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  1. X

    Examples of betas "beg for forgiveness".

    I live in China. The situation here is OUT OF CONTROL. The 1 child policy and the social pressure has PUSSIFIED 99.9% of men and has made them put women on the pedestal. 99.9% have social skill issues (close to autism) around females, and ZERO game. Examples for your enjoyment...
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    How to deal with this?

    Girl 27 - me 30. Me caucasian, her Chinese in China. We DONT speak the same language. I barely know any Chinese, she barely knows any English. All communication happened through a chatting app called we chat which has a translation function. She works at the reception of the gym I go to. For a...
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    Advice needed - met girl from my past wants to drop everything to live with me

    Hello all, I haven't posted in a while but I was always around learning and reading. I have found myself in a weird situation. Let me first introduce me and the players. As this invlovles me and chinese chicks I should mention that I am NOT Chinese Me: Just recently got my PhD. I got...
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    Asian Girls

    Ive been dating a Chinese girl for the past two three weeks. I gamed her as I normally do and she responded very positively, and she even threw me the expected sh*ttests. I want her as a main plate. I am not treating her any different than any other woman. Are there any particulars that i need...
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    How to play this?

    During my LTR ( I am single now) I had a fling with a chick for a month or two. And suddenly I got bored and went NC with her for almost a year. A few hours ago I talked to her on FB and I invite her to my birthday party. She agreed to come, but she also mentioned that she would like to know...
  6. X

    Was my approach crappy?

    I went on a date with this 8-9/10 chick with BF 2 times and yesterday she invited me to her house. We had tea (yeye I know.. but I am in the UK). Everything went fine, we were having an awesome time and teasing each other. When I went to escalate (did not went in for the kiss, told her that...
  7. X

    Must read books?

    Hey guys.I am a relative newbie to the whole DJ scene. Ive been reading Rolo's book and thoroughly enjoying it. Does anyone has a list of must read books? Ive been thinking after Rolo's book to read 21st Century Fox Space Age Pimping, the art of seduction, bang, and day bang. Do they...
  8. X

    EX GF - Advice needed

    Hello all, Ive been lurking the forum for quite some time, but I decided to register as I have a question that I would like to ask: The ex girlfriend (Background) I was with this girl.. lets call her A. We were around 5 hours away of each other, but we would meet once a month for a week or...