Advise needed here... how could I have made this work better?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
GF, invited me to do some camping with some of her friends this Labor Day weekend. I was for it, until a week ago. Wet, and humid weather changed my mind about spending the weekend outdoors. Throw in a couple college football game parties, and the decision to stay indoors with the AC, and food, and football, was an easy choice.

Tried to talk her out of camping, she's 18 weeks pregnant, but had no luck. She wanted to go.... she's been really weird with the attitude lately. Excample: Last week, we talked about plans Friday night. She had told me that her and her Dad, were driving up to college to pick up her sister Friday after work. I think she was waiting for me to ask her if I could join them, but I didn't. She asked what I was doing, I indicated to her that my boss was throwing a party, and she should come with me. She said she wasn't sure what she was going to do. I suggested that I'd like for us to get together, since it seems we haven't had quality time together this week.... after work Friday, she called and told me she was going with her Dad to get her sister. I, went to the party.

She called me the next day (Saturday), said everyone is heading out to breakfast, again, not really asking me to join them, so I didn't ask to join. therefore didn't go. Lately, she seems to be living by this rule that she's not going to ask me per say, but allowing me to do 'what I feel like doing.' ...which is good but, at the same time, I'm not sure if she truly wants to see me by not asking me to join her in her activities... the last few times we got together, she seemed distant. Like you know something is a bit off, just not sure why? She's been getting a little synical, like her Dad, towards life in general. Not long after I told her Dad I was gonna ask his daughter in marriage, only to have my plans denied by him.... f*ck him... but I can't help but think he's putting thoughts into her head over this...

So... last night she went camping with friends, and I went to football parties, and dancing... still can't help but wonder, should I have gone with her camping? It just seemed like there's a bad vibe between us lately, and I didn't want to make it worse, but think I have by not going... besides all her friends like to talk(women), and that's not my idea on entertainment.

I want her to understand that if she wants me to stay the night, or go out with her, or do things with her, she will have to ask me... and not to always leave the choice up to me. She used to ask me all the time... I wonder if she's just not interested, but then why would she call?

So my questions are....

Did I do the right thing so far by what you read? ..and I doing the right thing by giving her space, even though she hasn't suggested it, but is simply going by my gut reaction, due to her 'distant' feeling?

It just seems like I'm damn if I do, and damned if I don't.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
...ok she just called me... and to my surprise, she didn't go camping last night... now, I'm just a little confused as to why she didn't call me... but instead of asking her 'why didn't you call me?' ..I simply replied, 'Well, I don't care that you didn't call me, I'm just glad you didn't go... I kept thinking of you tripping over a rock or something..' she than replies, 'Well, you did say you were going to a football party so...' ....whatever.... this is just too strange.... she mentioned that her sister was throwing a cookout tomorrow, and again, not really asking me to come, so I'm not going.... I then asked her if she was home, and said I'd call her back....


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
shes pissed u didnt want to go camping with her

u gotta talk to this girl

its so hot and cold between you two

just put some of your cards on the table

call her out on this whole "making statements about where shes goin"

tell her somethin along the lines that youd want to go but if shes just friggin ask you


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Thanks Drixsa... talked to her the other night, she just wanted me to know that she's not one to hold me back should I want to do something other than what she wants to do... she's just trying to be very understanding, and I took it as low interest. Thanks for replying.... was starting to stress a little, but it's good to have supportive friends offline, just incase you can't reach the ones online.

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by InLawsHateMe
she just wanted me to know that she's not one to hold me back should I want to do something other than what she wants to do... she's just trying to be very understanding, and I took it as low interest.
My (almost ex-) GF is the same, she's tried not to hold me back from stuff, and I've interpretted it as low IL also. (Now we're breaking up for a similar reason).


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by Oscar Wilde
My (almost ex-) GF is the same, she's tried not to hold me back from stuff, and I've interpretted it as low IL also. (Now we're breaking up for a similar reason).
What reason is that bro?

Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score

You have to stop this crap! You are putting yourself through the ringer with this chick who just so happen is prego with your kid. Yes be a man and own up to your responsibility but you need to understand that this is ONLY a women who got pregnant by you, she is not your wife, nor is she the last women you will ever have feelings for.

STOP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF! You are regressing back into a total AFC! She is playing you for a fool and she knows it....I know it!



Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by Matt ala Casanova

You have to stop this crap! You are putting yourself through the ringer with this chick who just so happen is prego with your kid. Yes be a man and own up to your responsibility but you need to understand that this is ONLY a women who got pregnant by you, she is not your wife, nor is she the last women you will ever have feelings for.

STOP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF! You are regressing back into a total AFC! She is playing you for a fool and she knows it....I know it!

No way Matt... playing me for a fool? In what way? I understand you looking out for a brotha but.... I think the fact that we're going to be Mom and Dad here soon, can put some stress on us, mentally, and emotionally. Having the time and freedom to go to parties, and sports events, without the worry of her later holding it against me like some do... instead she suggested that I go and have a beer with my friends so long as I 'behave' myself. At first, I can tell she didn't like the idea of me going out and partying, while she's home pregnant with the baby... but honestly, I think she realzed just how much work I've put in at the office lately, that I'm entitled to some R & R without having her psuh her other activities on me. There's nothing AFC about what I did, or what I've said to her... simply put, now I know where we stand if I decide to go out with my friends and have a good time without having to worry about her using that 'while you were out having a good time, I was home taking care of our baby' card.

Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by InLawsHateMe
No way Matt... playing me for a fool? In what way? I understand you looking out for a brotha but.... I think the fact that we're going to be Mom and Dad here soon, can put some stress on us, mentally, and emotionally. Having the time and freedom to go to parties, and sports events, without the worry of her later holding it against me like some do... instead she suggested that I go and have a beer with my friends so long as I 'behave' myself. At first, I can tell she didn't like the idea of me going out and partying, while she's home pregnant with the baby... but honestly, I think she realzed just how much work I've put in at the office lately, that I'm entitled to some R & R without having her psuh her other activities on me. There's nothing AFC about what I did, or what I've said to her... simply put, now I know where we stand if I decide to go out with my friends and have a good time without having to worry about her using that 'while you were out having a good time, I was home taking care of our baby' card.
She wasn't home with the baby....she was camping! I bet she really didn't really give you that warm fuzzy when she invited you either. I'm just concerned that you plea for help is more like a cry for help. Through all the posts...and yes I have read them, she is using you my friend! She is really doing a great job at messing with your head as well. And her father...well that dude needs a good smack in the face, but that's just me. I mean he is so over bearing he acts like he is the father of that childs child!

No offense...

I'm just looking at this and know EXACTLY what you are going through and dammit you need to get some construction critism rather than some crap advise on how to fix a already screwed situation!


Hey Inlaw...take it to PM if you want some honest advise!



Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Originally posted by Matt ala Casanova
She wasn't home with the baby....she was camping! I bet she really didn't really give you that warm fuzzy when she invited you either. I'm just concerned that you plea for help is more like a cry for help. Through all the posts...and yes I have read them, she is using you my friend! She is really doing a great job at messing with your head as well. And her father...well that dude needs a good smack in the face, but that's just me. I mean he is so over bearing he acts like he is the father of that childs child!

No offense...

I'm just looking at this and know EXACTLY what you are going through and dammit you need to get some construction critism rather than some crap advise on how to fix a already screwed situation!


Hey Inlaw...take it to PM if you want some honest advise!

Bro, she didn't go camping though, she was home with the baby... she didn't do anything that night but do our laundry. She suggested camping in hopes that I would go with her, but I opted to go to a football party instead. She suggested the cookout at her sister's, I opted to do something else. I did meet her after the cookout, and she had a saved me a plate of food. Her brother called this morning asking me why I didn't make it to the family cookout. If she's using me, I'm not sure how? As far as her Dad goes, the rest of her family agrees with me about his reply being way wrong, and assured me that they are behind us both.... he's a prick, nothing I can do about that. If he wants to try to convince her that I'm not the guy for her, I wish him luck.

Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
I dunno...I just smell something awful!

We'll see how this transitions within the year.
