Bestiality brothels on the rise through Germany


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Sounds hot but obviously not the same as gay sex since reasonable people cannot say or believe that animals are consenting adults.

I think you know that. Or I hope you do.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Homosexuals, pedophiles, bestiality, its all the same in my book. Demented people doing demented things :crazy:.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Danger said:
I was afraid you were going to mention incest too.
Republicans would never condemn incest. They would offend their voters.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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I keep telling people if you keep tolerating homosexuals then watch these pedophiles demand their rights.

And trust there are tons of those guys out there, if you don't believe then read about these people in the news,jails, politicians who go over seas, religious leaders.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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FairShake said:
Sounds hot but obviously not the same as gay sex since reasonable people cannot say or believe that animals are consenting adults.

I think you know that. Or I hope you do.
As disgusting as bestiality may be, the "lack of consent" argument is a red herring. I'm pretty sure that no animal has ever consented to being eaten for lunch or processed into a pair of shoes and a leather jacket. Yet, we do it without their consent because animals are considered property.

Hustlaz Ambition

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2012
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FairShake said:
Sounds hot but obviously not the same as gay sex since reasonable people cannot say or believe that animals are consenting adults.

I think you know that. Or I hope you do.
Oh so that's what the left updated the definition of marriage two? Between two consenting adults? Last time I checked it was between man and woman, but that is clever of the left. A man and woman IS two adults.

Bokanovsky said:
As disgusting as bestiality may be, the "lack of consent" argument is a red herring. I'm pretty sure that no animal has ever consented to being eaten for lunch or processed into a pair of shoes and a leather jacket. Yet, we do it without their consent because animals are considered property.
And blacks were property back in the slave days, we need animal rights, time to abolish animals from second class citizenship.

#Tactics from the left101: Connect sick acts of sexuality to the civil rights movement to make it sound legitimate.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
Yep: sexual perversion is sexual perversion, and whether its a man fcuking another man, or a man fcuking a little child, or a man fcuking an animal, its all perverse. Sexually perverse. It is sexual perversion.

Now, where do you draw the line on sexual perversion? You can't, can you.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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d!ckmojo said:
Yep: sexual perversion is sexual perversion, and whether its a man fcuking another man, or a man fcuking a little child, or a man fcuking an animal, its all perverse. Sexually perverse. It is sexual perversion.
I totally agree.

Now, where do you draw the line on sexual perversion? You can't, can you.
I mostly draw the line at opposite sex and at the age of puberty 13-15 years old. That's pretty much how nature and much of human history drew the line.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Yes, lets compare adults having sex with adults, to adults having sex with children.

What wonderful logic.


Youre arguments against homosexuality fall flat when you consider many animal screwers and pedophiles are indeed straight. At the end of the day, some straight folk are sick, and some gay folks are sick. Those adults who date other adults and dont harm anyone else arent perverse, nor are they wrong in their attractions. Use some reasonable logic when making an argument next time guys.

PS - And before you go insulting me instead of arguing my points in a rational manner, do note the forum rules and guidelines. Just trying to help you out.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Not saying the act itself of an adult having sex with a person under 13 is necessarily no worse than two same-sex adults. Having the sexual desire/attraction itself for pre-pubescent or same sex is the perversion. Perversion is perversion. Being an "adult" doesn't really change the fact. And homosexuals did largely spread HIV. Just because you don't think homosexual desire is abnormal/perverted doesn't make it so or you more "logical".


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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I guess we differ on whats a perversion. I don't see naturally occurring sexuality between two adult organisms as a perversion.

And the only reason homosexuals spread HIV at a high rate is because many men, in general, practice unsafe sex. If women were as indiscriminate and less safe with sex as men can be, the same thing would happen. And in reality, which how men and women are slutting around in the present day, its no surprise that 1 in 4 young people have some sort of STD.

Justin Time

Don Juan
Jun 27, 2013
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The greatest place on earth
Jaylan, I usually agree with you on a lot of things, but I think this is where we digress. Natural instinctual sex occurs between a male and a female of the same species after the age of maturity. I don't care what homosexuals do...because they are both adults and can make the decision to do so. That said, it's an abnormality. No matter what argument you can come up with, it is NOT normal. Some neurons are misfiring. At the same time, I wouldn't intervene because both parties are well aware of the situation and can make an educated decision to do what they'd like to do.

Sex with a child is a little different. One party does not fully understand the engagement until after a certain age (post puberty). The moment after puberty hits, a non-sexually active adolescent is usually very naive to the many aspects of sex, what it means and the why's. It should not come as a surprise then, that children should be protected until they learn enough to know the difference between right and wrong. In the same line of thinking, if both are can't punish either since they both are clueless and essentially discovering it together. This is rare however.

Sex with animals..boy this brings in all forms of....different problems in the mix. If a man can buy a goat..and wants to fvck said goat..then let the man fvck said goat. Animals have always been a part of human life. Killing them and eating them is natural. If a man wants to take the animal and do other things with it...then...let's an animal. We kill and eat them, and it's survival of the fittest. Dictating morality is not something that can be argued. If a society collectively decides that they don't want these people as a part of their group, then they can make that decision. They can decide whom they would like to have, or whom they would like to get rid of. This is a very tricky road, because then the other two things I mentioned above (homosexuality and sex with underaged girls) are now up for debate. Why are they up for debate? Because the gov't is now dictating morality and everything is up for debate. In a society where most people are gay..being straight may be banned! In a society where men have sex with little girls and boys freely, sex with women over 20 may be banned! It's all based on the society you live in.

Now to preserve individual freedoms, unless animals are given the same rights as people..(which means you can't kill them to eat them either) the men should be allowed to do what they want with their vile and disgusting as it is to know about. Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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I never said homosexuality was normal. And theres nothing wrong with not being normal. I said homosexuality was natural. Theres a difference between the two. Something can be a deviation from the norm and still be natural. White tigers are an example of that.

Homosexuality is an example of that as well, as it happens in many species of animals. Just because something deviates from the norm does not means its unnatural or a perversion. Thats my main point.

I dont believe its right for societies to decide they want to just get rid of people who arent negatively impacting others lives. Hitler tried that, and he was very much a bad bude. Nevermind the fact that he failed miserably. Hate and discrimination cannot persist forever...people eventually rise up and revolt.

With regards to animal screwing, that needs to be discussed seperately of anything human adults do amongst themselves. Homosexuality has nothing to do with bestiality, so they shouldnt even be spoken of in the same thread. Especially considering the fact that plenty of animal screwers are straight....just look at the ones who pop up in the news. And there was a big row in social media over a video of a girl screwing a dog that ended up on facebook for a brief time.

Justin Time

Don Juan
Jun 27, 2013
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The greatest place on earth
Homosexuality is natural...well, not in all cases. I can say the same for people who have sex with animals. It's natural because they were born with some potential hormone imbalance that makes them find doing that stuff...enjoyable. Now if they themselves found it utterly disgusting and still did it...THAT would be unnatural..same goes for homosexuality. I think if sex occurs between anything other than between male and female of the same species, there's a flag to be raised. It might not necessarily be of concern, however, each individual's morality will determine that situation. (This is where it gets confusing) There are too many variables that exist within our existence in order to make absolute classifications. As such, I cannot even say with certainty that everything falls under a classification. Everything can mean nothing, and nothing means everything at the same time.

Basically, ignore things that don't bother you...however, if you feel these activities are affecting you or your offspring, you have a right to protect them. That is all.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Jaylan said:
I never said homosexuality was normal. And theres nothing wrong with not being normal. I said homosexuality was natural. Theres a difference between the two. Something can be a deviation from the norm and still be natural. White tigers are an example of that.

Homosexuality is an example of that as well, as it happens in many species of animals. Just because something deviates from the norm does not means its unnatural or a perversion. Thats my main point.

I dont believe its right for societies to decide they want to just get rid of people who arent negatively impacting others lives. Hitler tried that, and he was very much a bad bude. Nevermind the fact that he failed miserably. Hate and discrimination cannot persist forever...people eventually rise up and revolt.

With regards to animal screwing, that needs to be discussed seperately of anything human adults do amongst themselves. Homosexuality has nothing to do with bestiality, so they shouldnt even be spoken of in the same thread. Especially considering the fact that plenty of animal screwers are straight....just look at the ones who pop up in the news. And there was a big row in social media over a video of a girl screwing a dog that ended up on facebook for a brief time.
You're ridiculous. There is something wrong with not being normal or abnormal by definition. By your standard for what is natural- being retarded, a pedophile, rape or committing murder, being a thief or cheater etc is also natural. Homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality and rape are sexual desires and perversions so they are related.

What is it with females and blacks (which I suspect you are probably actually both and probably a lesbian, no offense intended but I think you are catfishing on here) that they have a double standard for everything?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Justin Time said:
Basically, ignore things that don't bother you...however, if you feel these activities are affecting you or your offspring, you have a right to protect them. That is all.
And thats part of my point. What does someone elses personal life have to do with anyone elses? How does what someone does in the privacy of their own home with consenting adults, affect someone else or someone elses offspring?

The fact is that it doesnt affect them. Having known a bunch of LGBT folks, one being a close family member, I can tell you that they go to work, pay their taxes, and blend in with society just like everyone else. You wouldnt even know their orientation unless you asked them.

So I dont see how they are affecting anyone. Straight sexuality does plenty to affect others and their offspring. Just look at our media and the way sex is thrown in peoples faces. Yet the same people who whine about homosexuality and the "gay agenda" usually have nothing to say about crap like Jersey Shore or Big Brother or sex magazines being in full view of minors in convenience stores. All that crap is pretty much about sex and partying. Lord knows people would flip a sh!t if it was just as easy to spot gay or tranny magazines in stores.
Stagger Lee said:
You're ridiculous. There is something wrong with not being normal or abnormal by definition. By your standard for what is natural- being retarded, a pedophile, rape or committing murder, being a thief or cheater etc is also natural. Homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality and rape are sexual desires and perversions so they are related.
Do you know what natural means? If you are so good with definitions, look it up. Homosexuality occurring naturally across different species population is just that...natural (Present in or produced by nature...Not produced or changed artificially). It may be a deviation from the norm, but there is nothing "wrong" with a person because they are attracted to the same sex.

They live life, and go about their business like anyone else. What people do in their private lives with other adults shouldnt require all this discussion and putdowns from haters.
What is it with females and blacks (which I suspect you are probably actually both and probably a lesbian, no offense intended but I think you are catfishing on here) that they have a double standard for everything?
What does my gender, race, or sexual orientation have to do with the logic Im presenting? What double standards are you talking about? Hell, scientists who know WAY more about sexuality and human nature than you ever will, have conceded that its natural. It may not be normal, but plenty of things in life arent normal. Basketball players arent of normal height, but I dont hear anyone calling them wrong or perversions. Their height is abnormal, a deviation from the norm, but theres nothing inherently wrong with that. The same way homosexuality isnt inherently wrong for not being normal.

Why are some of you so obsessed with demonizing and putting down gays? The fact that you are comparing a sexual orientation to sexual abuse like rape or pedophilia shows how garbage your rationale and logic is. You have no decent argument to stand on right now. If you want to compare sexual orientations to sexual abuse, why not bash heterosexuality as well?...especially when you consider the fact that a bulk of pedos and rapists are straight males.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Jaylan said:
Do you know what natural means? If you are so good with definitions, look it up. Homosexuality occurring naturally across different species population is just that...natural (Present in or produced by nature...Not produced or changed artificially). It may be a deviation from the norm, but there is nothing "wrong" with a person because they are attracted to the same sex.
There's a lot of things that you could call natural that animals do, rape, infanticide etc. Are those also OK for people to do because they're "natural"?

They live life, and go about their business like anyone else. What people do in their private lives with other adults shouldnt require all this discussion and putdowns from haters.
If they would shut up and keep their homosexuality private instead of trying to brainwash everyone into accepting and supporting it, then no one would be talking about it.

What does my gender, race, or sexual orientation have to do with the logic Im presenting? What double standards are you talking about? Hell, scientists who know WAY more about sexuality and human nature than you ever will, have conceded that its natural. It may not be normal, but plenty of things in life arent normal. Basketball players arent of normal height, but I dont hear anyone calling them wrong or perversions. Their height is abnormal, a deviation from the norm, but theres nothing inherently wrong with that. The same way homosexuality isnt inherently wrong for not being normal.

Why are some of you so obsessed with demonizing and putting down gays? The fact that you are comparing a sexual orientation to sexual abuse like rape or pedophilia shows how garbage your rationale and logic is. You have no decent argument to stand on right now. If you want to compare sexual orientations to sexual abuse, why not bash heterosexuality as well?...especially when you consider the fact that a bulk of pedos and rapists are straight males.
You're funny. You intermingled characteristics that have nothing to do with each other like being taller than normal with behavior and desires. But then you say others can't intermingle and associate more similar things like sexual desires and behaviors like homosexuality and pedophila. There's your example of having double standards and lacking logic.

Justin Time

Don Juan
Jun 27, 2013
Reaction score
The greatest place on earth
Just a correction. Basketball players are of normal height. It's genetics and natural selection. Homosexuality goes against the grain of survival, the instinct with which we've been naturally embedded. You cannot compare homosexuals to tall people in that sense. If being homosexual was an undeniable survival attribute for a species, no doubt it would be desirable. Hence it is not.

Stagger lee:

The moment you say "females and blacks" without placing exception, you become an illiterate troll. I don't care whether or not you agree with my other points, but hatchet statements have no place in a logical discussion. You're definitely in the zone with that one. Ain't nobody home. (Sound familiar?)

Anyway, I'll equate this to felonious or criminal activity...and here's where it gets real philosophical:

Person A sees a pen, I pick it up and use one claims it..did he steal the pen? Well, someone may have been looking for it, but they didn't ask for it. Equate this to a bi-sexual male. It's not completely wrong, but it's not completely just either. The pen may have been on someone's desk and if it went missing, the owner might have looked and after a while have given up.

Now Person B sees instead of a pen, $5, they pick it up, same situation.

Person C, finds $5,000 in the same situation, but obviously this is getting more complicated with the increase in value placed on the stash of cash that was found.

Let's make this real messy. (we can even relate this to some of the terminology we use on this site for better understanding) Someone with a high perceived value of morals will most likely put an effort to return this high perceived value of cash to its owner...except, to Lil Wayne or Brad Paisley...what the heII is $5000?? It'll cost them more to retrieve it, right?

The moral of the story is that morals are developed as a means of survival in tandem with the development of our intelligence. Some people's morals are identical, some overlap and in extreme cases, don't even come close to each other.

Gay man, pedophiles/child molesters (don't call them straight males since they also go after little boys...and I don't believe they are considered straight if they find a lack of post-pubescent physical characteristics to be attractive), priests (definitely a jab here) necrophiliacs, mechaphiles etc. It's life. It is what it is. Teach your kids what you believe is right, wrong to help them become the most desirable in carrying on the family genes and surviving.

Note: There is so much more to be said about this. Looking ahead at the unsaid, however, you realize everything goes around in a circle and you end up where you started. There's no end, there's no beginning. Everything relates to everything else and is based on the same principle of existence. Nothing more, nothing less.