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  1. T

    I'm sick of this - rant incoming

    hello I haven't been here in a very long time. I'm still grinding my ass off to get ahead in life and get wealthy and travel the world. I haven't had a holiday since 2012 just work save my hard earned money and gym. I've gone through I think 10 women in the last 4 years. What f-ucks me off is...
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    Managing a Harem

    Hi, I've been gone for yet again a long time and have been actively trying to plate spin (career/gym and 3 girls) and have spent the last year creating a harem of girls. Now my question is how do I maintain the girls without compromising my setup, all three are good looking university...
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    Have I completely lost it

    Hi People, I haven't been on here for god knows how long but I need some advice. I'll keep it as short as possible because at the moment thinking about this just does my head in. FYI this is not women problems I think with all the advice here the bible and my own experience I can handle that...
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    Social interactions within "The Matrix"

    Okay so I'm the manager of the workplace I'm working at and I have to attend these so called "Team Dinners" where we allocate a night during the month where the workers and their managers can go mingle and "become a tighter team by becoming more social". I have tried to avoid these dinners...
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    Rejected due to being able to flirt with women

    Yup you read it right, I gamed this girl working in the store directly in front of the store I'm managing (in a mall), got the number had a lunch date set it was all in the green. Then today a fellow female colleague of mine who is really good friends with this girl from across the street tells...
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    So I gave into temptation and made a POF account

    Well I've always been hardcore against online dating due to having a decent daygame and ability to sarge women, but WOW the opportunities on this website are limitless. I stuck up my real information and had a quick look at all the male profiles I'm competing against and I feel like I'm...
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    Two Plates: both ex strippers

    Okay so I've hooked two new plates during January both are solid 8's or 9's about 5'5 and 5'6, 50-55 kgs each with C cups. One is mixed Indian and European the other is pure Indian. The first one (mixed heritage) we'll call her M, is 22 years old is actually a good cook has a tidy room (flats...
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    Heavy ****block from chump !!!

    So there is a new girl lets call her S that's moved into our office level as temp cover for one of the warpigs that has gone on maternity leave. After a few quick convos with me and I bet a little digging around with my workmates this chick has found out that I used to fight as a amateur...
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    Why am I so angry all the time ???

    Okay I've been here for a very long time and started off with a bang hit a few road bumps which guided me the right way and was sorted out in my studies and muay thai training with what I thought was a decent woman. Then in January 2010 I tore my lower back lost my job ran out of all my saved up...
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    Oneitis contacts me via facebook after 6+ years advice please

    Okay let me lay down the ground work, 6 years ago in my early twenties I went agro-afc on a chick that I thought was my one and only. I was hardcore into my weights and muay thai training so was always on edge (my trainer called it lack of discipline). So to cut a long story short I asked the...
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    Must vent

    Okay how does one teach younger mates that taking a chick to a fancy restaurant for the first date, picking her up, paying for her meal IS NOT the way to get into her pants ?? So here I am sitting talking with them and he doesn't give a toss about what I'm saying cause I'm not in a...
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    New Diet + Routine Comments Please

    Okay I sat down and wrote out a new plan for myself starting Monday next week anything I'm missing or overdoing please comment. The weights are a bit low as I still get a slight tweak in my lower back from the tear I had 18 months ago. Meal One – After Morning Training 8 am Protein shake 250ml...
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    Asking for money back from an EX

    Well thought I'd ask the brighter people here, should I ask for the money I spent in financially supporting an ex or not ?? Or am I better to let it go and learn from it ??
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    Women know a rake when they meet one

    Been Single for the last 8 months or so just flinging around with girls having a bit of fun. But women at work seem to be able to tell that I won't stick around with a girl for too long, its gone to the point where they are telling the hot girls at work to "steer clear of him". Meanwhile they...
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    ZMA's and Tribulus

    Ok I have a bottle of each sitting at home, and I'm scared of using them anyone got any real world information about them. Last time I had a multi which had low levels of both in it and well it made me horny as hell and sexlife was realy really good. The gf loved it. But these new bottles have...
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    Dealing with her old Ex who wants to be "friends".

    Okay the dude did hook up with my girl years ago got a few dates made out with her and then they stopped talking, he's just got back in touch with her and wants to be friends with her. I'm stumped as to what I should do, part of me wants to tell the guy to get a life and fvck off and if he...
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    Fr: Day at Beach

    Ok, called up this chick I've hanging out with sometime on Tuesday night and asked if we could meet up at this really quiet beach on Friday. She agreed to meet up but wasnt too sure about the time she would be free. I said anytime after midday would be fine. She texted me later in the week and...
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    Is He A Player

    Yea found this little article on the web nice read, shows where we players need to brush up on LOL. Here It is. Ever had that feeling that the guy you're dating might be too good to be true? As in, he's so handsome, charming, amazingly romantic that you're wondering whether he's pulling...
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    Losing Erection

    God I thought I'd never ever be making a thread like this but yea short story was making out with a girl in a closed lecture hall. Well I had her naked and all she had on was this blanket I always have with me (gotta be ready at all times at uni right LOL). And well I couldnt get it up for...
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    Advice on breaking a virgin

    Ok before starting I'd like to state this aint one of those how do I break a virgin chick, its about how to break the ice of a very defensive girl who might have had some ex boyfriend in highschool try and jump her. Yea I've slowly gamed this chick for a wee while like 2 months or so, and I've...