Recent content by davewe

  1. D

    Is a 41 y.o. man who gets an 18 y.o. woman a "master manipulator"?

    Morality may not be arbitrary when it comes to children, but the definition of what is a child is. 18 in some states and countries; 16 in others. So then the only thing that is offensive here is whether she is a child? If she was getting nailed by a 23 year old bf no one would care. Hell...
  2. D

    Is a 41 y.o. man who gets an 18 y.o. woman a "master manipulator"?

    So now the girl's 12? So she's gone from 18 to 14 to 12. And we know this how? Cause someone reported it on the news; the tip was received from the mother or soon to be ex-wife. Certainly if there was sexual contact between the two before she turned 18 he'll have plenty of legal problems...
  3. D

    Has Mr. Hooker fvcked himself?

    Frankly the complaints from the feminists and moralists make more sense than this. Not that I agree with them but at least they make sense. Your criticism boils down to two things: 1. He's not Alpha enough for you. 2. They may be caught in embarrassing social situations. If these are...
  4. D

    Is a 41 y.o. man who gets an 18 y.o. woman a "master manipulator"?

    Exactly! As a guy in his late 50s, growing up there were two absolute, immutable sexual taboos: homosexuality and interracial sex/marriage. As to the former almost no one came out of the closet; for the latter, interracial couples were shamed, attacked, and subjected to all sorts of hatred...
  5. D

    Potential life changing decision. Need your counsel my friends. Serious.

    The knee jerk reaction (and certainly my knees jerked when I read your original post) is to take the lad and raise him up right. But as an ex-step parent, the one real caveat I have is - you're not his grandfather. The first time there is a problem the mother will tell you, "You aren't his...
  6. D

    Potential life changing decision. Need your counsel my friends. Serious.

    I am 59 and have two kids and home with me (no wife): 12 and 16. So don't worry about not being a 'spring chicken". You can do it if you decide to. If he is 9, in a couple years you will be able to leave him home alone at least a little bit, which will give you back some of your freedom. And...
  7. D

    I'm 28 years old and i'm not horny...

    Don't get me wrong. I am totally on your side. But I was married for a long time and it went from twice a week to twice a month to once a month to once in a blue moon. By the time I woke up to the fact that there was a problem - there was really a problem. So your being self-aware is good...
  8. D

    I'm 28 years old and i'm not horny...

    I agree that this is not a big problem - yet. But if the twice a week becomes once a week becomes once a month...At some point it would then be a problem. But if both of you are Ok with twice a week then you are perfect for each other.
  9. D

    Why You're Not Married

    A lot of truth here but the article is unlikely to change a single American woman.
  10. D

    Are sexually aggressive, but unattractive, men considered "creepy"?

    This thread has bothered me from the beginning and here's why: First, I would prefer that we refer to sexually assertive men, not aggressive. Sexuallly aggressive has a different conotation. But what does it actually mean when a woman calls a sexually assertive but "unattractive" man...
  11. D

    "Why I'm Making My Husband Miss The Super Bowl"

    Even if she insists on celebrating it on the actual date, I dont get why they could not have done brunch or lunch together or just had a giant f*ck fest after the game. And as was said before, this is more than a guy who is a fan - this guy works in the industry. What would have happen if SI...
  12. D

    Sexless relationship/marriage

    The sex is supposed to stop after the marriage not before :) And the idea that she has had major hormonal changes by 25 seems like folly to me. Unfortunately I agree - do not marry her. However, all the comments about getting it shape, becoming a workout fiend are equally folly. Of course if...
  13. D

    Older DJ's and their actions

    I like Leykis, have heard him say this often, and understand the general concept, but I disagree, especially as I get older. And that ain't laziness or lack of creativity. I'm a professional writer and feel reasonably creative. The key for guys at any age is that they should not do with a...
  14. D

    Older DJ's and their actions

    To quote Groucho regarding aging, "You're only as old as the woman you feel."
  15. D

    Looking way younger than your age

    Well few men of any age get "whoever they want" but I can assure you that you can have plenty of options. 'Course that depends on your attitude, health, success in life and a host of other factors. But I would say that at 22 you should try not build too many limits into what your future may...