All That Is Alpha - Tip Compilation (Ongoing)


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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In my 5+ years here (at the time of writing), I've been fortunate enough to meet a handful of mentors who have helped me transform my life completely, to avoid pitfalls with lifelong repercussions and to see the world for how it really is. Rollo Tomassi is one of the few still around who can attest to the changes. This community is a Godsend for men the world over and if you're new, I urge you to stay.

As I continue on my journey, I feel it's time to give back. Below you'll find an ongoing series of tips as I write them.

Enjoy, and may the alpha be with you.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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How becoming alpha can be likened to leveling up in an MMO

Sometimes parables are the best teachers and with 10+ million subscribers to WoW alone (I'm afraid to see how many people play MMOs in aggregate), it may help some to liken the journey from beta > alpha to leveling up in an MMO.

Full read here

Briefly - In an MMO you start out with no experience, no weapons, no armor, and no clue of what you're doing. As you complete some basic quests and get a hang of the controls, you have the option of progressing to more hostile zones where greater challenges and setbacks (death) await. However, if you decide to stay in the comforts of town, you'll quickly run out of new experiences and levels. This is the blue pill. If you venture out, you'll gain the rewards that come with greater risk and effort. After a while the levels come slower, you begin to 'grind', and enemies are generally easier to deal with. You might become jaded from slowed progress and a lack of purpose. This is akin to learning and internalizing the basic tenets of game and becoming generally successful with women. However, elite challenges await with much sought-after armor, weapons, and another rewards, but the time and risk necessary to get these only appeals to a few. If you get there, you'll realize that you can now own everything, (nearly) everyone, and are the envy of all. On a long enough timeline, in an MMO you can own (alpha) or get owned (beta); the choice is yours.
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Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Leagues are real

Full read here

Briefly - a lot of people like to believe there's no such thing as leagues, that anyone can get anyone else, that all people are equal. Nothing could be further from the truth. What you can do as a man, however, is bump yourself up several leagues through time and effort in a variety of characteristics (looks, fame, status, wealth, game) and become more attractive to the women of your choosing.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Makeup vs Game

Full read here

Briefly - men and women (though ironically a lot of men) look at game as a negative thing - immoral, manipulative, psychopathic, etc. There are reasons why it's portrayed this way, but if game is such a big lie, what about makeup? What truth does it portray?
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Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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What's your persona?

Since the journey from beta to alpha is a major personality shift (among other things like getting fit, getting your money right, and so on), modeling the behavior of those 'already there' is one way to internalize the necessary mindset and take appropriate action.

Check it out - Aligning with a persona as a way to handle situations



Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We have a lot to be thankful for. If you're reading this, there's a good chance you have a roof over your head, food on the table, and generally experience 1st world problems. But beyond that, you should be thankful that to some degree you're becoming aware of inter-gender dynamics.

So, be thankful for seeing the world as it really is.

Having this knowledge and putting it to good use will save you plenty of time, money, and will lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.

Hopefully you're all with good people today, I know I am.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Monogamy as a social construct

One of the most basic premises of relationships and common infidelity is the notion that humans are, by default, monogamous creatures. We're not. At least not for prolonged periods of time.

Monogamy is not a natural state of being.

If it was, laws favoring it wouldn't exist and struggles against it wouldn't exist - from either sex.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Practice, practice, practice

I know, people want immediate results and they want them yesterday. It's for this reason that most struggle to accumulate wealth, get (and stay) in peak physical condition, and have the kinds of relationships they desire - because they don't practice.

Practice is a must, with women just like with anything else.

Set aside some time so you can work on your interactions.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Jobs that get you laid

If you have social anxiety, are sick of staring at a computer all day, and want a fun job where you can make decent money, be surrounded by attractive women, and get all the benefits thereof, guess what?

It's entirely possible.

I briefly go over a few fields I've been in and the fringe benefits: personal training, bartending, sales, and photography.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Monkey branching explained

There was a thread started recently on another forum I visith that prompted me to write about monkey branching.

Options = instability, kinda like candy.

As a side note, if anyone wants me to write about a specific topic, let me know. I have my own ever-growing list, but here to help.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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When you get approached by fat/ugly girls, here's what it means

Once you've reached a certain sexual market value (verifiable by how many attractive women you've slept with or had the chance to sleep with), you may begin to notice that totally repulsive women approach you.

It means you're becoming more attractive to all women.

This is perfectly normal, but unless you understand the reasons behind it, it could mess with your mind (and therefore your game).


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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Quantify your success for fun and profit

Merry Christmas everyone!

Although it may seem a bit mechanical on the surface, quantifying your success, over time, is a sure-fire way to build further success.

So keep track and don't listen to the naysayers.

Remember: alphas are made, not born. Even the 'natural' learned to be natural, just earlier in life.


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2012
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Muscleman, thanks for posting these!

I've bookmarked this thread and will be keeping a close eye on it.

I wanted to ask you an honest question, I guess as a way to reinforce my beliefs that the path I'm taking is the right one. How much could be gained if we adhere to the principles of Game + Self Development? I'm talking completely swallowing the red pill and never looking back. I think I know the answer, but as with any new path (i.e. people switching religions, etc.), some knowledge of where this could eventually take me would help reinforce us rAFC's on our path to Alpha. Could you talk a little bit about your personal development?

I botched it up with my "One" in early December. I've been an avid reader of CH and Rollo's blog for some time now, and I have a deep understanding of where I failed with this relationship as opposed to when I was a complete AFC with my previous ones (and had no clue why things happened the way they did back then).

I had what Krauser calls an "ego destruction" moment when things fell apart this December, and I want to build the proper foundations now that I'm starting anew.