Being a DJ and a Virgin are compatible.


Mar 10, 2008
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For a man who is a virgin, there are 3 possiblity that he is a virgin (general)
1. He is an afc and couldn't attract women
2. he has a religion against sex before marriage
3. he wants to wait for the right women that is suitable for him

For number 3, I do not mean one-tetis, what I mean is that you can flirt around with as many women as u want but that person may want to wait for a woman he truly loves and loves him. I dun want to get into the religion stuff.

wutang, you said alot of beautiful women are selfcentred and likes to play guys. Yes, you are right; they like to play around with the AFCs because they need the attention. You know, I got played once because i was an afc and that woman needs attention.

Do you know what love is? I think you are brainwashed in this site and you get the "fake" impression of: attract some women and bang them and ditch them.

Sure, you can do that once you possess all the skills of doing so but you also need to regain your feeling of "love". I bet you all your feelings to a girl when you meet her the first time is just how she looks like, right? But you will understand if you find a girl that you "truly love."

There is love in this world.

Getting played by women you thought u loved? That's why some of us come to this site heartbrokened and think whats wrong with themselves.

I see what you are getting to; I see the frustrations in your response because you havn't become a dj yet, i did not either. You probably got played by women right? We all have, we all got played by a women in a time with our lives but we need to learn is that you would not get played again.

In this world, we cannot live alone; we live by other people and the warmth and support by other people. We ofcourse have sins but our heart must have some kind of love towards one another. We as humans have the natural ability to love one another. From your response, I see that you think most hot women don't love, they just play guys as toys. Well, you are wrong; they brake our hearts because we are AFCs.

We all have to love one another...


Mar 10, 2008
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This is from a teenager point of view.
If you guys think attracting, f closing, and ditching is what men do and what dj does, I can say that it is not morally right. We love other people but we need to love ourselves also. If a chick dumps you and doesn't love you, you shouldnt be affected by this because you already have love inside yourself. Do we learn to love ourselves by f ing lots and lots of women? I dun really think so, I think we should find ourselves and get to know ourselves and try to achieve life long goals. Women are bonus.


Mar 10, 2008
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Being a DJ and a Virgin are compatible. It depends on ur "own" defination of a DJ. If your defination is a great seducer, being a virgin is just a joke. But some of us came to this site to improve theirselves and try to mature to become a man. Can a woman enjoy a man without having sex? Of course! That goes back to love. Love is enjoyable. Women love sex I know that, but they also look for emotions.

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
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antidonjuan said:
From your response, I see that you think most hot women don't love, they just play guys as toys. Well, you are wrong; they brake our hearts because we are AFCs.

We all have to love one another...
I have to disagree. Women break our hearts because they are women. There are DJs on this board who have had their women cheat on them. Becoming a DJ doesn't mean your woman won't break your heart. It just means it won't be as bad because you have plenty of confidence and possibly options.
May 23, 2006
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What about other people who have lost their v-card and are still struggling to get laid and having no luck, even worst now because they know what they are missing?


Mar 10, 2008
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How? How do they break our hearts? i think i love a girl and i go in a relationship with her, and she dumps me for some weird reason. We have a "choice" to be heart broken. If that woman cheats on u, then you just found out that she isn't worthy of your love. In fact, it wouldn't be bad at all because you just did a favor of finding who she really is!

max you can interpret it that way but if u look at this site. It's not all about women women women, it's about overall self improvement also.

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
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Luke Skywalker said:
What about other people who have lost their v-card and are still struggling to get laid and having no luck, even worst now because they know what they are missing?
If you like sex and you're struggling to get laid you're not a Don Juan. I'm not a virgin and have plenty but I have a hard time scoring women I want so no DJ am I, even if I'm working to improve my life and getting hobbies.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
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Max Power said:
If you like sex and you're struggling to get laid you're not a Don Juan. I'm not a virgin and have plenty but I have a hard time scoring women I want so no DJ am I, even if I'm working to improve my life and getting hobbies.
What problems are you having Max? I'm here to help ;) Feel free to PM.


Mar 10, 2008
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I never had sex before in my life but I chose that way; if it wasn't my religious views i would have chose to have sex. I can imagine me having sex with a girl I totally dont know; I would probably enjoy it and do the man thing, I would enjoy "the moment" with her. But imagine what's after that, you are unhappy again because you are not having sex anymore because you have no life!


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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antidonjuan said:
I never had sex before in my life but I chose that way; if it wasn't my religious views i would have chose to have sex. I can imagine me having sex with a girl I totally dont know; I would probably enjoy it and do the man thing, I would enjoy "the moment" with her. But imagine what's after that, you are unhappy again because you are not having sex anymore because you have no life!
Once you have sex with a women what do you expect? Sex isnt a fairytale where you find the girl of you dreams and once you make love youre taking to the promise land. Lets hear your ideal situation.

antidonjuan said:
This is from a teenager point of view.
If you guys think attracting, f closing, and ditching is what men do and what dj does, I can say that it is not morally right. We love other people but we need to love ourselves also. If a chick dumps you and doesn't love you, you shouldnt be affected by this because you already have love inside yourself. Do we learn to love ourselves by f ing lots and lots of women? I dun really think so, I think we should find ourselves and get to know ourselves and try to achieve life long goals. Women are bonus.
Cut the bullsh*t man. If you love a girl and she cheats on you, youre gonna be crushed. Dont feed us that sh*t about how we have love within ourselves and all that crap. Its part of being human. Youre not gonna let a girl you love and have been dating for 3 years do something like that, then remind yourself that you love yourself and everthing will be fine. Women are a part of life. Some people never find themselves, nor do they achieve their goals. You virigin guys need to look at life from a realistic perspective. Marriage isnt suppose to end in divorce, but 60% do...the world is not as glamorous as you make it out to be in your head. Clearly youve NEVER been in a relationship and been f*cked over. When you get some real life experience, feel free to continue trying to persuade and justify your beliefs.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 14, 2008
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antidonjuan said:
I never had sex before in my life but I chose that way; if it wasn't my religious views i would have chose to have sex. I can imagine me having sex with a girl I totally dont know; I would probably enjoy it and do the man thing, I would enjoy "the moment" with her. But imagine what's after that, you are unhappy again because you are not having sex anymore because you have no life!
You say "Imagine" but your imagining something that is not reality. I don't base being happy on "getting laid" but I sure do enjoy having sex with beautiful women.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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a DJ to me is someone who has their sh!t sorted and who knows what they want, and also someone who GETS what they want.

sounds like the OP has his head togetehr to me, much more than some i know. man knows what he wants and he's in process of getting it. he's on the Dj track. only a question of time. high character and ethics are not to be sniffed at. respect counts. and i respect a man like that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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JackRyanJuan said:
I've already stated in my OP and several times after I'm not here to save anyone. Just trying to give different perspective on being a virgin.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it per se; to each his own I guess. But I do suggest you stop short at actually endorsing it as a way to go, which is what you're trying to do here. "Being a virgin is a good thing! (as a man)" you say. No..... it's not. Is it acceptable? Of course.

To me, being a DJ is going to include physical relationships with women. If it doesn't to you, then we - without a doubt - define the term differently.

Hey man, I'm a Biologist by trade and by education. I'm quite sure our biological function is to f*** and pass on our seed. If you don't do it literally, at least practice your intended function!


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
What about other people who have lost their v-card and are still struggling to get laid and having no luck, even worst now because they know what they are missing?
You won't even enjoy your first time so don't worry. Your testosterone levels are too low and you will have performance anxiety. Heaps of guys don't enjoy their first time, but it sure makes it easer to enjoy it the time after that and the one after that.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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I'll play devils advocate and say you cannot be a true DJ and a virgin at the same time.

A true DJ recognizes his desires as a man and gets them fulfilled. A virgin(by CHOICE, at that) recognizes his desires but supresses them whether out of fear, lack of experience, or both. That is not healthy, and you ideal DJ would never do that.

You can be a DJ to other people, through smoke and mirrors, but you can't hide from yourself and the truth that you aren't getting what you want.

If you choose the response that you don't 'want' *****, then you're a lying scumbag, or... or you are homosexual. period.

So, being a DJ(who gets what he wants) and being a virgin(does NOT get what he wants) are INCOMPATIBLE.

p.s. you can be on the road to being a DJ, and still be a virgin, that's fine. But to label yourself a DJ AND a virgin is hypocrisy at its finest.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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I'm just reading this thread to learn more, so wont argue about anything (p.s. wolf and others are right)

One more thing, Anti-donJuan: I dont know about other people here, but I cant personally even read any post by a guy whos name is "anti-donjuan"...go and make a web page called! OR, change your username. Its straight up disrespectful, how dare you even post with a name like this u idiot.


Mar 10, 2008
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DJVladdy said:
I'm just reading this thread to learn more, so wont argue about anything (p.s. wolf and others are right)

One more thing, Anti-donJuan: I dont know about other people here, but I cant personally even read any post by a guy whos name is "anti-donjuan"...go and make a web page called! OR, change your username. Its straight up disrespectful, how dare you even post with a name like this u idiot.
Oh sorry if I offended you. I made up this username long time ago while I was really frustrated and didn't noe much of DJ things. Now I think this DJ thing really helped my life; I requested a change in my username several times but I got no response. I wouldn't want to restart a new account because some of the ppl on this forum knows who i am.
May 23, 2006
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wolf116 said:
You won't even enjoy your first time so don't worry. Your testosterone levels are too low and you will have performance anxiety. Heaps of guys don't enjoy their first time, but it sure makes it easer to enjoy it the time after that and the one after that.
If you are getting laid, or losing your virginity on other people's terms, then that still doesn't make you a DJ.

If someone's terms is not to lose their virginity until they are married and sticks to that, then that's a valid term, and if someone loses their virginity to please someone else and breaches their own terms / boundaries, that doesn't make that person a DJ.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Right. But suppose you choose the easy way out to lose it, and when it comes to seducing quality women, there is no next time after that except getting another fix -- you are worst off than you started.
No man, I lost my virginity to a HB4 and it was like the biggest weight was lifted from my shoulders. As soon as I lost it, it was like women could tell I could please them because I believed I could (I asked her to train me).

Some guys need to start at the bottom and work their way up.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
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After ****ing so many women... I actually want to **** the "right" somebody I actually care and have feelings for