Asian Chick Game - not western


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Crazy exist any where.

My last Asian was the reason my cell died after 1 hour. She would send me 3000 messages a day, after our first kiss.

She freaked me out, and she continued for 6 months lol

There are normal girls, everything we wrote stand

She could be lonely or found you good match but desperation kill
ummm.....a beautiful chick who is 11 years younger than me who is madly keen.....WHATS NOT TO LIKE???

So easier than having to think/worry/play like a western woman my own age.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Yep crazy jealousy is a std feature. It's amplified by the immigrant experience. She comes from a very collective Society and she's lost her herd. Of course she's hungry for some leadership. Expect to have your house searched for signs of competition.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Yep crazy jealousy is a std feature. It's amplified by the immigrant experience. She comes from a very collective Society and she's lost her herd. Of course she's hungry for some leadership. Expect to have your house searched for signs of competition.
I presume my stash of asian chick porn will be a bad thing? :)

I don't mind jealousy, it's the sign of a truly committed girl. It means she has eyes for you and wants you to herself. God knows why western women find it a turn-off.

When she spoke of being hurt, I told her that I can get western girls for sex anytime, so I wouldn't date her just for that. I think that in particular put her hamster spinning!

If this is the real score with Asian women, I don't think I am dating western ever again! My ex, Russian, was similar, even a chick at work calling me got a few questions. I heard my phone will be searched.

What I don't understand is, she has met me once. She is no longer on OLD, has not been active since we met.

What worries me is if she jumps in so fast, if I go excl to her, she can jump out fast. Then I've lost all my plates and I am back at square one. However, she has been here a year and must have 1000 offers a day online, so it's not like she doesn't have a chance for a BF.

I reckon I am one of the few on OLD who set up totally blue pill, right age, dress well. Perhaps I am a bit rarer, from her perspecitve, than I think, with 99% of dudes playing red pill these days. I also get the feeling wanting kids on profile...I think her mum has semi-vetted me given she wants to send me stuff. After one fvcking date. This is weird as hell.

Perhaps they just qualify and go for it, I have beaten every man on my OLD to get her wanting a relationship already so whatever the weather, I am happy as hell!


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I guess my main concern is once in a relationship are they loyal? Do they stay, for example, if your business failed or you had a bad time financially for a bit? (given you are working very hard to correct it?) I'm in sales so this is always a concern for me, my earnings can go up and down, and sometimes I need time to get them going again. Not talking about being in poverty, that is unlikely to happen, but once married/committed, are they fickle and branch swing out when the good times go? That's my concern about committing.

I work my nuts off, even when I am not working I am studying, working on ideas etc. I just can't guarantee as I am not in a solid high earning job like a doctor or lawyer (I earn well and have done for years, but it's not a guaranteed high income like those professions). I could potentially go backwards or forards based on the market etc. Also though, I can work where came from in the financial centre. There are jobs out there, and my income there, we would live like kings even if it's half what I make here!

Anyway, way too much text. I'll see her and play it by ear.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Loyal like Bulldogs you're looking at 5000 years of selective breeding. They decide quickly based on pheromones or whatever I don't know. They generally decide well and they totally bond. When you do the Dirty Deed you'll find that she's all over you sniffing and rubbing herself on your smell. As long as you keep up your end as a man it's team you and her against the world.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Fruitbat you got me thinking mail order bride! Lol vietnam style
I am just thinking I could even get better, she's a 9 by my standards....young, tiny, some boobs, pretty face. Some others I saw on the web are even fitter (models however!)

I think Vietnemese, along with Jap, are among the fittest in South east asia. beats korean and thai IMO

However, to play that field I would have to leave. I have one 2 miles away and she is better than I ever expected I could pull, period.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
So seal the deal already. Then stick to the rules of womenkind don't see her more than twice a week. Be busy with business and stuff. Sell it as building a future together. Go through the dating phase. Don't start hanging out together all the time. Keep it more blue pill than usual but don't turn into a total AFC.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
You're a stubborn bastard guess you need to be in sales. But there's actually a lot of useful info on this thread already. So by all means just pick up what you can use but don't throw away the advice too casually. Think about y that was suggested.

One thing I do is the Meetup groups. You might find she's into badminton or ping pong. This is a way of being together without burning out. Once your established a good Asian girl will bond with the chicks there and it all counts as socialisation. And you can use it to delay introducing her to your friends. The other advantage is that most meet up people don't have great social skills so if any dude does crack on it's probably going to be a pretty crappy attempt and just make you look good.

Obviously don't do this at the beginning. UK guys seem to love to c0ck block.
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Don Juan
Aug 1, 2017
Reaction score

I am 35 and I unbelievably found that perhaps the hottest Asian chick on my OLD has given me saturday night. She is 24! HB9 I would say, and she is VERY unsure of this country and seems extremely innocent, almost like a kid.

She told me she got basically played, she could not understand why a man she met for 2 months didn't want to give her a relationship yet fvcked her- culturally, she said she didn't get it. I explained players etc to her and how it works.

God knows how I managed this, as she must have every man in a 400 mile radius speaking to her. She says she likes older guys.

Anyway, she is literally straight from Vietnam and studying here. I have no experience with these girls. Her english is poor and she is doing avery difficult degree, I suspect she might not finish it and wants initial thoughts as I would never stand a chance with a western 24 y/o hot girl. Bit confused really.

My gut says play it a bit AFC, she definately isn't the sort you would game like a western woman.

Anyone know how these traditional Asian girls work? Anything to watch for? Do they like the old fashioned romance stuff? I am in the game for a blue pill outcome, not to pump her and dump her by the way.

Watch a Korean Soap Opera for ideas


Don Juan
May 25, 2017
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Well, I currently spend much of my time panicking because I lost the chance for a family with my ex and I am worried it won't happen.

Tiny asian chick is amongst my top preferences for a partner

That sex sounds incredible. I am just worried she understands....ahem....western feminine grooming :)

If we go gf/bf I will send you a PM pic, don't think it's fair on her at this stage to send her pic around...

My other fear is that she will want to facebook me as a boyfriend. I have another plate coming over to fvck on weds. I would prob lose that.

She may have noticed I friended the other plate recently, and I have a 3rd plate I rejected who stalks my posts and comments.

Any comments on how Imight head this off? I might explain that she hasn't met my friends or family so I don't want any questions yet!
Well you are lucky I have vast experience in this area haha.

My wife is originally from Taiwan, moved to the USA when she was 4. Fully westernized. About 5'6" and 118 pounds. The mother of my 2 year old daughter is Thai, she is westernized more than most but still VERY Thai. In other words not American at all. She is 5'0" and about 100 pounds. Both are 8s and above imo.

Because the wife is american, she does all of the full American grooming practices. The Thai girl on the other hand shaves everywhere BUT her legs. I ask her about it and she says its not big in Thailand. Could never understand it. Luckily she has pretty thin leg hair, but's odd to me.

And you are talking to a guy that cheated on the wife with the Thai girl, had a daughter, and still the wife wanted to stay together (after months and months of hell, which I deserved of course). One thing Asian girls are is loyal. Beyond loyal. The wife stuck with me and the Thai girl wanted to be together even after she knew I was married. They don't give up easily.

As for heading off the other girls with the Asian girl, its not going to happen. Asian girls are VERY VERY possessive and VERY VERY smart at finding out who you are dating, for how long, how serious, etc. Both the wife and the mom of my daughter found out things about me that I never knew they could. As in I was shocked. Nothing bad and nothing that was criminal, just things about me that I never revealed that they found out. Had never experienced that with a white girl before. Part of me thought it was very weird to get THAT worried and almost stalkerish, and then other part of me was happy they cared so much.

So as I said, if you decide to sex this girl, you are pretty much going to have to go all in. The chances of you "just dating" her are not good. They want everything or nothing.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Thanks Guys. She is now my official GF. Spent 2 days together and talked a lot about life plans which fit well. She seems very into me and I'm into her. She began hinting about this after sechs and I told her then that I would be her BF, and she was playing jealousy game on me before she left, mentioning male "friends" etc (we were drinking when we agreed to go excl and she wanted it said sober). So, we had a big discussion about western players, our dating history and how "I will have forgetten her in a week" etc and I ended up grabbing it by both hands and confirming BF/GF status which she accepted.

Felt very much like her being played by the last guy has been a big part of this and I most definitely broke all the rules her by agreeing and allowing her relationship game to suck me in. However, the entire weekend she basically was all over me, giving me all I want and I just couldn't really say - meh! See how it goes after all that was said. However, she was hard to read at times because we both recognised it was too soon to fvck and go excl, but she was gaming for it all the time we've known each other.

I may have gone to early to agree but by asian standards, she gave me A LOT. Sechsually, I have never had a woman so eager to please and not want anything in return, and also initiate most of the 5-6 times we did!

Have a feeling this is right place, right time, right girl. She knows I am not extremely rich too, I told her to get that out of the way.

Feels a bit weird and I am hoping I did not give in to her wanting to have a relationship with me ASAP too soon, and she got played HARD by the last guy, who was clearly PUA. This worries me as she fell for it, and was obviously worked hard by not getting the relationship she wanted. I now worry that offering so early is not giving her that chase, yet I hope she is genuinely once bitten twice shy. That's kind of what she said.

This is the ultimate test of game and red pill being "all women". This girl appeared as blue pill as it gets and I played it ultra, ultra blue pill. I helped with her life and stuff too while we were together, sorting things out for her. Seeing as she seemed to want this, I gave it to her. I will find out in the coming weeks whether there are truly blue pill cultures or not!
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Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Thanks Guys. She is now my official GF. Spent 2 days together and talked a lot about life plans which fit well. She seems very into me and I'm into her. She began hinting about this after sechs and I told her then that I would be her BF, and she was playing jealousy game on me before she left, mentioning male "friends" etc (we were drinking when we agreed to go excl and she wanted it said sober). So, we had a big discussion about western players, our dating history and how "I will have forgetten her in a week" etc and I ended up grabbing it by both hands and confirming BF/GF status which she accepted.

Felt very much like her being played by the last guy has been a big part of this and I most definitely broke all the rules her by agreeing and allowing her relationship game to suck me in. However, the entire weekend she basically was all over me, giving me all I want and I just couldn't really say - meh! See how it goes after all that was said. However, she was hard to read at times because we both recognised it was too soon to fvck and go excl, but she was gaming for it all the time we've known each other.

I may have gone to early to agree but by asian standards, she gave me A LOT. Sechsually, I have never had a woman so eager to please and not want anything in return, and also initiate most of the 5-6 times we did!

Have a feeling this is right place, right time, right girl. She knows I am not extremely rich too, I told her to get that out of the way.

Feels a bit weird and I am hoping I did not give in to her wanting to have a relationship with me ASAP too soon, and she got played HARD by the last guy, who was clearly PUA. This worries me as she fell for it, and was obviously worked hard by not getting the relationship she wanted. I now worry that offering so early is not giving her that chase, yet I hope she is genuinely once bitten twice shy. That's kind of what she said.
Have fun
I think you are rgiht by rationalizing the behaviour of the guy before (so she can understand and move on... it's also better for you)
Keep it simple

Also, some comitment signs she will ask are gonna look far streched for you.... but be diplomatic about. And find compromise

I dated alot of different cultures.... they willhave expections we are not aware.. so Talking is key


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
So seal the deal already. Then stick to the rules of womenkind don't see her more than twice a week. Be busy with business and stuff. Sell it as building a future together. Go through the dating phase. Don't start hanging out together all the time. Keep it more blue pill than usual but don't turn into a total AFC.
I basically sealed the deal in agreeing to be bf/gf - is that what you meant? We fvcked, I felt obliged given her culture and her pursuing this with me.

Is that it? But just don't turn AFC now and make her sole focus of my life? Keep frame whilst respecting loyalty and not screwing around, and lead?

I'm hoping you didn't mean go AFC and accept exclusivity. I just did :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
U done good. Platings designed to sort for a diamond or at least a nice piece of Fool's Gold. Serial monogamy is a valid strategy.
Have fun exploring her world and VV. Give her a years fun and then make babies
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Dead true what others have said above....publicly, she is reluctant to hold hands and kiss. I feel like "Does she even like me now?"

Alone, she suddenly talks louder, and is begging for it.

I would say post agreeing to be excl, she seems quieter, not as manic on text....Saying that, she has been incredibly busy preparing for a flight....I hope succumbing to her requests to be BF/GF very early were indeed the right was the accepted wisdom TBF.

I gave her a ton of help with something, and a lift to the station. I'm trying to show that I'm LTR material but without getting mushy or beta with her, more like the guy who will competently be solidly reliable and run things for her.

She was talking about when I see her when she's back and cooking for me so that's good. I suppose now she sees me as her man so she's not spinning hamster. So I will respect the rules of woman and not initiate nor be too supplicating/available.
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
2,452 thing I note is that often we talk via text and out of the blue she cuts off completely and wishes me good night, and shuts it down. In a Western chick I would find this rude. Just bye, good night. She did this when she was high IOI and all the way through. I am not sure what it means.....she initiates a lot, I will respond if I can (I don't play games, if I can send a few words I will, if I can't I don't) However, when this happens I don't send anything. In fact, it seems to be occuring when I've been mildly nice (like wishing good morning or empathising with a problem she has in a 3 word text!). Perhaps it's not as blue pill as I think and I need a bit of radio silence here.

This whole game with a diff culutre girl is hard. I don't know how blue/red pill to play it, but I certainly am not hitting her up with AFC chat, one time I initiated, I just respond with basic friendly stuff.
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
**** sake I was working on my life tonight and I am sat here micro analysing this shyt. Oneitus occuring, the sechs was too good. Now I am destabilised and worrying. FFS.

Time I think to let this thread bomb. I am investing way too much time into thinking about this, and no good can come of it.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Correct. Asian men r pretty serious, emotionally controled all about making money for the family. And often haven't bothered becoming good in bed.

Now obviously that's a big generalization there's plenty of funky young Asian hipster guys these days but if she's been raised over there that's probably what she's used to.

So usual rules of frame in early dating. Don't let her see you lose your s***. E.g. if some moron cuts you off in traffic just say I guess that guy's having a bad day or whatever with a smile.

Try and keep phone calls pretty short. Coping with the language barrier when she can't see your face there's a recipe for pain. Also if she's back in viet her English skills will go to s*** for a while.

And talk about short term plans and make sure she sees you getting it done. Your words are powerful if she always sees you following through on them. Asian girls don't like men who over talk. Giving her some attention is fine but around the house she will get on with her jobs and you should get on with yours.

And don't freak out mate if this one doesn't work out the best thing about Asian girls is there are plenty more.