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  1. B

    How to get rid of a heavy heart

    Broke up with this girl a few months ago. Ever since then I've had a heavy heart and I can't seem to shake it off. I deleted everything that would remind me of her, met other women, took up some hobbies but it won't go away. I've never in my life had this experience, never had a struggle moving...
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    How do you answer when a woman asks you how many women you have had sex with?

    "You're lucky number 500". If she asks silly questions, give her a silly answer.
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    Girls who like sunflowers

    I've only noticed recently that there's alot of girls that are obsessed with sunflowers. They either put them as profile pics or use a sunflower emoji on their bio's on social networks or OLD. Whenever I ask them they talk about how they represent happiness and love. What's your take about...
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    Girl i'm dating doesn't want kids nor marriage

    In my experience women between 18 to 23 aren't that much into commitment or marriage. Most of her friends probably aren't married or have kids so she isn't feeling the pressure of being left out. Like most women she'll change her mind when she gets close to 30 and all her friends have husbands...
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    She says I'm too quiet-how to fix this

    People are very insecure and judgemental. I'm literally the quietest guy who doesn't bother anyone but you'll hear comments like "he's full of himself" or "he thinks he's better than us" or "the quiet one's are the most dangerous" the list is endless. Just laugh it off and continue being...
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    Overheard females bragging about wasting mens time

    I always see women on social media brag about leading men on and using them to get free meals. To me those are simply damaged women, probably because her ex never valued her, so she takes out her frustrations on desperate men to boost her self esteem.
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    people should stop recommending dating apps and men should stop using it

    Then you're using dating apps wrong. You shouldn't take these apps too seriously
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    Apparently, I'm strange because I am not on "social media"

    I stopped being active on facebook on 2015. Best decision of my life. When girls want to see your social media it's because they want to see your popularity, the places you go to and the types of girls that comment on your posts. So when you say you don't use social media some just assume...
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    Biggest green flag.

    No Sh1t tests
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    Circumcision conversation

    Don't let a woman get under your skin EVER, especially when talking about your d1ck. Woman love to talk sh1t about men's d1cks because they know that's where men are most vulnerable. But you should never let that get to you. You made the decision to circumcise and you should stand by it. What I...
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    Should I reach out ?

    First thing you need to do is change your mentality. It's feminine
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    Any thread in this forum with a successful end ?

    Taking advice is easy, doing it isn't. And besides, success stories usually come from those who are looking to improve their skills with women in general rather than trying to game one particular girl.
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    Girl Suddenly Lost Interest Despite TIGHT Game?

    Doesn't matter how good your game is, when a woman decides to drop you then it's a wrap, don't waste your time overthinking the situation just move on. Like everyone said, it's either she got back with her ex or she met another guy. At least you got to smash, it was good while it lasted. But...
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    How many dates without action before you eject?

    Take a step back. Don't ask her out on anymore dates, it's time for her to decide what she wants. Shift your attention away from her completely, be busy and unavailable, make her work to get your interest back. If she doesn't step up, then she wasn't into you in the first place
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    Need Advice: Girl who friendzoned me keeps initiating contact

    I haven't been validating her for 7 years and I only asked her out once. After I found out that she's dating I stopped talking to her altogether, in those 7 years I'd say we were in contact for 3 years mostly because I bumped into her on campus all the time. I never initiated contact with her or...
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    Need Advice: Girl who friendzoned me keeps initiating contact

    So there's this girl I used to know during my AFC days and I once asked her out but she rejected me because she wasn't ready to start dating and friendzoned me(this was 6 or 7 years ago). After a few months I found out she started dating so I decided to stop talking to her completely, didn't...
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    "Side-chick" completely flipped the tables on me...

    No you're not head over heels for her, you're frustrated because you don't have her wrapped around your finger anymore, now you're desperately trying to put her back on a leash. She made it perfectly clear she wanted a relationship, and you made it perfectly clear you don't see yourself having...
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    I always thought the reason most guys are in sex-less miserable marriages is because they're beta

    That's because these men marry women who have sex on her terms not his. Low sex drive women are extremely selfish, they never put her boyfriends/husbands needs first. Everytime you wanna fvck you have to move heaven and earth just to get a reward of mediocre sex.
  19. B

    Anyone drop all their plates suddenly at once?

    It happens, usually when you going through some things and you just need some peace of mind. Sometimes it's out of boredom and you need a new challenge. Sometime this year I dropped all 7 plates, completely ghosted them, started afresh 2 weeks later. I just needed a new challenge.
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    Let's Talk Online Dating Apps

    Online dating sites is just a platform for low value women to get attention they never get in real life. All you see is a bunch of used up single mothers and 3/10 girls who are tired of being pumped and dumped, that's why you see most of them have a set of rules in their bios instead of writing...