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  1. S

    Long Term Girlfriend Considering Becoming A Prostitute

    So, I have been with this girl for around a year and a bit now. I don't get into LTR's easily, and was dating her for around 7 months before agreeing to make it exclusive. She seemed to match all the qualities I was looking for in a girl: smart (goes to Law School), funny, loyal, confident...
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    Girlfriend Asked To Borrow Money

    I've been dating this girl exclusively for just under 1.5 months now. Anyway, the other day she asked me if she could borrow $25 and said that she would pay me back by next week at the latest. However, when I asked her what she needed the $25 for, she wouldn't tell me and just said that it...
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    Do You Think Money Holds More Weight Than Good Game?

    I was just having a discussion with my boy earlier, because there's this dude we hang with from college from time to time that comes from a pretty wealthy background. He drives a 2015 Mercedes CLA, has multiple luxury watches, wears expensive clothing etc. However, his game is awful. He is a...
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    If you judge women on their actions and not words, then how would you interpret this?

    So there's a cute girl that I met in class a week ago. She was the one who came and initiated contact with me by telling me her friend was interested in me. Her friend is okay, but the cute girl is much more attractive. Anyway, there's this other dude in my class that is attracted to the cute...
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    If you judge women on their actions and not words, then how would you interpret this?

    So there's a cute girl that I met in class a week ago. She was the one who came and initiated contact with me by telling me her friend was interested in me. Her friend is okay, but the cute girl is much more attractive. Anyway, there's this other dude in my class that is attracted to the cute...
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    Cut loose or carry on pursuing lightly?

    So there's this girl I've been gaming. She's been flirting with me, sending me IOI's, texting me constantly etc and from her actions you would of thought she was interested. However, I heard rumblings about her with another guy so I asked her if she was single to cut to the chase and she said...
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    Have I messed up a bit here?

    There's this HB8.5 that I met at a college gathering just before Christmas. We knew each other previously from our early high school days and we used to be really into each other. She started giving me IOI's so I number closed. So I texted her on Christmas day saying Have a good Christmas. She...
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    Her words don't match her actions?

    So this girl sends me a lot of IOI's. She giggles non-stop when I speak to her, she always smiles at me, gets excited/more alert when I come to speak to her, compliments what I'm wearing/how I look, she'll always call back if she misses my call, she's comfortable with me putting my arm around...
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    Is this her way of saying she wants to see me?

    Today I saw the girl that I went no contact with a few weeks ago due to her flaking on me a couple of times, (I'm busy). She came up to me at college really upbeat and excited but I cut the conversation short as I was meeting up with another girl. I bumped into her again when I returned to...
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    No Contact, what next?

    So there was this HB9 that I felt like I was slipping into the friend zone with and I don't really need any more female friends, especially ones that are hard to work out like her (flaking etc), so I went no contact about 2-3 weeks ago so I could move on. During that time I've been gaming...
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    Attracted Or Friend Zoned?

    There's this HB8 I've been gaming for about 3 weeks now. I've number closed already. We go to the same college so we see each other around quite often. I think I had the chance to K-Close about a week ago (she lingered around when it was time to go our separate ways) but passed as my breath...
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    Attracted Or Friend Zoned?

    There's this HB8 I've been gaming for about 3 weeks now. I've number closed already. We go to the same college so we see each other around quite often. I think I had the chance to K-Close about a week ago (she lingered around when it was time to go our separate ways) but passed as my breath...
  13. S

    Need help, have I messed up?

    There's this HB8 I've been gaming. When I asked her when she's next free she said "I'm not sure yet" which I took as a flake, however, the next day I kino'd her hard on the way home and she was receptive (didn't move away or anything). When it came time for us to part ways she lingered...
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    Need help, have I messed up?

    There's this HB8 I've been gaming. When I asked her when she's next free she said "I'm not sure yet" which I took as a flake, however, the next day I kino'd her hard on the way home and she was receptive (didn't move away or anything). When it came time for us to part ways she lingered...
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    LTR Type But Receiving Mixed Messages

    There's this girl I've been pursuing for a couple of weeks or so. Whenever we're both on a break and have no lectures and she's not with her friends she will text me and tell me to meet her. We both also walk home together occasionally as we live close to each other. We've not made out or...
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    Mixed messages, I don't understand?

    There's this girl I've been pursuing for a couple of weeks or so. Whenever we're both on a break and have no lectures and she's not with her friends she will text me and tell me to meet her. We both also walk home together occasionally as we live close to each other. We've not made out or...
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    How should I deal with this girl?

    So there's this girl I've been gaming for about 2-3 weeks at college. I managed to number close at the end of the second week. We are in a couple of the same classes and she's been giving me IOI's frequently. We have been spending most of our lunch breaks together and talk for at least 2...
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    How should I deal with this girl?

    So there's this girl I've been gaming for about 2-3 weeks at college. I managed to number close at the end of the second week. We are in a couple of the same classes and she's been giving me IOI's frequently. We have been spending most of our lunch breaks together and talk for at least 2...