BookWorm's Road to Success


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 23: (1-6-14)

Once again, I made a really long post and it got deleted. I got fed up and just gave up on the post. (That's really the only time there will be large gaps in my posting)

The last few days have been ... interesting.

I spent a lot of my time doing random stuff, Wednesday I spent about 5 hours writing essays that were due at midnight, and CommonApp (the application program for colleges) crashed. Very upsetting, I ended up staying up all night trying to get it to work, and gave up at 4 am Thursday.

I woke up around 10 and got an email from SU, they accepted my application as on time (even though it was late) because of the crash. I then spent the rest of my morning following up on job applications and applied to stop and shop.

The rest of the weekend has been me doing homework or playing video games. I found out today (Monday) that my English teacher pushed our essays that were due over break to another 2 weeks. This gives me a lot of time to get the backlog of work done.

I spent today waiting for a call from Stop And Shop (no call, kind of pissed) going to call tomorrow and see what's up. I also got some Psych homework done and starting learning the basics of beatboxing, something I've always wanted to do.

Schools starts back tomorrow!
My goals for tomorrow!:
- Start collecting make-up work
- Workout at school's gym
- (Possibly) Get a haircut
- Approach a girl (Cmon BookWorm, get it done this time)
- Get LAX girls number
- Get. To. Calc. On. Time!

Also, I like how Milk evaluates his achievements of his goals and I think I'll incorporate it into my posts


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 25: (1-8-2014)

Today was great! I slept for about 6 hours and woke up at 12 (midnight) and listened to PKA (a really awesome and funny podcast on YouTube) while I completed AP Psych homework. During the podcast, the host talked a bunch about entreupenuers and "want-reupenuers". He described how plans are all well and good, but you don't make it anywhere until you start taking action. Conversation continued along these lines, and it's really stuck with me. It's probably one of my favorite episodes of the podcast just because of how well he described taking what you want and becoming the "super you" that you can be.

I stayed up til school time, got ready extra early and picked out a nice outfit (instead of the usual crap I just throw on). I made sure I payed attention to my hair, clothes, smell, and overall hygiene. I see this as a big step, seeing how I usually throw my clothes on in the morning and drown myself in cologne without doing anything else to my attire or hair.

Pushed through the day and KILLED it at the gym. During weight lifting I pushed myself pretty hard, making sure to really get the most out of my excercises. I impressed a few of my friends because i got stronger from last year, and was really trying my best to push my strength. I even was able to run the stairs for 10 minutes without break (Last year I would start walking around 5 minutes in). And the fact that I didn't even use my inhaler (as I am asthmatic and it is usually exercise-induced) really shows I want to improve, and am improving. I can already hear the 1st line calling my name! Haha

I pretty much crashed and burned with this girl though. I didn't see LAX girl but another girl I had mentioned in my first post was showing interest in me, but idk what happened. I kind of just went brain dead and I don't even know what happened to me.

Progress in goals:
- Start collecting make up work
Got the work needed for Calc to catch up, and for English, just got to start working on it
- Workout at school's gym
Killed it in the gym!
- Get a haircut
No haircut, growing an Afro. Plus I didn't even have the time to stop at the barbershop anyway
- Approach a girl
I didn't even go for it. AA is too strong
- Get LAX girl's #
Didn't see her today, she didnt come to conditioning
- Get To Calc on Time!
The car decided to stop wiling correctly, so I was late waiting for a ride from my uncle

What I need to improve on:
I need to stop freezing up around girls. I know it's not difficult to talk to them, I know they are no different from me or any other guy, but something in my brain shuts off when a cute girl starts talking to me. I freeze up and dont push myself like I do in the gym. It feels like I'm stuck inside a body, and my brain is yelling to "go talk to her" or "push for conversation" and my body just keeps it fluffed or doesn't even open my mouth to talk.

Today (Wednesday):
Pretty good day! I got a wopping 10 hours of sleep! Got to Calc 15 mins late which is better than usual. Workout went well today! Helped out a lot of the newer guys and really tried my best. We ran around the school and i only walked for about 3/4 of the 10 minutes (last year I walked 90% of the time). After conditioning, I had the same problem as yesterday. I was talking o my friend and had a very short, concise conversation with the girl he was already involved in a conversation with. I didn't try to get any further inthe conversation or even ask for the girl's name. I dont even think i'm going to count this as an approach.

I started nofap yesterday, and it's a little hard to deal with (all the wild hormones and temptation) but I'm holding up. Nofap count = 2 days

Tomorrow's Goals:
- Start working on Poetry Slam plans
- Practice for Saturday's concert
- Go Hard in the gym!
- Approach! Approach! Approach!
- Number close (I'll call her HBCutie) girl I mentioned in my first post

What I want to improve:
Pushing my comfort zone! Stop letting myself be comfortable with simple small talk or avoiding approach. Just like everything I am working on, girls should have a 110% effort from me as well.

(P.S. I am supposed to see HBCutie tomorrow in student council meeting if she isnt still sick).


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 27: (1-10-14)

Thursday was alright, only good part of the day was working out in the gym. I worked extremely hard and am still sore (lol). I did practice for the concert, no plans for Poetry Slam just yet, no approaches, and HBCuties was still out sick.

Today was better, missed Calc though. I got to leave school early for concert rehearsal (ended up missing my award ceremony at school cause of it, though). I approached this girl, HB6.5, who ended up joining my circle of friends. I froze up too many times though, and I feel stupid for all the opportunities I missed cause of freeze-ups! (I was beating myself up on the way home from the car cause I felt so damn dumb). I'm supposed to see her again tomorrow before the concert, I'm gonna strive for the number close, I know I can get it, I just gotta relax and stop thinking so much.

I was also very high energy today! I was leading my circle of friends around and we began doing random music-related stuff while we waiting around for reheasal to start. I caught the eye of some hot girl (easily a solid 8). She heard me rapping down the hallway and she was dancing when I turned around to look at her. I chatted with her for like 5 seconds (literally) but didn't even try to talk to her much more than that (****ing fool, right?). I'm trying, it's just a slow process =/

- Kill it on stage tomorrow for the concert
- Number close HB6.5
- Approach at least one more girl at the concert
- Do something out of my comfort zone


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 29: (1-12-14)

Awesome day! Our concert was bomb, we sounded so great! Even though I lost my place in one of our songs (percussion always has to count 100's of measures of rests to play their parts). Got the HB6.5 (turns out she's actually a 7.5) number and I'm going to try and setup a day 2 with her for this week.

Goal Analysis:
- Kill it on stage
killed it! Haha we sounded amazing
- Number close HB6.5 (HB7.5)
Got the digits!
- Do something outside my comfort zone
nope. Gotta press on it another day
- Approach one more girl
nope. Just couldn't muster up enough courage. But it's been done once, it can happen again

Meh. I attempted to restart and finish an essay I had for Lit. Failed attempt. I literally could not focus for 5 minutes without being distracted by my thoughts or things going on outside my room. Got half an essay done.

On a different note: I watched a video last week on YouTube where my favorite youtuber learned he was struggling with ADHD. This has gotten me thinking about the possibility of me having it. Idk, I don't think it's something I'm comfortable bringing up to my parents. I just want to get this down somewhere, document it so I know that I have some sort of date when I became aware of my attention deficit tendencies. If any of you guys have advice for me, it would be awesome!

Goals for Tomorrow:
- Improve my shooting for LAX
- Improve my left hand passing and catching
- (Possibly) Work out
- Start DJ Bootcamp again (this time I have the support of shrub. We're starting again, but this time we're doing it together)
- Get further in my xylophone étude

This week's goal [New]:
- Approach one girl
- Get a Day2 with HB7.5
- Hang out with a few friends


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 30: (1-13-14)

Today has been pretty mixed. This morning in class was horrible, I ended up flipping out on the teacher and the other kids in my class (after taking their BS for several months). It takes a lot to get me angry, but once I'm there, flames shoot out of my mouth.

Other than that, things have been pretty good. Read through all the articles for this week (except Pook's stuff, his article is super long, and I've already read it three times before). I said hi to approx. 15 people today (including a few short conversations). Spent no time in the weight room, but did a lot of catching today and I am def getting better! We didn't do any shooting though =/

Got further in my xylophone étude. I tried practicing a bit more of it, but kept getting cut off by this teacher (which caused me flipping out). Also decided that in going to go see a movie and go ice skating with a few friend for one of my good friend's birthday this week. Most importantly, I set up a Day2 with HB7.5! Oh and I started College Drumline again today! Overall it's been a pretty good day.

Goal Analysis:
- Improve My Shooting For Lax
we did all passing and catching during our clinic, no shooting
- Improve left hand
it definitely is stronger after today.
- Workout
Gym was closed by the time i got home
- Start DJ Bootcamp
Officially started!
- Improve Xylophone Étude
Got a few measures further

Weekly Goal Update:
-Get Day2 with HB7.5

Tomorrow got lots to do; my first midterm, lax conditioning, first play rehearsal, and lots of makeup wok to complete.

Tomorrow's Goals:
- Get further in my xylo étude
- Run 100% through without stopping to walk during conditioning (Challenging)
- Finalize plans with friends
- Have a good first play rehearsal (Learn something new about the music software)
- Call Sonic!
- Get at least 2 assignments done (I should have at least 2 hours of downtime tomorrow during school, no excuses).
- Bring my count up to 25-30


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 34: (1-17-14)

The past few days have been stressful because of midterms and the insane amount of work I have to do. I'll analyze goals first:

- Get further in my xylo étude
Got a very small amount further, but its better than nothing
- Run 100% through without stopping to walk during conditioning (Challenging)
I made it about 95% of the way there and stopped twice for a few seconds, but I'm getting better
- Finalize plans with friends
Finished making plans, gotta just carry them out
- Have a good first play rehearsal (Learn something new about the music software)
Yup, great rehearsal, learned a bunch about the program and how to navigate my way around it
- Call Sonic!
totally forgot about this, i'll try to do it tomorrow
- Get at least 2 assignments done (I should have at least 2 hours of downtime tomorrow during school, no excuses).
I tried but ended up using the time to rehearse music
- Bring my count up to 25-30
its now at 37

The week was alright, missed the date with the girl (I was 10 minutes late cause I had to walk) we rescheduled though. It seems like her interest levels are high (or at least high for my standards). She was aggressive about rescheduling, which I haven't had happen before.. Exams have been killer and extremely stressful, but I am making my way through them. I'm officially deciding to change Calc to third period cause it'll be impossible for me to get to school on time.

Today I had a quick performance (less than 15 minutes) but it was well needed. I was having a horrible day, I had a dreadful exam and my phone and broke and missed my exam and just became extremely irate and annoyed. I swear, I got a solo during the performance and it was the greatest solo ive played yet. I ended up having a great rest of the day

I was kind of upset with myself for not really escalating with the girl (we rescheduled to today), but I'm really not beating myself up for it. I am just analyzing the situations and preparing for another day with her (we still had lots of fun). There were opportunities I missed, and I should have taken them but I was thinking. But hey, trial and error! She invited me ice skating, i just have to make sure I am not busy during those times.

I got back to school and had play rehearsal, and figured out a bunch of new stuff about the program (and Macs apparently). Things are really coming along, cant wait till next week's rehearsal.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to the mall with friends, so i'm probably get one of my eye contact challenges and the hi challenge done. We'll see what happens.

Also, today I was on day 11 of no fap but killed the streak. The thing about it is, you get occasional impulses to do it. Sometimes they are easily ignored, other times it becomes extremely difficult not to satisfy them. But I felt go under nofap; I thought the effects were made up because I wasnt experiencing much within my first few days but I felt more confident and determined. So back to day 1 and I'll shoot for a month this time!

Goals (Tomorrow):
- Finish Hi Challenge from DJ BootCamp
- Makeup missed exams
- Turn in missing work
- Let loose with friends tomorrow
- Start eye contact challenge from DJ Bootcamp
- Approach. Somebody, anyone who reads this journal, pick a reasonable punishment for me not approaching at least one girl tomorrow!
- Make plans for Day3 (I guess) with HB7.5
- Call sonic


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 37: (1-20-14)

I find it extremely difficult to update this thread as my progression starts to lack. I hate to post when I havent been productive, but I know it's only for the better to update my journal.

- Finish Hi Challenge from DJ BootCamp
Came extremely close, got around 40. I think I'll continue the challenge ontop of the new one's i get this week because I hate not following through
- Makeup missed exams
I made up the exams I missed, but never turned in my take-home exam.
- Turn in missing work
Didnt get any work done it really does suck how I just take comfort in it. I tend to procrastinate and it's become hard to try and stay on track
- Let loose with friends tomorrow
Had way too much fun with my friends! Can't wait to do something again with my BK's
- Start eye contact challenge from DJ Bootcamp
Even though i started this challenge, I feel that I could have done way better with trying to make eye contact. Pass.
- Approach. Somebody, anyone who reads this journal, pick a reasonable punishment for me not approaching at least one girl tomorrow!
- Make plans for Day3 (I guess) with HB7.5
Made plans and had some fun
- Call sonic
Called them, they arent hiring for another 2 weeks, gotta keep that in mind!

This week's goal [New]:
- Approach one girl
Not even a single girl
- Get a Day2 with HB7.5
Successful, lets shoot for a productive Day3
- Hang out with a few friends
Had so much fun with these guys!
This weekend was alright ..... Friday was amazing! Got 3 exams done! (Missed my first exam, flew through my 2nd exam and had enough time to complete both exams that I missed). Then I went out and ate a bunch and saw the movie Ride Along with a bunch of my friends. It was a great way to start the weekend!

Saturday ....... blur. Most of it was done just relaxing, nothing productive.

Sunday! Got to perform with the jazz band again! I did a pretty good job, I completed the eye contact challenge during the performance despite the difficulty with playing and "staring" at the same time. The last solo I played had people literally turning their heads and attracted a few over to where we were performing (we were performing during a reception for a ceremony). Made me feel great, I could definitely tell my solos have improved since I started.

Today! Today was mixed. I was supposed to meet up with HB7.5 and her friends for ice skating at noon, but I let my sister drop me off at the bus stop and ended up taking the bus to downtown and walking to the rink for the rest of the way and got there around 1. Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself but got no time whatsoever to actually spend with her (and its not because we were with her friends, I had 30 minutes to skate around and make very small talk with her). I dont even want to count this as a Day3, I'll probably try and get together with her once this week.

Many might look at this journal and see success, but I have been putting off doing homework, working out, and practicing LAX which are still very important things in my life. I'm just going to stop talking about it and be about it!

DJBC: Ended Week 1 with around 40 Hi's (going to complete the rest this week) and a 1 hour outing for eye contact. Gonna start Week 2 tomorrow and read up tonight.

Tomorrow's Goals:
- Start Week 2 (Conversation with Strangers)
+ Conversate with 2 strangers, One needs to be a girl
- Get a haircut!
- Complete some missing homework
- Read Great Gatsby
- Spend at least 30 minutes on Xylophone Etude!

Weekly Goals:
- Finish those Week 1 excercises!
- Approach one girl
- Get a Day3 with HB7.5
+ Escalate with her!


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 39: (1-22-14)
Stuck in the house cause of the snow for today and yesterday so I am moving my goals to tomorrow.

Spent most of my time doing stick tricks and playing video games. Should of been productive, yes, but my motivation has been low and I've been getting lazy(er).

Talked to HB7.5 and we are grabbing some grub after school tomorrow and then I'm going to play rehearsal so I probably won't get a cut till next week. I still plan to approach and all the other stuff!

Going to nip this lazyness in the bud, can't be a procrastinator in 2014. Action is the difference between entrepreneur and wantrepeneur.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 42: (1-23-14)

So I look back at my week, and I become disappointed in myself. I think about how I spent it poorly, didn't get much done and how I've just be slacking. Now that's completely true! I have been extremely unproductive with my spare time and have been neglecting things that need more attention. But at the same time, I look back at this week and see a lot of good.

I'm an optimist, but there are times when I let the negative side of myself take over. But let me review all the positive! I took a chance to try something new, and got to spend a bit of time with a girl I'm into while doing it. I actually learned that I'm pretty decent at ice skating even though I've never set foot on ice before. I also have been buckling down and cleaning up my etudes during free time at school. I spent a bunch of time on Thursday putting finishing touches on my snare étude and advancing in my xylophone étude. I've got some school work done and I got to perform. I even cracked down and started working on my poetry slam. I gathered a few people to join my leadership team and put my plans down on paper.

Goal Analysis:
- Start Week 2 (Conversation with Strangers)
+ Conversate with 2 strangers, One needs to be a girl
Nope .....
- Get a haircut!
No opportunity
- Complete some missing homework
I finished two assignments Thursday night!
- Read Great Gatsby
I started reading more of Gatsby, it's finally started getting interesting
- Spend at least 30 minutes on Xylophone Etude!
Worked on it for much longer than that

There are still those negatives I got over my head. I didn't even get to DJBC, but that's cause the first half of this week I was snowed in and the other half I've been sick (the only day I've been out and about was Thursday). Had a mix up with HB7.5, and it's mostly my fault. I told her to meet me at Starbucks, forgetting to tell her which one, and she was going to be late. I basically ended up begging for forgiveness (after reading over the text I sent her, I felt like a total AFC). But we rescheduled again for Monday. I also have been not practicing my snare while I'm home and just been doing stick tricks. This is crucial because I want to become better at snare, I'm just not really putting in the work.

I'm going to start week 2 over this week am act like this last week (in terms of DJBC) never happened.

Tomorrow's Goals:
- Reread Week 2 articles for DJBC
- Finish up any missing work I currently have
- Get back into the groove of practicing snare
- Kill a few chapters of Gatsby
- Start nofap again (I caved a bunch of times this last week)
This Weeks Goals:
- Same as last weeks
- Start taking 15 minutes to ear train every day!

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
The Great Gatsby was poorly received by it's generation because it was seen to be too esoteric. Nowadays I'm nearly certain no one who reads it gets it. They're just too pretentious to admit it. Which is why it's a school curricula book, like If on a Winters Night a Traveller.

I found it somewhat like Howl by Allan Ginsberg: Pretentious, verbose and vague. He uses four pages where he could use four words. The consequence is this: Nothing happens. All 200 or so of the pages in this book reveal the following:
-The protagonist is a sad little chode. You are however not brought to relate to or feel for him.
-No one who parties has fun, because it is wrong.
-The only character who seems to have fun is revealed, sloppily, to represent sin.
-Then he is killed.
-None of the other characters care.
-None of the other characters are interested in anything from that point on.

In summary the story is heavily moral and uninteresting. IF you want a good book from that Era, try Raffles. It's about 30 years earlier from England. I'm reading it write now, so good. Wordy by interesting and funny. You just have to be able to get archaic language.

If you want a better book in that style, Less Than Zero. Les Liasons Dangerouse if you can be stuffed reading it. Beat generation, sans Naked Lunch (verbal diarrhea).

Basically, ignoring my ironic and sardonic measures of pretense and verbosity, it isn't a book worth reading. It has nothing which stands out as unique in style, in plot or in meaning. I've read about a thousand books and I could give you the plot of 99% of them, but I couldn't even guess at the plot to this. The only other book I had trouble with and couldn't finish (I did finish Gatsby though, school project) was Naked Lunch. Naked Lunch actually doesn't have a plot, or characters, or purpose. It features violence, sex and defecation mixed together as mental masturbation, with repetitive prose to highlight the fact the author was ****ed up. How insightful!

With Gatsby it was more to do with the fact it was so boring I forgot about it upon closing the covers. I remember Peter Rabbit, I can't remember this. I can tell you're realizing this by your phrasing "kill a few chapters." Yeah, it isn't worth finishing everything you start. You could read Albert Camus with that time.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 53: (2-3-14)

Ok this week has been hectic. I've been trying to catch up with work, get myself prepared for auditions, be involved in the play, and keep up with this DJ stuff.

Spent almost all my free time last week working on my audition solo. I auditioned Saturday, and broke down because I know if I wasn't under so much pressure I could have done 10x better. I don't get my scores or notification of admission into the festival till sometime this week. But I know I bust my ass all week an put in 200% so no matter what I get, I worked hard and made it this far, so I'm proud of myself.

Procrastination has got the best of me. Failed two classes this marking period, the opposite of what I wanted to happen. I'm getting back on track, pushing myself to stay on this road to success with school and really nip procrastination in the bud. This is problem I'll fight for awhile, but I'm still pushing for all a's this marking period, despite any problem I have.

Extracurricular: Haven't been to college Drumline in awhile. Ugh, so absorbed with being sick and/or having snow and being busy that I can't get there. Let's shoot for Wednesday. Same problem with LAX, too busy to condition. Got plans to do it this week, though. At least two days. Play stuff has been awesome! I'm really learning and I'm stepping out of my comfort zone. I've never conducted before and I got to jump into a bit of that last week, even though it was difficult.

HB7.5 and I missed our plans again. We have a bad line of communication and our schedules are just filled to the max. I'm not giving up thoigh, I'm not a quitter and I'm definitely not quitting on her. I got most of my DJBC excercises done, with the exception of 2 convos and the 1 hour eye contact thing. Ill carry into this week. I finally approached this girl, but after trying to get past small talk, she seemed bug (apparently she just got off from her first day @ work) and I didn't feel like carrying dead conversation so I let it go.

Also, I've been sticking to the 15 minute ear training thing, and I can def recognize chords a lot better. I'll keep at it!

Gonna try and avoid long pauses between updates, this was only because I was so swamped with all this stuff last week.

Tomorrow Goal:
- Set-up something with HB7.5
- Approach another girl
- Finish my xylophone étude
- Keep up with school work


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 71:

I just posted this long ass post about why I haven't been on this website in a while and it just deleted itself. I'll update this post later and try to salvage whatever I can of what i had ....


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 73:

So I've been completely putting off posting here because of my decline in progress. I ****ed up my grades for last marking period, stopped bothering with approach, put in tons of effort for an audition for a music festival (but got so nervous I messed it up) and haven't been to lacrosse conditioning in a month. Needless to say, I slipped and laziness got the best of me. I got back into the groove tomorrow, though.

What's been going on:
I've just been slacking. I've been procrastinating like a mother *, and ended up failing two classes. I tried to put in some effort at the end of the marking period but it wasn't good enough. I'm getting back in the groove of things, handing in some assignments that I'm back logged on and trying to get to all my classes all of the time instead of skipping some of them.

• I haven't been to college drumlins rehearsal in a while. Some of it has to do with the excessive snow we had, some of it has to do taking some time off to prepare for auditions, some of it laziness. I return tomorrow, though, with a lot of work ahead of me.
• Auditions are a wreck. I auditioned for a music festival and spent a week at school practicing for 4-6 hours a day. I got to the audition and bombed because I was so nervous. I didn't get into the festival, and I was a little distraught at first, I'm ok now. I got pretty far (this was an all-state festival, I was one of three to ever make it to all-state auditions at my school).
• College auditions - I've been putting these off and it's finally the week to combat them. I got most of my music ready but some schools are looking for more than what I have, so that means I need to learn 2+ pieces by this week! Ugh
• Practicing - I've been a lot better about practicing. I spent this week just practicing piano and running through warm ups for snare. I also have used a lot of my time at school to practice the instruments I can't take home.
• Play - Been going great with stuff at the play. I can manage the program a whole lot better than before, and the conductor can trust me to run the music without him there.

I haven't conditioning in a while. I have just been putting this off too. Some of it is because of laziness but a lot of it has to do with the fear of failure, I really don't want to get into the season and get benched like I did last year. But I'm going to put in more effort on my return tomorrow!

I dropped boot camp cause I didn't have enough balls to approach. I tend to make excuses for myself when it's time to approach. I am not going to chicken out this week. Tomorrow I'm just going to walk up to a girl and start conversation. Also, I haven't seen HB7.5 since we've went ice skating. We have had problems scheduling something because of snow and our rough schedules. And I also have the feeling that's she lost interest in me. Idk how to gauge it though, I don't text her much (because honestly my interest level isn't as high as it was). I think I'll try to plan something else this week but if that's a no go, I'll start doing something with one of the girls from the cast of our school play.

I've been slacking on many things that are important to me. But I'm turning things around as we speak and am returning to many of the things I love tomorrow.

Tomorrow's Goal:
• Return to conditioning
• Return to drumline
• Start a chain
• Approach a girl

Week Goal:
• Finish week 3 of bootcamp
• Gauge HB7.5's interest
• Get cast member's phone number


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
Looks like we are in the same boat. I've been slacking too. Look back at the goals you set before, read your old posts. Use them as motivation. Keep working at it


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 74: (2-25-14)

Goal Analysis:
• Return to conditioning
Conditioning was cancelled but I spent 30 mins- hour working on my catching
• Return to drumline
Had a great rehearsal!
• Start a chain
Can't buy the app
• Approach a girl

Today was awesome! I got to Calc on time! I got up extra early and caught the bus to school. My classes flew by and my music classes were absolutely amazing. I was bouncing off the walls with excitement during jazz, and my xylophone solo is pretty much done. I worked on it during my last two periods and I just need to bring it up to speed and incorporate dynamics.

After school I was hanging with a friend who is a male cheerleader. A bunch of his female cheerleader friends were with him, and i didn't even think to strike up a convo with one of the cute girls. Not stressing it because I didn't put much emphasis on approaching today, I didn't make any excuses for myself, so I'm glad about that.

I spent an hour before drumlins rehearsal working on a song on piano. It gets better everyday!

I started working on my plans for the reboot of my YouTube channel. I'm going to write the script for a vid tomorrow and possibly record tomorrow night. I looked back and this is one of the things I had on my New Years resolutions. So it feels good to finally start fulfilling one of them.

Tomorrow is play rehearsal! Going to talk to that cast member and get her number! Also going to work hard in the weight room before hand!

Tomorrow's Goal:
• Approach!
• Get cast members number
• Work on YouTube video
• Work hard in weight room!
- Run without stopping
• Work on thumbnail template


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Another week w/I posting. Can't keep this up.

Not going to waste time with colors right now
Tomorrow's Goal:
• Approach!
No approaches
• Get cast members number
No number, but snapchat and a lot of flirting
• Work on YouTube video
Finished a video!
• Work hard in weight room!
- Run without stopping
Worked extremely hard! We didn't do any running though
• Work on thumbnail template
Didn't do it

Last week was excellent! I worked really hard the two days I was in the gym (the first day of passing was a pain, but the second day I impressed my coach). I'm getting better and stronger, this week we're running and catching (and I'll be lifting on the side). Let's keep this momentum!

Music has been pretty good. We are starting fundraising for our band this week! And we're rebooting up marching stuff, which I strive in (and by strive, I mean enjoy the most). Friday our jazz band had a performance that went really well. At first I started getting nervous and then somehow, I still don't really understand how, but somehow I managed to get rid of the feeling of angst. I got on stage and played my heart out in front of the school (twice). I got some props from a few friends and a cute girl who I guess was in theater class, (STUPID ME NOT APPROACHING)!

I didn't approach at all this week, again .... I don't know what's wrong with me. I'll keep trying though! It'll happen soon!

I started talking more with the girl from the cast. We did a bunch of flirting Friday, and I did lots of kino! I was surprised at myself. Here's the rundown:
In between songs I decided to go to the drama room, and the girl from the cast was there! (My luck). I was in my concert attire so I felt really confident. Immediately I started toying with her. I was giving her friendly shoves (the kind you do with your "pals") while chatting with her backstage. When we moved to the drama room we were on opposite sides of the room. She dragged her chairs over to me and sat up close to me. While we were talking I briefly started holding her hands (until the drama teacher came in the room). I left the room to hear my friends sing and she came running after me (literally, she split her leggings getting to me). After teasing her about music, she makes her way to the couch. I sit next to her and she kicks me leaving a white print on my black pants. I make a poor attempt to clean it off, and she tells me "you're not doing it right" and proceeds to lower herself down and rub down my pants to get the mark off. I immediately took the opportunity to throw in this comment "you're pretty good at that, that position and motion must be something you're used to" (mostly along those lines) with a sly smile on my face. She calls me a jerk while laughing - 10 minutes later, same thing happens. This time, when she's done wiping down my pants she calls me a jerk and I ask her what she's going to do about it. She shrugs, I tell her to fight me and she stands up on the couch with fists. I stand up in front her and we're pretty much body to body staring up/down at each other. This lasted about 4-5 seconds while tension built and then I grabbed her legs and picked her up and threw her back down onto the couch. I wanted to take it further but my friend left his trombone on the couch and she almost fell on it which killed the moment. Pretty soon, I had to go back up on stage to perform again and by the time I was done she was at play rehearsal and I had an honor society meeting.

It's probably pointless to most people to post that, but looking back at the old me (me a year ago), i probably would have gotten stuck in small talk with this girl within the first 5 minutes. I guess I kind of see this as an accolade, something representing my progress. I'm in no means a DJ yet, but at least this shows that I can and will put all the knowledge I gained to good use.

Also! I finished working in my video and it publishes tomorrow afternoon! I remembered why I loved video making so much, and specifically video editing. I managed to push through an hour of pointless cuts and crops but by the end of the process I ended up with a really good video that I don't actually cringe at.

As for tomorrow:
• Start daily vlogging
• Wall ball consecutively 5x on left hand
• Run without stopping
• Approach Approach Approach
• Push my limits with the cast member

This weeks goal:
• Vlog every day
• Post to SS everyday
• Step out of my comfort zone
• Approach at least one girl


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
Day 83: (3-5-14)
Let's start with goal analysis
• Start daily vlogging
• Wall ball consecutively 5x on left hand
Got to 7!
• Run without stopping
I ran for more than half (it was a 25 minute run, never ran that long before, so I did pretty well)
• Approach Approach Approach
i had a short conversation with a friend of my friend. I didn't think, I just acted. I has saw her before and it wanted to talk to her, but didn't know how. My friend brought up the fact that she was taking a class I was taking, I used that as my opener
• Push my limits with the cast member
No limits pushed. I stayed within my comfort zone (play fighting, teasing, short/brief strokes of her legs)

The last two days have been pretty mixed. Today I felt like crap; it started during conditioning on Tuesday. When I ran, I did a lot of breathing through my nose, and subsequently got this flaring-feeling in my nose and ended up sneezing a ton. I thought it were allergies, but I think I caught something. I zombied through school all day. Besides being "sick", everything's been pretty good.

I have conditioning again tomorrow, but if I'm still not feeling well, I won't be going. I'll probably end up waiting on the cast member to arrive at rehearsal so I can spend some time with her. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

• Approach
• Have a good run through of play music
• Edit a three-day vlog video
• Push my limits with cast member (constituting a kiss, holding her hand, putting my arm around her, etc)

I really want to focus on that last goal and I want to push hard for it. If I don't do my do well anything else, I want to exceed my expectations for that goal!