are we here?

7onriverI f

Jan 31, 2020
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The bible does talk about Christians, as evidenced by the fact they are saved, woukd be zealous for good works rather than buring their talents in the ground for the Lord to say "you wicked and slothful servant" and cast him out to outer darkness. You read Rev 2-3 and Jesus first statement is "I know thy works..." and goes on. I dont know what bible you are reading from but I think you are out to lunch. Works and fruit are talked about everywhere. The book of James says faith without works is dead and people who refuse to help someone in need do not possess the love of God and are not saved despite their cheap profession.
Can a person have works without faith? Yes, as evidenced in Matthew 7:21-23. These “workers of iniquity” (as the Lord called them) performed “many wonderful WORKS” in Jesus' name, but they went about to establish their own righteousness, instead of submitting themselves to the righteousness of God, which is through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:3-4; 2nd Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:9).

Can a person have faith without works? Yes, as evidenced in John 12:42-43. The Scriptures say that “many of the chief rulers BELIEVED” (had faith) on the Lord Jesus Christ, but they “DID NOT CONFESS HIM.” They were afraid of persecution from the Pharisees. They had faith without works! Also, we see the repentant thief on the cross, who had no time to shew forth any works.

And again we see in 1st Corinthians 3:15, at the Judgment Seat of Christ, that some men will barely “be saved; yet so as by fire.” 1st Corinthians 3:15, “If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” Clearly, this man was saved but HAD NO WORKS! So if works were necessary to validate faith for salvation, then this man could not have gone to Heaven. Yet, the Bible teaches that “HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED,” despite having NO WORKS whatsoever!!! So many Christians today are living shallow lives, choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life (Luke 8:14), who never bear any fruit (no souls saved) unto the Lord. God's desire for every believer is to mature so that they “BRING FORTH FRUIT” (Luke 8:15). Fruitless believers won't shine in Heaven (Daniel 12:3). It is every believer's duty to share the Gospel with the lost. God is our co-laborer (1st Corinthians 3:8-9). The Holy Spirit speaks to people's hearts, as our words speak to their minds. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to “THEM THAT BELIEVE” (Romans 1:16).

And please consider our text verse from Romans 4:5. A man's faith is counted for righteousness, even though that man has no works. Romans 4:5-6, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works.” So here again we see very clearly from the Scriptures, that God imputes (credits) RIGHTEOUSNESS WITHOUT WORKS!!! So, obviously faith can exist without works, since God accepts a man's faith apart from having any works. When the apostle James says that faith without works is dead, he is strictly speaking about justification in the eyes of man. Since a man's faith is counted for righteousness in God's sight, then why would God look for “works” to validate that man's faith? That wouldn't make any sense at all! Think about this great truth!!! Why would the same God who justifies a man BY FAITH without works, turn around and require works to validate that believer's faith? The very idea is absurd!!!

James says that “faith without works is dead.” James didn't say that faith doesn't exist without works. Dead faith is still faith in God's eyes. The smallest amount of faith saves! Concerning salvation, God is not looking for degrees of faith, He is simply looking for faith! Abram (Abraham) believed the Lord in Genesis 15:6 and it was COUNTED TO HIM for righteousness (Romans 4:5-6). This is the imputed righteousness of God, which is through faith in Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:9). By faith, God transfers our sins to Christ on the cross, and He transfers Christ's righteousness to us. We don't have to "ask" Jesus to forgive our sins, because He has already paid for them with His precious blood. God has already promised “TO SAVE THEM THAT BELIEVE” (1st Corinthians 1:21).

We are justified by faith alone in the sight of God, because he can see our heart. However, we are justified by works in the eyes of men, because they cannot see our soul. So works are necessary for faith in the eyes of men, but works are not required for justification in God's sight. Faith can exist without works for salvation. A group of people asked Jesus what “works” they should do to work the works of God. Jesus replied in John 6:28-29, “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” “Believing” is the only “work” required to be saved!
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7onriverI f

Jan 31, 2020
Reaction score
I watch a tonne of movies and I can tell you it doesn't help with any social life. In fact I would avoid trying to look too hip or interested in movies in real life since I would not want to be branded as a cinephile, or be known as the go-to-guy as far as movies are concerned. Sort of undermines the Christian image right?
I watch movies from time to time to see the occult things in it. Even going to nightclubs I notice people throwing up 666 hand signs at me and devil horns signs at me. Covering one of their eyes is another you see but has a different meaning.

Talked to a woman who says she was a witch tonight. She told me she had no fear of people but later a african guy approached me on the street and she walked fastly off and stopped further up the sidewalk looking around. Later she asked ain't you worried he's going to steal your phone. I said I don't care. Really it's none of my business what that guy is going to do.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Can a person have works without faith? Yes, as evidenced in Matthew 7:21-23. These “workers of iniquity” (as the Lord called them) performed “many wonderful WORKS” in Jesus' name, but they went about to establish their own righteousness, instead of submitting themselves to the righteousness of God, which is through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:3-4; 2nd Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:9).

Can a person have faith without works? Yes, as evidenced in John 12:42-43. The Scriptures say that “many of the chief rulers BELIEVED” (had faith) on the Lord Jesus Christ, but they “DID NOT CONFESS HIM.” They were afraid of persecution from the Pharisees. They had faith without works! Also, we see the repentant thief on the cross, who had no time to shew forth any works.

And again we see in 1st Corinthians 3:15, at the Judgment Seat of Christ, that some men will barely “be saved; yet so as by fire.” 1st Corinthians 3:15, “If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” Clearly, this man was saved but HAD NO WORKS! So if works were necessary to validate faith for salvation, then this man could not have gone to Heaven. Yet, the Bible teaches that “HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED,” despite having NO WORKS whatsoever!!! So many Christians today are living shallow lives, choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life (Luke 8:14), who never bear any fruit (no souls saved) unto the Lord. God's desire for every believer is to mature so that they “BRING FORTH FRUIT” (Luke 8:15). Fruitless believers won't shine in Heaven (Daniel 12:3). It is every believer's duty to share the Gospel with the lost. God is our co-laborer (1st Corinthians 3:8-9). The Holy Spirit speaks to people's hearts, as our words speak to their minds. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to “THEM THAT BELIEVE” (Romans 1:16).

And please consider our text verse from Romans 4:5. A man's faith is counted for righteousness, even though that man has no works. Romans 4:5-6, “But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works.” So here again we see very clearly from the Scriptures, that God imputes (credits) RIGHTEOUSNESS WITHOUT WORKS!!! So, obviously faith can exist without works, since God accepts a man's faith apart from having any works. When the apostle James says that faith without works is dead, he is strictly speaking about justification in the eyes of man. Since a man's faith is counted for righteousness in God's sight, then why would God look for “works” to validate that man's faith? That wouldn't make any sense at all! Think about this great truth!!! Why would the same God who justifies a man BY FAITH without works, turn around and require works to validate that believer's faith? The very idea is absurd!!!

James says that “faith without works is dead.” James didn't say that faith doesn't exist without works. Dead faith is still faith in God's eyes. The smallest amount of faith saves! Concerning salvation, God is not looking for degrees of faith, He is simply looking for faith! Abram (Abraham) believed the Lord in Genesis 15:6 and it was COUNTED TO HIM for righteousness (Romans 4:5-6). This is the imputed righteousness of God, which is through faith in Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:9). By faith, God transfers our sins to Christ on the cross, and He transfers Christ's righteousness to us. We don't have to "ask" Jesus to forgive our sins, because He has already paid for them with His precious blood. God has already promised “TO SAVE THEM THAT BELIEVE” (1st Corinthians 1:21).

We are justified by faith alone in the sight of God, because he can see our heart. However, we are justified by works in the eyes of men, because they cannot see our soul. So works are necessary for faith in the eyes of men, but works are not required for justification in God's sight. Faith can exist without works for salvation. A group of people asked Jesus what “works” they should do to work the works of God. Jesus replied in John 6:28-29, “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” “Believing” is the only “work” required to be saved!
We will.continue this on Dec 1st. Lets see if the world ends first, if it does then the matter will settle itself anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I watch movies from time to time to see the occult things in it. Even going to nightclubs I notice people throwing up 666 hand signs at me and devil horns signs at me. Covering one of their eyes is another you see but has a different meaning.

Talked to a woman who says she was a witch tonight. She told me she had no fear of people but later a african guy approached me on the street and she walked fastly off and stopped further up the sidewalk looking around. Later she asked ain't you worried he's going to steal your phone. I said I don't care. Really it's none of my business what that guy is going to do.
That sounds racist. What a Karen.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Can a person have works without faith? Yes, as evidenced in Matthew 7:21-23. These “workers of iniquity” (as the Lord called them) performed “many wonderful WORKS” in Jesus' name, but they went about to establish their own righteousness, instead of submitting themselves to the righteousness of God, which is through faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 10:3-4; 2nd Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 3:9).

Can a person have faith without works? Yes, as evidenced in John 12:42-43. The Scriptures say that “many of the chief rulers BELIEVED” (had faith) on the Lord Jesus Christ, but they “DID NOT CONFESS HIM.” They were afraid of persecution from the Pharisees. They had faith without works! Also, we see the repentant thief on the cross, who had no time to shew forth any works.
That's a very interesting point.

she told me in the smoking area of the club she doesn't see black people as black or white people as white. She says we are all the same. Love everybody she said.
That's what I was taught growing up, that's what the civil rights movement at the time was in favor of. It's only this year that I've seen large segments of society telling us we should see people mainly by race, which is tribalism and I'm not in favor of it.

I've known quite a few women who said they were witches, I tried to give them a wide berth. That Stevie Nicks type of supernatural superstition appeals to a certain type of female.
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7onriverI f

Jan 31, 2020
Reaction score
That's a very interesting point.

That's what I was taught growing up, that's what the civil rights movement at the time was in favor of. It's only these year this I've seen large segments of society telling us we should see people mainly by race, which is tribalism and I'm not in favor of it.

I've known quite a few women who said they were witches, I tried to give them a wide berth. That Stevie Nicks type of supernatural superstition appeals to a certain type of female.
At that point of time of meeting they are not the girl you should be getting involved with to get into a relationship with. Talking to them is fine.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I watched Whiplash this last time.
I watched this too at some point earlier this year on Amazon prime video. Liked the part where he lost the music sheets. Don't know why, but that specific scene stuck on me. Other people worried he would start losing stuff and started freaking out. Miles Teller Andrew acts well here. I've seen him in the Divergent series as well as War Dogs (2016). If you like Whiplash (2014) because there is some sort of Schadenfreude with the psychological abuse suffered by the character portrayed by Miles Teller, then you would like War Dogs (2016), but it has a happy ending for his character.
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