Long Term Girlfriend Considering Becoming A Prostitute


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
So, I have been with this girl for around a year and a bit now. I don't get into LTR's easily, and was dating her for around 7 months before agreeing to make it exclusive. She seemed to match all the qualities I was looking for in a girl: smart (goes to Law School), funny, loyal, confident, respectful, attentive etc.

Anyway, last night around 2/3 am, she calls me and asks: "What do I think of sex workers...Along the lines of prostitutes and/or escorts?" I said that personally I would never date one. She says that, "oh, I was just asking because my friend just recently got into sex work". She then went on to tell me how she bumped into a girl that she knew back in middle school at the mall while she was out of state the other day. She says that they got talking and eventually that girl disclosed that she was a pimp and basically asked my girlfriend to work for her. My girlfriend said that she told her no because she loves me and wouldn't want to do that, but if we were ever to break up and she became single then she would consider it.

At that point, I just hung up because I was shocked and needed a second to process what she just said to me. She calls me back immediately and says, "Oh, you know I'm joking! I would never consider prostitution, I love you." But, I know she was serious and that if I never showed that comment bothered me she would've carried on like nothing happened.

I guess I'm just venting. It's a shame that I have to end our relationship now as things were going great between us. But I can't date a girl who considers prostitution whether were together or not, to me it just shows that she has a complete lack of respect for herself and me. Even if it was a, "joke", the joke in itself was extremely disrespectful. It's amazing how just one comment can show that the person you thought you knew for almost 2 years, is somebody completely different. Am I overreacting or would ya'll feel the same way if your girlfriend made such a comment?
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Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
To re-quote Maya Angelou from Corey Wayne; 'When people tell you who they are, believe them'.

Women will usually tell you half the truth. Put it this way, when she says something like that, it probably means she's done it before, she is doing it, or is taking serious consideration to doing it, regardless of what you say.

Personally, I would leave too. I don't fck hookers and never will. Watch her change her tune as soon as you do exit though.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2015
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delhi , india
She has already become a prostitute now. She has already entered that business and she is just telling u as a formality so that when u catch her ****ing someone in future. She can say that i told u already that im thinking to be a prostitute.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
She says that, "oh, I was just asking because my friend just recently got into sex work".
Your GF's friends can tell a lot about what kind of a person your GF is. If her friends are slvts, then that 5hit is going to rub off on her. You've got two options here...

1) Tell her to quit hanging around wh0res for friends
2) Get rid of her because she hangs out with wh0res

Birds of a feather stick together. Nothing could be more true when it comes to women and their friends.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
She has already become a prostitute now. She has already entered that business and she is just telling u as a formality so that when u catch her ****ing someone in future. She can say that i told u already that im thinking to be a prostitute.
I won't be catching her ****ing anybody else in the future. I sent her a text saying I need to speak to her face to face and I am just waiting on a reply. By tomorrow afternoon at the latest this relationship will be over. I've never had a girlfriend disrespect me in this way before.

Your GF's friends can tell a lot about what kind of a person your GF is. If her friends are slvts, then that 5hit is going to rub off on her. You've got two options here...

1) Tell her to quit hanging around wh0res for friends
2) Get rid of her because she hangs out with wh0res

Birds of a feather stick together. Nothing could be more true when it comes to women and their friends.
The funny thing is that I normally wouldn't date a girl that had slvts as friends, as like you said, birds of a feather stick together. Judgmental or not, I assume that if a girl's friends are slvts, then she is a slut too. However, this girl had two groups of friends. She has her main group, (the ones she spends the majority or her time with), and they are all good girls. 100% into education, don't drink, won't step anywhere near a bar/club/party, still see sex as taboo etc. And then the slvts (jumping from man to man, aspirations of being strippers etc), which she hangs out with, at the most, once or twice every couple months. So I gave her a pass because at the end of the day, we are both early twenties, so we want to have fun. Her main group are, although nice girls, boring, so she comes to the slvts for her fix of fun every now and then. She was a virgin for 23 years. I was and still am her first.

I understand where you're coming from, but I think there's only one option and that is to leave her. Her friends aren't the problem here. The woman that asked her to work for her isn't a friend, she is just someone she knew from a long time ago. There was no pressure from anybody, her friends or the woman, so the fact that she even considered it and then on top of that had the guts to vocalize to me the fact that she was considering it, says a lot about HER character. To me, it shows she doesn't respect herself or me. No friend will make you do something out of your character. If you do it, it's because that's the type of person you really were all along. A change of friends won't change who you are.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
The land of improvement
Damn that's some new level. That's one of the biggest red flags.

What does it mean if she goes single, she's going to become a prostitute? She saw that the waters turned black so she tried to cover up.

Dump her dude. This chick has no respect for herself and most importantly for you.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
That's messed up. The fact that her friend is a pimp and a hooker should tell you everything.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
OP, please listen to the way you are rationalising this one. It sounds like you could easily blackslide. At the end of the day, you don't know this chick like you thought you did.

"she comes to the slvts for her fix of fun every now and then. She was a virgin for 23 years. I was and still am her first" - Ask yourself what exactly is a 'fix of fun'...?

"The woman that asked her to work for her isn't a friend, she is just someone she knew from a long time ago"

Mate, like I said, a woman will tell you a half truth, so she feels less guilt than if she completely lied. That being said, don't put it passed them to tell blatant lies either.

On the one hand, she tells you she's a virgin, on the other, she says she 'knows' a pimp from a long time ago. It sounds like there is a past she's not revealing to you, which itself isn't really an issue. The fact she's potentially lying about it is though.

Sometimes it's easier to decipher these things from a third party perspective, but it's time to walk away from this one chief; and be a bit more savvy in future.

If you want absolute blunt honesty, very few women are virgins at the age of 23 anymore. Least of all those with hookers as friends.... sorry 'acquaintances'.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Villa Regis
Anyway, last night around 2/3 am, she calls me and asks: "What do I think of sex workers...Along the lines of prostitutes and/or escorts?" I said that personally I would never date one. She says that, "oh, I was just asking because my friend just recently got into sex work". She then went on to tell me how she bumped into a girl that she knew back in middle school at the mall while she was out of state the other day. She says that they got talking and eventually that girl disclosed that she was a pimp and basically asked my girlfriend to work for her. My girlfriend said that she told her no because she loves me and wouldn't want to do that, but if we were ever to break up and she became single then she would consider it.
So are you going to pimp on her and her friend? There aren't too many pimps that can come into the game with two hoes.

Am I overreacting
You're having the typical square's response to finding out that his broad is down to or was a hoe.

would ya'll feel the same way if your girlfriend made such a comment?
Rex would feel the and react the same way that Rosebudd and Bradley did. Go to 6:58-7:06 of the clip.

Go to 4:03-4:23 of the clip


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
Dude you are overreacting. She's probably testing you to see how you'd react or wants to explore her sexuality. If she is a prostitute sure she's disrespecting you, but saying "id go into it if I was single" has nothing to do with you really, she's a person and has the right to desire or do what she wants, its your job to decide if you like and want to go forward with who she is. Maybe she just wants some really kinky sex and is trying to push you to discuss that? Maybe she wants you to be more dominant and wants to push a conversation about you pimping her? Either way, girls push buttons and say ridiculous things that come into their mind. They want sex and being a sex worker can be empowering, I'd never want to date a prostitute but you need to handle it like an adult and push her to discuss what is attractive about that and why she'd think that was something she'd want to do. Then once you get that conversation and you don't scare her from telling you what's really on her mind you can now make your decision on how you want to deal with the situation and if she's someone you want to keep dating. Like many have said girls will communicate in cryptic ways, so I'd do my best to figure out what the **** she's really saying and make a decision with more info and walk away clean assured of your decision, but I'd advise of trying to fit a hoe into a housewife (which would make you angry and want to break up obviously). If she's really kinky and loves sex, accept that and don't try to fit her into your model of a gf or wife, either change that model/walk away/bang her and spin plates.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Just goes to show it doesn't matter your upbringing, background or your status in life. Trash is trash.

OP, this woman is no better than some random trailer park trash you'd see in a skanky bar. At least you already know that woman would be trash, unlike a woman in law school.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
Maybe you could turn this around to work to your advantage somehow. Tell her you'll hear her out, listen to it for however long, then tell her you want to meet this other chick. Listen to her talk about it, make it seem like you're putting a lot of thought into this. Take several days to "think about it". Finally, meet up with both of them and tell your g/f they both have to be there. Then lay it out that you'd be ok with it provided that this other chick prove she's a pro - tell them you want a threesome. You get your threesome, she can work as a pro.

After your threesome, dump her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Girl tells me that and I just silently downgrade her to a FWB. I'll reserve my Friday and Sat nights to my friends or other plates until she gets fed up with it and leaves. Easy solution. That girl is already a HO.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2015
Reaction score
No matter what though you really should be using this to get threesomes and whatever you want sexually. If not you are just wasting an opportunity, as soon as you break up with her (you clearly have the feelz) you are going to be tortured with the fact that she is legitimately being a prostitute. Think it'd be much easier to deal with if you get to explore all the kinky **** first.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I reckon its just a **** test.
It still boils down to her being low class trash. She's been in a long term relationship with OP and is STILL sh!t testing him? That type of stuff happens in the beginning of a relationship not once they are in a LTR unless now she is doing it to justify leaving.

Either way OP I still view her as the equivalent of trailer park trash regardless of what she is studying to be. I would tell her to have fun with all those c0cks and then delete her ass.

Fvck that sh!t. What type of woman says something like that even in jest to a long time boyfriend??


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Its so telling that OP is so sure she was being serious. That means its the type of thing he knows she is capable of. Admittedly, its hard to preclude any woman from any activity these days, but still...prostitution?!?! I'm red pill but there are still women out there where I would certainly assume she was joking or just talking out her ass.
She could be using the "I stripped/prostituted to pay my way thru law school" excuse for something she wants to do anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2015
Reaction score
True. A woman with self respect would be concerned about what others would think of her at the very least.