an idea of why hot girls reject you so much...


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
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typical said:
Umm I really don't care what you do with your spare time, but if your on line all the time chatting this chick up then 10 bucks says someone like me is nailing her while they laugh at you trying to break her game down.

Take the hint stud no one cares if you can or you cant break her shield, if she isn't into you go find another chick that is into you. Life my friend is way too fuking short to waste trying to figure out what chicks want or if you can beat them at their little games.

Heres the best tip your ever gonna get stop playing stupid little games with these girls and go live your life get off the internet and go out and live your life. Girls will see this change and come flocking why ? I have no fuking idea y but hell its working for me.

In all honestly Ive given up on trying to figure out any chick as I don't have anytime for games as I'm way too fuking busy doing things which are way more important to me.
you really don't read what i say do you. i don't want girls in my life. i'm not TRYING to score here. i don't want a girl who is into me because they're all a waste of time. i'm not going to jump through hoops for girls. i have already figured out chicks a long time ago, i'm just having fun here listening to her stories. don't talk to me like you're better than me aswell. i know what life is all about and i know what women are all about. this thread has got nothing to do with me wanting girls. got it? i will say it again. READ IT OR DON'T.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
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Nighthawk said:
Just as well, because telling her you haven't had sex for four years is going to pretty much kill that idea anyway.

exactly. if i wanted to fuk a girl i wouldn't tell her something like that now would i?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Auckland, New Zealand
chance- said:
you really don't read what i say do you. i don't want girls in my life. i'm not TRYING to score here. i don't want a girl who is into me because they're all a waste of time. i'm not going to jump through hoops for girls. i have already figured out chicks a long time ago, i'm just having fun here listening to her stories. don't talk to me like you're better than me aswell. i know what life is all about and i know what women are all about. this thread has got nothing to do with me wanting girls. got it? i will say it again. READ IT OR DON'T.
Reality check no one gives a two fuk about if you have or you have not figured out chicks. Get a grip man that girl is out there living life while your running some lame social experiment.

what I'm trying to say is guys like me dont care about the science behind women we really dont give a sh!t about it, we either get the girl or dont get the girl and move on.

And you sound very bitter about girls and not wanting them in your life they are like the sweet icing on a chocolate cake. Excellent with moderation.

Bigg Boss

Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
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You can't talk to females expecting them to give you the answers. Their answer is always wrong. I used to think it was because they were stupid. But I've learned that they just say alot of things out of emotion.

If I saw that chick at the club that would be an easy ass pull. Those were the first types of chicks I learned how to pull. The bytches. It's not hard to hurt a girl's ego. Regardless of what they say, they care what you think


Apr 28, 2007
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what an amazing thread (im not kidding here)

this is most likely the most useful thread i've seen on here for a while

Chance over here spent time LEARNING about these kind of hot club girls who seem to always reject guys..........yea he didnt WASTE time talking to her, he instead INVESTED time talking to her and interrogating her so as to fully analyze what is going on in her head.

this girl is a HOR who is recovering from being a HOR and shes tryin to get wayyy into her feminism bullshyt thinking shes all powerful.

I would personally legitimately knock her out if she was ever a ***** to me.

If the c.u.n.t. wants to be so tough like a man, then i'll punch her right in the face like "she's" a man

fuuuuuuuck those kinda girls, they need a few black eyes to bring them down to their girly reality


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2006
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hey chance, well thats one good post, and i understand wut ure doing bout it, and yea i understand how u lile her looks but cant ****in..g stand her mentality.
okay, so for wut i saw from all that:
1-yeah, she's broken sooo haard for sure and she couldnt deny it u see.
2- she's using her looks to **** all guys out there coz she thinks that she'll make something of pleasure for her own out of that but that will get her nowhere.
3-she said she doesnt need a guy anymore... but nah, .. ure right she'll need one really, o and u started to take out this feeling in her again.. so sure she needs a guy.
4- she loves wut she does to guys <--- thats only wut she said... reality says she's trying to satisfy herself "standing her ground", she'll get over that soon.
5- o no, she's not there for fun with mates, she's there to have fun of guys.. even tho she denied it but thats the whole truth..she's only hiding the reality, not only tha u'll not be able to see, but so that SHE wont say it herself.

now wut u need to do next time, if u want to listen to me i would suggest this:
1- dont open the conversation with her, she'll do it this time, she enjoys the convo with u...(if she doesnt then dont and wait for 2 weeks)
2- remind her of the broken heart days ... let her tell it out. have fun of her at first by accusing her of having been mean to the guy who broke her heart like she's doing today to all the guys, then she'll tell u the whole story, thats where u'll tell that this is why she is doing wut she is doing nowadays.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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most of you guys are's pretty clear from the first post that this thread was not a FR. Quit acting like chance was trying to pick up this dame. Only a fool would want to go out with her.

As straight-laced (perhaps a virgin, I don't know) as this girl may be, she is clearly a hor by LMS's definition. That is, she is a masculine woman. Say no to hoes.

remind her of the broken heart days ... let her tell it out. have fun of her at first by accusing her of having been mean to the guy who broke her heart like she's doing today to all the guys, then she'll tell u the whole story, thats where u'll tell that this is why she is doing wut she is doing nowadays.
wow, that's actually such a brilliant strategy it's not even funny


Apr 28, 2007
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Obsidian said:
she is clearly a hor by LMS's definition. That is, she is a masculine woman. Say no to hoes.

which is why u knock her out and kick her ass if she crosses u, just as if she's a guy - that'll knock her back into reality and make her act like a girl again
May 23, 2006
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I want to vomit. You said she's a 10/10 in looks? She's more like a 3/10 in looks. She has an ugly face and no titties. Top that off with her attitude, then it's more like a 1/10.

So, first of all, I object to chance's judgement on what a hot babe looks like.

Secondly, women make poor choices with men all the time. In a competition of men, sometimes they choose a player and blow-off someone who is sincere and then start crying that men are liars. I have no sympathy with such women and would encourage you not to waste time figuring them out.

As someone said, they were either mean to a guy who broke her heart, or as I would say they made a poor choice, and they are just attracted to the wrong guy while never giving the right ones a chance.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Why is it that every time someone posts a conversation with a girl that she talks like she's functionally retarded? Have you guys no standards?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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chance, I know you said your not trying to pick her up, but why are you even talking to her? She's being so disrespectful to you it's not even funny. Now I don't know the whole story, maybe you guys are really good friends, but the way the conversation ends...I would probably never talk to her again.

Now, besides that, I was getting sick by reading that whole conversation. I refuse to believe that a lot of HB's are like that. Hell, maybe it's because I'm young and naive, but I feel that is one ****ed up chick.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
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FRIEND ALERT! From the first line, I could see this was going down the friend line instead of the girlfriend line. NEVER talk about other guys or let her whine to you about how "cruel" guys are. I have sympathy, for I was like this at one point. IM conversations were long and painful. She placed you into the "Nice guy" category very quickly. Usually, once she places you there, there's no hope of getting out. Ever. So it's best to move on and find a chick that actually digs you through your confidence and C+F techniques.

-Sachiel DJ in Training


Apr 28, 2007
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she was a rat in his experiment, he wanted to get into the mind of a hot girl, and he did a good job.

She is extreme case tho - i know alot of hot girls that r wayyyyyyyyy nicer and are actually STRAIGHT, not dykes like her


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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pimpaholic said:
She is extreme case tho - i know alot of hot girls that r wayyyyyyyyy nicer and are actually STRAIGHT, not dykes like her
Yea, I knew I wasn't the only one


Apr 28, 2007
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the fact that shes hot is irrelevant

im sure there r 7s, 5s, and ugly girls who have her exact mindset

we are all humans and we r all VERY diverse

but like i said, if a girl wants to act like a MAN and have her attitude, i WILL knock her teeth in and bring her back to reality

REALITY - u are a weak-azz woman and im a MAN, u will not talk to me like that u HOR

men used to beat women who got outta line back in the days before feminism..........what ever happened to those days??


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
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ignore nocturnal2 chance he's a troll which for some reason the mods don't seem to want to ban or maybe haven't caught onto his trolling ways.


Apr 28, 2007
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christz, u can disagree with nocturnal's opinion but u cant just call him a troll just cuz hes new

a troll is more like someone who never posts more than 10 words in his replies and always tries to make stupid jokes

THAT is a troll my friend


Senior Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
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Wow how bitter is this girl!

It's like my cousin, one guy screwed her around, now she hates all guys!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
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chance- said:
umm, first.

lebRambo: it's to show some guys that many good looking girls will do those crazy things because of a broken heart. they hate guys... so guys stop wondering why girls reject you before you even introduce yourself.


nocturnal2: no where in the post did i mention i was trying to hook up with this girl. i was talking to her to see what the story was and to see why she had such hatred.

third; don't rip into me for this thead. read it or don't... the end.
Maybe the dude who broke this hot babes heart had his own heart broken by a hot babe before that, live in the present and not in the past.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
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pimpaholic said:
christz, u can disagree with nocturnal's opinion but u cant just call him a troll just cuz hes new

a troll is more like someone who never posts more than 10 words in his replies and always tries to make stupid jokes

THAT is a troll my friend
apparently you haven't seen his other post.. why don't you click his name read his post and you'll understand espeiclly after his "oneitus" story that he is indeed a troll.