A Great Body...


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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I've seen guys with great bodies and theres one thing I've noticed is that they get alot of attention from women, maybe the women don't approach them outright but they are always being talked about and whispered about and looks like, "wow look at that good looking guy!"

I've got a great face IMO, but my body is rather skinny but toned just don't weigh alot and I've had hot females and never let anything hold me back from getting what I wanted, but just figured I could get to EXTREME status if I just worked out on my body and got huge...

I'm not looking for this to be a 'looks are all that matters' thread, but i'm just wondering for the guys that are built and like huge (muscles) what kind of experience did you have once you got great shape in your body ??

I've started working out and hopefully continue all this year so that by the time I'm 23 or 24 I'll be huge and just a monster and the type of guy that make women wet just from looking at them...

A guy with a good face, great body, and game... seriously it would just be too easy...

Thoughts ??


Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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There were a few PUAs who were really built that got lots of attention. But anyone can do the same exact thing. I'm probably in the same department physical wise. Great face and skinny body, but from a article TD wrote about like dominance it was talking about body language. At first I thought of it as stupid, like I thought I'd be looking all goofy.

I started looking in the mirror and I natural stand like that and it just showed alot of masculine/alphaness. Now I can be standing totally unreactive and the girls that I'd start speaking to would touch my chest. At one point two sisters touched my chest and were wondering if I had a six pack. She lifts up my shirt in front of everyone to see...no six pack.:D

But the whole muscle looking dude it shows dominance.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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From most of my experiences, girls don't like BULK. Some muscle but a mostly toned body is what most find very attractive. Look at all the "Hollywood hunks". Do they look bulky to you? They're all toned. Don't go overboard.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
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I decided to become a bodybuilder in May of this year. I put on a significant amount of muscle mass and the attention has definitely increased. As far as looks go, I agree girls want a toned body, but a good amount of bulk is still a good thing. Also, unless you're a complete freak of nature (which you're probably not), you won't "go overboard" unless you start juicing - so bulk up! Just don't get fat.

Not the be all end all obviously, but from personal experience the past few months I've noticed a LOT more attention, particularly from the girls who've known me before as the skinny kid. FYI I went from 5'10" 145lbs to 195lbs-ish.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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md3sign said:
I decided to become a bodybuilder in May of this year. I put on a significant amount of muscle mass and the attention has definitely increased. As far as looks go, I agree girls want a toned body, but a good amount of bulk is still a good thing. Also, unless you're a complete freak of nature (which you're probably not), you won't "go overboard" unless you start juicing - so bulk up! Just don't get fat.

Not the be all end all obviously, but from personal experience the past few months I've noticed a LOT more attention, particularly from the girls who've known me before as the skinny kid. FYI I went from 5'10" 145lbs to 195lbs-ish.
you put on 50 f.ucking pounds in 7 months?! Is that even possible, because I've been working out for like a year and I gained 20 lbs max?


Oct 1, 2006
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I'm in the same boat as you Cod3r...great looking face gets compliments, but I'm skinny. You make a good point, but from my experience...don't get big for the purpose of attracting women or whatever like that. I got a little bigger about a year ago and gave it up because it mainly for the same reason. When you base your goal of lifting 'for women' you won't stick to it in the long-run. That's just how it was for me...I mean, right now I'm in a rut, but back then I was doing okay with girls and thought the same thing "damn I'd be a stud if I just packed on some muscle" and I packed on a few pounds but I didn't have the motivation to keep going to the gym...and I ended up losing all the effort I put in.

So, I guess what I mean is, if you're going to workout and gain muscle do it for yourself and not because it could increase your attractiveness. Good luck either way though.

^ by the way, ValleyDJing, yes, it is possible to put on 50 pounds in 7 months. It depends how skinny you are to begin with, and remember md3sign said nothing about his body fat % or how many pounds of that were muscle.

I've been able to gain 20lbs in 2 months...5-6 pounds of which were muscle. It usually happens that when you just start bulking, you "shock" your body, and you're able to grow a lot in little time. Meaning, I've never been able to repeat that speed...the last time I bulked I gained about 12lbs in 2 months, 3 pounds of which were muscle. So, yeah, it definitely depends on a lot of factors. Creatine itself increases your water retention and adds to weight as well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
i did ok with women when i was 145, now i'm 205 and gaining..the biggest difference i noticed was i didn't have to work to covince myself to be confident it just naturally happens.

no matter where i go or what i do i know i can get ANY girl i'm attracted to. I still have to put up with the same issues women have and sometimes I NEED to have above average game for some women but i find myself saying real dumb sh!t sometimes that makes me look like a meat head and a girl will still laugh and act interested

one night stands and hook-ups with very good looking women is no longer an impossibilty..if i see a girl i wanna bang, i just go for it with a high success rate. it's not really necesary to approach MANY women, because most women will want you to bang them.

I don't get intimated by ANYone no matter how crazy they may look, now I become the guy that AMOGS (which i feel guilty about later). i'm able to focus less on women and more on other priorities in my life (which is HUGE).

i've also had to deal with alot of newfound jealousy and had to sever ties with alot of AFC friends. when you get bigger and stronger AFC type guys begin to really piss you off and become more of a hassle to hang out with.

my circle of friends is also starting to change. i would much rather hang with jocks than the regular joe..its weird but getting big realy does affect all aspects of your life, it did for me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Drum&Bass said:
i did ok with women when i was 145, now i'm 205 and gaining..the biggest difference i noticed was i didn't have to work to covince myself to be confident it just naturally happens.
Bingo. Same thing was probably the real explanation for Md3sign.

I think a lot of times, the extra muscle/weight is being given the credit on these boards, when in fact its your increased confidence you got by getting the extra weight that really did the trick.

As you get older, you'll have less need for the "crutches" and wont necessarily have to play "build like a football player" game to get the chicks that you want. Money, success, maturity and just being toned/not fat is more than enough. I'm not speaking in just theory here either by the way.

But if your feeling a bit unconfident, then by all means go to the gym and heavy lift! It isnt going to hurt anything for you to be under the impression that its your big muscles attracting them. A little bit of ignorance never hurt anything.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2005
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ValleyDJing said:
you put on 50 f.ucking pounds in 7 months?! Is that even possible, because I've been working out for like a year and I gained 20 lbs max?
yes its possible... its genitics too.. some people can bulk up easy others have to do slowly..

i did 135 to 175 in 4 months.. but now, at 165.. stoped lifting hard, switched to cardio currently at 9% body fat. i wanna get to 7


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Tks for replies...

It isn't about confidence, I have that (to some degree, not ultimate) but its more of just adding another dimension to my game. Being bulked up around 190 at my height would be nice, it would def. turn me into 'hot' instead of good looking, for myself it would put me in the stratosphere for getting women, it would be too easy...

I do well for myself, but a nice body would just be icing for the cake...

Anyway not worried about getting women, I have a girl, but just want to make them drool over me :)



Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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Most girls don't like if you're too stacked. There's a kind of margin in which you look your best. In terms of quanifying this, most sprinters have what many girls I've talked to have said is the perfect physique. Enough to turn heads, but not look like you're the destroyer of worlds.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
but not look like you're the destroyer of worlds.
Classic ^ ^

Yeah, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to be absolutely a monster like some sort of 'creation' or something, I just want the look of when I throw on a button up shirt, you can see some body in the outline...

I just want to turn heads basically. I get sly looks and AI's because of my style and my great face, but I want that 'jaw-dropping-omg' reaction when a girl sees me. I believe with my current stats, if I get pretty buff it'll break me into 9's and 10's giving me AI's instead of 7's and 8's....

Oh and also someone mentioned doing it for girls, not really I'm doing it for myself to give me an edge over other guys and just straight up dominate other guys just by walking in the room. I already have the dominant personality but I want other guys to fear me and girls to be intimidated by me. I've seen the looks some guys at my school get and they litteraly walk around and people are so intimidated by them, both guys and girls...

They say one word to females and the girls are 'swooning' and 'passing out' on the floor. I guess i'm a little jealous because for me it took alot of rejection and time to even get the girls i used to get (required a good deal of effort). These beheomeths just walk in the room and BLAM... its over



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score

You have muscle or you do not.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Cod3r said:
Oh and also someone mentioned doing it for girls, not really I'm doing it for myself to give me an edge over other guys and just straight up dominate other guys just by walking in the room. I already have the dominant personality but I want other guys to fear me and girls to be intimidated by me. I've seen the looks some guys at my school get and they litteraly walk around and people are so intimidated by them, both guys and girls...
Oh bullsh1t you said you want to turn female heads. Don't lie to yourself and act like you're doing it for health reasons and you want to be strong... and certainly don't stand there and lie to us.

Sounds like female logic to me. You decide you want female attention by getting ripped and now to justify that to yourself you're thinking up the other reasons why lifting is also beneficial to reaffirm your original decision.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
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Yes I put on roughly 50lbs in 5 months. I would estimate ~35-37lbs of it being muscle mass. I definitely went a bit overboard on the eating and put on more fat than I wanted to, but it could have been a lot worse. I don't have the washboard abs but it's winter so who cares. I just continue bulking until springtime. Check my profile (sig) I have a lot of progress pics. I lifted before but I finally got serious about it and went on a cookie-cutter routine. Also keep in mind that 145lbs was underweight and somewhat dehydrated for me, so the first 10lbs or so I gained in just a couple weeks.

I'll never be able to make the same starter-gains again and I'm now slowly working my way up at around 2lbs/months.

With a proper diet, enough dedication (discipline) and a good routine, it's definitely possible. I don't have freak genes either - far from it. Anyway this probably belongs in the fitness section, I just wanted to bring up the fact that working on your body [obviously] yields more positive attention.

EDIT - good point about the confidence increase, but it's not just that. Having a better looking body will undeniably get you attention from the get go. It's the combination of both that gets the girls, I think.


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
Oh bullsh1t you said you want to turn female heads. Don't lie to yourself and act like you're doing it for health reasons and you want to be strong... and certainly don't stand there and lie to us.

Sounds like female logic to me. You decide you want female attention by getting ripped and now to justify that to yourself you're thinking up the other reasons why lifting is also beneficial to reaffirm your original decision.
I stated, I'm doing it to get more attention from women of course... I never lied about that, but the SOLE reason isn't spurred on by women only. Of course I want more confidence and just want to look good, so its not only women but that's a big part of it...

You don't have to have a big body to attract women to you, you don't have to have a big body to gain "status". Status can be accomplished without having a big body. Status is actually very important when it comes to meeting women and i'm glad you brought it up. You always want the women your meeting to know you have higher status than she does. Status can be acheived simply by being with a lot of friends, having females surrounding you and talking to you, even by pushing some women away as if you have too many women to talk to. Which can all be acheived by your personality. Once the other women in the club see you with a group of all the attractive women, and also with all your guy friends, there going to want to be near you and talk with you too. Therefore, you've acheived a higher status without doing any bodybuilding at all. Personality is the best thing you can use to attract women. It comes before anything else. Sure, having a great body doesn't hurt, and it will bring attention to the women, but you must have a personality to attract them. What i'm saying is the results that your all working in the gym for, can be brought on simply by just an attaractive personality. Use these tips.
I'm not using it as a CRUTCH. I've been in the trenches and trust me my game right now is STRONG. But what can it hurt to add another dimension to my game, with a bigger body i'd be unstoppable plain and simple. I know personality and game are huge factors, but sex appeal also works for me when I use it and with a muscle bound body it will only increase...

Do it do it do it. Don't think twice. Eat, Lift, rest, repeat! With a great body you just feel like you own everything man. The problem is it makes me (or you) more arrogant and it just shows in your BL. A lot of people will hate you for it to. But who cares man, this is your life, get huge. It's just a feeling of domination one can't describe. If you've already got the face, get the body and you will be unstoppable. It's such a turn on to girls, they get attracted, they start appearing out of nowhere in your way and practically beg you to open them. I remember the time I had no body, and believe me there's a tremendous change in your confidence, your body language, even that 'killer' kind of look in your eye, and obviously what people think about you.

I'll tell you man, random people I talk to about anything.. any subject.. all of a sudden out of nowhere they say "Damn, man, what are you eating? I gotta get to the gym!" Your body will actually 'inspire' AFC's that are a part of your life in some way. It's powerful man. Just don't let it get to your head.
Yeah man, I went to gym 6 00 AM this morning and will go 3 or 4 days a week and just pump hard as hell. Also trying to get more rest and eat more, but I'm kind of broke as I'm still student and about to graduate soon, also I'm a FX trader which requires me to be up around 4 00AM London session, so sleep sometimes is few and far between, but i'll do what I can....

Plastic, if I get to your size... watch out man !



Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
When I was 5'8 and 130 lbs, I would get approached litterally every day and I even had really cute girls asking my friends for my number.
Now I'm 5'9 and 155 lbs and I haven't been cold approached for months, if we don't count girls at my Uni.
I haven't gained almost any fat, I used to be 9% and I'm now around 12%, which is surely average-below average.

However, I don't give a shìt, since I'd like to get even bigger... my girlfriend says that she'd like me to have 10 lbs FATTER, because she says I'm too muscley and boney:)


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2006
Reaction score
Back in highschool, i was 5'11" about 190lbs all muscle and i used to get attention from girls all the time about my body. I'm about the same size, but now that im in college, not so much


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
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haha! I don't see where yall get the time to "eat right" and s.hit. I can't cook, neither can my family, I don't have the money for a trainer or nutritionist. I basically have to get food whenever I can, however I can, wherever I can, and then back to school, homework, social life, work, etc. Fast food, although not eaten everyday, is a staple of my diet. I guess I'm lucky I have a fast metabolism. haha!

But seriously, when you say you "eat right" I mean, do you cook your own meals? Do you have a personal chef or what? I know you don't got the money to go to a nice restraunt every night :confused: .


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
haha! I don't see where yall get the time to "eat right" and s.hit. I can't cook, neither can my family, I don't have the money for a trainer or nutritionist. I basically have to get food whenever I can, however I can, wherever I can, and then back to school, homework, social life, work, etc. Fast food, although not eaten everyday, is a staple of my diet. I guess I'm lucky I have a fast metabolism. haha!

But seriously, when you say you "eat right" I mean, do you cook your own meals? Do you have a personal chef or what? I know you don't got the money to go to a nice restraunt every night .
I drink a protein shake before I go to bed and that´s it...