How to play this?


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2014
Reaction score
During my LTR ( I am single now) I had a fling with a chick for a month or two. And suddenly I got bored and went NC with her for almost a year.

A few hours ago I talked to her on FB and I invite her to my birthday party. She agreed to come, but she also mentioned that she would like to know why I went NC.

I am planning on telling her more or less the truth.. or well.. part of the truth.. That I was busy with my work, and had to travel (I traveled all over the place, I went EU to US two times), and that I had serious family medical problems. I do not plan on telling her that that I was in an LTR at the time and that I was bored with her.

Also, I am thinking that it would be better for us to dance, and have a few drinks and bit of kino before taking her into my room to discuss ;). I am also planning to arrange a date with her for drinks or something.

What do you guys think?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
All you have to tell her is that you were busy with your work and traveling. I had the same situation a while back. After my LTR ended I texted her and she asked the same thing, she was happy to hear that. You might want to leave out the family medical problems. Good luck!


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks a lot guys. I don't plan on giving her any details etc. I will say I was busy but if she pressure me I will just say that I was busy with work, traveled a lot, and had to relocate for a few months to do some work for a client. Will see how things will play out.