Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Resilient posted 2007 Goal List thread and in there I found a link to 2006 Goal list that was made a year ago. I was amazed at what I saw in there. I do not remember ever posting that but I ofcourse did and it was amazing at the goals I had and what got accomplished.

This is my last post on this thread. I may start a new thread mature forum about my life progress. But right now its up in the air.
So I will talk and touch up on things I learned and failed and accomplished. Last 9 months have been a huge leap for me. HUGE.

Right now there is alot of things on my mind and I feel a bit philosophical. So lets go over my goal list and see what got done and didn't.

- Greater then 3.7 GPA (Achieved 3.4, very happy with that)

- Be proficient in Modeling/Texturing in Maya (Done, able to model, animate and texture proficiently. Now its time to achive mastery in the program)

- Study Japanese (No)

- Gain 10lb of muscle (Since I learned that I might be fighting soon, I need to keep my weight down at my maximum competitive range. So I didn't achive this goal, even though I am more cut then I have ever been.)

- Keep working out and pushing my skill in boxing/mui thai/BJJ/Grappling (Done)

- Lead. Be decisive. Make a decision and lead (Done. I don't hesitate much anymore. Maybe in my mind, but I always make a decision and lead. Be it either with my friends, my family or my girl. Always. This is really a long term never ending goal.)

- Live my life the way I always imagined. NO REGRET. (Last 8 months, I went for everything that I wanted and never looked back. Its been tough and hard times but they brought the best results.)

- Master and push myself further in drawing with pen and pencil (Not as much as I wanted. So No.)

- Compete in MMA again. (No.)

- Make friends in all places, everywhere I go. (Yes)

- Conversational skills to the max (This has been on of the biggest assets I aquired.)

- Go out every weekend and improve social intereactions / flirting with girls etc. (Oh yeah. Every weekend was spend out in bars, clubs, etc and constantly talking to new people and many many many girls.)

- Improve my sex skills (Yeap. Look below.)

- Lay 5 girls (Done. This goal after I read it shocked me the most. When I wrote this list I was still with my ex-gf. I knew we weren't going to last and I just didn't have the balls to break up with her. I would never cheat on anyone and never will, but I knew that soon I wasn't going to be with her and I was going to continue on my own path. So over the summer of 3-4 months I got laid by 5 new girls.)

- Volunteer (No.)

- Help my friends and family as well as strangers (Yes.)

- Remove hesitation from my life by acting NOW. Therefore removing regret. (Yes.)

- Read everyday for 1 hour before bed. (No.)

- Travel to Miami, Atlanta and Las Vegas (I did travel, just not to those places. So Travel = Yes.)

- Do not loose touch with friends like I have done in the past (Yes.)

- Constant Cold Approach. 5-7 girls minimum per week. (Not that many.)

- Eat healthier (Yes.)

- Take dance lessons (No.)

- Go through DJ BootCamp (Not verbetum but did much of whats in the BootCamp. So I would say Yes.)

So thats 15/24 Goals. Not bad. Not bad at all.

One thing I want to say is that getting laid by 5 girls and having a fvck buddy and one night stands is not what its cracked up to be. In the end I lost some self respect and learned alot from those expereinces. Don't get me wrong, they were good fvcks and my sex skills improved alot. I needed to go through them but there is alot more to life then random chicks pvssy every weekend. Just be warned. Its not as fun and it should not be the point of your DJism. Improving your life should be.

So lately I have been feeling that certain things in my life need a boost. I've been feeling in a rut in certain aspects of my life. I have 2-3 aspects that are going well, extremelly well but I still feel that everything else is stagnant. So that is why I'm up late tonight and bringing closure to some things in my life and making a new way as well as closure to this thread.

Walking away from the forums also helped me to pursue things with action and not just reading and reading. You must get out. MUST!!!!! There is a reason why people who are extremely successful in life left here and don't come back. Few who do still visit and are successful, please please please respect and learn what they have to say. Because they don't need to come back here anymore.

So last thing before I finish this off.

1. Follow your heart. Be who you are.
2. Never settle. Make sure that if you are to end up in a relationship or/and marriage. Pick the best girl. Its very rewarding to be with someone that respects you and desires you, as you the same to them.
3. Always improve.
4. Principles of DJism and Life and Becoming a man NEVER STOP. EVER.

So I embark on another chapter and another journey of my life I wish you all good luck.

I am not leaving, but I don't visit as much either. If I have time and useful input I will start another thread similar to this but I needed to put closure on this one.

Take care and thank you for all support in this thread.

Shoot me a PM if needed. I check.


Don Juan
Dec 27, 2006
Reaction score
This is a great read, you should be proud bourne.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks man.
I've come a long way. If anyone reads from the very beginning to the very end, you can actually see the way I write changed in just short period of half a year. I'm nowhere near where I see myself at, ofcourse there will never be a place where you finally reach your destination. We all strive to be the best everyday.
Thanks for the support.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
This is a brilliant thread. Major props!
