A hottie from class, met up, F-close then this...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
There was this hottie from my class in uni and we always have cool chats on our breaks. But we had different classes after that so there was like nearly 2 years without seeing each even though we were at the same course.

Then I saw her again last week and it was good to see each other again. We were suppose to catch up for drinks along with the other graduates too because we just finished all our assessments(assignments and exams) for this year. It didn't happen because her friends wanted to go somewhere else and I went home because I was too tired.

Then I rang her up to meet after her exams last tuesday at the uni club for a couple of drinks in the afternoon. I nearly forgot about until she msg'd me if I am coming. So I head towards there only to find out the club was closed. I suggested we come back to my place because it's only a 5min walk so we went back.

We had a great time just change and I went to show her something in my room (some pics and cool things about my room) and then I went to kiss her and we made out for a good while. I laid her down on my bed and made further progress. POWWWWWW!!! were the things that went through my head when I took off her clothes. She had the smoothest body and the best rack only you would see on centrefolds. She was rather giddy and giggly about making out. She was complimenting me alot and was so in love with my nipple ring and said something about how shes just so amazed by me etc.

BUT....I just broke up with my ex-gf but actually slepted with her just in the morning. So pretty much I shagged 2 different girls in one day. And the thing is, I felt that I have wronged her by already sleeping with another girl (we are still best of friends and talk everyday as she lives just around the corner). My conscience and guilt hit me pretty hard and I was starting to lose my *erection* halfway through shagging her. So as you can see things were not going good as I wanted. She was saying to me how much of a bad boy she thinks I am and blah blah blah and now I was "playing billiards with a length of ROPE"!!! So we just fooled around for a bit and I mildy explained that there's nothing to worry about...it is the alcohol and stress thats foolin with my body.

So we finished off and got clothed and she even mentioned she wanted to iron my clothes and so on. I said with a smile, "Yes gal, we can do this again and I'll make up for this." She was nearly coming to pleasuretown when tyres went flat. So we made plans then she will come over after volleyball at 9:30pm. From then on she drove me to the pub and then met her there with her other friends but played it cool that I shouldn't hang off her all night.

So there I was in my room cleaning up and making my pad look smick and then she STOOD ME UP!!!. I msg'd her earlier if she needed a lift or if her sister will lend her the car to come over. No reply no explanation. I rang much later just to tell her I am going to bed because I am extremely tired but no answer but I didn't leave a message. She told me before we met up that her phone is always busted and I even saw it for myself.

The thing is that she left her expensive sunglasses and earrings at my place. So I am sure that she will come back to get them and at least explain her disappointing round of performance. I tried ringing from a payphone (as my number wouldnt show) and phonecalls have been barred (WTF?). So I honestly dont think she gave me any hints that it was not meant to be when we hooked up. She told me everything is going to be fine and that she would love to catch up again. Something may have happened that is more important than anything else. I dont think she is that type of person to be silly like that.

So now I moved on. She stood me up so I went for a walk and caught up with another girl from another college just around the corner. We made out when I walked her back home (We are practically neighbours although things are a lil suss because I slept with her friend a few weeks back). So things we ok but I keep thinking about this other girl from last nite. She had me hooked pretty good.

My options? Well I could always get another girl or even fool around with my ex. But I really like my "classmate" and would like to see if there is a better explanation from her side of the story.

* She left her stuff at my place
* Her phone is busted and lost my number
* I could email her saying
"Well I was a bit disappointed that you didn't show up and didn't have the courtesy to tell me that you were'nt going as we made plans. It didn't occur to me that you are that type of person but I am sure you are much better than that and there much be a better explanation to this. I am here, you can let me know what's up. But if there is nothing then take care".
*We slept together so its not like shes just flaking on a date, movie or phonecall.
*She might think I dont find her attractive enough for me to have presented a tough erection. I know this is a ego-killer for a girl. After all I didn't speak to her much at the pub where we bumped into each other again just after we shagged. I didn't tell her that I just broke up with my gal although we had monkey sex with ex the same day I slept with her too, so I may be a little worn out n a few sly beers inside me(only 3 beers but I am soft...literally lol).
*She is 21 and all those time I knew her I didnt think she was silly like those other girls in Uni. I gave her more credit for that and I find this unlikely of her.
*She just slept with someone she caught up with in like within 2 hours of just meeting. So she could be easy to be led to water and drink too. She could have met another guy that night but hey I want to think positive

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
First of all, I suggest you get rid of all your hang ups about "cheating" on your ex. Guilt and insecurities will ruin your bed performance.

She will want her stuff back. Whatever you do, do not take her things to school, at least not until you attempt to get her back at your place again.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
Should I email her about what just happened? Or tell her if she is looking for her sunnies it is at my place. Come to think of this, this is really weird about her behaviour.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
I'd just leave it and wait for her to contact you. She left stuff at your place, she's bound the want it back and if she doesn't, her loss I guess.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
Actually she just came to pick up her stuff...Says she got drunk after volleyball and her fone died etc. But i told her she couldve told me she couldnt make it and joke around a bit that she now has to do housework to make up for it. We did kiss though cos I say "hey aren't you forgetting something?"

She was in a real hurry to leave. She wasn't talking her usual bubbly self but I dunno I mite be analysing too much. I suggest she call back after she gets back in town next tues. I am not going to be putting all my eggs on this basket. I'd like to hook up with her again but hey I am having a good run now so I am going to stick with this.

If she doesn't well its her loss that she was being silly. its her fault and shes the one facing consequence if we do catch up in her class and shes not being forward if she didn't want anything. I just hope she doesnt bring up the "flat tyre" incident but if she does I'll bring up how she was the "the taxi who picked me up after I got off the plane" But I know thats steeping low lol I was just kidding.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
Reaction score
Chicks usually mark their territory by 'forgetting' sh!t at your place. Don't call/text her. She'll be back for some more manjuice.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Hey DJ's you need to stop over reacting to every little negative move that women make. Don't act like a little kid who's mom said he can't have any candy everytime she blows you off. The fact is your life doesn't revolve around her and yours shouldn't revolve around her.

Just because she got drunk after a volleyball game doesn't mean she has a hate on for you. C'mon she's in college, she's young, having fun, you only had a ONS with her, she doesn't have to report in to you. You know she would eventually call to get her stuff (women place high value on their possessions) so you should have been a DJ, went out and did something else when she didn't show.

Then when she came knocking on your door, for her stuff, she would have seen that you weren't home because your a DJ and have a life. Instead you showed her an AFC sitting at home waiting for her, this girl that he only had a ONS with. How pathetic.

Finally of course she wasn't her usual bubbly self. You just finished saying she was out gettin drunk all night, she was hungover you twit.

Moral of the Story: Don't let a women's actions (or lack thereof) get to you, or at least, don't show them to hurt. It is unattractive. It screams AFC.

Think about it, you barely broke up with your g/f, (the smell of her is still on your c0ck) and here you are tryin to give grief to some new ONS that you want to be your next Ex. No wonder your not with your last g/f.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
She wasn't hungover when she went to grab her stuff. She really was acting weird though.

I msg'd her on sat night asking her what she got up to on her trip back home and told her about my crazy trip up north etc. Then she replied with this:

"Hey **. I haven't been honest with you - I have a boyfriend. I apologise for lying. No excuse"

I replied with this:

"I need to speak to you in person when you get back. I got a few thngs to clear up too. Just to end things on a good notre. Take care"

I am not sure if that was a good idea. But sh*t like that always happens if I need to know if the BF is mad crazy and bent out of shape and I need to look over my shoulder. I would never have got involved if I knew she had a boyrfriend. It is bad joojoo bad karma for me. I asked her if she had a boyfriend before we did anything and she said she didnt. I've been in situations like this and I get mad when girls pull out the "I need to tell you something - I have a boyfriend" bomb and keep thinking it is going to bite me back in the a*ss one day. Thats just my DJ ethics. Single girls only.

I am kinda thinking she could have made up the boyfriend part as her quick release out of getting involved but a simple no is all I need. She didnt look like she had other things on her mind when we slept together. Even though I was broken up and single I still had anxiety issues and it affected my "performance". But she really did look pretty suspicious when she picked her things up from my place. I had a gut feeling. She could be in my classes next year and I want to sort this crap out before things get out of hand.

Can Anyone help me out?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
She was just looking for a **** - she didn't want a boyfriend. Girls like being ****ed by bad-boys (she thought you where one), they're normally the best.

You where crap in bed therefore you won't be getting another chance, you've also acted clingy and she doesn't want the drama of a relationship.

Forget about and just put it down to experience, if you can meet up with a girl and **** her within 2 hours then I'm sure you have plenty more options. As for the girlfriend - **** that, you had broken up, besides why would she ever have to know.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
The reason I was only crap in bed was because I screwed my ex in that same day and it was like full on mattress-fell-off-the-bed and p*ssy juice all over my hair thing. So pretty much I was well thrashed and worn out and lack of sleep could have contributed to the "soft" performance.

I wasn't clingy after I had sex with my classmate...I thought she was being the clingy one, offering to iron my clothes when I went out, offering to drive me to the pub where I was going to get all wasted and then rocking up there later on the night as well. I thought she wanted a boyfriend out of me. She did nearly come when we screwed but I pulled out to tease her but then I went "flat".

Maybe next time we meet I could tell do a few things. I could restore this badboy thing she saw in me and maybe shoot one off before i head home for the holidays. Hey, what have I got to lose. Im not going to tell her hey b*tch im a bad boy u kno...but maybe just loosen up a little and stop walking on eggshells and stop being scared to offend anyone.

If she really has a boyfriend well...I don't care...it's his fault and hers too. If she doesn't well bye bye I won't trust her again and I move on.

Come to think of it I am doing good this past week. I made out with a "virgin mary" of the college. Hooked up with a previous ONS's best friend. Gave my ex a good beating with my sausage. Took a classmate for a ride to pleasuretown on my "flat tyres". And then a few more rotations between them too. I have other prospects this week too...I may have made a lot of mistakes this week but that's the little price you pay in search for bigger things.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Rudy_TubeSteak said:
She wasn't hungover when she went to grab her stuff. She really was acting weird though.

"Hey **. I haven't been honest with you - I have a boyfriend. I apologise for lying. No excuse"

I replied with this:

"I need to speak to you in person when you get back. I got a few thngs to clear up too. Just to end things on a good notre. Take care"

You did the exact same thing again. Overreacted and displayed your AFC emotions. You've scared her off before you got anything off the ground with her. Women don't want panzies who want to tie them up and take them off the market after they've had one sniff of her pvssy.

They want the prize, so act like one. Make them chase you. Stop texting as well, its pretty lame. Basically your saying that your an AFC and you need to see her in person to break up with her *****NEWSFLASH****** you were just a ONS, you don't need to have a big conversation to break up with her, she's not your g/f.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
I rang her today....told her icant pretend to be nice, mr clean cut boy and seem innocent. So i cleaned it all out wit her. sayin she aint the only person who made a mistake (cheating on her bf) and that i shagged a girl all morning and then her in the afternoon and thats why i couldnt get a proper erection ( i was shaggin my ex for like 2 hrs in the morning...didnt even have time to finish my assignemnts haha)...I was flat out making for a logical excuse to why i couldnt have an erection midway through the shag. (she was nearly cumming a few times but i kept pulling back to tease her) I told her im a bastard that she shouldnt feel bad for cheating on her bf because i aint the good kid she thought i was lol. I told her im sorry for lying to her and its on my conscience haha but not for shagging her etc.

So there I spilled all the dirt about myself to her and how im only good for a few things and "took" the guilt off her and hung all the bad **** on me. I wasnt being AFC tho. I wasn't asking for forgiveness, i wasnt asking her to call me. I was just coming forward so that the "image" that she saw in me was restored. And then the line was cut. And I walked away...


A few seconds later she rang me wantin to talk. Sayin it's all great that I told her stuff. I kept sayin that I am not tha good person she saw lol...I am a maniac. Told her that I am seeing workmates...seeing previous shags...and their friends...and their friend's friends. hookin up with drug dealer's sisters and her friends etc. She said wow u *this* and *that* stud that....and i told her no...i am terrible when it came to this. I made it sincere that I cant be nice n that no more.

So what happened then....she says she would love to catch up when the holidays are over. she will give me a call sometime during the holidays.

So did it work...I dunno time will tell. I was honestly thinkin it would blow up in my face. But i dunno why coming clean about sh*t and being sincere that i am a bastard have caught her attention again. I think I read that in "how to win friends and influence something something" She talked to me for ages. I kept telling her i was brought up differently and believe something bad will happen to me....i feel like an idiot for sayin that but i told her i had to come clean and get it off my chest. She was all giddy all over again. I guess she likes the bad ass bastard...her bf must b afc...having a nympho gf on a long distance relationship.

Whats ur take on this situation? I honestly dont expect much from her...if sumtin happens it happens. I can get it from others
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
She is a typical hor kid, don't sweat it!!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
sex is good with her and got the bomb body....and i am a hor as well...that makes us 2.

as long as she doesnt play me bad or f*ck me over then its all fine. she seems to wanna do a lot of stuff for me which i refused nack then


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Everyone is playing an angle somehow so dont set up your expectiations that she wont play you, because she already is. Also focus on developing other relationships. Remember the words to fear: ONEITUS


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
Charm said:
Everyone is playing an angle somehow so dont set up your expectiations that she wont play you, because she already is. Also focus on developing other relationships. Remember the words to fear: ONEITUS

golden advice--- keep other girls in the pipeline-- I banged a few girls before and thought that that old addage about a girl being yours after you banged her was true in all cases--- its not... unpleasant as it seems everyone is playing an angle and looking back on a couple girls I aced on....seems like they aced me instead


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Someone beat me to it, but not to pull a page out of Puerto Rico Players hand book but she is a HOR through and through.

Don't expect her to have honor.

That being said get her to go out for drinks again and bang her. I bet she's down with it and if not who cares she's a HOR.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, AUS
Aha...right on the money.

If she still has a bf then She would've tried to discourage me or tell me straight out shes commited.

But she is running tricks all over him and I dare say she is going to pull the same on me too.

Better to use her for what she remembered for.....a HOR!!!