Asian Chick Game - not western


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I am 35 and I unbelievably found that perhaps the hottest Asian chick on my OLD has given me saturday night. She is 24! HB9 I would say, and she is VERY unsure of this country and seems extremely innocent, almost like a kid.

She told me she got basically played, she could not understand why a man she met for 2 months didn't want to give her a relationship yet fvcked her- culturally, she said she didn't get it. I explained players etc to her and how it works.

God knows how I managed this, as she must have every man in a 400 mile radius speaking to her. She says she likes older guys.

Anyway, she is literally straight from Vietnam and studying here. I have no experience with these girls. Her english is poor and she is doing avery difficult degree, I suspect she might not finish it and wants initial thoughts as I would never stand a chance with a western 24 y/o hot girl. Bit confused really.

My gut says play it a bit AFC, she definately isn't the sort you would game like a western woman.

Anyone know how these traditional Asian girls work? Anything to watch for? Do they like the old fashioned romance stuff? I am in the game for a blue pill outcome, not to pump her and dump her by the way.



Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Take it slow with this chick. Patience will
pay off in the long run.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Just be yourself and genuine.

I see a lot of older white dudes with bombshell asian wives and I know exactly how they got them. From a cultural standpoint these women are better fit for relationships. If you can overcome the language barrier you will probably make yourself happy for years to come.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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Vietnamese, Thai, Lao, Cambodian girls are very big on the family unit. They are usually sending back a lot of their income to Mum and Dad, so the provider type boyfriend who values family is seen as a commodity.

You don't have to do C&F if it's not your natural thing, but don't be afraid to be masculine and decisive. Some of them might expect you to play it a bit slow while they screen you but just do you. While traditional girls are getting more materialistic due to Western influences and the availability of the Internet to see how everyone else lives, a lot of them do still value strength of character over looks or gameplay.

Regarding the language thing, I would speak fairly clearly at about 85 to 90% speed, avoiding colloquialisms. If you are patient and willing to repeat and things that she doesn't understand, great. When you date someone from an Asian country their vocabulary will expand as they understand more about the way you talk. I speak Japanese, Thai and Lao so I can safely say that learning a little bit of their language can go a long way if this turns into something.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
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Have you even met her ?.... Sounds suspicious....


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2013
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Dude, I read the first paragraph and immediate red flag. She has a victum mentality right off the bat and she hasn't even met you yet? It's not my first rodeo with Asian Btches, I would run for the hills.

HB9 Asian not from Korea or Japan LOL .. you white guys are blind.


Don Juan
May 25, 2017
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You gotta post pics bro...cmon!

I married a Taiwanese woman, but she moved to the USA when she was 4 so she is very western. I also have a kid with a girl from Thailand and she is very NOT western.

I would say act manly, try not to make too many western jokes that she wont get, and act in control at all times. She will be eating out of the palm of your hand. They really respect western men who act as if they have their act together.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Yep been on plenty of these. Action date where u teach her pool darts mini golf etc. They love to learn stuff. Gentle kino on arm and back. Apart from that not much in public. Kissing is not normally a big first date thing for them but leading them by the hand early on is a good thing because they'll normally hang on and it sets up boyfriend frame. If it goes anywhere get her to cook you dinner Vietnamese home cooking is about 10 times better than restaurant food


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Asian girls are about security and making a team together against the world. So if she can see ur hard working that goes a long way too


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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Well, first date went great.


- They are so transparent with what they feel. Their emotions show on their face like a book.
- They are incredibly blue pilled.

I literally thought she is the sweetest thing ever. We kissed a bit and she again repeated about how she doesn't get western men and how they are friendly and don't want a relationship.

I played this perhaps the most reversed way ever:

- I told her clearly I wasn't dating her to sleep with her and I actually want a GF.
- I said I can get sex if I want it, I wouldn't break her heart, I told her she was naieve and I couldn't do it.
- I said I wanted to see her again
- I said she was very pretty and basically got a bit romantic, but she looked like she was writhing in excstacy like a little girl and almost skipping with joy.

It was basically a date that I always wanted but never got with a western woman. No game. No game of any sort from her, other than her asking for more reassurance that I liked her and wanted to date her.

Only issue is her english is bad. it might be a bit embarrassing introducing her to my friends. Everyone knows the deal but do I give a shyt? No!

Still, this may always fail, I have another 2 solid plates but this is something special. However, it;s one date but I always dreamed of a much younger hot asian chick.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
Well, first date went great.


- They are so transparent with what they feel. Their emotions show on their face like a book.
- They are incredibly blue pilled.

I literally thought she is the sweetest thing ever. We kissed a bit and she again repeated about how she doesn't get western men and how they are friendly and don't want a relationship.

I played this perhaps the most reversed way ever:

- I told her clearly I wasn't dating her to sleep with her and I actually want a GF.
- I said I can get sex if I want it, I wouldn't break her heart, I told her she was naieve and I couldn't do it.
- I said I wanted to see her again
- I said she was very pretty and basically got a bit romantic, but she looked like she was writhing in excstacy like a little girl and almost skipping with joy.

It was basically a date that I always wanted but never got with a western woman. No game. No game of any sort from her, other than her asking for more reassurance that I liked her and wanted to date her.

Only issue is her english is bad. it might be a bit embarrassing introducing her to my friends. Everyone knows the deal but do I give a shyt? No!

Still, this may always fail, I have another 2 solid plates but this is something special. However, it;s one date but I always dreamed of a much younger hot asian chick.
Asian women from Asia... the ones i've been with/dated having lived in Japan.

They are emotionally open and will create you opportunities or show you they like/love you.

They likely will be conservative and slow on the sexual part

They will expect commitment

They seek a provider/man attribute.. a guy who will stimulate her éducation and have a GREAT job.

She will one day likely to qualify you on your income

The higher it is.. the more she'll want you

Vietnamese girls also have a cultural trait that she has to match your éducation. So if you à lawyer,doctor,pharmacist,plumber... expect her to become one on paper. To match you

She will also in the dating life.. take care of you: Japanese women... clean/cook/makethe bed for their husband... anything in the house, she'll do it for you

What she expect likely from à Westerner is this: à more libéral life (less social pressure on the housewife, baby making machine, mâle first society)... she'll want à strong man who gives her space while proving her cultural upbringing to you (the housewife style)

If she's à viet.. she likely speak french too.

However, doesnt mean there is no red flag... Just see her as a conservative girl.. take it slow eventually she'll open and you'll have everything.

Asian girl from Asia are alot like our "women" of the 1920 to 1960... traditional in living custom but open to work and some liberations.

You'll want to learn her language or her yours.

From my expérience, if you learn her language.. you get really faster to the Sexual life


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I was once on a long extended tour (one of those college tours to Europe trips), and one of the chicks was Vietnamese (i.e., Vietnamese-American). I remember saying that she had a boyfriend, but that they were having problems because if they were to get married, she wouldn't have sex with him, except to have children.


All of us men on the trip said that there was no way that a heterosexual man would agree to a sexless marriage.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Wow kissing on the first date. Yr in. I wouldn't worry about the language too much if you encourage her she ll learn incredibly quickly. And they make the cutest mistakes. I wouldn't introduce her to the friends too quickly. Certainly not until you've had the poon. I wouldn't go overboard on learning the lingo. Just the usual hello goodbye thank you stuff. And learn a few fun sayings. It just provides a bit of reassurance that culture won't be a barrier. As you've already seen their big into the comfort.

Oh and I assume she's tiny. 1 way to wet the panties quickly is too literally pick her up in a big hug. This is a good second date move. You were showing confidence and dominance without pushing too hard for the poon. I've had Asian girls give it up anywhere from date to 2 to 4. So usual two steps forward one step back. I've also had a lot of luck cooking for them the idea that a man will actually cook seems to blow their minds. BTW when you do get down to business make sure you've got lube their unfeasibly tiny down below too.

Where did u take her on the date?
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Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Wow kissing on the first date. Yr in. I wouldn't worry about the language too much if you encourage her she ll learn incredibly quickly. And they make the cutest mistakes. I wouldn't introduce her to the friends too quickly. Certainly not until you've had the poon. I wouldn't go overboard on learning the lingo. Just the usual hello goodbye thank you stuff. And learn a few fun sayings. It just provides a bit of reassurance that culture won't be a barrier. As you've already seen their big into the comfort.

Oh and I assume she's tiny. 1 way to wet the panties quickly is too literally pick her up in a big hug. This is a good second date move. You were showing confidence and dominance without pushing too hard for the poon. I've had Asian girls give it up anywhere from date to 2 to 4. So usual two steps forward one step back. I've also had a lot of luck cooking for them the idea that a man will actually cook seems to blow their minds. BTW when you do get down to business make sure you've got lube their unfeasibly tiny down below too.

Where did u take her on the date?
I took her to dinner, Japanese restaurant. The staff are usually friendly but when they saw me with a younger asian woman the service was terrible. Then I took her for a walk and drive around the city. It was awesomely old school. She was making these cute noises, I can't explain them, when we kissed.

I am not built like a p0rn star (not tiny either), so I'm sure she will handle it OK LOL.

I did the big hug move.

I read a lot about her culture and they are big on gifts. She is going back home and she mentioned her mother will be itching to send me gifts and asked me what I wanted! I said don't worry, just send her daughter back to see me :) Nice move I think.

However, I read a hint here. I also read that generally dating Viets,men give gifts. I love doing this to be honest, so I have just bought her some perfume. I also went a step further and got her Mum a little gift box of women's smellies. No issues culturally I think with this type of gift. The next date flowers won't really work....prob spent too much, but I have paid more for dinner with other girls.

So, I feel VERY exposed doing this, it is perhaps a bit isn't top of the range perfume but a decent bottle. I hope it's not too much, but I am trying to play this blue pill/AFC, because everything I have read says this is what they want and like.

However, if she responds well to this, I might have something I always dreamed, a romantic, tiny, pretty asian chick, not westernised and very submissive - not that I want to abuse that, but man, come on! I won't be pushing sex.

So, here I go, breaking every rule of dating western women, but I think they are completely blue pilled.

I think the fact her Mum and her want to send me stuff is kind of showing me what type of girl she it.

She is not poor either, her family are wealthy. She is HERE, paid for, studying. My ownly fear is she wants a visa, but I don't think she needs it TBH, it's easy to stay here if you study. The laws here are pretty good on men who get d1ked over quickly. If the court see what's going on, you don't lose half, you lose nothing. However, you lose if you have kids but I just don't think girls in this culture want to be a single mum. Plus I am not asset rich,and she knows this.

However, if she talks about marriage, I will make it clear, marriage and children go together. I want kids. She will move on if it's about visas or money. Way ahead of myself here but I need to be careful.

From the way she dresses and acts, I just don't think she has that western imperative....she has money etc but she literally is completely trad, no western hint with her at all, no western attitude, she doesn't know sexy....completely, well, a bit goofy. Like she is a lot younger than a woman her age over her, and doesn't really have a clue about western life.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
I took her to dinner, Japanese restaurant. The staff are usually friendly but when they saw me with a younger asian woman the service was terrible. Then I took her for a walk and drive around the city. It was awesomely old school. She was making these cute noises, I can't explain them, when we kissed.

I am not built like a p0rn star (not tiny either), so I'm sure she will handle it OK LOL.

I did the big hug move.

I read a lot about her culture and they are big on gifts. She is going back home and she mentioned her mother will be itching to send me gifts and asked me what I wanted! I said don't worry, just send her daughter back to see me :) Nice move I think.

However, I read a hint here. I also read that generally dating Viets,men give gifts. I love doing this to be honest, so I have just bought her some perfume. I also went a step further and got her Mum a little gift box of women's smellies. No issues culturally I think with this type of gift. The next date flowers won't really work....prob spent too much, but I have paid more for dinner with other girls.

So, I feel VERY exposed doing this, it is perhaps a bit isn't top of the range perfume but a decent bottle. I hope it's not too much, but I am trying to play this blue pill/AFC, because everything I have read says this is what they want and like.

However, if she responds well to this, I might have something I always dreamed, a romantic, tiny, pretty asian chick, not westernised and very submissive - not that I want to abuse that, but man, come on! I won't be pushing sex.

So, here I go, breaking every rule of dating western women, but I think they are completely blue pilled.

I think the fact her Mum and her want to send me stuff is kind of showing me what type of girl she it.

She is not poor either, her family are wealthy. She is HERE, paid for, studying. My ownly fear is she wants a visa, but I don't think she needs it TBH, it's easy to stay here if you study. The laws here are pretty good on men who get d1ked over quickly. If the court see what's going on, you don't lose half, you lose nothing. However, you lose if you have kids but I just don't think girls in this culture want to be a single mum. Plus I am not asset rich,and she knows this.

However, if she talks about marriage, I will make it clear, marriage and children go together. I want kids. She will move on if it's about visas or money. Way ahead of myself here but I need to be careful.

From the way she dresses and acts, I just don't think she has that western imperative....she has money etc but she literally is completely trad, no western hint with her at all, no western attitude, she doesn't know sexy....completely, well, a bit goofy. Like she is a lot younger than a woman her age over her, and doesn't really have a clue about western life.
Do action date

It works with them too

Karaoke if you want cheesy asian style date

Wealthy or Not, she will expect you or your family to be just as rich or richer. Or have a working plan

They also date up and care about social status more than average.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Do action date

It works with them too

Karaoke if you want cheesy asian style date

Wealthy or Not, she will expect you or your family to be just as rich or richer. Or have a working plan

They also date up and care about social status more than average.
This is what worries me. I have started worrying about work more. I read it's more about the job you do than just your bank balance in Vietnam, but I expect that I am probably less wealthy than her family if they can afford to send her here, in terms of assets. I have a good income though, and a good job.

I dress very well and would definitely give her the status by appearance, I dress very, very smarly. I wouldn't say I am super rich, just comfortable. I am a worker though.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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ummm.....she is desparate to be my GF. I talked to her online a lot this week, she is either masively shyt testing me, but it feels like a reverse shyt test, she keeps asking "am I part time friend"....

I didn't commit and told her we talk face to face tomorrow.

She then gets very blunt and emotional. This is weird. It's like dating a 14 year old.

It's like backwards. I am not sure if she is shyt testing or what. But she seems very keen to close the deal, fast. I think she wants to tell her mum about me and needs me to be her BF, but we've met once.

It's like a jealous wife from the 50s. Anyone know what the fvck is going on? Is this typical for trad asian women?


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
ummm.....she is desparate to be my GF. I talked to her online a lot this week, she is either masively shyt testing me, but it feels like a reverse shyt test, she keeps asking "am I part time friend"....

I didn't commit and told her we talk face to face tomorrow.

She then gets very blunt and emotional. This is weird. It's like dating a 14 year old.

It's like backwards. I am not sure if she is shyt testing or what. But she seems very keen to close the deal, fast. I think she wants to tell her mum about me and needs me to be her BF, but we've met once.

It's like a jealous wife from the 50s. Anyone know what the fvck is going on? Is this typical for trad asian women?
Crazy exist any where.

My last Asian was the reason my cell died after 1 hour. She would send me 3000 messages a day, after our first kiss.

She freaked me out, and she continued for 6 months lol

There are normal girls, everything we wrote stand

She could be lonely or found you good match but desperation kill


Don Juan
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
ummm.....she is desparate to be my GF. I talked to her online a lot this week, she is either masively shyt testing me, but it feels like a reverse shyt test, she keeps asking "am I part time friend"....

I didn't commit and told her we talk face to face tomorrow.

She then gets very blunt and emotional. This is weird. It's like dating a 14 year old.

It's like backwards. I am not sure if she is shyt testing or what. But she seems very keen to close the deal, fast. I think she wants to tell her mum about me and needs me to be her BF, but we've met once.

It's like a jealous wife from the 50s. Anyone know what the fvck is going on? Is this typical for trad asian women?
This is very common with non western Asian women. I have to chuckle at what you wrote because it brought back memories of when I dated them.

If you are not into something serious, I would advise you to NOT sex her. If you do and bail? You are going to have hell on your hands. If you want a serious gf and this girl could be it? Then by all means move ahead. One word of caution. Non westernized Asian women with a language barrier are not the most exciting girls to date mentally. They don't really joke around too much and can be very serious. The sex is usually amazing if you are into submissive, almost girl like qualities in a mate. And they almost always have awesome little bodies. But be prepared if you go that route to get very serious, very fast.

Still waiting for pics.....:)


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
This is very common with non western Asian women. I have to chuckle at what you wrote because it brought back memories of when I dated them.

If you are not into something serious, I would advise you to NOT sex her. If you do and bail? You are going to have hell on your hands. If you want a serious gf and this girl could be it? Then by all means move ahead. One word of caution. Non westernized Asian women with a language barrier are not the most exciting girls to date mentally. They don't really joke around too much and can be very serious. The sex is usually amazing if you are into submissive, almost girl like qualities in a mate. And they almost always have awesome little bodies. But be prepared if you go that route to get very serious, very fast.

Still waiting for pics.....:)
Well, I currently spend much of my time panicking because I lost the chance for a family with my ex and I am worried it won't happen.

Tiny asian chick is amongst my top preferences for a partner

That sex sounds incredible. I am just worried she understands....ahem....western feminine grooming :)

If we go gf/bf I will send you a PM pic, don't think it's fair on her at this stage to send her pic around...

My other fear is that she will want to facebook me as a boyfriend. I have another plate coming over to fvck on weds. I would prob lose that.

She may have noticed I friended the other plate recently, and I have a 3rd plate I rejected who stalks my posts and comments.

Any comments on how Imight head this off? I might explain that she hasn't met my friends or family so I don't want any questions yet!
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