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  1. F

    Two Hot Girls Want Me

    OP missed out the part where Jessica Alba and Megan Fox fight over his c0ck, whilst Jenna Jameson watches jealously, with obvious love in her eyes.
  2. F

    I just want to apologise to everyone, you were right.

    Lol what, she's being nice to you with that last message. She didn't exactly go "yer well you're a nob and I'd never touch you with a bargepole" did she? It also means she is 0% into you, maybe even running into the negative numbers where she'd sooner go lesbian. That doesn't matter...
  3. F

    I am noob, what do you get from this?

    There's this girl in my year at college, I don't know if she is into me or if she is only being friendly towards me. She is a bit shy I think, and I have doubts because she doesn't talk to me every day. However, when she speaks to me, she speaks in a really girly tone, and she compliments me...
  4. F

    Please Help Me To Change!

    Well... A couple of years ago, my single parent I lived alone with for all my life died (we was extremely close, seeing as she dedicated all her time to me, and couldn't go out that much due to disability [not wheelchair bound or anything]) and then I started feeling all these horrible things...
  5. F

    Please Help Me To Change!

    In all honesty, I think my only problem is that I am really uncomfortable talking to people :( I don't know why, I am so depressed because of this. I really enjoy and need to talk to people naturally, but I just don't feel right lately. I just can't be comfortable around people! I am...
  6. F

    Please Help Me To Change!

    Hey! Please give me some feedback, I'm not doing exactly great with girls right now, please don't tell me to read the DJB, thanks :) About me: . I am kinda introverted, but don't get me wrong, I am loud and confident around friends I am comfortable with, and can sometimes comfortably talk...
  7. F

    Information on Accessing Your Past Lifetimes

    Nope, I most definitely can't, but it can't really be disproved either aha :p I think some tests were done before that tried to measure the weight difference in people after death to see if a soul left their body (assuming it carried weight) but obviously it's hard to allow for natural, non...
  8. F

    Asking Out In A Blunt Manner: Suggested?

    Try going to see a movie on your first date? It doesn't need you to keep talking, so there's no awkward silences
  9. F

    What to say when she says "i miss you"?

    Why? I don't see why she wouldn't want to if she misses you? The fact that she is missing you means that she wants to be around you?
  10. F

    Information on Accessing Your Past Lifetimes

    That doesn't matter, that's coming from the view that there is no such thing as a soul, AKA something that MAKES you YOU. Have you never stopped and thought why you are inside your body and nobody elses, why you can only process your own thoughts. Why are you the consciousness of your body...
  11. F

    Information on Accessing Your Past Lifetimes

    Why the reincarnation theory makes sense: Basic laws of physics means that energy cannot be destroyed, only altered (eg light energy to heat energy). That means that the energy that makes you you, ie, the energy that runs your brain and causes you to be a conscious thinking human is NEVER...