Beware women who play sports too often...


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2011
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Now I don't want to generalize too much, but I've had several experiences in the not so distant past that I feel I should pass on as a warning.

First girl was a 7/10...met at a New Years party. Seemed very down to earth, good body, had a great career and made lots of money...though somewhat reserved and seemed to be a little inexperienced with men even though she was 29.

She was a tall(5'9) nordic type and very into basketball, playing since she learned how to walk. Played in adult leagues etc, always looking to shoot hoops, loved the NBA etc

So things are going well for 3 months. We're texting and calling each other, she's initiating. Never breaking any dates...but never really wanting to take it to another level either.

Then all of a sudden I get a text from her on the day of a date and she cancels because one of her adult league teams needs a player...fine it happened once. But I felt kind of jilted. The next week I planned a beautiful outing in NY for the two of us that she was really excited about...dinner, concert in the park, museum etc. She seemed totally bowled over...until the friday before our outing she texts me "Got another weekend b-ball tourney, can't make it tom. :-(

And I know she wasn't lying because her teams all posts pics and results on facebook and there she is playing, so she's not running around with another guy.

I sat back and looked at things...29 years old, she's got a great chance with a great guy who really cares about her, and here she is running around every spare second she gets with a bunch of lesbos, recent college grads, and girls upwards of 10-12 years younger than she is (she's the oldest on all her teams) playing meaningless games for zero money. What satisfaction she gets from this, I have no idea.

so beware women in their late 20's/early 30's who are soccer/basketball/tennis etc freaks. There's a reason they're not married...either they're lesbians or they like the sport more than they'll ever like you. They'll never take it to the next level because it doesn't matter how great a guy you are, you will never be allowed to encroach on their 1 true love


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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This girl was too busy for you. Don't make a generalization because of one girl. If a girl has loved a sport since she was young what makes you think that she is just going to throw it away just for you? It's unlikely.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
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rum said:
Now I don't want to generalize too much, but I've had several experiences in the not so distant past that I feel I should pass on as a warning.

You did generalise - one girl is NOT a reliable statistical sample

First girl was a 7/10...met at a New Years party. Seemed very down to earth, good body, had a great career and made lots of money...though somewhat reserved and seemed to be a little inexperienced with men even though she was 29.

She was a tall(5'9) nordic type and very into basketball, playing since she learned how to walk. Played in adult leagues etc, always looking to shoot hoops, loved the NBA etc

So things are going well for 3 months. We're texting and calling each other, she's initiating. Never breaking any dates...but never really wanting to take it to another level either.

More importantly, why the fvck were you seeing a girl for 3 MONTHS if she wouldn't take things to the next level. You did try didn't you? You do realise its the guy's job to lead?!?

Then all of a sudden I get a text from her on the day of a date and she cancels because one of her adult league teams needs a player...fine it happened once. But I felt kind of jilted. The next week I planned a beautiful outing in NY for the two of us that she was really excited about...dinner, concert in the park, museum etc. She seemed totally bowled over...until the friday before our outing she texts me "Got another weekend b-ball tourney, can't make it tom. :-(

Why the fvck would you be going to so much effort on a date for a girl you haven't even banged yet? No wonder she has gone into pvssy preservation mode.

And I know she wasn't lying because her teams all posts pics and results on facebook and there she is playing, so she's not running around with another guy.

I sat back and looked at things...29 years old, she's got a great chance with a great guy who really cares about her, and here she is running around every spare second she gets with a bunch of lesbos, recent college grads, and girls upwards of 10-12 years younger than she is (she's the oldest on all her teams) playing meaningless games for zero money. What satisfaction she gets from this, I have no idea.

so beware women in their late 20's/early 30's who are soccer/basketball/tennis etc freaks. There's a reason they're not married...either they're lesbians or they like the sport more than they'll ever like you. They'll never take it to the next level because it doesn't matter how great a guy you are, you will never be allowed to encroach on their 1 true love
Yeah, sure, get a girl who doesn't try to do anything active, and who will get FAT in 5 years or less.

One girl does not prove anything.

My diagnosis for this one:

- Your failure to initiate and take things to the higher level
- Her medium to low level of attraction for you

Sports has nothing to do with it.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2011
Reaction score
she's doing everything to you that you should have been doing to her. have an active social life, being just a little unavailable, all the while you're trying all kinds of things to impress her. it's all backwards.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
trrush said:
she's doing everything to you that you should have been doing to her. have an active social life, being just a little unavailable, all the while you're trying all kinds of things to impress her. it's all backwards.
Yup shes a female DJ


3 months and no play? no wonder the OP is "crossed"(she did the cross over breaking his ankle while going for a easy reverse lay up!)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
In the OP's defense, I think most women who play sports in college really are lesbians. Most of them are not "out," and may date men casually to appear normal. But unless you get a sex change operation and start dressing like a lumber jack, you're never going to turn them on.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
Reaction score
girl i have been seeing for almost 2 months is really active. goes to the gym once or twice a week, plays basketball (use to play baseball). she still makes time for us though. we have sex too but i don't think that sports thing is the problem. depends on the person. i have my own hobbies too and i can't involve her in everything i do. same goes for her. all is good so far... just not sure about the taking a step further into the relationship.. i was thinking to wait for the girl to start talking about that mushy stuff. i never mention anything like that to girls... i just keep seeing them and figure we end up being together.