Being a DJ requires a personality (and humor!)


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
After reading post after post on this website, I've come to realize one thing. A lot of these "aspiring DJ's" will never actually come close to becoming an actual DJ. Why?

They don't posess the right personality.

I'm going to be very critical here, and if I offend anybody, well, suck it up. Most of the newbie posts are too serious, lacking in humor. Even some of the more "experienced" DJ's on the site still give out some pretty horrendous advice from time to time. Being a DJ requires us to have good social skills. Not only do we have to be able to talk to people, but we have sound intelligent enough to keep 'em interested. We also have to know how to make people laugh. We HAVE to be able to use our wit at the right times. We also have to be able to do it without seeming like were trying too hard to funny. That, my friends, takes personality. It's not simple habits, which I consider AFC tactics to be. We're raised with the habit of being a nice guy because of our mothers. Being funny at the right time isn't a "habit." it's a skill which defines personality. You can notice it in a lot of the posts from the DJ bible. Most are very good with their words, manage to slip in something funny every here and there, and even show confidence IN the writing.

Let me give you a different point of view. We look at women and judge whether or not they have good genes based on how they look. Their personality is what adds a point or two on the scale. When women look at us and how good we are with our words, how good we are at making good decisions, and how well we can handle ourselves without having to ask stupid questions, they judge our genes accordingly. Our genes define our personality. Frankly, if you sound like a dumbass and she's a harvard graduate, there's no way in hell you're gonna pick her up, regardless of how good your game is. It's just the facts.

My whole point is, if you try and try with a woman, and even though your game was dead on, and you still fail, there's no reason to take it personally. Hey, you just ain't got the genes she's looking for.

So, how do you make the progression from AFC to DJ quicker... easy! Change who you hang out with. Find that funny ass crazy mother****er who doesn't seem to fear anything. Even if he's not good with the ladies, he still has something you don't, something you need. I'd have to say a lot of the changes in my personality were due to the people I hung out with, especially during high school. Ever notice how certain people seem to "rub off" on you? Congradulations, that's your mind being stimulated and deciding "Wow, this is a good thing. I wanna keep this with me." Notice how a movie comes out with a hilarious catch phrase and everybody starts saying it? Same thing. If it wasn't for this one friend I made in my sophmore year of high school, I'd still be stuck in AFC mode till at least my late 20's.

To sum everything all up, HUMOR is the MOST IMPORTANT part of a DJ's game. Why? If you're a fun person to be around, even if you're having a bad night trying to pick up the ladies, you'll STILL have a blast entertaining everyone around you. When that happens, your social proof goes through the roof. Those two when put together with a tad bit of mystery and a little bit of aggressiveness to meeting the ladies, you can attract any woman you want.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Yes we all know that "humor" is key in getting any woman...

It is brought up here from time to time...

The reason that it is so "serious" here is in response to serious posts...

There are a lot of humorous people here I am sure...

But when humor is not a topic then......................

Most that post here are "confused"...So there is really no room for humor on the board...

But you are correct my friend...You have to be funny...

So I'll give ya one...

"Everytime I walk into a "singles" bar I remember my mom's "wise" words....

"Don't" pick that up...You don't know "where" it's been...




Don Juan
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Cloud 9
haha thats great humor u got there jnallen.

now to Skw.. I think you are taking the things in this site out of context.. I agree with what you say about just not being the girls type because that is just a fact of life. On the other hand, If you read even the "serious" posts they talk about things such as you can't sound rehearsed, you have to be interesting to the girl, it depends on how YOU say it. The responses arent saying that you have to do what I typed the way I typed it.. Also you cannot judge someone's personality over a forum most of the time. It is possible to get a little insight though. You dont get vibes or feelings over the internet. On the internet it is all in how YOUR mind thinks what was said should sound like something funny or not. I think the people here realize that they cannot go up to some HB9 with a monotone voice and spit out some lines and tactics they read on the internet and get the girl. Also you say that the "Newbies posts are too serious and lack in humor" .. Ok now re-read that again.... ok cool.. 1 more time.. whats the key word in that sentence? Newbies. They are newbies who dont understand the game as well as others, therefore they are trying to learn.. and you dont learn by bullsh*tting and trying to be funny for an internet forum..

EDIT: I thought you were saying something totally different. my bad.
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Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Seeph
haha thats great humor u got there jnallen.

now to Skw.. I think you are taking the things in this site out of context.. I agree with what you say about just not being the girls type because that is just a fact of life. On the other hand, If you read even the "serious" posts they talk about things such as you can't sound rehearsed, you have to be interesting to the girl, it depends on how YOU say it. The responses arent saying that you have to do what I typed the way I typed it.. Also you cannot judge someone's personality over a forum most of the time. It is possible to get a little insight though. You dont get vibes or feelings over the internet. On the internet it is all in how YOUR mind thinks what was said should sound like something funny or not. I think the people here realize that they cannot go up to some HB9 with a monotone voice and spit out some lines and tactics they read on the internet and get the girl. Also you say that the "Newbies posts are too serious and lack in humor" .. Ok now re-read that again.... ok cool.. 1 more time.. whats the key word in that sentence? Newbies. They are newbies who dont understand the game as well as others, therefore they are trying to learn.. and you dont learn by bullsh*tting and trying to be funny for an internet forum..

So in your words to "sum everything all up" you should be more concerned about YOU being funny in public rather than newbies here on the forum. And to me it sounds like you come to this site in order to find "funny" people because that seems to be what your concern is.. maybe YOU should take your own advice and go find a funny friend if your lacking in the laugh department. But I must be fair and give you props to realizing that women are attracted to somewhat smart, good looking, "humor" guys with a personality. Also to pointing out the fact that when members of the opposite sexes look at each other they look for the ones with good genes.. I.E.: Attractive.. You hit the nail on the head with this theory man. It should be put in the bible.
There is a lot of "anger" in your post young man...

Maybe you should read some of my posts when I first came here...

As far as the rest...I am funny in "public" real funny...

I'm not concerned "bout" that...

The good "genes" thing is just in your head...

Remember this...

"Confidence" is key...

What happened to this site 1utfan1...


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Like I said, don't take offense to anything I write. I was offering what works great for me. Besides, I'm tired of listening to newbies whine and complain about their one-itis or how they still keep failing. Yes, granted, it happens. It happens to everybody. Especially when we're learning. But I was trying to portray, in a firm way, that crying over your problems isn't going to get you anywhere. Sorry, it maybe have been more cryptic than it was supposed to be, but sometimes a different view on things makes certain people click. Maybe I just don't see it, but I started coming to this site about 2 months ago. And within that 2 months, it was from decently interesting posts to absolute crap (despite a few good ones here and there.) I'm apparently not the only one to notice this, look at the topic "Stop whining you little b!tches." *shrugs* These AFC's don't need to be coddled, that only reinforces their AFC tendencies. They need to have the AFC "knocked" out of 'em.

Anyways, to me, it seems like most of them haven't bothered reading the DJ Bible, I'm sure. They go immediately to making posts on the forum, half-assing their training, and then go crying when it doesn't work. Granted, I picked this stuff up PRETTY QUICK, and I'm STILL learning new stuff, but, as you can see, I'm still relatively new on my posts. I spent most of my time reading articles from the DJ Bible. I wouldn't say I'm a master PUA, but that's because I'm stuck in Japan, in the Military. I have restrictions on where I can and cannot go, and I'm REQUIRED to have someone come with me. And trust me, nothing sucks worse than HAVING to bring an AFC along because you HAVE to.

However, I will agree with you on the fact that things over the internet aren't exactly interepreted the way they were supposed to be interepreted.

Hopefully you understand more of where I'm coming from.