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  1. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 83: (3-5-14) Let's start with goal analysis • Start daily vlogging Yup • Wall ball consecutively 5x on left hand Got to 7! • Run without stopping I ran for more than half (it was a 25 minute run, never ran that long before, so I did pretty well) • Approach Approach Approach i had a short...
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    really need your advice DJ's

    I can see where Norwegian is coming from, but what is wrong with a guy asking a girl for a commitment? Obviously he wants to be in an LTR, his intentions are clear and he didn't beat around the bush. What is exactly wrong with DJ wanting to commit to a girl?
  3. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Another week w/I posting. Can't keep this up. Not going to waste time with colors right now Tomorrow's Goal: • Approach! No approaches • Get cast members number No number, but snapchat and a lot of flirting • Work on YouTube video Finished a video! • Work hard in weight room! - Run...
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    The Greatest Journal of All Time

    I don't really have "close" friends either. But I am surrounded by people who I enjoy being with. The only way to make new friends is to chat with strangers - including approach! The rut is only a temp state of mind. Think like an optimists, that's how I get out of my low points! What is...
  5. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 74: (2-25-14) Goal Analysis: • Return to conditioning Conditioning was cancelled but I spent 30 mins- hour working on my catching • Return to drumline Had a great rehearsal! • Start a chain Can't buy the app • Approach a girl Today was awesome! I got to Calc on time! I got up extra...
  6. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 73: So I've been completely putting off posting here because of my decline in progress. I ****ed up my grades for last marking period, stopped bothering with approach, put in tons of effort for an audition for a music festival (but got so nervous I messed it up) and haven't been to...
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    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 71: I just posted this long ass post about why I haven't been on this website in a while and it just deleted itself. I'll update this post later and try to salvage whatever I can of what i had ....
  8. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 53: (2-3-14) Ok this week has been hectic. I've been trying to catch up with work, get myself prepared for auditions, be involved in the play, and keep up with this DJ stuff. Music: Spent almost all my free time last week working on my audition solo. I auditioned Saturday, and broke down...
  9. B

    The Greatest Journal of All Time

    Don't feel bad dude, I haven't been to lacrosse conditioning in 2 weeks! I go back on Monday, but I've been so busy with rehearsing my audition music that I don't have the time lately to go to conditioning.
  10. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 42: (1-23-14) So I look back at my week, and I become disappointed in myself. I think about how I spent it poorly, didn't get much done and how I've just be slacking. Now that's completely true! I have been extremely unproductive with my spare time and have been neglecting things that...
  11. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 39: (1-22-14) Stuck in the house cause of the snow for today and yesterday so I am moving my goals to tomorrow. Spent most of my time doing stick tricks and playing video games. Should of been productive, yes, but my motivation has been low and I've been getting lazy(er). Talked to HB7.5...
  12. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 37: (1-20-14) I find it extremely difficult to update this thread as my progression starts to lack. I hate to post when I havent been productive, but I know it's only for the better to update my journal. - Finish Hi Challenge from DJ BootCamp Came extremely close, got around 40. I...
  13. B

    Punish Me!

    I am looking for a bit more motivation to approach at least one girl tomorrow! Post a reasonable punishment for me if I dont approach, and I'll do it (again, if its reasonable. I'm not going to do something insane like stick my head down a toilet (but I am willing to embarrass myself publicly)).
  14. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 34: (1-17-14) The past few days have been stressful because of midterms and the insane amount of work I have to do. I'll analyze goals first: - Get further in my xylo étude Got a very small amount further, but its better than nothing - Run 100% through without stopping to walk...
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    It's Complicated - Need Expert Advice (on dating, what else?)

    Found this while lurking on another pua site:
  16. B

    Advice on Day2 + Potential CB

    Thanks for the reply, rushing dude! I was thinking of going to a froyo shop, sitting around and talking for about 10-15 minutes. I wanted to use this time to get to know the friend (and maybe sort of freeze out the target) Then bounce to a small park nearby (and I plan to bring my skateboard)...
  17. B

    Advice on Day2 + Potential CB

    So over the weekend I met this pretty cool chick at a music festival. She seemed to be interested, so I built up enough courage to get her number. We texted for a bit and this morning I told her I wanted to see her again. So we are hanging out Wednesday but she asked me if it was cool if a...
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    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 30: (1-13-14) Today has been pretty mixed. This morning in class was horrible, I ended up flipping out on the teacher and the other kids in my class (after taking their BS for several months). It takes a lot to get me angry, but once I'm there, flames shoot out of my mouth. Other than...
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    Thanks for the help man! I don't see replies like that everyday, and it helped me get a # close. You obviously deserved it!
  20. B

    BookWorm's Road to Success

    Day 29: (1-12-14) Saturday: Awesome day! Our concert was bomb, we sounded so great! Even though I lost my place in one of our songs (percussion always has to count 100's of measures of rests to play their parts). Got the HB6.5 (turns out she's actually a 7.5) number and I'm going to try and...