A Frame I sometimes find useful---high school (or college) specific


Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
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I used this frame today for a few minutes---it's one I use when I get depressed w/ my social status (which I don't anymore)---but I think it's a useful one to keep perspective.
So, let's say that you feel like crap because your oneitis won't give you time of day/none of the "cool" kids like you/you and your best friend are hating each other. What to do? Well, you can always sit around, mope, and cut yourself, thus going down the path of the emo kid. But we do not wish to do that, do we?
Instead, realize the fact that all of high school is transitory and meaningless.
Now, this isn't a new insight, but my particular frame is.
It's simple: Picture yourself at your high school reunion. When you're all adults, hanging out, having fun, successful or relatively so---and none of this bullcrap matters anymore. Actually visualize seeing the people you know now, maybe that one oneitis chick who totally hates you---and you're just chatting away. And you realize---the status quo is not inevitable, I'm eventually gonna graduate from this hell hole, so whatever happens here doesn't really matter.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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That's terrible advice.

Why wait for better times to come? Be proactive and make better times right away.

That's a totally pvssy way of looking at life, waiting for better times to come or thinking that "tomorrow will be better". What if there ISN'T a tomorrow, bro?

Most people wait for good times to come to them. Others conjure them at will.

Which person are you, that is what you have to ask yourself.



Don Juan
Mar 3, 2007
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You're misunderstanding my argument. I agree with you that one needs to get off one's ass and do improve their situation but---and I know I'm not alone here---sometimes you need some other sort of motivation to get there.

For me, this scenario worked as in I would imagine a future scenario of who I was, then backtrack to take the steps I needed to get there. Not unlike Ray Bradbury's story "The Toynbee Convector" (damn good read).

That's all I'm saying.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
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Motivation is all in your heart man. How bad do you want change?

I still cringe when I think about what I was like two years ago... A sad sight physically and mentally.

It's been unbelievably challenging to movitate myself(im a major procrastinator) to keep going...

How bad do you want change?

Don't picture yourself in 10 years time...That's absurd. Wake up each morning and see yourself as you want to be in completion, and be that person during the day. Try your best.

If stuff still isn't going well it means you aren't putting the effort and consistency in, in all the right spots.