Recent content by Razor Sharp

  1. R

    Breaking Up Like a Man

    We were in long term relationships together. I never told them "Hey we are now boyfriend/girlfriend! Lets celebrate our anniversary next week!" or any of that sh*t. But they both had a very important place in my life and we provided mutual love/support over the course of two years. At one point...
  2. R

    Breaking Up Like a Man

    **UPDATE** Girl #1 just got a great opportunity in Europe, so though it breaks my heart we've decided to move on. It would be selfish of me to keep her here when a much better life awaits her elsewhere. Girl #2 is getting married to that guy she shacked up with. I broke our no-contact to...
  3. R

    Bringing her to her first orgasm

    Well your physical game sounds tight. It seems like what she really needs as a supplement is emotional trust. Make sure the rapport and connection are growing in tandem with the porno antics. Be patient and persistent - this type of woman does not typically get that experience overnight...
  4. R

    Bringing her to her first orgasm

    A woman who has never experienced a true orgasm, is very much intimidated by the magnitude of the sensation. Guys don't really think about it, but the potential intensity and length of a female orgasm makes the make version look like a sneeze by comparison. I've seen b*tches convulse, laugh...
  5. R

    Breaking Up Like a Man

    Background: I've been in a long term relationship with two women for almost two years now. Since I am too lazy to cover my own tracks, they know about each other and I've had no drama until recently. I knew it was inevitable that one of them would get jealous so was not too surprised when...
  6. R

    Jophil. Must read especially for Master DJ's.

    F*CK.... WHY does cancer always take the best people, while the worst seem to live forever? Hellooo, God? Can we get back Jophil? You can have D!ck Cheney! Seriously, he left us far too soon. Dude was a class act and his insight was one of the reasons I frequented this forum, his absence is...
  7. R

    Razor Sharp?

    I'm alive and well - thanks for your concern! It's been a CRAZY, INSANE couple of months. I try to pop in now and again but havent found the time to post. Things have returned to "normal" in the last week or so and I've been visiting more frequently. Just found out about Jophil and kind of...
  8. R

    "What brings me joy" this what "depression" feels like??

    You are definitely depressed to the point where most would recommend you see a professional: But I didn't come here to judge you. It's normal to be tortured by the mystery/uncertainty of this life sometimes. I too was once plagued by the WHY's and while I don't have your...
  9. R

    The Courage to be Worthy

    @Danel, exactly. It's also about authenticity and connection, something I've discussed at length here. @Julius, I fail to see the "emotional indulgence" in having compassion and believing that you are worthy of happiness. Seems pretty fundamental to being a complete human being to me...
  10. R

    The Courage to be Worthy

    Amazing talk on the power of authenticity, connection and vulnerability. Highly recommended.
  11. R

    Seduction as Self-Expression

    I urge you to watch this video and really soak it up, especially the bit at 2:45 The reason why Bruce is a legend and continues to inspire generations is not just because of his fighting skill, but the philosophy behind him. A true warrior in a...
  12. R

    Objective: What "is"...The PHOENIX CHICK???

    Haha, VU of course you can't resist the call of chicken :D
  13. R

    Objective: What "is"...The PHOENIX CHICK???

    The phoenix is a mythical bird for a reason. While it sounds magical and pretty on paper, in reality it defies the basic laws of thermodynamics :D I personally have never come across a girl I ditched that made me regret my choice. That's because once something (or rather, someone) is burned...
  14. R

    I've got to have her!! advice needed

    Your title shows the kind of attitude that will guarantee rejection. You are approaching this from a place of neediness and it will be your undoing. This is not a guess, it's a guarantee Not only can you help it, but you must if you want to enjoy any degree of success. Retain a level of...
  15. R

    isnt FRIENDSHIP a human invention?

    Huh? :confused: Wow, I really must be a freak of nature or something. Female friends have gotten me more action than any other outlet. One of my best friends is this smoking lady that I tried to hit on, but she had a boyfriend at the time. I respected her for being faithful even though I...