Need help, have I messed up?


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2013
Reaction score
There's this HB8 I've been gaming. When I asked her when she's next free she said "I'm not sure yet" which I took as a flake, however, the next day I kino'd her hard on the way home and she was receptive (didn't move away or anything).

When it came time for us to part ways she lingered around a bit when normally she just goes on her way. I realise now she was probably waiting for a hug/kiss. However, I was cold, tired and just wanted to go home so I wasn't really thinking straight. I just said bye and stroked her arm and went on my way.

After that, when I see her at college she will smile at me, still make eye contact etc but she hasn't texted me since or tried to make conversation in person. She's also started favoriting this other boys tweets on twitter quite often which may seem like nothing but she never does this to any other boy. She also skipped class today which she never does and I'm pretty sure she probably went to meet him.

Have I messed up? What can I do to salvage this situation?


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2013
Reaction score
Oh Man

Dude, I think that you messed up. She was waiting for you to make a move, and when you had the chance, you didn't. and maybe she thought that you're not interested at all. If you really like her, show her that You're interested, before it's too late.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Your approach was weak. "When are you free next??" When you ask that, she's thinking "free to do what? What activity is he trying to get into??" Never go in approaching that way. If you're interested, here are my tried-and-true steps:

1. Get her number
2. Wait a few days, then call her up
3. Ask her for a date - specifically, say "hey, I was hoping if you weren't busy on Tuesday that you could join me for dinner/I could take you to a movie/we could meet up for happy hour - i.e. something involving a plan of action and a time. If she says "sure, I'd love to," then she's somewhat interested; if she gives you some excuse as to why she can't meet up with you with no counter offer - "oh, can't, I've already got plans..." - she's not interested. Pretty simple stuff, maaaaan!