attitude on sosuave


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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Ollie said:
Where do you live, Iran?
Virginia actually.

I totally disagree with this. I have no problem at all with a girl I'm in a relationship with having guy friends. Let me ask you you ever hang out casually with girls when dating someone?
Yep, I sure do but when I was in exclusive LTR I had enough respect for my woman not to do 1-on-1 dates (or "hang outs") with other women. Confident women don't put up with that just like confident men shouldn't.

I have no problem if the guys she's out with want to have sex with her either. If I'm in a relationship with a girl I trust her, and if I can't trust her to go out for lunch with a guy friend without trying to fvck him, why would I want to be with her in the first place?
If you were doing what you're suppose to be doing in an LTR she wouldn't be curious and want to go hang out with other guys period. If she does then she's definitely not long term material since she's an AW.
I don't own the girl, she's with me because she wants to be, and if she finds someone else or loses interest I'll remind her where the door is. To me, your ideas show how insecure you are with yourself and your relationships and I think you should work on your confidence.
I beg to differ, sir. This kind of mindset shows my confidence to select the right kind of woman. I don't go for just any woman and certainly don't waste my time with AW's. If she feels the need to go 1-on-1 with other guys that's a problem. I never said I had a problem with her having male friends or interactions - I don't control women. But I do expect some respect (no dates with other guys) just as she should expect from me.

There is no doubt in my mind that these guys who claim to draw all of these constricting boundaries with their women would be SHOCKED and APPALLED to know how much their women hide from them so they APPEAR to conform.
I couldn't agree more, but you mentioned it yourself. What's the difference between doing lunch with an ex fiance and some random dude that wants to get her in the sack? There has to be certain boundaries and if needed the couple should discuss those and compromise. That lowers the chance of someone screwing up because they "didn't know" or thought it "wasn't a big deal". Just like it's not cool to go to the club every weekend with the boys if you're in a serious relationship. There must be guidelines.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
guru1000 said:
A woman who needs the attention of other men in addition to you is not Quality material.
Ding !
And therefore I would add that such a woman is not someone whom a man should consider for an LTR.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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samspade said:
Neither. It's obliviousness and/or ignorance to reality. A lot of proud fathers' daughters are virgins their whole lives, too.
It's a lot easier to pretend that "My girl is different" than acknowledge the fact that they are all pretty much the same.

There are times where I do wish I could step back into lala land for awhile though.

Unfortunately it's usually either hope and disappointment or realization and apathy.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Getting back the OP's original thought, I understand what your interpretation is, all I'm asking you to do is ask yourself why you'd think they were "bitter"? This is a feminine social convention that's in the same vein as shame. Any guy that has a point about the feminine, no matter how valid, can always have his argument poisoned because he's a guy and most guys are frustrated that they aren't getting laid and this is his petty way of venting. Of course, the same can be used with women, but it's never as valid because they play the role of sexual filter. We can point out bitter women, but the feminine default is to always be cast in the victim role, so even if they are bitter it's always justified.

I'm just asking you think about it, because, when men can be convinced to participate in women's social conventions half their work is done for them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
samspade said:
Neither. It's obliviousness and/or ignorance to reality.
Or just maybe a different reality.

Donald Trump is a fictitious character because he is successful.

It's a lot easier to pretend that "My girl is different" than acknowledge the fact that they are all pretty much the same.
Says the guy who doesn't believe in absolutes.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
STR8UP said:
First off, don't listen to this "If your g/f so much as talks to another guy while she's dating you, DUMP HER" crap.

There was a thread a while back asking could men and women be genuine friends. After reading that thread I came to the conclusion that they can only be friends if there is no sexual interest there. Thats why alot of women like to have gay men as friends.

My GF told me a few weeks ago that she had lunch (in McDonalds) with a guy. He is a neighbour of hers and they have known each other since kindergarden. I didn't see a problem with that because she sees him as a friend only.

I let her know though that its only appropiate in certain circumstances and she agreed and she also said she wouldn't like it if I was having meals with women. So at least she understands where I'm coming from.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Outside of AWs, if she's having one on one lunches with other males, be they co-workers or not, then she's there for a reason. And it's not for the food, it's for the company, and by "company" I mean him. Even if it's innocent, it opens a door to what can be a slippery slope. That's the world we live in, and that's what can happen. And it does happen. Lots.

So, compare that to a woman who, when a co-worker or ex or guy at a bar or whoever says, "hey, how about we grab a bite to eat together you and me?" she says, "Oh, thanks, but no" because she's loyal to you. She knows he's not asking because of the food.

Love, gentlemen, is based on respect. If she really loves you, she needs to respect you. Not go off having drinks or lunch dates with other men, that's not respectful nor loving.

So you can be secure and confident and let her do whatever the f@ck she wants to do, and yes, you should be like that. But when you see what the f@ck she wants to do is hang with another man, know what you're looking at is disrespect.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Mr. Me said:
If she really loves you, she needs to respect you. Not go off having drinks or lunch dates with other men, that's not respectful nor loving.

But when you see what the f@ck she wants to do is hang with another man, know what you're looking at is disrespect.
Careful. Some people here believe a call back is enough respect.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Mr. Me said:
Outside of AWs, if she's having one on one lunches with other males, be they co-workers or not, then she's there for a reason. And it's not for the food, it's for the company, and by "company" I mean him. Even if it's innocent, it opens a door to what can be a slippery slope. That's the world we live in, and that's what can happen. And it does happen. Lots.

So, compare that to a woman who, when a co-worker or ex or guy at a bar or whoever says, "hey, how about we grab a bite to eat together you and me?" she says, "Oh, thanks, but no" because she's loyal to you. She knows he's not asking because of the food.

Love, gentlemen, is based on respect. If she really loves you, she needs to respect you. Not go off having drinks or lunch dates with other men, that's not respectful nor loving.

So you can be secure and confident and let her do whatever the f@ck she wants to do, and yes, you should be like that. But when you see what the f@ck she wants to do is hang with another man, know what you're looking at is disrespect.
Here's the problem. That "door" is open as soon as she leaves the house.

This whole concept of your woman not being able to have male friends under any circumstances is ridiculous. If you don't allow your woman to have male friends then you might as well tell her she can't work. You think having lunch with a guy she's known for years before you met her is any different than her working late hours on a project with a male co-worker? It's "OK" if she's paid to hang out with a guy, huh? Not much logic there. I suppose you could argue that the "work dynamic" might help keep things in check, but I think I heard somewhere that the majority of affairs women have are with coworkers, so that defense is pretty weak.

I am Man enough not to be insecure about my woman, and I am smart enough to be able to spot disrespect. I don't need to start thumping my chest and draw lines in the sand to "keep my woman in line". She's gonna do what she's gonna do. The more you try to put her in a cage the more she's going to fight you.

The point is, there is no "fine line" between respect and disrespect. If you are with a disrespectful woman and you allow her to disrespect you, you deserve what you get.

And there's a big difference between "lunch dates" and catching up with an old friend. Your woman should know the difference and should not cross the line, and you should know how to SPOT the difference in case she does.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Mr. Me said:
Outside of AWs, if she's having one on one lunches with other males, be they co-workers or not, then she's there for a reason. And it's not for the food, it's for the company, and by "company" I mean him...
...and "company " is translated as the buzz that another source of male attention provides her.
At this point, she has turned OUTSIDE your LTR to be in the company of another man for emotionally rewarding reasons. YOU have been forgotten in the process and discarded for the duration of her lunch. She sure isn't telling him how much you mean to her. . She is there for an ego boost and she is willing to place your relationship at risk.

Technically, she has now positioned herself at the 'mild' end of the cheating continuum.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
STR8UP said:
Your woman should know the difference and should not cross the line, and you should know how to SPOT the difference in case she does.
Two problem with all your "shoulds" here...

Firstly women have no clear " lines" as we men know them . They create what is OK, or not OK " on the run " according to how they "feel" and how immediately gratifying the situation is TO THEM.

You, of all people, should know this from your recent history with a variety of AWs and fakes and flakes.

Secondly, a woman who is having lunches with a "male "friend" is hardly likely to tell you, at least initially, so how are you going to know what is going on in order to "SPOT the difference .." ??


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
Oh, and to the OP....learn how to type. I didn't even bother to read your post.
I'll keep that in mind to know that professional writing is expected on a site wr the use of swear words are flowing throughout the forms....doesn't make sense post in my thread if u didn't read it ....... nevertheless i was actually agreeing wit the fact that men shouldn't jump the gun when woman have guy friends, and to not just take advise on others that she should be nexted because of that.... clearly confidence is the opposite of jealousy but yet there requires a balance when a woman is clearly disrespecting you if for example she goes on dinner dates wit her guy friends etc.....not to mention the dopehead who doesn't mind sharing his gf to other guys....... above all I appreciate most of responses except the few that didn't make any sense............ just really hope that senior members start advising more practical responses to situations...cuz at times I need it and sure other young guys do too but with the saturation of negative, retarded, out right stupid responses i feel there isn't a point

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
Here's the problem. That "door" is open as soon as she leaves the house.
There's a difference between, say, she goes to work in an office and she accepts lunch dates with another man. While an affair can happen either way, she's at the office to work, earn a paycheck, whereas a decision to have lunch with this other guy is... what? Certainly not about work, certainly an elective. It's all about being with this other guy.

This whole concept of your woman not being able to have male friends under any circumstances is ridiculous.
I guess it must be, because you seem to know what a ridiculous premise is.

I didn't say she *couldn't* have male friends. I said the right woman is going to turn down offers.

We all want to go out as a group? Me, her, Larry, her co-worker, Steve, her friend from college and his girlfriend? No problem. She wants to go out with Larry alone. Problem.

If you don't allow your woman to have male friends then
I believe I wrote that a guy should permit his woman to do whatever she wants. I don't tell a woman what she can and can't do. I tell her how I'll respond perhaps. But hopefully, I don't commit up with a woman before I know her character well enough, so this kind of stuff is hardly an issue.

I am Man enough not to be insecure about my woman, and I am smart enough to be able to spot disrespect. I don't need to start thumping my chest and draw lines in the sand to "keep my woman in line". She's gonna do what she's gonna do. The more you try to put her in a cage the more she's going to fight you.
You're inferring I'm insecure and stupid. Again, where did you read me saying tell a woman what to do? I'm saying let her play her hand. That's the only way you can see who she is, if she chooses not to play it right, you walk. You don't have to stick around for disloyalty. Give me the woman who's loyal to me and who will turn down the lunch offer. That's my gal.

You think having lunch with a guy she's known for years before you met her is any different than her working late hours on a project with a male co-worker?
This is exactly the kind of stuff women say to shame men in order to keep company with another man. That and calling them insecure.

But yes, if she has to work late on a project, if she really must, that's for work. Doesn't mean she's having a drink with him while he's macking her. If she agrees to a dinner date with the dude, that's... what? I see a huge difference.

And it doesn't matter HOW LONG she's known anyone. It's not about length of time. What matters is how she puts her relationship with her man as the priority.

And there's a big difference between "lunch dates" and catching up with an old friend
And the right woman will invite you along to meet the old friend at lunch.

It's "OK" if she's paid to hang out with a guy, huh? Not much logic there.
She's not getting paid to hang out with a guy. She gets paid to work with the guy. Maybe you misunderstood and maybe that's why it doesn't seem logical to you.

So, yes, it's okay to work with someone if that's what your job requires.

She can't say it's her job requiring her to have a drink with him after work in the cozy corner of a dark bar.

But if she does say that, then I'd suspect her integrity is low.

I suppose you could argue that the "work dynamic" might help keep things in check, but I think I heard somewhere that the majority of affairs women have are with coworkers, so that defense is pretty weak.
The affair doesn't really grow its legs in the office. But it sure can get cultivated by accepting invites for lunch or drinks after work.

What can I say? I am telling you, if you're with a woman who insists on seeing her old male friends and making new ones, and defending it with "I've known him longer then I know you!" and "He's just a friend!" and going off having her secret life, your relationship has a hole in it: You're with a low integrity or low interest woman.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
sf ca
jophil28 said:
Secondly, a woman who is having lunches with a "male "friend" is hardly likely to tell you, at least initially, so how are you going to know what is going on in order to "SPOT the difference .." ??
actually some women, you know the type, will tell you. and those are the dangerous ones.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
My ex used to wait a couple months before telling me (half the story, anyway) about the shady shyt she was doing. By then, too much time had gone by to be mad about it. Yet another clever tool in her demonic arsenal.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Dancing with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
Amusing and entertaining how the topic can spin off the way it has.

I agree with the poster that this board has taught me some important things, about self confidence and living as well as I can. I strongly disagree with the general theme of the OP message which seemed to imply there was an overbearing amount of negativity or bitterness within the advice that people give each other which inevitably renders much of the advice useless. I see it from time to time from nimwits who haven't experienced HELL first hand, but overall its quite uncommon.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Mr. Me said:
What can I say? I am telling you, if you're with a woman who insists on seeing her old male friends and making new ones, and defending it with "I've known him longer then I know you!" and "He's just a friend!" and going off having her secret life, your relationship has a hole in it: You're with a low integrity or low interest woman.
If she is pulling this shyte behind your back (especially with NEW guys that she met AFTER you) then you do not have a "relationship" which is worth saving. She is indeed a low quality woman.

You are simply in an 'arrangement of convenience' - mainly her convenience.
And she will continue to cheat with her male "friends" until she finds a BBD to swing across to.


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Mr. Me said:
You're with a low integrity or low interest woman.
So besides those two factors. May I ask WHY a woman must seen attention/ validation from another man while in a relationship with me or you?

What good does it do her?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
It is pretty evident that any man who exercises his exclusivity with such a woman does not select quality and/or high IL as a priority.

The real motivator behind this decision is one's lack of options. A scarce mind frame will justify his own decisions in picking the bottom of the barrel due to his perceived inadequacies. After all if one has the pick of the litter, why would he not acquire woman who hold themselves to higher ideals and respect for their partner.

I am not singling anyone out but I am not fooled by those who pretend a 'Popular' woman is acceptable. Their red lights certainly go off but they refuse to acknowledge it as a defense mechanism to their scarcity.

I have always explained the significance of establishing boundaries at the point of exclusivity. In this case, a woman of this type of thinking is not LTR material and thus disqualifies herself immediately from an LTR. That being said, a woman of this thinking will not have the privilege of being locked in a cage as she does not merit my attention.

Part of having a successful LTR is to property qualify your potential partner. Despite one's scarcity, any man who chooses such a woman will continue having the same undesirable results.

If one ACCEPTS only respectful compatible behavior as a prerequisite to exclusivity, then he will find himself surrounded by qualified candidates who are worthy of his boundary implementation.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Dancing with the Devil by the pale moonlight.
guru1000 said:
It is pretty evident that any man who exercises his exclusivity with such a woman does not select quality and/or high IL as a priority.

The real motivator behind this decision is one's lack of options. A scarce mind frame will justify his own decisions in picking the bottom of the barrel due to his perceived inadequacies. After all if one has the pick of the litter, why would he not acquire woman who hold themselves to higher ideals and respect for their partner.
This just about sums it up but the reality of it is that a lot of guys don't have the "pick of the litter". I'm a busy guy, I work full time as an engineer and I live by myself. Most of my friends are into their own things, many of them tied down in their own relationships and families. I'm considering getting a part time job at Whole Foods at this point to meet new people.

My point is that a lot of times people, expecially in phases of their lives, do not have a lot of options. It what it is.

And so you meet a girl and you hang out on a somewhat regular basis. She demonstrates high IL and it feels great, she seems normal. My point here is that often times, especially for the noobies and unsuspecting men out there is can be too late because by the time they realize something isn't quite right, they are already hooked emotionally or otherwise and they begin to feel panicked inside because they know if things "end", this prson they are with might be the type to "sleep around" to "feel better" about herself.

Then you start to develop a complex subconciously, sort of like an unhealthy protective measure that induces you to prevent things from ending because you are so afraid subconsciously of being hurt.

So the lesson learned once again is you have to be very careful with who you welcome into your lives and balance "that" with putting in a lot of effort to have "options".