Must read books?


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2014
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Hey guys.I am a relative newbie to the whole DJ scene.

Ive been reading Rolo's book and thoroughly enjoying it. Does anyone has a list of must read books?

Ive been thinking after Rolo's book to read 21st Century Fox Space Age Pimping, the art of seduction, bang, and day bang. Do they worth the money? What do you think?


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
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I've never read any of the books and don't intend to.

I just remember from my Uni days, that by the time a book has gone through the whole editing and production process, a lot of the information can be out of date.

You'll probably get a lot more out of the discussion forums and blogs that are all free. You'll have to sift through a lot of crap, but you'll find some good info.
You don't need to write a thesis on this, just a few pointers to put you in the right direction.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
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There are already a lot of great writers posting online. I know that reading a book can feel a lot better than reading some "random" blog, but for this particular subject matter I think you'll find the internet to be better.

If you really are set on getting a book, then you better be sure to get Rollo Tommossi's book The Rational Male. He is the best writer in the "manosphere" for several reasons. He doesn't write about PUA; he writes about the dynamics of sexual attraction and maintaining relationships. Rational Male is good because you can apply the philosophies to any type of relationship, whether that's PUA game, ONS or long term. Actually, it's a great way to understand the bridge between ONS and LTR.

I've read two other books, one is the SS classic and amazingly motivational Book of Pook, which is actually a .pdf, not a book. The other is called The System by Doc Love, which I found via BitTorrent due to Amazon charging something like $80 for a copy. KrauserPUA just dropped a book which is probably really good because his site has always been inspirational and helpful.

You can learn a lot by reading, but if you aren't going out applying it it's useless. You'll learn more from experience than you ever could with a book.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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I used to be a PUA book addict. Probably consumed 100 books in my lifetime on the subject.

The two that stand out to me:
"Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man" - Joseph W South & Franco
"The Sex God Method" - Daniel Rose

The only recent stuff I've dug into is 60 Years of Challenges main course. And it's solid to me. Although mostly just rehashed stuff; there is some original content there.

But for the most part - most PUA books just recycle the same stuff over and over. I find message boards to be a better medium because you're getting direct feedback on your personal situation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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xupc said:
the art of seduction
I really wouldn't recommend this one. I started reading it off and on a few years ago and I'm about 75% through. If you're starting out then I highly wouldn't recommend it. If anything, it will confuse you. It's interesting in the way that it tells stories of great Casanovas or Don Juans of back in the day, but it's really complex and seemingly hypocritical of itself. If you want to read it for fun, but take everything in it with a grain of salt, then yeah, go ahead. But, if you're trying to learn, then your time would be better off spent with something else.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2014
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1. 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People.

2. Don't Read This. Your Ego Won't Like It.

These are more importantly not only how to succeed with women, but with whatever it is you choose. Women are along for the ride in life, you are the creator.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2014
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Thanks a lot guys. I am halfway through 'The Rational Male'. I will stick with the sosuave board and maybe pick up a book over holidays etc.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert Glover

I didn't read this book until quite recently, but it made me realise so many things about myself and really helped me to understand the whole Nice Guy vs. Bad Boy debate so much better.

I also liked Doc Love's "The System", BUT some of his ideas are quite ridiculous and outdated (i.e. wait 9 days to call her, don't kiss on first date, ask for home number). However, he does give good insight into how women's interest level can change, how to back off when her interest is low and allow her the freedom she needs.

I also recommend Feel the Fear but do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers. This is great for helping you overcome anxieties, nervousness with women and to generally help push you out of your comfort zone.

Non-seduction/dating wise, you have to read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. That truly is an epic masterpiece! Within 4 months of reading this book, I had my own business and tripled my monthly income.