Am I Doing This Right?


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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How's it going, folks?

I was interested in getting some feedback from you guys about a situation with a woman I'm trying to talk to at my gym. In one of my gym posts which some of you may have read, I mentioned that there is this lady who happens to have one of the longest, biggest butts at my gym whom so many guys hit on constantly and are desperately trying to have sex with. I was one of the first guys at my gym to make a move on her some time last fall and her response was, "let me just put this way. I'll see you around. I'm always here."

In the past few months, we often just smile and wave at each other, and once in a while, I would have a brief conversation with her. I hadn't talked to her in a while, until two weeks ago. She's often there on Saturday mornings. I motioned her with my finger to come to me when she was about to leave the gym on a Saturday morning two weeks ago, and since it had been a long time since we talked, I tried to use that to my advantage. Then I tried to see if I could get her to give me her number again. Her response this time was: "You'll get it...just not right now." She knew what I wanted.

The one thing I've noticed with her is she doesn't talk to any other guys at the gym, ignores most of those who try talking to her, or simply doesn't take them seriously. Two weeks ago, one guy actually pulled her arm while she was leaving the gym when he noticed her butt. She just laughed, ignored him and kept on walking. I've noticed that she tends to check me out more when I act as if I'm ignoring her and not giving her any attention. I did that two weeks ago, pretending as if I didn't notice she was around me, and for the first time, she said "hi" to me first. She didn't come to the gym last Saturday, but today, as usual, she was checking me out while I worked out. Given the fact that she told me I'll get her number, but not right now, I decided that I won't act as if I'm putting any pressure on her to give it to me or as if I'm desperate. My plan is to ignore her for at least a couple more weeks and then step up to her one Saturday and say: "I just couldn't wait much longer. I had to take a chance today. I've come to ask you for your number." At this point it's either gonna be hit or miss. If she doesn't give it to me during my third attempt, it's over. Yet at the same time, I worry about waiting too long to approach her and ask for it, because knowing the way many of these women tend to act when they get attention, she might give it to some other guy.

So today, I continued with my strategy of focusing solely on working out, pretending not to see or notice her, and not even using the machines in the same area where she was working out. I stayed focus and acted as if I actually wasn't in the very best of moods, and I could notice her checking me out in a tricky way from a distance. Before she left the gym today, I happened to be working out on a machine not too far away from her, while she was doing squats. I stayed focus and didn't walk up to her to start a conversation. We both knew that we were checking each other out; we knew what we were doing. Then before she left finally, as a typical woman who knows she has an unusually large ass would, she shook the thing really good while walking toward the locker room area. Her butt cheeks were clapping so hard in her black spandex pants that I myself had to pause for a minute from my workout and look at it.

So my question then is, am I pursuing the right strategy at the moment, and what should I do at this point to get her to give me her number given the circumstances I described above?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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If she is actually showing interest(now).....then I say you go for it. If you wait too long SOMEONE ELSE WILL HIT IT. Girls with phatties get hit on alot.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Thanks, Rakishness. Based on what I wrote so far, do you think those are signs that she may be showing interest? The thing is, since it was only two weeks ago that I asked her for her number, I thought it would be too soon for me to do it today. And you're right, if I perhaps didn't take a chance the next time I get to see her, she may think I'm no longer interested or might have found someone else, and that will be it. If I prtend to ignore her for too long as well, she may now start deliberately ignoring me as well, and the next time I walk up to her, she may react in a rude manner. But then again, if I tried to get her number again let's say, next weekend, she may think I'm coming on too strong or being desperate. This is a really complicated situation.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Just a Remark

I used to think American culture was a lot more sexually conservative before I came here. In my home country in Central Africa, for example, when I was a teenager, many women with big butts and big breasts dressed conservatively because they didn't want to be perceived as sluts if they wore provocative clothing. Things have since changed both in my country and on the continent as a whole, with the influence of cable and music videos, etc. Now, you see countless women dressed in spandex, capri pants, (tank tops are still viewed a bit too controversial over there) etc.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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What I Like About that Woman at My Gym

The one thing which turns me on about trying to talk to that woman at my gym is that in terms of physical build, there's so much of a contrast between us. I mean, the chick is huge-thick, big and tall. Very, very big ass. I'm 6'0, but compared to her in height, I don't stand high very much. Plus, I'm more muscular, lean and defined in build. I don't know...maybe this contrast turns her on too, because she doesn't even seem to give guys her size or bigger the time of day at that gym. I'm sure the one thing she might like about me is how much my biceps are noticeable. Most of the women there see me as this slender dude with a big chest, very huge biceps and a flat stomach with almost a six pack.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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If she is checking you out....she has to at least be interested in physically. I think she is one of those "cautious" girls. She thinks here "stuff" is so precious(lol). So when she told you "..not right now" she was probably just testing you to see how you react. Me personally....if a girl had uttered those words at me....I would have gotten mad. What type of BS is that? But I can have a bad temper sometimes(so i wouldn't recommend you behave that way).


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Re: So what should I do, Rakishness?

So what should I do the next time I see her, Rakishness? Pretend to ignore her for at least one more weekend and then try to get her number the following weekend? I'm just trying not to come off as desperate...because I'm sure she's expecting me to come up to her and try again to get her number at some point soon.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score

I'm going through the same situation you are right now frank2500. I'm interested in this girl I met in class last semester. She's white...but man...she has a big a$$. When were in class together she seemed interested but I didn't want to pursue anything because we were in the same class. I wanted to wait until the semester was over. Now that it is over I still haven't pursued yet. I don't know what the helll I'm waiting for.
We are not in the same class anymore but I saw her on teusday. We talked for awhile... then as we said goodbye....she touched my stomach and said "call me".
Damn...i think I should call this girl today..hahahaha.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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Frank2500 said:
So what should I do the next time I see her, Rakishness? Pretend to ignore her for at least one more weekend and then try to get her number the following weekend? I'm just trying not to come off as desperate...because I'm sure she's expecting me to come up to her and try again to get her number at some point soon.
Because you have waited a whole year. I would tell you to ask her out the next time you see her. Unless...YOU ACTUALLY FEEL THE TIME IS NOT RIGHT. My main advice is to just use your INSTINCTS.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Well, at least you got her number, Rakishness. You're more than a step ahead in your side of the game. Mine is giving me a hard time.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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So many times I have WAITED too long. Sh!t I'm even doing it right now...with this girl from class. The only time when waiting is good is when the time is not right.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
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Re: Big, Thick Women and Guys Who are Smaller Than Them

I have to admit it. I tend to prefer women who are bigger than I am-not fat, but thick in build, big asses, tall, etc. Basically, women who are bigger than I am. I'm wondering if perhaps such women too get some kind of a turn on or thrill from being with guys who look so much in contrast to them physically?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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I lovvvveeeee THICK girls(not fat). I love when the walk. And it starts to move.DAMN. Doesn't matter what race or religion...thick girls with big asses are my weakness.And like your gym has a couple of girls with PHATTIES. It always distracts me from my workout. Though I have been hesitant to approach any of them for some reason.

To answer your question. I think thick girls like guys who contrast them. I see it all the time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2006
Reaction score

Rakishness, I hear you, bro. Seems like we have the same taste here. If I ever get married, I would love to end up with a woman with one of the biggest, longest butts in the world...although it will be hard to persuade my family that I saw more to her than her ass. LOL.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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Good lord talk about OVER-ANALYZING!!!!!!!

First of all this whole "waiting strategy" your employing isn't doing jack-shiat to help your chances to bang this big-booty gym rat. Realize that this girl loves attention first and foremost. She loves guys at the gym who drool over her body and imagine fuvking her, knowing they'll never have the chance. So, when you readily ignore her, it bothers her because she wants to suck the attention outta of you. If you say that she ignores every other guy at the gym then there's a chance that she's interested, but you need to step your game up if you want to get her.

Espi already gave you some excellent advice and that should be your game-plan. However to be blunt and honest, I think she's toying with you. She may eventually give you her number, but if its such a task just to get her number, imagine how the rest of the situation will go. This girl is dominant, the Alpha Female, she likes to call the shots and intimidates men with her outer appearance. The only way you'll ever get her is to dominant her!! Every dominant female, needs a dominant male. However, most guys crumble and turn into complete wuss-bags when these situations arise.

Next time you see her at the gym, make some small talk, flirt with her a bit and get her #. If she gives you anymore lame excuses, MOVE ON!!! Its a number's game and if you become fixated on one, you'll let the other 20 walk right by.
